Paradise of Demonic Gods

Chapter 120: win or lose


The spear was dropped, and Zade immediately wanted to take it back, but found dozens of sword qi pointing at the flaws all over his body, rushing towards him.

This attack is sure to save him. If Zade doesn't care about it, even if he uses half the force field to get the spear, he will be pierced by the extremely fast sword energy.

Because the sword energy is too fast and too close.

In desperation, he had no choice but to burst out a force field that was halved to block the sword energy first.

With a bang, there was no spear, and the force field was halved, directly shattering the condensed sword energy in the air.

But just when he wanted to grab the spear back in the next moment, there was a bang, and the half force field caught the air and caught nothing.

It turned out that while he was resisting the sword energy, the other sword energy directly hit the spear flying in mid-air, making the spear farther away from Zade.

It can only be said that Fang Xingjian's offensive was too fast, Zade's attack was frustrated, and he was overwhelmed by the continuous offensive.

Unable to get the spear for a while, Zade simply didn't retreat but advanced, his whole body seemed to be transformed into a spear, sprinting towards Fang Xingjian surrounded by bursts of sword energy.

With an angry shout, Zade released the half-half force field without any scruples, shattering all the sword energy in front of him.

Originally fighting in close combat in the circle, relying on Fang Xingjian's 92 points of strength and quality, if he uses a half force field to completely crush him, he can definitely have an advantage.

But that kind of crushing by relying on attributes does not talk about the subtleties of moves at all. Even if Zade wins, he feels that the victory is invincible, and he is more likely to be ridiculed.

But now that the long spears have been knocked down, it is no longer the time to talk about demeanor. This time, Zade completely relied on the frontal crushing of the halved force field and strength quality. In an instant, all sword auras were directly blasted by him from the air, and then again With one punch, the halved force field directly covered Fang Xingjian's body, dragging the opponent's body.

Then Zade stabbed out with one hand, like a steel spear, piercing through the air, and piercing Fang Xingjian's body.

Zade's series of offensives is entirely relying on his own strength to overwhelm others, not talking about subtle moves at all.

This is also the countermeasure that most knights use when facing an enemy weaker than themselves in actual combat. Only when facing enemies with similar attributes, they will talk about skills.

But just as a smile appeared on the corner of Zade's mouth, and a pistol pierced Fang Xingjian's body fiercely, his smile froze suddenly.

Under the violent momentum, he had to take three more steps before stopping, and he was already standing outside the circle.

"Is it an afterimage? The speed is so fast?"

Zade looked back and saw Fang Xingjian standing still in the circle, but he didn't pursue him anymore. Although if it was a real battle, he would not have lost like this, but in terms of the agreement just now, if he stepped out of the circle, he would have already lost.

Shaking his head, Zade said coldly: "Fang Xingjian, your swordsmanship is profound, you don't need strength to bully you, it is indeed difficult for me to defeat you, but you don't need to be complacent, fight for real, just let me get within ten meters of you From the beginning, it will crush you head-on with the half-half force field and the killing method, and you will be killed in less than ten moves."

Fang Xingjian didn't speak, but just quietly looked at the long sword in his hand, as if acquiescing to Zade's words.

Lilia on the side said unhappily: "Old guy, you have been practicing bullying my teacher for so many years, and it has been less than two months since you changed your job. You are still shameless. In a word, do you admit defeat?"

"Hmph, according to the agreement, I will naturally lose if I step out of the circle, but if it is a real martial arts competition, I am naturally not convinced." Zade pointed at Fang Xingjian and said, "Fang Xingjian, what do you say? How about we compete again? "

For another match, Zade decided not to hold back, and used violence to crush the opponent as soon as he came up. Relying on his high strength quality, he used the halved force field and the killing method to instantly defeat the opponent, without giving the opponent the slightest advantage of speed and swordsmanship. opportunity for skill.

Lilia said angrily: "Damn, old guy, you still have to be shameless!"

Ferdinand also frowned, planning to say something.

But Fang Xingjian shook his head when he heard this, showing a lack of interest expression, he turned his head and walked back: "You are not my opponent."

Hearing what Fang Xingjian said, Zade's face was furious, and he was about to catch up after taking a step: "Fang Xingjian, don't you dare to compete with me again?"

