Paper Plane

Chapter 94


Tang Junhe approached, and his eyes fell on Yang Xuan's hand holding the cat. There were several long and deep scratches on it, and dark red blood dripped outward.

It took a lot of effort to get Shisan out just now, as soon as Yang Xuan put his hand into the air vent, Shisan would raise his paw and scratch his hand fiercely. At the third scratch, Yang Xuan quickly grabbed its front paw with his backhand, and dragged it outward with light movements.

"You were scratched." Tang Junhe looked at the blood marks, frowned slightly, and stretched out his hand to hug Shisan, fearing that he would scratch Yang Xuan again.

"Your cat is quite fierce," Yang Xuan said, not letting go, "Let me hug her, her mood is not stable yet."

"Go to the hospital. The wound needs to be bandaged, and the vaccine needs to be administered as soon as possible." Tang Junhe said, taking out his mobile phone from his pocket with one hand, and wanted to use the taxi app to hail a taxi. Before clicking on the software, Yang Xuan freed up a hand to hold the cat, stretched out and pressed his wrist to stop him. Tang Junhe looked up at him.

"Aren't you a doctor? Just help me deal with it." Yang Xuan looked at him and said.

"I can treat the wound, but the vaccine still needs to be administered in the hospital." Tang Junhe insisted.

"We fought half a month ago," Yang Xuan also insisted, "so we only need to deal with the wound."

Tang Junhe lowered his eyes and thought for a while, then said in silence for a moment: "Then go upstairs."

While the elevator was going up, Shisan, who was nestled in Yang Xuan's arms, yelled at the canned cat food in Tang Junhe's hand. Tang Junhe glanced at it, and held the canned cat food unmoved, not intending to feed it.

Cats can’t get used to it, and they will be punished if they do something wrong. Tang Junhe plans to feed it the cat food that he dislikes the most in the next two days, so that he can realize that it’s wrong to sneak out. It's also wrong to scratch people.

But Yang Xuan stretched out his hand and held the box of canned cat food, Tang Junhe could only let go.

Yang Xuan put the box of canned cat food in front of Shisan, and looked down at it. The fierce and inwardly shy Shisan immediately gave in, and obediently leaned forward to eat the cat food.

After entering the house, Tang Junhe walked to the medicine box, squatted down and found out the bandages and medicine. When he first picked up Shisan, he was scratched almost every day, and he always took care of the wounds by himself.

Yang Xuan leaned over and put Shisan and cat food on the ground, and walked towards him.

"Sit down." Tang Junhe put the tools and the potion on the tea table, motioned him to sit on the sofa, squatted beside him, dipped a cotton ball in the tweezers to fill the potion, the few lines on Yang Xuan's hand Gently press on the blood mark.

Under the light, Yang Xuan's hands looked beautiful, with well-defined knuckles, slender fingers, and a darker complexion than Tang Junhe. Because it is inherited from Yang Chengchuan, Yang Xuan's skin color has always belonged to the category of fair people. Tang Junhe remembers that in high school, Yang Xuan, who was sweating because of playing basketball, was almost glowing white among the players on the court. Perhaps because of the wind and sun for ten years, Yang Xuan's skin color is now closer to wheat.

Tang Junhe saw two dark marks on the back of his hand, which didn't last long and looked like scratches. Half a month ago... was it when I got drunk

He moved skillfully, threw the cotton ball into the trash can, and bandaged the back of Yang Xuan's hand with both hands, then pressed his fingers on the bandage, and said, "Hold it like this, and I'll go get the scissors."

Yang Xuan didn't respond.

Tang Junhe raised his eyes to look at him, Yang Xuan's gaze fell below, and he looked down. Because he was squatting on the ground, his trouser legs were drawn up, revealing half of his ankle and the tattoo of poplar tree under his skin.

Their eyes all fell on the tattoo. Yang Xuan leaned down and stretched his arms. The moment his fingers were about to touch the tattoo, Tang Junhe instinctively stepped back. With a shake of his hand, the bandage fell on the ground. On the ground, it rolled away along the ground, and rolled to the side of Thirteen who was eating, scaring it to jump aside.

Tang Junhe stood up, and when he turned his back to take the scissors from the medicine box, he tried his best to calm down, then turned around and rolled up the bandage on the ground and took it in his hand. Bandage cut.

When he squatted down again and fixed the bandage with medical tape, Yang Xuan suddenly stretched out his hand and brushed the hair on his forehead lightly.

Tang Junhe paused for a while, then continued to bandage.

Yang Xuan's thumb with a thin callus touched Tang Junhe's smooth forehead, and said in a low voice: "It's still there."

Tang Junhe knew that he was talking about the scar. It has been ten years, and it can still see faint marks. For a few years, he was afraid that it would fade away, so he deliberately avoided it even when he applied face cream. He was afraid that one day it would really disappear, then he might doubt whether Yang Xuan ever existed, maybe he didn't have a half-brother in this world at all, everything was just his imagination.

Tang Junhe's eyelashes trembled: "Maybe it's not getting better."

Yang Xuan pushed his hair back to cover the scar on his forehead, looked at him and asked, "The last time you were drunk, who was the person who sent you back to the hospital?"

"A rock singer named Maize."

"I'm asking about your relationship with him."

