Paper Plane

Chapter 96


After Yang Xuan left, Tang Xiaonian fell into a coma again. For her current physical condition, it was a miracle that she could speak so much.

Tang Junhe put down his work, pushed back all non-essential elective surgeries, and stayed with Tang Xiaonian wholeheartedly.

Director Zheng from the oncology department came to round the ward in the afternoon and hinted tactfully that it was time for him to prepare for his funeral. Tang Junhe got off work, changed his clothes, went to a nearby shopping mall, and bought a ginger dress for Tang Xiaonian.

He remembered that when he was very young, Tang Xiaonian had a very beautiful dress, ginger yellow, that was knee-length. When she was wearing this dress, people on the street turned their heads to look at her frequently. The expression on Tang Xiaonian's face at that time was somewhat arrogant, and no one paid attention to him, probably knowing how pretty he was.

Later, Tang Xiaonian married Yang Chengchuan. Perhaps because there were too many rumors in the unit, her wardrobe became more and more plain, and she never wore brightly colored clothes. In retrospect, Tang Xiaonian actually really cares about saving face.

Tang Junhe put the dress on the side of the drawer and sat beside her to accompany her, but Tang Xiaonian's coma lasted for a particularly long time this time, and he did not regain consciousness for two days.

Until noon on the third day, when the sun was at its hottest in the afternoon, Tang Xiaonian opened his eyes in the sunlight.

As soon as she woke up, she became very energetic. Tang Junhe turned around to fetch the water. When he turned around, he saw Tang Xiaonian sitting up by himself, took out the ginger dress, put it on his lap, and held it carefully. quantity.

"It's so pretty," Tang Xiaonian said, "Will I look too young?"

"How could it be?" Tang Junhe handed the water glass to her lips, "Drink some water."

Tang Xiaonian drank the whole glass of water, looked at the dress again and said, "It's a bit early to wear it now."

"It's not early," Tang Junhe said, "Don't you want to go to Sri Lanka? It's summer all year round."

"Oh..." Tang Xiaonian was thoughtful, "When I was in junior high school, my geography teacher seemed to say that it is tropical, right?" She only had a junior high school education, and she suffered from the disadvantage of being uneducated, so she forced Tang Junhe study well.

"Well, it's tropical." After Tang Junhe finished speaking, he hugged the skinny Tang Xiaonian and asked her to sit by the window to bask in the sun for a while.

Tang Xiaonian put his hand on the dress, and said in a daze: "I had a dream before I woke up. In the dream, Yang Chengchuan was reading poems to me, standing by the window, very elegant, and I was sitting On the window sill, although I can’t understand it, I just think the poem is very beautiful.” When she said this, she stopped, hesitated for a while, and then said softly, “It happened more than 20 years ago, and it still happens when I think about it. It's the same as before."

In the past half a month, Tang Xiaonian's spirit has never been better than now. Tang Junhe urged her to rest, but she stubbornly refused and talked in a rambling manner.

She said that Mr. Xue in your department is a little strict, but he is really kind to you, so he still takes time to see me when he is so busy. You are a junior. They do this because they value you. don't know? Said that Chen Xing, the former driver of Runcheng Yang Chengchuan, remembers to bring dumplings over every Chinese New Year. He always remembers you two. I will go to Runcheng to see him in the future, you know? She said that Aunt Zhou is not young anymore, and she has been working hard these days, and she can’t lose money from others; she also said that when you buy a car in the future, remember to be careful on the road and drive slowly on the road, Yang Xuan is the same …

She held Tang Junhe's hand and explained everything in detail. Tang Junhe responded one by one, trying not to let herself cry.

Tang Xiaonian talked for an unknown amount of time, and when he was exhausted, his voice gradually weakened, and the last sentence was so weak that he couldn't make out what he said, so he lost his voice.

There was silence in the room, Tang Junhe felt the hand that was holding him loosen suddenly, his tears burst out like a flood that broke through the dam, he hugged Tang Xiaonian and wept bitterly, Tears fell on her gradually cold and stiff body.

