Paradise of Demonic Gods

Chapter 144: flaw


The divine light in Fang Xingjian's eyes was concentrated, and the ointment from Huangquan Valley was surprisingly effective. In a short period of time, he felt that most of the injuries in his body had healed, and it no longer affected his combat effectiveness.

But he still didn't make a move, he stared at the figure that shuttled back and forth, stabbing them continuously.

"This speed is no longer inferior to me, no... this Mumkoya is faster than me when I cast No Body Form."

"Only when he is attacking, he enters within ten meters and is reduced by the halving force field released by us is when he is the weakest."

"Breakthrough... Wait for his flaw! Find a chance to suppress him."

In Fang Xingjian's consciousness, an unknown mental method was burning and boiling like a raging flame. His blood seemed to be heating up, but his brain was completely calm.

The high-sensitivity dynamic vision and the supreme sword intent were running crazily, searching for the extremely subtle flaws of Mumkoya.

But the opponent's speed is too fast, and the offensive is too ruthless and sophisticated.

Fang Xingjian kept suppressing his impulse, waiting for the other party's opening, because he knew that once he made a move, he only had fifty seconds to do it, and if he didn't deal with the other party within 50 seconds, they would die.

"Is that so... is that so..."

The sound of swishing and swishing kept ringing, like blood rushing, like a sword piercing the air.

There was a light puff from Tai Long's armor, and blood had shot out from the gap in his armor.

Fang Xingjian's head was slightly tilted back, but a line of blood still appeared on his cheek, making most of his cheeks red with blood.

Every time Mumkoya entered the halved force field of six people, he felt that the gravity seemed to increase ten times at once, and there were chaotic forces everywhere, trying to block his attack.

But even so, relying on his strong physical fitness and beast-like fighting instincts, he still accelerated and sprinted outside, and then relied on the high-speed movement under inertia to penetrate the chaotic force field time and time again, leaving a mark on everyone's bodies. Under fresh scars.

"Hahahaha." Amid wild laughter, Mumkoya grabbed the bald head and lifted him up. The blood loss from both legs made the bald head unconscious.

Mumkoya directly cut off the opponent's head with a dagger, and made a throat-cutting motion at Leia and others.

"You all will die."

Leia and the others glared at Mumkoya, but there was nothing they could do.

Although Garcia's second-rank God's Chosen fighters are not as good as the second-rank warriors of the empire, they still have incomparable advantages for first-rank knights like them.

Even though the quality of strength is not enough for Mumkoya to fight against the halved force field of six people with one person, he can still consume six people slowly with his unparalleled speed.

"There's no escape."

"One by one..."

"Everyone must die!"

"Because you are too slow, too slow! Too slow!"

Leia said angrily: "Hold on! Support must be on the way."

Looking at Fang Xingjian who was standing still, Wei Longzi patted him on the shoulder and said, "Boy, don't be afraid."

Gran grinned: "The big deal is death, at least before I die, I will leave something on this nigger."

Facing Mumkoya's ubiquitous and ever-present offensive, Leia and the others have gradually reached their limit, their physical strength is constantly being consumed, and they are almost unable to exert their full strength.

But at the next moment, Fang Xingjian's pupils were like pitch-black black holes, and the Supreme Sword Intent was activated to the limit, causing the veins on his forehead to bulge.

There was a bang! The berserk sound waves suddenly shocked the surroundings, the black-skinned and black-eyed beast showed its traces for the first time, and the dagger in its hand was obviously not ordinary, it collided violently with the silver dragon of Fang Xingjian.

The four people on the side roared inwardly:


"How can it be!"

"This kid!"

"How did he do it?"

At this moment, time in the whole world seemed to stop, and everyone watched Fang Xingjian and Mumkoya collide in midair.

Not even a second of effort, shock, surprise, all kinds of emotions flashed in their eyes so fast that they didn't even have time to react.

This lower star sword directly left Mumkoya in the halved force field. It was such a momentary pause, and only two people present reacted. Leia and Wei Longzi burst into the halved force field frantically, The invisible force hit the body of the paused Mumkoya, and there was a muffled sound.

But this is already their limit, their reaction and speed are simply too late for the second strike.

Mumkoya's face was ferocious, and with a sudden step, he was about to rush out of the encirclement of the halved force field with the remaining speed.

But when he was crazily retreating, a dazzling light came on, and Fang Xingjian brazenly launched the Guangyao sword technique he had learned from Zhou Yong. The dazzling light illuminated Mumkoya's field of vision like a flash bomb.

It's a pity that Fang Xingjian's Brilliant Swordsmanship level is not high. This dazzling moment can at most dazzle Mumkoya for half a second, but for high-speed players like them, half a second is already very critical.

But at the next moment, there was another silver light piercing towards Mumkoya's face. Fang Xingjian had the silver dragon in his right hand and the iron sword in his left hand. Before he could unleash the Tailan Wind Sword in time, he had already started his bodyless phase to chase after him.

Silver light flashed, the first sword, Mumkoya couldn't see clearly in front of his eyes, he could only resist with beast-like intuition, the first sword was blocked by him swinging the dagger with the rest of his strength.

With the second sword, Mumkoya twisted his body like a giant python, dodging again.

The third sword, the silver dragon's downward chop, cut directly at Mumkoya's thigh artery.

At this moment, Mumkoya was continuously attacked and decelerated, and he was actually within the range of the half-half force field. Because the old power was used up and the new power was not produced, and his eyes were dazzled, he made a mistake and failed to protect with the dagger. Stay lower body.

Mumkoya was slowed down and dazzled by bright lights. Fang Xingjian's series of attacks finally exposed a small opening for the opponent.

But it was such a small flaw, but Fang Xingjian firmly grasped it.

Amidst the ferocious face, Mumkoya stretched out his other hand and directly blocked the silver dragon.

During the puffing cut, countless sparks lit up, it was the silver dragon cutting on Mumkoya's halved force field. But Mumkoya is not good at strength, his strength quality is only 95+, and when he uses half force field to cover his body to defend, the power will be weakened sharply, while Fang Xingjian's silver dragon is level 7 Imperial soldiers.

Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi! In the bursting flames, the halved force field was finally cut open like layers of cake. The next moment, Mumkoya's palm was cut open by the imperial soldiers, and a bloody hole was directly cut in the palm. The whole person finally let out a roar, taking advantage of the momentary barrier, and rushed out in an instant.

Until this time, there was a crackling sound. It was the second wave of attacks from other people chasing Mumkoya. They kept attacking him with a half-half force field, but they couldn't catch up with his speed at all.

But there was still one person chasing after him fiercely, and the silver sword light was like a maggot attached to the bone, chasing after Mumkoya's head again.

But at this moment, Mumkoya was no longer restrained by the halved force field, and directly raised his dagger to block the silver dragon.