Paradise of Demonic Gods

Chapter 140: Crises and encounters


Unwilling to be oppressed by the opponent's breath all the time, Fang Wei changed the topic and said: "It's a pity that the Academy of Sciences hasn't thoroughly studied the law of the two realms, otherwise the armored forces and interstate missiles would have been transported here, and this continent would have been flattened long ago. It’s not like what’s here now, it’s all a pile of scrap iron, and it’s going to be rebuilt and researched according to the physical laws of this world.”

The girl shook her head with unpredictable eyes: "Fang Wei, don't underestimate the people on this continent. You have to admit that their development of the human body is far ahead of us. If it wasn't for the help of the evil gods , it is impossible for us to surpass them in this aspect. Moreover, the laws of the two worlds are so profound, the further you enter the microscopic level, the greater the gap between the two. Bring things like nuclear bombs here. What's more, even if there are nuclear bombs, you may not be able to get those god-level powerhouses. Once they go all out and rush into the earth to kill, even those witch kings will have a headache."

Just when the girl said these words, Fang Wei's eyes froze. On the simple electronic screen, the black and white blurred picture revealed a man holding a long sword and slowly falling to the ground.

"This guy... so familiar..."

"Fang Xingjian?"

Hearing Fang Wei's words, the girl's eyes narrowed suddenly, like a tiger waking up, exuding vigorous murderous intent.

"Are you sure this is Fang Xingjian?"

Fang Wei said with some hesitation: "It looks a bit similar, but the temperament seems to be different, and the appearance seems to have changed slightly. But Caroline of the Onassis family should have killed Fang Xingjian. How could he? it's here?"

The girl said coldly: "It seems that not only did he not die, but he had another adventure, and he got the inheritance of knights from the empire. He is indeed a bastard from another world, otherwise it would be impossible to learn martial arts. Let my younger brother be selected and become the apostle of Fang Xingchen. Fang Xingchen has the qualifications of a wizard, so I have nothing to say. So I originally planned to bring my younger brother back after the god level. But now that I have met this Fang Xingjian, I took him home first and handed him over to the old lady, which is a credit."

For a long time, the old lady had guarded against and suppressed the family separation, and even drove them out of the compound, leaving only the old lady's own children in the compound.

If it weren't for Fang Qian's outstanding aptitude, it would be impossible to get this opportunity to study in another world.

And she knew how furious the old lady was after Fang Xingjian's incident. If Fang Xingjian could be captured, she would immediately have a greater right to speak, a higher status and more cultivation resources in the Fang family.

What's more, if it wasn't for Fang Xingjian's escape, how could her younger brother be sent to be Fang Xingchen's apostle.

Originally, the power of an apostle is that the closer the blood relationship and age, the stronger the fighting power. If there is Fang Xingjian, there will be no such thing as his younger brother.

As he spoke, streams of air flow continuously stirred up beside the girl, faintly making the sound of tigers roaring and dragons chanting.

Fang Wei shouted: "Fang Qian, we are not allowed to fight this mission. If you are discovered by the empire, it may threaten our overall plan."

At the same time, on the screen was Fang Xingjian's final cast of No Body Form. The next moment, the image disappeared and switched to another field of view. It was the death of two Garcia soldiers.

Fang Qian's eyes revealed Feiyang's confidence: "He will be injured when he kills a big warrior, and his strength is only at the peak of one turn at most. I caught him as easily as killing a chicken and a sheep, how could he be discovered? And this person is also a bit lucky , Not only did he not die, but he also learned the inheritance of the empire, and it would be a great achievement to capture him and hand it over to the old lady."

In the end, her aura shot up to the sky, and even a small hole was faintly opened in the clouds in the sky.

"Fang Wei, you control the surveillance system and watch where he is going."

Fang Wei shook his head helplessly: "This is just a test product made by the Academy of Sciences to adapt to the laws of physics in the miracle world. Now it can only be viewed in real time, and it cannot be traced back, and even contact cannot be done. We can only try our luck now. See if any other great fighters have encountered him."

Fang Xingjian on the other side didn't know that some acquaintances were also staring at him.

He went all the way, but after about an hour, he saw some footprints. He squatted down and looked, and found that it was the traces of armor.

"The casting level of the Garcia people is extremely low. These armors should be traces left by the imperial knights."

Thinking of this, he searched around, and sure enough, he found other traces.

So he followed it all the way, and there were more and more traces, but when he came under a big tree, four figures suddenly appeared and surrounded him.

"Haha, Tai Long, I said that someone will definitely follow the traces, your armor is too heavy."

The person who spoke was a skinny man. Although he was wearing a knight's formal attire, there was still an unconcealable obscenity all over his body.

What he called Tyrone was a knight covered in a suit of heavy armor, who heard the words and shouted: "Who are you? Why are you following us?"

"Does it need to be said, he is a knight at first glance." A female knight with green hair laughed, looked at Fang Xingjian who was in a mess and said, "Little guy, which academy are you from? Are you lost?"

On the other side, a knight covered in black robes glanced at Fang Xingjian a few times, and seemed to feel that there was no threat, so he jumped onto the branch and started to be on guard.

Fang Xingjian glanced at these four people and said, "I'm from Coster Royal Academy, who are you?"

"Oh? People from Coster? We are from the Royal Academy of Rosander." The green-haired woman laughed: "You Coster has been in the limelight this time. Do you know the guy named Hamel? He is alone. Killed seven niggers alone, looks like the next state election is on the way."

Fang Xingjian shook his head: "I rushed all the way here, I don't know the situation yet, do you have spare weapons?"

The wretched skinny man smiled, took out a long sword from the bag behind his back, and threw it to Fang Xingjian, saying, "Boy, you have changed jobs not long ago, and you dare to go on such a rampage by yourself? Seeing you like this, you have eaten a lot." Bitter."

Fang Xingjian waved his long sword casually, and instead of answering the other party's question, he asked, "Where are you going next? Have those Garcias retreated successfully?"

"Not yet." The green-haired woman said: "They were suppressed by us, and they are now shrinking with all their strength, retreating to Gomlin Bay. Annihilate them there."

Olipas is the commander-in-chief of the Zhenxi Army and the supreme commander of this war. At the same time, he is also the man who was secretly invited by Huang Lin in the past to guide Fang Xingjian.

Seeing that Fang Xingjian didn't speak, the green-haired woman looked at him again, and after seeing the burns on his body and the dusty knight's dress, she shook her head and said, "Forget it, you can go with us, you are alone like this If you rush down, you won't be eaten by those niggers."

The black robe who had been guarding on the tree said dissatisfiedly: "We don't have time to bring newcomers, he will slow us down."

The green-haired female knight said with a smile: "He can rush here alone, which is considered excellent, and he shouldn't hold back."

The black robe sighed helplessly, looked at Fang Xingjian and said, "Boy, if you drag us back, we won't stay and wait for you."

Fang Xingjian said indifferently: "To each other." With a sweep of his long sword, he had already discarded the broken sword before, and inserted the new sword into the scabbard.

Glancing at the four people in front of him, he is now physically injured, and he is not familiar with the road to Gomlin Bay. Especially if he continues to move forward, he may encounter more and more black ghosts. He should indeed join a team of knights temporarily The squad is up.

The green-haired female knight laughed: "Okay, let's go quickly. If we go late, it might be over. I haven't killed enough niggers yet."