Paradise of Demonic Gods

Chapter 136: kill kill kill


Four of Garcia's great warriors walked among the mountains and forests, each of them carried a package the size of a person on their backs, but even so, they ran and jumped quickly on the tree trunks, as easily and swiftly as the apes in the mountains, Showing great strength, excellent balance and long stamina.

And the things in the package were naturally snatched by them themselves during the war.

While walking, there are Garcia words spoken from the mouth.

"Hurry up!"

"It's all your fault, you're going to be late."

"Hahaha, you didn't say anything about being late when you were playing with that woman!"

The four of them laughed while walking, laughing loudly from time to time, and they didn't look like soldiers at all.

This is also the characteristic of Garcia's great warriors. They are originally a tribal civilization, and it is a model in which a few people master extraordinary power. It is impossible to expect them to have strict military discipline.

Just as they were on their way, the black man who was walking in the front suddenly stopped, and his whole body fell towards the tree. At the same time, his head shot up into the sky, and blood spilled out like a fountain.

Only then did Fang Xingjian, whose body was wrapped in hundreds of sword qi, slowly float down and appear in front of their eyes.

"Damn it!"



Suddenly encountering an enemy attack, the three of them dispersed in an instant, looking angrily at Fang Xingjian who chopped off his companion's head with a single sword.

One of them said in a broken and weird Common Tongue: "Sinkoda's knight?"

"Hey, you sheep dare to chase us?"

"I will eat you and avenge our companions!"

Fang Xingjian didn't look at them, but just looked at the sword in his hand, with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

"It's really weak."

Even the senior instructors in the academy who are 19 years old are not his opponents, let alone these Garcia barbarians.

Fang Xingjian had already read the materials when he was in the academy.

These barbarians don't understand martial arts, and use the most primitive muscle training to squeeze the potential of the body to exercise the five-dimensional attributes.

They also comprehend extraordinary power through various evil behaviors such as intercourse with various ferocious animals, devouring their dead relatives, and eating mutated dead babies.

Trying a sword now, the strength of the opponent is indeed pitifully weak, almost the same as those knights who have changed jobs for a year or two, and none of the attributes is above 70 points.

Fang Xingjian didn't answer the other party's words at all, and the figure disappeared again with hundreds of sword qi.


The three Garcia warriors roared in unison, all of their bodies were turned into animals with fluff, animal ears, sharp claws, etc., and their bodies suddenly swelled up.

Beastization is the ability that the Garcia people obtained from intercourse with wild beasts countless times and devouring each other. This ability is extremely powerful and can increase a person's attributes in an instant.

But after all, this is a matter of changing the body and consuming energy and blood. It is tantamount to hurting yourself first, and then hurting others. If you use too much, you will shorten your life. Many of Garcia's great warriors wantonly abused their beastly abilities, and often died suddenly at the age of 40.

However, this race is cruel, bloodthirsty and warlike. Most fighters can't even survive the age of 30, and they don't care about the future at all.

But this time they were less than half inflated after turning into beasts, and under the sky full of sword lights, one of them had already exploded with blood.

When transforming into a beast, the viscera of his body were running violently, yet he was attacked like this, how fatal it was.

It was as if he had been pierced by hundreds of swords all over his body, blood spurted out wildly, and he died in an instant, and the whole person fell to the ground.

The other two people only had time to punch in front of them, and their limbs were cut off by the three-foot sword light, and they fell in a pool of blood.

Although these four great warriors were weak against Fang Xingjian, they were already elite in Garcia, and they were the 19 great warriors who had hunted countless beasts and killed thousands of people.

Fang Xingjian looked at his own panel, killing these two 19th-level fighters in a row, Fang Xingjian was directly promoted to a level, reaching 8.4% experience of level 11, and increased his speed quality by 11 points.

Sure enough, if you kill a knight with a higher level than yourself, you will get a lot of experience.

This level directly made Fang Xingjian's speed break through to 106, and his strength leaped again.

"Sure enough, killing monsters is the best way to level up."

"If I can go up a few more levels, even a titled knight, I may not be invincible."

The corners of Fang Xingjian's mouth turned up slightly, and he looked at the two black men whose limbs had been cut off and fell to the ground, and said, "Tell me, where is Mumkoya?"

When the little boy saw Fang Xingjian disappear without a trace in an instant, his whole body immediately became flustered.

Although Fang Xingjian looked powerful, he saw with his own eyes the four Garcia monsters rushing into the village, wreaking havoc everywhere like they were invincible.

Swords, bows and crossbows can't penetrate their skin, water and fire can't hurt their bodies, and a single punch can collapse a small house...

The more the little boy thought about it, the more worried he became. He just felt that it was too reckless for Fang Xingjian to catch up with the other four by himself.

