Paradise of Demonic Gods

Chapter 143: Assassinate


"Too slow, too slow, too slow."

From the age of five, whenever I opened my eyes, the first thing I heard was the teacher's violent roar like a lion.

I am a García, where all boys are trained as fighters from the age of five.

They said that I was born of a wilderness cheetah. Compared with the warriors born of bears, wolves, and dogs, my speed seems to be faster. As for who my father is, no one has long known.

Garcians don't need parents, just comrades.

Running with heavy loads, practicing bows and crossbows, and practicing spears and swords are already commonplace.

We fought with lions and tigers in the forest, wrestled with giant bears on the ice field, we took a big ship, crossed the strait, fought with pirates, and fought with soldiers.

"Too slow! Too slow! Too slow!"

The teacher's voice seems to always echo in my ears, urging us to step up training, speed up, faster, stronger, and more ruthless.

To fail is to die.

More and more fighters died in these trainings, but more fighters were put into training every year.

We are Garcians, we are born warriors, a race blessed by the gods, we thirst for blood, we thirst for battle, war is our instinct, and plunder is the source of our happiness.

"Too slow! Too slow! Too slow!"

The teacher's voice is too loud, he echoes in my ears every day, it makes me feel my head hurts, I even suspect that a small bug got into me along the sea water when I was crossing the strait ears.

I cut the skull myself and checked it carefully, only to find that there were no bugs at all, but the teacher's voice was really too loud.

"Too slow! Too slow! Too slow! Yiyal, your speed is too slow!"

At the age of thirty, that was the year when I finally could no longer hear the teacher's voice, because I cut off his head with my own hands and tied it on my belt.

I let him feel my speed for himself, and he never said I was too slow.

In this incomparable tranquility, I finally felt countless calls that I couldn't usually feel, the calls from the ether fans.

Looking back, people of the same age as me have already turned into dry bones.

I chase the wind, I sprint towards the lightning, I hunt the strongest and most violent animals on the grassland, I hunt the most terrifying sea monsters in the sea, my speed is getting faster and faster, and the world is getting slower and slower in my eyes.

Five years later, when I returned to the tribe, they called me Mumkoya.


In the air, something sharp seems to be swept away, it seems to be a breeze, it seems to be an electric light, and it seems to be an illusion.

A numb feeling came from his body, and the bearded knight was stunned for a moment. Seeing that everyone was looking at him, he asked in surprise, "What's wrong with you? Why are you looking at me?"

The next one, his whole body was torn apart in an instant, and the exploding plasma and internal organs directly splashed the bald body beside him.

It wasn't until this time that the terrifying whistling sound reached everyone's ears, causing everyone's head to ache.

The green-haired girl Leia exclaimed: "It's Mumkoya! Form an formation, let's use the half force field together!"

In the next moment, everyone gathered together and unleashed their own halved force fields with all their strength. The halved force fields of so many knights exploded together, covering every inch of space within a radius of ten meters, comparable to a new movie. The power of the titled knights is gone.

But just as everyone formed the formation, the bald man who was drenched in blood was in a daze, and the next moment he roared suddenly, and rushed out with the big knife in his hand.

"Mumkoya! Come out! I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you!"

Jack said anxiously, "That's his real brother."

Leia said angrily: "Go back, idiot, do you want to die?"

But the bald man ignored Leia's shouts at all, and kept rushing out, with gusty winds from the big knife in his hand, cutting open more than a dozen big trees in a row, and shouted: "Come out, Mumkoya, and I'll fight! Don't you want to kill us? Come out and fight with me."

At the next moment, a figure flashed again in the space. This time, everyone could see clearly that it was a vague figure. The figure pulled out a long black line and passed directly through the bald head's body.

So the bald head fell to the ground, his feet were broken at the same root, and he kept rolling and screaming.

Wei Longzi, dressed in black, said in a low voice, "I'll save him."

"Are you confused too?" Leia's brows frowned suddenly: "He deliberately disabled, just like us scattered people to save him! We must stay in the halving position of the six of us."

Leia thought for a while and said, "Let's walk over slowly, six of us together, getting closer little by little."

So the six people kept the halved force field open, maintained the uniform output of power, and walked towards the screaming moment bit by bit.

But just after walking a distance of more than ten meters, the screaming sound reached the ears of the six people again. Jack grunted, and a bloody flower suddenly appeared on his arm.

A strange voice spoke broken Common Tongue: "Too slow! Too slow! Too slow! You are too slow."

Leia said fiercely: "He is testing the weak point of the force field, we can't move."

After all, the six people did not cooperate well enough. Once they moved, they would be attacked if there was any weakness in the overlapping force fields.

But the strength of the second turn is indeed not something that can be easily shaken by the first turn.

Even though the six people stood still, Mumkoya waited for a while, and continued to assassinate again.

A series of afterimages swept across the edge of the force field, and from time to time there was a sound of metal clashing, causing a series of sparks.

That was the dagger in Mumkoya's hand stabbing everyone's knight dresses, armor or swords.

Although every attack was weakened by everyone's halved force field, the terrifying power and speed still consumed everyone's stamina and left wounds on everyone's body.

If it wasn't for the halved force field force of the six people, so that Mumkoya's strength and speed would be greatly reduced every time he entered the ten-meter range, and they would all be dead long ago.

But even so, injuries continued to surface on their bodies, and their physical strength was continuously consumed. The situation would only become more and more critical.

Mumkoya's voice came from a distance like a night owl.

"Too slow too slow too slow."

"Neither of you can escape."

Leia shouted: "Move, bring this here to die!"

The six people moved like tortoises while using the force field, but Mumkoya kept piercing and attacking around them like a hardworking bee.

Leaving scars one after another on everyone's body, the blood continued to stay, and sprinkled blood spots on the ground.

Although Jack was nervous, he stared at Fang Xingjian from the beginning to the end, as if he wanted to know the other party's condition.