Paradise of Demonic Gods

Chapter 112: teach


In the confinement room of the academy, Fang Xingjian lay cross-legged on the ground, constantly rehearsing in his mind the cultivation of swordsmanship that he had learned in the process of overthrowing several district crowns in succession.

This time he learned four sets of Yangfa swordsmanship, and with the blessing of the Supreme Sword Intent, he learned swordsmanship even faster.

It is almost as soon as you learn it, and as soon as you practice it, you become good at it. In less than a day's time, all four cultivation methods of swordsmanship have reached the tenth level. It's a pity that all of them are somewhat repetitive with the cultivation method sword book he practiced in the past, and it can't increase his extra attributes.

But even so, he is still continuing to practice, hoping to reach the full level and increase the progress of the Supreme Sword Intent.

Although Fang Xingjian was in the confinement room, the college did not lack his food at all. Under the arrangement of the headmaster, a large number of ferocious animals and high-grade medicinal food were continuously sent in to supplement his blood consumption during exercise. There is the body training ointment that I won from Theresia in a bet.

The addition of these things can increase his potential by at least 1000 points every day, which can be called an extreme luxury.

In this way, he practiced swordsmanship by himself every morning, and in the afternoon, Lilia, Jack, and Anthony rushed to the confinement room, stood outside the iron window and let Fang Xingjian guide the swordsmanship, sorting out and summarizing his own swordsmanship bit by bit.

I saw Lilia and the three of them standing outside the bars, constantly practicing the martial arts taught by Fang Xingjian before. Whether it was Lilia, Jack, or Anthony, they were all practicing very seriously at the moment.

Because Fang Xingjian proved himself right time and time again, especially this time he won six district champions, which proved his authority in swordsmanship.

And Fang Xingjian's eyes are like sharp sword lights, sweeping across the three people's bodies from time to time, under the blessing of the supreme sword intent, he can clearly see every movement of the three people, and every flaw is constantly magnified in his eyes , Every trace of incomplete strength, every wave of power wasted, and any little bit of poor circulation of Qi and blood were all seen by him.

Then he could see his finger flick slightly, and sword energy swept across the confinement room. He directly flicked the air with his sword finger, creating a stream of sword energy and hitting Lilia's body.

The latter's body trembled slightly, and a blush flashed across his face. At the same time, he felt the energy entering his body. He closed his eyes to experience the feeling of this energy flowing in his body, and chewed the taste carefully.

After a while, she started to practice swordsmanship again, and she could feel that there was a lot of charm in her swordsmanship that she didn't have before.

Fang Xingjian guided them like this, while getting used to the existence of the Supreme Sword Intent, while increasing the proficiency of Yangfa swordsmanship, and at the same time practicing the Tailan Wind Sword in the process of giving instructions.

On the other side, Lilia and the others could feel that under Fang Xingjian's guidance these days, their martial arts level has improved by leaps and bounds. They don't need to use their brains to understand the principles of martial arts. Sending out the energy to learn and simulate, their proficiency will skyrocket, and one day's practice is comparable to the past ten days.

The moves of martial arts are the same for everyone, but each person's body is different, so the same move will be slightly different when performed by different people.

But Fang Xingjian's grasp of the operation and strength of the body is already at the level of a master, an authority among authorities, and can directly guide people to move in the most correct direction.

How addictive this kind of carefree practice is, they wished they could be with Fang Xingjian 24 hours a day and be instructed by him all the time.

While they were receiving guidance, Ferdinand, Zhou Yong, and Carter also came to the confinement room.

Ferdinand didn't speak, but sent two booklets when he came up, and said, "Xingjian, I heard that you are collecting cultivation swordsmanship? Although our noble knight academy is not famous for swordsmanship, we also have some swordsmanship in our collection. I let you Someone brought it over, you can see if it fits."

Zhou Yong and Carter on the other side also came up. They were completely convinced by Fang Xingjian at this moment, and they also took out the nourishing swordsmanship that they could collect and sent them up, and each took 50 gold coins as an apology.

