Paradise of Demonic Gods

Chapter 135: Chase


At this time, on the west coast of the Great Western Continent of the Empire, because of Garcia's three hundred warriors raging, this place has become a battlefield.

The 300 Garcia warriors were divided into countless small teams of 3 to 5 people, spread all over the territory of Daxizhou, burning, killing, looting and causing havoc everywhere.

These great warriors of Garcia, because of Garcia's inheritance of force, their individual strength is not comparable to the knights of the empire.

But now it is almost unprecedented to send so many people to a large-scale war at once, and it has suppressed more than one hundred people of the Zhenxi Army for a while.

That's why the Royal Academy's support happened.

In fact, not only the Royal Academy in the Koster area, but also the Royal Academy in two other areas have sent their own knights.

After all, all the royal academies themselves are schools for reservists, and this moment of mobilization immediately demonstrated the terrifying war potential of the empire.

However, Garcia was divided into dozens of cavalry troops and wreaked havoc everywhere, and it was not something that the empire could stop in a short time.

However, with so many knights and the support of the titled knights, most of the towns are out of danger, and the dangers are those villages and towns with insufficient protection.

After all, the whole empire is known as 100,000 official knights and 5,000 titled knights. The current war of the Zhenxi Army, a local force, is just a trivial matter for the entire empire, but for many people at the bottom, it is a downright catastrophe. disaster.

Fang Xingjian left the academy, first ran all the way to the direction of the fishing village, and all he saw was ruins.

He dared to go to the nearby villages again, saw more than a dozen ruins that had been burnt to a white ground, and finally found some living people. After confirming that these things were indeed done by people led by Mumkoya, he began to walk all the way. Speeding westward.

His speed is already fast, even if he can't run at full speed in order to drive for a long time, his speed is about the same as that of a car on the highway.

Then I saw that his whole body was blessed with sword qi, and he shot a distance of tens of meters with a light leap.

At the same time, there were hundreds of iron swords following behind him, making soft swishing sounds.

His whole body was like a sharp arrow, quickly shuttled through the woods, startling countless birds.

Along the way, he ate dry food when he was hungry, looked for water when he was thirsty, and took a ten-minute rest every two hours of running to ensure that he was at the peak of his physical strength.

In the morning of the next day, I had already climbed over mountains and ridges, and came to a basin.

Ow! Ow! Ow!

There was a sound of howling wolves, and when Fang Xingjian was shuttling through the woods, several wolf shadows suddenly appeared from behind, each of which was a giant wolf about 4 or 5 meters long.

A year ago, Fang Xingjian had no choice but to run away when encountering such ferocious animals, but now he smiled slightly when encountering these giant wolves.

I saw him in mid-air, twisting his upper body suddenly, and when he turned his head, the long sword swept across, and an extremely sharp white sword energy swept across a distance of hundreds of meters like a laser.

The next moment, the giant wolf was dismembered, and dozens of trees collapsed.

Just these few giant wolves provided Fang Xingjian with 0.5% of his experience points, and he is now level 10 with 11.3% of his experience points. Most of them were killed by him on this day.

This is also the first time he has leveled up by killing monsters. As for the former members of the Viper Gang, the experience those trash gave him was not as much as he had cultivated a set of swordsmanship.

"Sure enough, it's really unpleasant to rely on hunting ferocious animals to level up. The key is that it takes too much time to find them."

"I don't know how much experience I can gain by killing a knight."

Fang Xingjian gently floated down in front of the wolf corpse, looking at this pile of ferocious animal meat, he was already planning to make dinner with this.

At this moment, his ears moved slightly, but he heard the sound of crying. When he turned his head, he could see behind the mountains in the distance, with black smoke rising into the sky from time to time.

Fang Xingjian narrowed his eyes slightly, the wind suddenly picked up, and the next moment he was holding half of the wolf carcass, he disappeared.

In the village where hundreds of people live, a few houses are still burning, while most of the houses have been reduced to ashes.

More than a dozen old people and children knelt down at the gate of the village, crying loudly.

The gust of wind swept by, and Fang Xingjian appeared in front of them. At the same time, there was a soft rattling sound, and hundreds of long swords had already been inserted into the ground.

A teenage boy shouted, "You... are you a knight?"

Fang Xingjian ignored him, but took a closer look at the scene, and couldn't help frowning when he saw several corpses whose organs had been cut open.

"What did the Garcians do?" he asked.

"They're not human! They're beasts!" The crowd immediately became violent, and more than a dozen old people and children knelt down in front of Fang Xingjian and cried out.

Early this morning, four of Garcia's great warriors rushed into the village and killed everyone they saw, regardless of gender, killing, raping, and burning them indiscriminately.

Fang Xingjian walked to a corpse and found that it was a pregnant woman whose child had been dug out alive.

These Garcias are more ignorant and ignorant than the empire, almost still in a tribal state, and their great warriors who invaded are even more cruel.

"How long have they been gone?" he asked.

"More than an hour." The boy said: "My lord, avenge us." The little boy's skin was very tanned, his hands were already covered with calluses at a young age, and his eyes were still bloodshot, full of tears. Panic, fear and hatred.

Fang Xingjian nodded, and asked, "Which of you knows the way?"

"Me!" said the little boy, "I followed my father to hunt nearby, and I know all the places nearby."

Fang Xingjian put down half of the wolf carcass, and said casually, "Grill these meat for me, I'll come as soon as I go."

The next moment, he didn't take those iron swords away either, and grabbed the little boy directly, and his whole body turned into a breeze and disappeared without a trace.

And the boy was caught in Fang Xingjian's hand, and let out a series of screams from his mouth. When Fang Xingjian stopped, he found that he had reached a mountain outside the village.

"Where did they go?"

The boy looked around, pointed to the northwest direction loudly and said, "There, they went to the direction of the goat ditch!"

The next moment, the surrounding scenes changed in succession, flashing like a flying horse, but the boy endured the discomfort all over his body and did not scream.

However, his physical fitness was too poor after all, Fang Xingjian had to stop for him to rest every time he walked a certain distance, and to identify the direction by the way.

After chasing him stop and go for about half an hour, Fang Xingjian put the boy down.

The boy couldn't stand on his feet at all, he just felt dizzy in his brain, and he fell to the ground, still saying intermittently: "'s okay...I can hold back..."

Fang Xingjian said indifferently: "I have already caught up."

He glanced at the little boy and said, "You wait here."

In the next second, a series of afterimages appeared on Fang Xingjian's body, and he fled out suddenly.