But before he finished speaking, just as he took this step, his body suddenly made a crackling sound, and the upper body of the knight dress he was wearing shattered instantly, turning into dozens of fragments and falling to the ground.

Zade, who only had half of his trousers left, was stunned for a moment, followed by a burst of dread that seemed to be drenched in cold water.

"He cut the knight's dress directly with the sword light?"

In the lightning-like battle, facing Zade's spear like mountains and seas, he used the three-foot sword light to cut through the opponent's knight dress without hurting the opponent's body and skin.

How fast does this need to be a hindrance? How stable and precise is the sword skill that does not hurt people but breaks clothes? How advanced is the level of martial arts to see through the flaws in Zade's spear technique

"If he wanted to kill me, he could have killed me seven or eight times just now."

A thought appeared in Zade's mind, causing cold sweat to flow all over his head instantly.

Without saying another word, Zade cupped his hands and left in silence. At this moment, he completely extinguished his desire to compete with Fang Xingjian.

The opponent's talent in swordsmanship and the realm of martial arts are far beyond what he can match.

Seeing this scene, the people around gasped even more.

"Can you even win this?" Ferdinand's eyes widened suddenly, and he suddenly thought: "Even Zade's spear skills can't stop him, so in his eyes, my spear skills are like tofu!" The same thing can be broken with one poke?" At this moment, he was extremely glad that he and Fang Xingjian had become friends.

Lilia ran up suddenly, grabbed Fang Xingjian's arm and shook it for a while, her face flushed with excitement.

"Teacher, how did you do it just now? Teach me, okay?"

The other people also looked at Fang Xingjian with admiration. Now they are completely convinced of Fang Xingjian, and they regard Fang Xingjian as an authority in martial arts in their hearts.

Jack and Anthony even became suspicious. At the stage of turning into a knight, they wondered if anyone else could defeat Fang Xingjian.

Anthony shook his head: "I don't know, but at least in our academy, apart from Master Jackson and Master Huang Lin, I am afraid that no one can use the God of War Fang Xingjian."

The news of Zade's failure spread quickly, so besides the district champions who were defeated by Fang Xingjian and their class, more knight students came to the confinement room, asking for Fang Xingjian's advice.

This also accelerated Fang Xingjian's collection of sword skills, and he was closer to the upgrade of the Supreme Sword Intent.

The first level of Supreme Sword Intent made him almost invincible in the competition of close combat skills. He was very curious about the effect of the upgraded Supreme Sword Intent.

And on the third day, Zade also sent someone to send the imperial soldiers he lost.

It was a silver-white dagger that was repeatedly forged from refined steel. This dagger was extremely sharp, and it was easy to cut gold and jade.

This is also the first imperial weapon Fang Xingjian obtained, the first high-grade weapon.

Holding this imperial weapon, a panel popped out of Fang Xingjian's eyes, which was the introduction of this imperial weapon.

Silver Dragon: Level 7

It is extremely sharp and can cut any armor lower than his.

This dagger was obviously prepared by Zade for himself. In actual combat, once the opponent breaks into his body and the spear is not working well, he can draw out this dagger to make a surprise attack.

And starting from the imperial god soldiers, to the lower-rank skeleton god soldiers, the upper-rank skeleton god soldiers, and the god skeleton weapons, all of them began to have grades.

Imperial weapons of level 1 to 9, low level weapons of level 10 to 19, high level weapons of level 20 to 29, and weapons of skeletons of level 30, each with different powers.

Unlike ordinary weapons, you can't see the panels and grades when you hold them in your hand.

Fang Xingjian tried the sharpness of this dagger, and all other iron swords seemed to be cardboard in front of him, and everything broke.

However, daggers are different from swords. If Fang Xingjian wanted to use Yinlong, he had to hold a sword in one hand and a dagger in the other, in order to launch Tailanfengjian and "One sword lightens the world and bows its head".

He usually just puts the silver dragon in his waist, and he can use it whenever he needs it.

Many days later, Fang Xingjian collected an unprecedented 79 sets of nourishing swordsmanship, and even learned Zhou Yong's killing method Guangyao swordsmanship.

It's a pity that the time is still too short, he hasn't been able to cultivate all the sword skills to the full level, but even so, he has made rapid progress during this time, the level of sword skills has risen, and all kinds of sword skills can be easily mastered. It is full of flaws and vulnerable.