With a sweep of Fang Xingjian's sword finger, a total of four cheat books have been wrapped in front of him by more than a dozen sword qi, and the cheat books are flipped quickly under the breeze. After just half an hour, he has learned all the above sword skills. There are four more sets of Yangfa swordsmanship on the Internet.

Ferdinand looked at Lilia and the others who were practicing swordsmanship under Fang Xingjian's guidance, with envy in his eyes, and he boldly asked, "Xingjian, can I ask you to teach me martial arts as well?"

He wasn't envious of Lilia and the others' rapid progress, because he didn't know the effect of Fang Xingjian's guidance, he just envied them for being able to get close to Fang Xingjian.

In the current academy, even a fool would know that Fang Xingjian has a bright future.

After all, not only is he extremely talented, he became a Storm Swordsman, and he even broke through the speed of sound. Behind him, there are big figures to support him, and even the Royal Knights Association can't do anything about it.

Ferdinand thought in his mind: "Fang Xingjian is just about to rise. With his talent, even if he can't become a god-level figure in the future, he will definitely be one of the pillars of the country at level 29, like Xuexiu Devitt. Looking for an opportunity to build a good relationship with him now, it will be a lot of money in more than ten years."

Fang Xingjian glanced at him, then at Zhou Yong and Carter, and said, "Yes, you can tell all the people in the academy that anyone can come to me to receive my guidance, but they must bring at least one sword skill. It can be raised, practiced, or killed.”

Fang Xingjian knew that the Supreme Sword Intent was the calculation of the total full-level swordsmanship. Although he wanted to gather more training methods to increase the potential of his daily harvest, he was naturally not stingy in learning other series of swordsmanship to enhance his swordsmanship.

It's a pity that although Fang Xingjian passed on the news, besides Lilia, Jack and Anthony, Ferdinand also came the next day.

Zhou Yong himself practiced swordsmanship, of course he was willing to try Fang Xingjian's advice, even if the advice didn't work, it would still be able to ease the relationship with Fang Xingjian, right? But he belonged to the Teresia family. It was already the limit to give away the swordsmanship cheats like yesterday, so how could he still come to Fang Xingjian for instructions on swordsmanship.

As for Ferdinand, he came purely to get close to Fang Xingjian. The family behind him had already talked to him and told him to do his best to build a good relationship with Fang Xingjian.

Carter, who also came to deliver the cheats yesterday, didn't come here. He practiced spear skills, and he himself was too embarrassed to come here to get close to Fang Xingjian, which is the so-called embarrassment.

After all, they are all young people, everyone is young and energetic, and how many people admit that they are not as good as others when they are less than twenty years old.

Only Ferdinand, who was raised by his parents as a master and well-versed in the world, would do this kind of thing.

Watching Lilia, Jack, and Anthony start to practice martial arts, a sword energy popped out from Fang Xingjian's fingers from time to time and hit them. Ferdinand said with a smile: "Xingjian, what should I say? Also fight with them Same, do you use sword energy to practice against me?" Ferdinand himself came from a noble family of Koster, wearing a white robe, dress, and a fair face, he looked very graceful.

After laughing like this, it is very easy to get close to people.

Of course it was so on the surface, but in his heart Ferdinand didn't feel that Fang Xingjian could really guide him. After all, he practiced spears, while Fang Xingjian practiced swordsmanship.

It's as if a boxer on the earth wants to point out a wrestler, the latter will of course ignore him, and the two may even fight.

Fang Xingjian looked at Ferdinand in front of him and nodded secretly. When he was in Shanghai, he was regarded as a second generation, and he was not taken seriously, but he had seen many other excellent second generations, but he had to admit that Feidinan Dinan at least looks good.

Especially compared to Jack, Anthony, and even Lilia, this Ferdinand seemed more polite, more temperamental and self-cultivated.

Dressed in white and white robes, he is full of the demeanor of a nobleman, but the spear on his back has a bit of lethal air, making him more like a wise general on the battlefield.