Paper Plane

Chapter 80


The hospital was still bustling and busy as usual, and as the end of get off work approached, there were fewer talents. Tang Junhe underwent three elective surgeries this afternoon, and the process went smoothly without any trouble.

Yesterday, Xue Yuanshan, the director of the department, performed a special operation. Tang Junhe cooperated and assisted him. He stood by the operating table for nearly thirteen hours from beginning to end. It was exhausting, and he still hasn't slowed down. Just tonight He wasn't on duty, he planned to go home early to catch up on sleep.

Halfway through taking off the white coat, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps from far to near outside.

This is another emergency call, Tang Junhe thought, and slowed down his movements.

Sure enough, the nurse hurriedly opened the door and entered: "Doctor Tang, you're in the emergency room. Director Xue told you to go to the conference room immediately!"

"Here we come." Tang Junhe put on his white coat and ran out after the nurse.

With a distance of tens of meters from the office to the conference room, the nurse walking aside explained the situation clearly in a few words, saying that there was a gun attack in the downtown area in the south of the city, and someone was shot and injured for a righteous cause—the gun was a homemade gun, and the bullets were also homemade. Yes, at present, shrapnel remains in the upper lobe of the patient's right lung, which has caused massive hemorrhagic shock.

Tang Junhe nodded in response, walked quickly to the conference room, held the doorknob and pushed the door to enter.

Director Xue of chest surgery has rich experience in emergency treatment. At this time, he has already organized the staff of various departments. Several doctors from the operating room and anesthesiology department are standing in front of the display screen, urgently drawing up the operation plan.

Seeing Tang Junhe coming in, Xue Yuanshan looked up at him, and continued: "The shrapnel has not been displaced yet, and I will perform thoracoscopic surgery in a while. I will be the chief surgeon, and Junhe will cooperate with me as an assistant."

Everyone in the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery knew that Tang Junhe was Director Xue's favorite student. When he first arrived at Puji Hospital, Xue Yuanshan, who was always stern, publicly praised him at a meeting, saying that he was born to be a surgeon. Like some people, who have read books for half their lives, their hands tremble in fear of having their appendix cut.

Xue Yuanshan seldom praised others in public, and Tang Junhe's appearance was really eye-catching, so after that day, all the nurses in the hospital talked about it, saying that there was Dr. Tang on his chest, and the stitches were as beautiful as his own.

The operation plan was drafted very neatly. Tang Junhe washed his hands and entered the laminar flow operating room. The nurse came up to help him put on the sterile gown. He looked at the man on the operating table—the body looked very young, but His whole body seemed to be drenched in blood, and his eyes looked shocking. The dark red blood entered the blood vessels through the infusion set, maintaining the rapidly passing life.

The preoperative thoracotomy was done by Tang Junhe as usual. He stood firm beside the operating table, and calmly extended his left hand to the equipment nurse. At the same time, he subconsciously glanced at the person on the hospital bed.

The cold handle of the knife touched his palm, and before he could hold it, his eyes touched the face of the man on the hospital bed. At that moment, as if struck by lightning, the blood on his face faded away instantly, turning into a Pale, the blood on his body seemed to have cooled down in an instant, and his feet were almost unsteady.

With a crisp sound of "ding", the scalpel fell to the ground, which was startling to hear amidst the sound of various instruments operating.

The medical assistant standing by the operating table turned to look at him for a while, Xue Yuanshan also looked away from the monitor, frowned and looked at him, and scolded sharply: "You can't even hold the scalpel?!"

Tang Junhe didn't speak, but collected himself, and took another scalpel from the nurse. He closed his fingers, held them, took a deep breath, and lowered his head to aim the tip of the knife at the bloody wound.

Because of the accident just now, all eyes in the laminar flow room were focused on the lancet in his hand, and the tip of the knife shook violently. Xue Yuanshan saw his abnormality, and urged: "Do you still think the patient has not lost enough blood?"

Tang Junhe took away the trembling left hand, straightened his upper body, lowered his eyes, and took a deep breath: "Mr. Xue, I can't do this operation, this patient..." His voice trembled, and he swallowed Only then can he barely speak, "'s my brother."

Xue Yuanshan was also taken aback when he heard the words, but fortunately he has rich experience, and the operating table for more than 20 years is not in vain. He snatched the scalpel with his hands, lowered his head to open his chest himself, and cursed: "Then what are you doing?" Yes, go out and call Sun Lianqi over!"

Tang Junhe pushed the door out of the operating room, feeling dizzy for a while, his legs were so weak that he couldn't walk, he grabbed a passing nurse in a daze, took off the mask with his hand, and tried to steady his voice and said, "Help me call the chest." Deputy Sun outside, turn right on the third floor and take the first office, hurry up, please."