"It's troublesome, I'm too impulsive, why did you let him rush forward alone?"

"Should wait for his teammates to come and fight together, one person will fight four people..."

Just when the little boy was getting more and more worried, scared and nervous, that Fang Xingjian had already walked up, with the heads of four black people hanging on his waist, killing two black people again, his panel had become Level 12 is 5.2%.

As for the corpses of the four black men, although they were not as good as knights, they could still be used as the lowest-level low-ranking skeleton soldiers. Fang Xingjian naturally buried them all and marked them.

And his attributes have once again gained professional growth from the Wind Shadow Sword God, and have become:

Name: Fang Xingjian Age: 17

Occupation: Wind Shadow Sword God

Grade: 12

Strength quality: 56+5

Speed quality: 112+5

Reaction quality: 55

Endurance Quality: 49

Flexibility: 51

(The above attributes are in the state of running the sonic sword breath ripple)

(+5 from the one-tenth stamina bonus of the Perfect Muscle feat)

Yangfa swordsmanship 94 sets

12 sets of practice swordsmanship

Tailan wind sword level 30

Glorious Swordsmanship Level 6

Specialties: Swordsmanship Genius, Elementary Survival Instinct, Internal Healing, Internal Training, Swordsmanship Expert, Highly Acute Dynamic Vision, Extreme Reflexes, Perfect Muscle, Elementary Violence, Supreme Sword Intent (79/100)

Potential: increasing 11000 points every day

Ripple: Sonic Sword Breath Ripple Level 5

Heart method: Sword Sweeping Heaven and Earth Level 3

With a full 112 points of speed quality, the bonus of bowing his head with one sword light body has also become a 224% increase in movement speed and shooting speed. Fang Xingjian's current strength has far surpassed those senior knights, and he is moving towards a more and more powerful knight. Advance in an unfathomable direction.

And looking at Fang Xingjian who suddenly appeared and the four heads hanging on his waist, the little boy heard a bang in his head, and the next moment he was already kneeling on the ground, kowtowing to Fang Xingjian continuously, with pain in his eyes as he kowtowed. Can't help shedding hot tears.

"I want to ask you a question, how to get to Gomlin Bay?"

The little boy was stunned, took a deep breath, and then began to guide Fang Xingjian.

Fang Xingjian nodded after listening, grabbed the opponent's body directly, and jumped with one step, like a big bird, flew over a distance of hundreds of meters in the air, and then stepped on the ground, followed by another Jump and fly out.

This time the boy was not needed to guide the way. Although Fang Xingjian slowed down in order not to kill him, he returned to the village after about ten minutes.

At this time, everyone in the village was still sorting out the corpses, staring blankly at Fang Xingjian who had returned.

Fang Xingjian casually threw four heads on the ground, and the dozen or so people, old and young, immediately knelt down.

"Thank you, my lord! Thank you, my lord!"

"Dad, Mom! We avenged you!"

Fang Xingjian didn't bother to watch a group of people crying and crying, so he went directly to the wolf's corpse and found that the other party didn't burn the meat at all.

An old man stood up tremblingly and said, "Master, just wait a moment, we will clean the pot and light the fire to cook the meat for you."

"Forget it." Fang Xingjian shook his head. He just got the news from the mouths of two Garcia warriors. All Garcia people have already started to retreat, and Mumkoya is about to reach the beach. How can he have time? waste.

However, if a knight like him never eats meat or ferocious animals, it will not be good for his health. After all, their physical strength needs energy to maintain.

Then I saw Fang Xingjian swipe his sword finger casually, and cut off a piece of meat the size of an ordinary person's head. It is finished.

The old man on the side begged for help: "My lord, wars are raging everywhere now, and they are all those black ghosts from Garcia. Can you please take us out, please!"

Saying that, the others also knelt down, begging Fang Xingjian to protect them and take them to a safe place for refuge.

Fang Xingjian glanced at them coldly and didn't bother to pay attention at all.

He wants to clean up the world and slay foreign demons, but he has no interest in taking care of the weak and protecting the good.

He just kills evil, not promotes good.

It's as if he killed Coster's gang, but he doesn't care what the next good people do, but if there are more evil people, he will kill again.

After casually looking at everyone, he said casually, "I'm not interested, just find a place to hide yourself, they won't search so strictly."

Then he shot his long sword, and the whole person flew out with hundreds of iron swords, leaving behind a series of voices and screams back in the village.

Everyone looked at Fang Xingjian who was leaving, and felt that this person was so heroic and mighty, like a legendary hero.

But thinking of losing his protection and having to face the next danger alone, he felt that there were so many difficulties in front of him that he couldn't lift his spirits.