Paradise of Demonic Gods

Chapter 141: medicine


Along the way, Fang Xingjian gradually learned the identities of these four knights.

They are all from Roshanda Royal Academy, and they are all 19th-level knights who have been transferred for five years.

The green-haired woman is about twenty-eight or nineteen years old. She is the captain of the team. Her name is Leia. She is good at bow skills and always has a gentle smile on her face, but the other three never disobey his orders.

The big man in metal armor is called Tai Long. He is good at wielding a pair of big axes. His strength quality exceeds 80 points. Wearing the armor, he rampages like a human tank.

The most wretched and thinnest guy is called Gran. He is good at stealth operations, assassination and espionage work. His speed can reach about 85 points, which is similar to Fang Xingjian's current performance after being injured.

The last man in black robe who always disliked Fang Xingjian's cumbersomeness was called Wei Longzi. Although Fang Xingjian had never seen his true face under the black robe, he should be a Westerner with black hair and black eyes from his name.

Wei Longzi's melee combat power should be the strongest among the four knights, so he followed the team for a long time to scout around.

They didn't ask Fang Xingjian's name, perhaps because Fang Xingjian was just a rookie in their eyes.

Of course they didn't ask, and it was impossible for Fang Xingjian to bring it up.

Next, because it was getting closer and closer to Gomlin Bay, it was possible to encounter enemies anytime and anywhere, so Fang Xingjian's current five-member team became more and more cautious, and the speed of advancement became slower and slower.

However, although they saw many traces of fighting along the way, they still haven't encountered the enemy yet. But even with such vigilance and such a highly concentrated advance, it still consumes a lot of energy and physical strength.

Looking at Fang Xingjian, who was covered in injuries and could still follow him steadily, the wretched and skinny Glan smiled and said, "It's not bad, you can still keep up with us, but don't hold on, if you can't keep up, just say, we can do it too." Rest."

Fang Xingjian didn't say anything, he was just concentrating on running the muscles, qi and blood in his body, through the internal movement of strength, to activate the inner healing, the specialty of internal training, combined with the primary violent physique, to speed up the healing of the injury.

The other three all took a look at Fang Xingjian, and felt that the other party's performance was indeed good. The newly transferred knight could still keep up with them even when he was injured, which was considered relatively good.

But even so, they still didn't regard Fang Xingjian as a real combat power. After all, time is something that not everyone can surpass. Except for a few monstrous geniuses, most new knights are far inferior to veterans.

From their point of view, a novice knight like Fang Xingjian who had suffered so many injuries just coming here would probably be good enough to fight against a big warrior.

Of course, they are also embarrassed to say it directly, but they just decided in their hearts that if the situation is not critical after a fight, they will pay more attention to taking care of each other.

After walking cautiously all the way for about two hours, the green-haired girl Leia suddenly stood still, and with a wave of her hand, everyone else stopped in an instant.

She squatted on the ground, looked at the blood left on the ground, and said, "It's fresh, you stay here, I'll go up and have a look."

As she said that, she jumped up directly, and quickly climbed up to the top of a nearby tree like a spirit monkey. Then the look of her pupils changed slightly, and she scanned the situation in a radius of several kilometers.

The next moment, three running figures appeared in her line of sight. She jumped down and landed on the ground and said, "Someone is running away. It's a knight. Let's go and meet them."

As she said that, she rushed out first, followed by Fang Xingjian and others.

Leia continued: "Wei Longzi, you are at the front to cover, Tailong is at the back, Gran, you are with me, rookie boy, you are at the center."

She spoke quickly, but when she finished speaking, the black-robed man Wei Longzi had already run to the front to take the lead, the wretched man Gran followed Leia to protect her, and the armored Tai Long had already landed on the ground. at the end.

Fang Xingjian was arranged in the center to support him, naturally considering his lack of strength, let him stay in the safest place. Although he didn't say it directly, the kind of care is already obvious.

Fang Xingjian doesn't need to be annoyed. Others treat you well and take care of you. There is nothing to be angry about. He just continues to concentrate on healing his wounds. For him, it is good to recover his strength every second in the morning.

The five people advanced all the way at such a high speed, and a minute later they collided head-on with the three fleeing people.

The three knights were all men, and the leader's eyes lit up when he saw Fang Xingjian in the team: "Xingjian, are you here?!"

With a soft sound, the arrow passed through the position of the three of them, and Leia said coldly: "Wait a minute, let me tell you your identities first."

The knight who had just called Star Sword shouted, "I am Jack from Coster Academy."

One of the other two knights was full of beards, and the other had a bare head without even an eyebrow. Both of them are from the Green Emerald Royal Academy, the one with the beard is called Dupra, and the one with the bare head is called Wells.

Leia turned her head to look at Fang Xingjian and said, "You know that Jack?"

Fang Xingjian nodded and said, "Yes, I'm in the same class as me."

Leia also nodded when she heard the words, temporarily recognizing the identities of the three of them. She then asked, "How did the three of you get together? What about the others? Why are you running away? Is anyone chasing you?"

Jack hurriedly said: "We were originally a team of 17 people from two colleges, but we were attacked by those black ghosts, and the leader was their god-chosen fighter, Mumkoya, who was still chasing us, instructor I just stayed and intercepted, I don’t know how the situation is.”

Although Mumkoya is only a level 20 God's Chosen fighter, he is a second-rank professional after all, and his threat power is not comparable to that of ordinary knights.

Hearing Jack's words, the other knights were shocked. The difference between the second turn and the first turn was like the difference between the first turn and zero turn. It was almost unreasonable to remember.

Fang Xingjian's pupils also shrank a bit, but thinking that he was still injured, he closed his eyes again and tried his best to heal his injuries.

Leya thought for a while and said: "Mumkoya is a speed fighter, we must hurry up. We should go like this next..."

While the few people over there were discussing the next route, how to avoid Mumkoya's pursuit, and how to get close to the large army of the empire, Jack walked up to Fang Xingjian. He looked at Xingjian's body and asked : "Xingjian, are you injured?"

Fang Xingjian closed his eyes and nodded.

Jack was silent for a while, with unprecedented struggle in his eyes, he took a deep breath, slowly took a bag of ointment from his bag, smiled and said: "Star Sword, this is the healing ointment provided by Huangquan Valley, and Their poison is also famous, you use it, it can speed up the recovery of injuries."

Fang Xingjian opened his eyes, took a look at the ointment, and said, "Okay."

Next, Jack helped Fang Xingjian apply the healing ointment. As soon as the ointment was applied on his body, Fang Xingjian felt a coolness coming through his body. The wounds all over his body seemed to be massaged by countless little hands. He could feel his injury recovering faster. .

Jack's palms were clenched slightly, looking at Fang Xingjian who closed his eyes again and continued to heal his wounds, his eyes revealed a strong color of guilt.