His face was pale, which startled the nurse, thinking that something serious had happened, and hurriedly replied: "I'll go right away!" He lifted his legs and ran towards the third floor.

But after a while, Sun Lianqi, the deputy chief physician, rushed over quickly, turned to look at Tang Junhe and asked, "What's the matter?" When he got closer, he saw that his face was pale and his lips were a little bloody, but he was biting them with his teeth The oozing blood was broken, and there were still teeth marks on his lower lip, he changed his voice, "—do you feel unwell?"

Tang Junhe shook his head weakly, unable to say a word. No matter how difficult the emergency surgery is, he has never been frightened. Sun Lianqi's expression showed a little surprise, but he had no time to ask, and hurriedly changed his clothes and entered the operating room.

Tang Junhe sat on the metal chair outside the operating room, with cold sweat dripping from his forehead, buried his face in his hands, and wanted to retch uncontrollably.

The moment when Yang Xuan was pushed in was constantly replaying in his mind—the body soaked in blood, and the tightly closed eyes.

Doctors do not heal themselves. I have heard this sentence since I was a child, and I really have a personal experience until now. As a doctor, in the end, none of the people I wanted to save could be saved.

The operation time was not too long. After more than an hour, Xue Yuanshan opened the door and walked out of the operating room.

Tang Junhe heard the sound of the door opening, looked up at him, and wanted to open his mouth to ask about the operation, but was blocked by the breath hanging from his chest, and couldn't say a word for a while.

"Chest is closed," Xue Yuanshan tilted his head towards the operating room, and said with usual expression, "It's nothing serious."

Only then did the breath hanging in his chest relax, and Tang Junhe said with difficulty, "Thank you, Teacher Xue."

"The thing to be thankful for is his life. If the heart and lungs are pierced, the gods will not be able to save them." Xue Yuanshan took out his cigarette case and wanted to go out to smoke to refresh himself. When he came to Tang Junhe, he stopped and asked: "You have a brother in your family? I've never heard you say it."

"Half father and mother," Tang Junhe felt his teeth chattering, and the tension had not completely eased, so he had to try his best to stabilize his voice before he could speak normally, "I haven't seen each other for many years."

Xue Yuanshan was even more surprised, raised his eyebrows and said: "Seeing that you are so concerned, I thought you two brothers have a good relationship."

Tang Junhe forced a little smile: "It can't be said to be good, and it can't be said to be bad."

Xue Yuanshan raised his eyes to look at him, smiled and said: "Then he can't even open his chest, what a big deal, he's promising."

When the operation was completely over, the nurse came out pushing the hospital bed, saw Tang Junhe was still standing outside, and greeted, "Doctor Tang is still waiting?"

"Well, it's hard work." Tang Junhe followed and helped push the hospital bed.

"He's your brother? It's such a coincidence." The nurse who came down from the operating table relaxed the tense nerves just now, and gossiped, "We were talking inside just now, Dr. Tang, your family's genes It's really good, not only did you give birth to two handsome guys, but also you don't have a heavy look... Speaking of which, you two really don't look alike, is he your real brother?"

Tang Junhe didn't answer directly, but said: "Yes, the eyes are the most similar."

"Really, I can't really see it with my eyes closed," the nurse joked, "Then let's take a look when your brother opens his eyes."

Deputy Sun who called to help from the side answered, "I told you why Xiaotang's expression was wrong when he first came here. It scared me so much that I thought something serious happened!"

"Or it's said that doctors don't heal themselves," the nurse joked, "I just found out today that Dr. Tang also has times of nervousness and fear."

"I was still watching the news before I came here," Sun Lianqi said, "Thanks to your brother today, I watched the video on the news. If it wasn't for him, there would be so many people in Chengnan today, and I don't know how many casualties would have been. Ouch, at that time He rushed up and kicked the gun away from the man's hand, I said Xiao Tang, your brother is good at it, what kind of work does he do?"

After Tang Junhe listened, his brows were slightly frowned, and he looked at Yang Xuan who had his eyes closed tightly on the hospital bed, and said in a low voice: "I don't know, I haven't seen each other for many years."

The two people pushing the hospital bed realized at the same time that Dr. Tang didn't seem to have a good relationship with his "brother" on the hospital bed. The nurse stuck out her tongue at Sun Lianqi and consciously kept silent.

After the hospital bed was pushed into the intensive care unit, Xue Yuanshan came in and exchanged a few words about his condition with the director of the ICU, and gave instructions for follow-up observations. The others left one after another, and only Tang Junhe remained in the ward.

