Paradise of Demonic Gods

Chapter 149: Between vertical and horizontal


Jack stood still in a daze. He touched his neck, but found that at some point, his entire throat had been cut open, and blood flowed out everywhere.

He stretched out his hand to grab Fang Xingjian and wanted to say something, but he could only see Fang Xingjian's back going further and further away, and he never looked at him again.

He fell to the ground with a bang, and his body became weaker and weaker as the blood flowed away. Even if the knight's vitality was turned on, he might not be able to last long.

The knight dress on Rebecca's body was directly cut into pieces, but if it wasn't for the resistance of the knight dress, she might have been cut into pieces, even so, her body was still covered in bloodstains.

She looked at Fang Xingjian in shock, and couldn't figure out how the other party could do this when he was seriously injured and poisoned.

"Ah!" Kaunitz let out a scream, and saw a two-finger-wide scar appear on his chest, and blood flowed out like a spring, forming a pool of blood under his feet.

The blood of the human dragon was activated, and the muscles in his chest were constantly wriggling, trying to heal bit by bit. At the same time, countless black scales rolled out from his body, turning him into a black armored demon.

Kaunitz looked at Fang Xingjian with a ferocious face, and said angrily, "Why? Why are you so stubborn? Why are you just refusing to accept the First Prince?"

Fang Xingjian said indifferently: "A person like you will never understand."

The next moment, he took another step and approached Kaunitz again, and the Tailan Wind Sword turned into thunder and lightning, enveloping Kaunitz again.

Hundreds of sword qi hit Kaunitz's body, but they still couldn't cut through the black armor on Kaunitz's body.

Kaunitz on the other side concentrated 120% of his attention this time. Amidst the sword aura all over the sky, he could finally vaguely feel three invisible sharp blades passing through the air, but it was too late, because three times The speed of the three-foot sword light at the speed of sound was so fast that Kaunitz couldn't react at all. He felt a sharp pain in his head, chest, and stomach, and a sound like cutting metal sounded, and his whole body had been chopped off again. .

There are 28 seconds left in No Body.

Then I saw Kaunitz fell to the ground screaming, the armor of the indestructible body rolled over, and bones burst out, and blood sprayed out continuously.

"Evil animal! Don't stop!"

Seeing this scene, Rebecca roared angrily, her silver hair fluttered wildly, and between the points of her ten fingers, thunder and fire sword energy was fired wildly, sweeping towards Fang Xingjian like continuous machine guns.

Such a dense sword energy can directly smash a truck into a sieve, but Fang Xingjian only sweeps with a single sword, and hundreds of sword energy roll out in the space, directly shooting out the thunder and fire sword energy fired by Rebecca Life and death.


Rebecca watched this scene in disbelief. The most important thing was that she didn't see the opponent's sword move at all, it was too fast.

While Fang Xingjian was still walking towards Kaunitz who was lying on the ground, Rebecca continued to ignite thunder and fire sword energy, but as long as Fang Xingjian entered within ten meters of Fang Xingjian, it would be instantly cut off.

Fang Xingjian sprinted again, and slashed Kaunitz's neck with a sword. Sparks splashed, and a piece of blood spilled out. The opponent was slashed away again, but he was still only wounded.

The carapace of the opponent's Indestructible Hell Body is too hard, and his three-foot sword light can't cut through the flesh.

And there are 25 seconds left in Wufu.

Cynthia also stood up at this time, looking at her bloody right arm, her face was filled with murderous intent: "My boy, if you want to go over and ask me first..."

As he spoke, he sprinted forward, blocking Kaunitz's face, and slapped out with both palms. A wave of microwave heat was about to form as the ether fans surged wildly. It was Cynthia's famous killing method, invisible fire.

It can instantly heat the range of hundreds of meters in front of your eyes with microwaves, and directly burn the blood of the human body to boiling.

But she was not allowed to perform or speak at all, Fang Xingjian smiled coldly, and in a flash, the figure had already come behind Cynthia.

But there was a gleam of light flashing on Cynthia's neck, which was the flash of light when the sword glow and the half-half force field collided.

The next moment her head soared into the sky, until she fell to the ground, she still maintained an angry, unbelievable expression.

The invisible Fang Xingjian, with a three-foot sword glow vertically and horizontally, cut directly at the weak spot of her neck, which was not something Cynthia's halved force field could resist.

But when the sword was cut out, Fang Xingjian felt dizzy for a while. It was because of the violent exercise that made the toxins in his body swim through his whole body again, and he started to attack.

But he didn't stop, and he didn't even look at the other's standing corpse. Instead, he raised his head and was about to slash at Kaunitz again.

"Ah!" With a roar of extreme grief and anger, Cynthia's husband Zhakov burst into anger, his eyes were bloodshot, and holding a ghost-headed sword in both hands, he jumped up high and slashed towards Fang Xingjian's back.

Fang Xingjian's body didn't move, but when he thought about it, the sword walked casually, and the sword light swept out backwards, but there was only a crisp sound, and Zhakov blocked it.

"Oh?" Fang Xingjian glanced back now, and in the process of looking, three swords pierced out in a row, with cone-shaped air waves, directly stabbing at Zakoff's position.

But Zhakov seemed to have a foresight, just before Fang Xingjian drew out the sword, he directly blocked the sword in front of him, and there were three crisp bangs, and he fell to the ground, but he just blocked the sword .

But as soon as he fell down, another sword aura pierced his vest, and like before, he slashed backwards with a single knife, directly fighting off the sword aura.