There was silence in the room, only the slight click of scissors cutting the tape, and Tang Junhe said after a long while, "College roommate." After speaking, he got up, put away the things on the coffee table, and put them back in the medicine box.

"If there is nothing else, I should go to the hospital to accompany my mother to bed." He knew he couldn't give himself too much leeway and thoughts, so he stood up and said.

"What if there are other things?" Yang Xuan also stood up, staring at him and said.

Tang Junhe avoided his eyes: "Let's talk about it then."

He walked to the door and opened it, followed Yang Xuan out.

Tang Xiaonian's condition was very bad, he couldn't sleep well at home, so he simply went to accompany her every night these few nights. He was afraid that one night she would sneak away by herself while he was asleep.

Although it was much better for Tang Xiaonian to leave early than to fight cancer, he still hoped that she would live. To be alive means that everything is not over yet.

A few days ago, Tang Xiaonian experienced another sudden drop in blood pressure. That day Tang Junhe was undergoing a late-night emergency operation. When he rushed to the emergency operating room, Director Zheng was carrying out rescue work with furrowed brows, standing aside Kazuke kept wiping his sweat. When the rescue was over, he and Director Zheng breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Tang Xiaonian woke up at noon the next day, barely drank some porridge, and the first question he asked Tang Junhe was: "Where did you go to that place with Yang Xuan back then?"

"Sri Lanka." Tang Junhe said in a daze.

"Oh..." Tang Xiaonian was thoughtful, "It's quite far away."

"Yeah." Tang Junhe said.

"I have never been abroad in my life." Tang Xiaonian leaned on the pillow, with a regretful expression on his decayed face, "When I was twenty years old, Yang Chengchuan also said that he would take me abroad, but I haven't yet." Well, marry someone else."

Recently, Tang Xiaonian always likes to recall things from his youth, and Tang Junhe just listened silently.

"I'll ask for leave in a few days, and I'll buy two air tickets to take you out." Tang Junhe said, even though he knew that Tang Xiaonian might not survive even a few days.

Tang Xiaonian just laughed, didn't respond, and continued to talk about the past: "You two children were really courageous at that time, and you ran abroad by yourself without telling anyone." Her voice was very soft, It seemed that it might stop abruptly at any time, but she still kept talking angrily, "Yang Xuan is fine, you, you have never been anywhere since you were a child, and you dare to follow him, and you are not afraid of him betraying you." gone."

"I... I hated him to death at that time. I hated him so much that I took my son away. I was uneasy and kind." Tang Xiaonian smiled weakly again when he said this, "Why do you just listen to him like that? Is he really that good to you? Better than me to you?"

Tang Junhe was afraid that she would consume too much energy, so he took water for her to drink: "Don't talk too much."

Tang Xiaonian took the cup, didn't drink any water, looked elsewhere, and said in a low voice, "Really... the two brothers are on good terms, how could such a thing happen?"

Tang Junhe put the cup to her lips, watched her drink the water, and then helped her to lie down: "There will be no more in the future." He knew that Tang Xiaonian had always opposed them being together. Ten years ago, Yang Xuan left That day, when he came back from the airport, Tang Xiaonian scolded him crazily, saying that he was a white-eyed wolf and heartless, just like Yang Chengchuan back then.

"Call Yang Xuan over these few days, I have something to tell him." Tang Xiaonian lay down and looked down at him.

"Okay," Tang Junhe promised, but he didn't intend to do so, "Wait until you get better."

"Just tomorrow, huh? Isn't tomorrow a Saturday? I don't have much time."

"Mom, I will definitely do what I promised you," Tang Junhe looked at Tang Xiaonian and said, "If you say you won't be together, you won't be together. Don't think about it yourself."

"You bring him here," Tang Xiaonian said, turning his head and looking out the window, "I made such a request before I left."

Tang Xiaonian's time is running out, and Tang Junhe has almost responded to her requests in the past few months, but she made this request, but it gave him a bit of a headache.

Maybe Tang Xiaonian wanted them to swear in front of her eyes that they would never be together—other than that, he couldn't think of why she suddenly wanted to see Yang Xuan.

A few days ago, he just suggested to Yang Xuan not to disturb his life anymore, but now he disturbs his life because of Tang Xiaonian, it is really hard to speak.

It's just... Tang Xiaonian is leaving, he has to do some things, otherwise he will live in regret for the rest of his life.

Walking to the gate of the community, Tang Junhe said: "Tang Xiaonian said that she wants to see you."

After he finished speaking, without waiting for Yang Xuan to speak, he added another sentence: "You know, she has a serious cancer, and time is running out. Recently, her condition has deteriorated, and maybe in a few days..."

"When?" Yang Xuan asked.

"Is tomorrow okay? At noon tomorrow, she will be in better spirits at noon."

Yang Xuan said, "Okay."

Tang Junhe didn't expect Yang Xuan to agree so easily. After all, Yang Xuan hated Tang Xiaonian to a greater extent than he imagined. Otherwise, with Yang Xuan's character, he would not think of using himself to take revenge on Tang Xiaonian.

"Also... her mental state is not very good. If you make any excessive demands, if possible, please don't bother with her." Tang Junhe knew that he was a bit pushy, but he had to say these words, "If there is If possible, try to follow her, I know this request is a bit excessive... "

Yang Xuan interrupted him: "I promise you."