"Doctor Tang, are you staying with me?" The nurse turned around and asked before leaving the door.

"I'll stay a little longer."

"Director Xue said there's nothing serious, you should go to bed earlier."

Tang Junhe gave an "um" and thanked him again. The footsteps behind him faded away, and he looked up at Yang Xuan who was lying on the hospital bed.

The anesthesia effect will take a while to pass, and Yang Xuan won't be able to wake up for a while, Tang Junhe's eyes appear a little unscrupulous, staring straight at Yang Xuan.

He has not seen Yang Xuan for a long time, ten years or eleven years? For more than ten years, he thought that he would see Yang Xuan again, and he also thought that he would never see Yang Xuan again. He almost estimated all the possible scenarios of meeting. own.

Yang Xuan is no longer the unruly young man he used to be, his face is more mature and steady, his hair is shaved very short, which makes the contours of his face sharper, even if he is lying on the hospital bed so weak and pale, It also looks like a humanoid sharp weapon that has just been unsheathed.

It took a long time to wait for general anesthesia to wake up, but it was much better than standing outside the operating room just now. Tang Junhe got up and walked to the door, raised his hand to turn off the light in the ward, went to the office and returned with his mobile phone, leaning against the accompanying escort On the bed, looking at his phone in the dark, the white light on the screen cast on his face.

The notification bar has been swiped by major news apps. The news about the gun attack in the south of the city became the headlines of the day. The live videos from various angles shot by passers-by were reproduced in turn. Heartbroken.

The comments are also mixed with fear and exclamation—

"Where did you get the gun in peacetime? Horror! I still want to go shopping in the south of the city after get off work today, thanks to a temporary emergency!"

"The police are so unresponsive?? Do you want passers-by to come and do something brave?"

"Shot? You look so young, don't worry about it..."

"Have you practiced this skill before?! It looks much more reliable than the few policemen rushing over from behind."

Tang Junhe clicked on the video under the news. In the video captured by the surveillance, the rioters pointed guns at the passers-by, and the people around them looked panic-stricken and in a mess. Although the video was silent, you could feel it through the screen. To the frightened atmosphere of the scene.

Yang Xuan came from behind the troublemaker, he pressed the guardrail with both hands, and stepped over with one long leg—

Before Tang Junhe saw the scene of him kicking the gun, he felt a sudden palpitation, and quickly turned off the screen with shaking hands. He put the mobile phone on the accompanying bed, lowered his head, closed his eyes, stretched out his hand to pinch the space between his brows, and let go after a while, then heaved a long sigh of relief.

After a while, he sat beside the hospital bed, and by the dim street light outside the window, he fumbled to hold Yang Xuan's hand. The callus in Yang Xuan's palm is still there, it seems to be thicker. What has he been doing all these years? Tang Junhe tightened his fingers, and rubbed his fingertips against his palm twice. Then his fingertips touched a smooth spot, round, near the wrist. My heart skipped a beat. After all these years, the scar from the burn from that cigarette is still there.

Tang Junhe sat next to the hospital bed, feeling very tired, but he didn't dare to close his eyes. When he closed his eyes, the scene of Yang Xuan being shot in the chest would appear in front of him, and he was afraid that he would break out in cold sweat after another.

It wasn't until the middle of the night that I fell asleep half asleep. In the dream, the footsteps in the emergency room were chaotic, and the doctors and nurses rushed in pushing the hospital bed. He stood at the door on the first floor and waited for the patient to be consulted. When he turned his eyes, he saw Yang Xuan on the hospital bed. Pushing over, Yang Xuan was soaked in blood and had stopped breathing. He walked up to touch his hand in disbelief, his palm was cold—the dream came to an abrupt end here, Tang Junhe suddenly opened his eyes, Waking up, chest heaving rapidly.

He lay down on the hospital bed and clenched Yang Xuan's hand a little bit, the palm of his hand was warm, so he was relieved a little. Fortunately, it was just a nightmare.

After a while, his breathing and heartbeat calmed down, he straightened his upper body weakly, and turned to look at Yang Xuan.

Across the darkness in front of him, Tang Junhe seemed to see Yang Xuan's eyelashes trembling, and his heart shuddered. Before his brain could come up with an idea, he had already let go of Yang Xuan's hand for a second. Xuan's hand, got up and quickly walked out of the ward.

The author has something to say

I checked the regulation and training system for medical students, and finally decided to take it a step further. It probably adopted the policy 15 years ago. Let me briefly explain it here. Please don’t take it too seriously ==

(I saw someone asking in the comment area, and I would like to remind you that the smoke burns are in Chapter 53)