Tang Xiaonian's life was not straightforward, but he walked decently when he left. There was no rushing rescue process, as if the time to leave had already been calculated.

As soon as she left, Tang Junhe's spirit seemed to have collapsed. He and Tang Xiaonian had been dependent on each other since birth. He used to think that the days would be long, but he didn't expect the relationship between mother and child to come to an end so soon.

In the blink of an eye, the fate of more than twenty years in this life will come to an end.

Tang Junhe cried so fiercely that he could hardly breathe. He hadn't cried like this for many years. Since Yang Xuan left ten years ago, he hadn't shed tears.

He didn't know when Yang Xuan came over, but after regaining consciousness a little, he looked up and saw Yang Xuan standing aside, talking to Director Zheng solemnly.

The various procedures and processes after that were handled by Yang Xuan. He was so busy running around that he really took care of Tang Junhe as his younger brother. Tang Junhe was dragged by him in a daze, signing when he asked to sign, and fingerprinting when he asked.

He didn't understand these procedures. When Yang Chengchuan left ten years ago, Tang Xiaonian and Yang Xuan took care of all the funeral affairs together, and it was useless for him to intervene. Tang Xiaonian has always been like this, he only focuses on learning, and he doesn't need to intervene in anything that has nothing to do with learning.

Recalling the scene where Tang Xiaonian grabbed Yang Xuan's hand and told him to take care of him a few days ago, Tang Junhe felt that he really owed Tang Xiaonian too much these years, but when he realized these things, he realized that it was too late up.

It was already evening after the formalities were completed, Yang Xuan dragged him to the parking lot, opened one side of the car door for him, and wanted to send him home. Tang Junhe was in a trance for most of the day, at this moment he suddenly broke away from his hand as if he was waking up from a dream, saying that he wanted to walk away by himself.

Yang Xuan looked at him and asked, "Walking home?"

Tang Junhe said, yes.

"Then I'll accompany you." Yang Xuan stretched out his hand to close the car door.

"I don't think I need someone to accompany me for the time being," Tang Junhe stepped back and said, "I want to be alone for a few days." After speaking, without waiting for Yang Xuan to react, he lowered his head and turned towards the hospital entrance Walk.

He really didn't want Yang Xuan to accompany him. In order to be with Yang Xuan back then, he quarreled with Tang Xiaonian, talked back, and did all kinds of ridiculous things. Although these had nothing to do with Yang Xuan, at this moment, he really didn't A way to calm down and deal with the relationship between them.

Perhaps because he was afraid that something would happen to him on the road, Yang Xuan drove behind him all the way, and only turned the steering wheel twice when he watched him go upstairs. As he passed the trash can, he reached out and tossed out a cigarette butt and an empty cigarette case.

Tang Junhe lay at home for a day and a night, and opened his eyes when he couldn't sleep. He went to the hospital the next evening and applied for annual leave with Xue Yuanshan again.

The fact that he suffered a family accident soon became known to the whole court. Xue Yuanshan didn't refuse this time, but just asked him to hand over the work, and he was allowed to leave very simply. The annual leave plus casual leave would add up to more than half a month. .

Tang Xiaonian's various personnel relations are in Runcheng. Tang Junhe walked out of the hospital, and while walking home, he was thinking in his head, first go back to Runcheng, bury Tang Xiaonian's ashes properly, and then go to In some places, temporarily leave Yancheng to rest for a few days.

Anxiety attacks for half a month, as well as being in bed day and night these days, as well as sudden sadness, stretched his physical state to the limit. It's time to take a break, he thought, and opened the travel software on his mobile phone while walking on the road, and booked a free travel package.

The decision was made hastily. He couldn't go abroad, he couldn't get a visa, and he couldn't go to Sri Lanka again. He didn't want to feel hurt. The destination was a small town in the south, and the publicity given was that it was quiet and simple. He didn't even think about it, and booked the ticket hastily. Anyway, going anywhere is better than staying in Yancheng.