Fang Xingjian frowned, raised his finger slightly, and in an instant, three sword qi slashed at Zarkov's body from three directions.

But it is still useless, no matter how Fang Xingjian moves, Zakov can always dodge and block before Fang Xingjian moves. Predict the opponent's moves in advance to resist and counterattack.

It can be said that his melee strength is far above his wife's. As long as there are flaws in his moves, it is impossible to defeat him.

But the next moment Zhakov was stunned for a moment, and in that moment, Fang Xingjian's right hand turned into a mist, because his speed was too fast, and the afterimage was like a black shadow.

Hundreds of sword shadows directly surrounded Zarkov's body, leaving him no gap at all, and slashed down at three times the speed of sound.

There was no flaw, and it was crushed purely with absolute strength and speed, so that Zarkov had no way to resist at all, so he was stunned when he had a premonition of this move.


The air seemed to be cut into pieces at this instant. Hundreds of sword cuts at three times the speed of sound directly caused countless sonic booms, as if countless explosives exploded at the same time. Ripples visible to the naked eye emanated from the center, The faces of the people around all showed the slightest bit of pain, as if someone was stirring their heads with a stick.

And when the gunpowder smoke cleared, there was only a pile of rotten meat left on the spot, and Zhakov was already dead.

The potential of 1,000 points per second is still being consumed, and time is wasted by Zakov and Cynthia. There are still 15 seconds left before the limit time of no body.

Slashing more than a hundred swords in one breath, Fang Xingjian also felt waves of weakness in his body, waves of dizziness in his head, his vision became blurred, and Kaunitz in the distance changed even more. Turned into a fuzzy black shadow, he shook and almost fell to the ground.

What's worse is that as he fights again, he keeps running the ripples and mental methods, which makes the blood flow speed up again, and the energy consumption of the brain's position increases greatly. Waves of blood are sent to his brain, which is equivalent to constant The poison was beginning to be delivered to his brain.

"No, we must stop."

Feeling that he might faint to the ground at any time, Fang Xingjian stopped his bodyless form, and started to circulate his Qi and blood, through internal healing and internal training to relieve the poisonous injury.

"When the poisonous injury is relieved, there are still 15 seconds, which should be enough."

But during the whole process, he kept walking, because the battle was still going on, and he continued to walk towards Kaunitz step by step like a staggering patient.

Rebecca on the side was still crazily releasing waves of thunder and fire sword energy, but it seemed that she had encountered an invisible barrier. Fang Xingjian only used a normal slash at twice the speed of sound, and no matter how many thunder and fire sword energy she shot, she would be crushed. Split directly.

"Stop Fang Xingjian." Rebecca shouted: "Are you crazy? Are you going to fight against the entire Theresia family? Are you going to become a deadly enemy with the eldest prince?"

Kaunitz was still screaming. He tightly covered the scar on his chest, looked furiously at Fang Xingjian who was walking slowly, and shouted, "Fang Xingjian, are you crazy? You don't have any poisonous blood on your body now. Disperse it cleanly, if you poison your brain and attack your heart like this, you will die if you continue to fight, do you really want to die like that?"

Fang Xingjian ignored him, and just walked forward step by step. Although his steps were faltering, he was extremely firm.

Kaunitz finally recovered at this time, the wound on his chest was glued together, he moved slightly, the six-armed Shura's skill was activated, and four extremely thick hands covered with black scales came from his shoulder blades and back. The director came out.

The boundless anger and jealousy turned into a flame in his heart, making Kaunitz's face extremely distorted.

"Fang Xingjian, why? Why are you so stubborn?"

"The eldest prince is the supreme being in the world and the hope of the whole world in the future. Why do you refuse to surrender?"

"Why are you so stupid?!"

While speaking, the six arms turned into sword fingers and pointed in Fang Xingjian's direction.

The six earth-mind flames are launched instantly, this kind of earth-mind flame is a kind of high-temperature ray, once fired, it is at the speed of light, and the places it passes will be burned by a thousand degrees of high temperature.

Fortunately, Fang Xingjian began to dodge when the opponent raised his hand, but the speed of the Earth Heart God Flame was the speed of light, which was too fast. Although he dodged when he saw the raise of his hand before the opponent fired, he still only avoided the vital parts , a blood hole was directly opened on the shoulder and calf, and a smell of burnt meat continued to come.

However, Fang Xingjian just let out a muffled snort, and the last 15 seconds of bodyless phase had already been activated, and his whole body pulled out a long stream of white air, rushing in front of Kaunitz.

The six earth-centered divine flames shrouded Kaunitz like six beams of light, directly dragging out a distance of hundreds of meters, and were sweeping out inch by inch with the movement of his fingers.

But this sweeping speed is not the speed of light. It is too slow for the invisible Fang Xingjian. His right hand exploded violently again, and the viscous poisonous blood directly gathered here, making his mouth unbearable. He let out a muffled hum.

In an instant, Yinlong unleashed hundreds of slashing blows, like a drill bit, and crazily hit Kaunitz's body, beating him until his armor was rolled up, blood and flesh flew everywhere, and he fell down screaming crazily.

Looking at Kaunitz who was screaming wildly in front of him, Fang Xingjian said coldly: "Don't worry, within two years at most, I will definitely behead the eldest prince and let him accompany you."

At this moment, there are still 12 seconds left in Wufuxiang.

"It's too late, I will peel off your turtle shell little by little, and then chop you to death."