Paradise of Demonic Gods

Chapter 115: reason


Facing the three long spears rushing forward at the same time, like three stinger missiles, the long sword in Fang Xingjian's hand seemed to roll up a cold light, like an entire anti-missile system, and directly clicked on the three long spears at the critical moment. superior.

The opponent's long spear pierced it with all its strength, its speed was like a stinger missile, and the tip of the spear was trembling like a flower bone, making it impossible to feel where it landed.

The whole process tore through the air, and even brought about a huge sonic attack, which could almost overwhelm an ordinary big man.

These three guns are like changing the moves into dishes, and interpreting all the sounds, colors and flavors to the extreme.

It is said that governing a big country is like cooking a small fish, but now these three people have mastered spear skills to the point where they are like cooking a small fish. How amazing is this kind of power and attainment

Lilia, Ferdinand and the others saw this scene nearby, and they all felt extremely dangerous. If they were Fang Xingjian instead, they wouldn't even be able to dodge, let alone block, because the three shots were too dangerous and too dangerous. It's violent.

But it is the three shots that are like cooking small fish, passing by in the blink of an eye, trembling constantly, and using sound waves to confuse the enemy, Fang Xingjian can directly hit the target with incomparably exquisite accuracy in the blink of an eye. The three long spears directly scattered the strength of the opponent's energy from the spears. How accurate and fast is this

Almost the moment Fang Xingjian fired three swords, the opponent's three long spears were like a giant dragon that had been cramped and skinned, and lost all its strength and fell to the ground.

The three of them exclaimed, and they backed away, looking at Fang Xingjian as if they were looking at a freak.

One of the bearded men said: "Good guy, have you learned our long-air spear?"

Fang Xingjian shook his head and said, "I haven't learned it before."

Another mustachioed knight stroked his beard and said, "Then why did you see the flaws in our spear technique in the first place?"

Fang Xingjian thought for a while and said, "He's right there, I saw it."

The three knights were silent for a while, and looked at each other. The next moment, the tip of the spear was moving, and the three of them struck directly from three positions. The tip of the spear in their hands brought thousands of cold stars, covering Fang Xingjian like a galaxy.

Faced with such an overwhelming and enraged move, ordinary people immediately panicked and didn't know where to defend. Even Lilia, Ferdinand and others who were watching from the side had no choice but to retreat first. Don't be fooled by this trick.

However, Fang Xingjian's face remained normal. Looking at the stars in the sky, he pointed out three more swords. Under the three swords, the stars disappeared, leaving only three of them falling to the ground like shooting stars, unable to move.

The bearded man at the head looked at Fang Xingjian in surprise, and said, "You can see the flaw?" After that, he shook his head without waiting for Fang Xingjian's reaction: "Your sword is not only fast, but also stable. Muscles, bones, qi, blood and viscera are almost stable without any flaws, with such long physical strength and perfect strength, you must have several sets of full-level basic swordsmanship, right?"

"Although the main function of cultivating and training methods is to temper attributes, in fact, he contains the most basic means of strength for all martial arts. In knight fighting, the first thing to do is killing methods. The first is the competition of extraordinary strength, and the second is close combat. Melee combat. But if you want to be strong in melee combat and have a solid foundation, you must thoroughly understand the cultivation method, practice the method, and apply the subtle kung fu of moving the muscles and bones, and promoting the blood and viscera to the melee combat of the killing method, which is the real terror .”

As he spoke, he shook his head: "It's a pity that we only realized this truth in the last year, and you have already walked ahead of us. It's ridiculous that everyone thinks that you are following the wind sword hero with unparalleled speed, so you can move freely. But only When you slow down, we will know the truly terrifying aspect of your swordsmanship."

That's true, Fang Xingjian's fighting speed in the past was really too fast, after a set of blitzkrieg, the opponent often lay down before he figured out what was going on.

But now he wants to use the excuse of teaching everyone to practice to collect swordsmanship, so naturally he deliberately slows down his movements to highlight his swordsmanship.

Ferdinand's eyes showed a slightly thoughtful look. Although he also felt that Fang Xing's sword and sword were very powerful, he was a little unclear about how powerful it was. It was not until the bearded man said it at this moment that he had a thought. A kind of enlightenment.

The mustache knight on the other side said: "You can see through the flaws in our moves at a glance, and your swordsmanship is no small matter. We also want to learn martial arts and spear skills with you."

Fang Xingjian nodded at the side: "You are most welcome."

Lilia on the side curled her lips, and said with displeasure on her face, "Why is someone here again? Isn't the time for my master to guide me shorter and shorter? Don't these people have teachers themselves?"

Ferdinand smiled: "Little Lily..."

"Don't call me little Lily." Lilia yelled, like a little tiger showing its teeth and claws. Seeing that Ferdinand didn't care, she pouted and punched him in the stomach .

At first, Lilia didn't take Ferdinand's punch seriously. After all, the opponent is not even a knight, so how much strength can he have

But at the next moment, seeing the strong wind blowing, his face immediately changed, but Lilia realized that he was too close, and he had no time to block it, so he could only use a half force field, like a spider web Cover Lilia's fist.

That delicate little fist seemed to be made of jade, but when it hit Ferdinand's belly, it was like a crazy elephant had bumped into it.

Ferdinand let out a strange cry, his face turned blue, his eyes protruded, and he looked at Lilia in disbelief. He felt like his intestines were broken.

"The old bastard, the owner of Coster, what did he eat for his daughter? Is it a dragon?"

It was because of his good physique that he was able to receive this punch in a state of almost defenselessness. If it were any other person, he would be smashed to pieces by the punch.

Jack and Anthony snickered from the sidelines. It wasn't the first time they had suffered from Lilia's strange power. Now that Ferdinand had also suffered, they felt an indescribable gloating.

Lilia sneered, blew her fists and said, "If you keep screaming, you won't hit here next time." As she spoke, she glanced under Ferdinand's belly again.

Seeing Ferdinand breaking out in a cold sweat, Jack and Anthony at the side also subconsciously felt the chill underneath.

Ferdinand coughed a few times to cover up his embarrassment: "Lily..." Seeing the other party's murderous eyes, he immediately changed his words: "Miss Lilia, although I don't know why, but I think your master wants to collect sword skills, so This is why I used the excuse of teaching martial arts to let everyone gather here. Even if you collect swordsmanship cheats, you can learn from others in the guide. Although I don’t know why, I think your master’s swordsmanship has reached a certain bottleneck. Want more Take a look at other schools of swordsmanship as a reference. Of course, it is more likely that Star Sword wants to use this power to establish authority and integrate the forces in the academy..." But Lilia didn't have what Ferdinand said later. Listen to it.

"What?" Lilia slapped her thigh suddenly and said, "There are a lot of swordsmanship in my library, I'll go get them for the master right away."

Ferdinand on the side gasped, his legs limp and fell to the ground, he touched his inner thigh and said, "Why are you hitting my thigh?"

Lilia rubbed the back of her head and smiled silly: "Sorry, sorry, you wait, I'll go back to my home library to get the cheat book."