He walked back to the corridor of the community absent-mindedly, got on the elevator, and was stunned when he got out of the elevator—Yang Xuan was standing at the door of his house, with his back leaning against the door, and a large black suitcase stood next to him, and he was holding the luggage with one hand. On the long pull rod, it looks thoughtful.

Hearing footsteps, Yang Xuan turned his head to look over.

Tang Junhe approached, looked down at the suitcase beside him, and looked up at him again.

"Borrow for a few days, is it okay?" Yang Xuan stood up from the door, looked at him and asked.

Tang Junhe felt that he was tired of guessing Yang Xuan's mind. Ten years ago, Yang Xuan's mind was unpredictable, and ten years later, he was even better. However, he himself has always made no progress, and is always led by his emotions. Yang Xuan's words and actions can make his mind mess up.

He felt very tired, so tired that his heart was still like water, his whole body was limp, his joints were sore, maybe he had a fever.

Tang Junhe reached out to press the combination lock on the door, and when he pushed the door in, he said, "I'm leaving tomorrow, if you want to live, you can, just move out before I come back."

Hearing this, Yang Xuan looked at him: "Where are you going?"

Tang Junhe said perfunctorily: "Another city." He walked to the medicine box and looked down at the thermometer.

Yang Xuan brought the suitcase in, and as soon as he put it down, his cell phone rang. He picked it up and said to the phone, "I've brought them all. When are you coming to get them? I have the certificates, those are there...the graduation certificate is also there, okay , then I will go down now."

After answering the phone, Yang Xuan put the suitcase down, squatted down and rummaged through a few things, held them in his hand, then closed the suitcase and stood it against the wall, turned around and went out the door.

As soon as he went out, Shisan, who had been huddled in the corner of the wall, became energetic, jumped onto the suitcase vigorously, lowered his head and got into the gap of the unsealed box, trying to find out.

Tang Junhe looked at the number on the electronic thermometer, it was 38 degrees 5, and he really had a fever. He was just about to turn around and go to the medicine box to dig out the antipyretics to take, when he heard a "bang", Shisan jumped to Tang Junhe's legs in surprise, and when he turned his head, Shisan stood Yang Xuan by the wall The box knocked over, the box fell to the ground upside down, and all the things inside rolled out.

Tang Junhe frowned slightly, glanced at Thirteen who had shrunk to his feet, sighed, bent down and put it aside by the back of the neck, walked over to turn the suitcase over, and squatted down to pick up things on the ground . The things that rolled out were the military medals and certificates that Yang Xuan had obtained over the years. He picked up a military medal and looked at it carefully. It had been four years since now. He put it back and picked up the rest of the things one by one. I didn't look at it any more, and put it all back in the suitcase.

The suitcases that were originally neatly packed were all messed up. Tang Junhe picked up a set of scattered camouflage uniforms and wanted to refold them. When he unfolded them, he found that there was another piece of clothing wrapped inside, which was white, like a T-shirt. He unfolded the shirt, and then he was taken aback—there was a dark red mark on the white shirt, like a pool of blood that had been around for a long time.

A thought flashed through his mind, and his heartbeat quickened. The movement of his hands paused, and he stroked the bloodstain. After a while, he came back to his senses, folded the T-shirt and the camouflage uniform, and put them back together. in the suitcase. Maybe not that one, he thought uncertainly.

After finishing the boxes, he picked them up and set them up against the wall again. He lowered his head to check if there was anything left on the ground, and then saw a small piece of white paper on the floor, which looked like a one-inch photo that was buttoned. Because the weight is too light, it fell a little far, and it was not found just now.

He walked over, bent down to pick it up, turned it over, and was stunned—it was a photo. To be precise, it was the photo in his passport.

Tang Junhe at the age of 17 is printed on the plain white bottom, which is the one that Yang Xuan accompanied him to take a photo of before they went to Sri Lanka.

The author has something to say

Please see the fourth paragraph of Chapter 72 for what this photo looks like

The white shirt is here to pay tribute to one of my favorite movies "Brokeback Mountain"