Paradise of Demonic Gods

Chapter 51: Ripples and Hearts


Fang Xingjian opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes were full of murderous intent, in front of him, a man shrouded in darkness stood before him.

If this man hadn't just opened his mouth to speak, Fang Xingjian wouldn't have noticed that the other party was already standing in front of him.

"Who are you?"

Fang Xingjian's expression was solemn, and his right hand quietly touched the long sword behind his waist.

The opponent's body gave him a mountain-like, unfathomable aura, just to stare at the opponent, already involved half of his energy, especially the feeling of thorns on the back anytime, anywhere, which made him feel like the opponent It is possible to shoot at any time, and it will tear him to pieces as soon as it is shot.

He already understood that the other party was one of the strongest fighters he had seen since he came to Miracle World, and even Huang Lin, who taught him swordsmanship every day a while ago, might not be stronger than the other party. Because the pressure brought by the other party was much greater than that brought by Huang Lin.

Seeing Fang Xingjian's appearance as if he was facing a formidable enemy, the man just sneered and said, "I am the person Huang Lin hired to teach you the ripples and mental skills. You don't need to know who I am, I'm just changing favors. After that, you and I have nothing to do with each other."

Hearing this, Fang Xingjian relaxed slightly physically, but he was still very vigilant in his heart.

The man didn't care about him, he just said to himself: "Ripple and heart method, one is internal and the other is external, one acts on the body and the other acts on the spirit, it is for human beings to change the essence of life, and to cooperate with the exercises created by the ether fans. Ether fans exist in every corner of the world. They connect different times and spaces, contain infinite energy, and correspond to all kinds of things in the world. Therefore, with the cooperation of different ripples and mental methods, you can come into contact with different ether fans. , and then exert different powers. There are basic types that can strengthen themselves, and special types that can manipulate ice, fire, lightning, change the geomagnetic atmosphere, etc., and so on. Ether fans, combined with different attributes, specialties, and skills, can achieve different career transfers, get higher attributes, stronger specialties, and more powerful skills."

"And if you want to learn the ripples, you have to control your breathing and blood, and change your rhythm of life. Your skills are still so-so, but your understanding of Xilan Fengshen's ripples is simply nonsense."

The man said contemptuously: "I have been observing you at night for the past few days. Your problem is that your mind doesn't match Ripple. From the beginning to the end, you just copy it mechanically."

"Spiritual method?" Fang Xingjian said a little dissatisfied: "When I practice the ripples every day, I maintain the artistic conception of Ice Age Meditation, and my breath and blood also maintain the rhythm of Xilan Fengshen's ripples. What's the problem?"

"Hehe, really?" the man said, "Fish can stay in the water 24 hours a day, but can humans do it? Plants can take root in the soil every day, month, month, and year, can humans do it? Humans can't, unless people change. The characteristics of your own life. Ripples and mental methods are the same. What you are doing now is to forcibly soak yourself in water and stick your feet in the soil. It looks like you have learned the ripples, but you don’t know anything. The mental method is to change your own life characteristics and accept new characteristics, rather than simply pretending and imitating."

Seeing Fang Xingjian's bewildered look, the man shook his head and sighed, "Stupid donkey, Trojan horse, Huang Lin also said that you have good qualifications?"

Since Fang Xingjian came to another world, he has been praised by countless people for his extraordinary talent and swordsmanship prodigy. This is the first time he has been called stupid. But he knew that apart from swordsmanship, he was really mediocre in other aspects, so he didn't worry about it, he just asked, "Then what should I do?"

"What else can I do, I don't want to waste too much time on you, so next I will send you my ripple, before this ripple disappears, you can carefully feel it, and slowly move towards Xilan Fengshen Remember, don’t imitate all the features at once, but remove a few edges and corners today, and change a few hairs tomorrow so that you can really change your rhythm little by little, and truly integrate your breathing and All the blood turns into ripples of Xilan Fengshen."

As he said that, without giving Fang Xingjian too much time to think, the person who came pointed out that Fang Xingjian couldn't even feel the flow of air, and couldn't see the shadow of the opponent's fingers clearly, and the point had already been pointed on his head.

The next moment, a series of violent ripples directly rushed out from the opponent's fingertips, instantly spread to every corner of his body, driving his breath, and all his blood moved towards the direction of Xilan Fengshen's ripples.

However, this completely reversed and changed the feeling of breathing blood, causing Fang Xingjian to suffer from pain all over his body. The veins on his forehead bulged, and he felt as if his body was being pierced and torn apart by countless knives.

Seeing Fang Xingjian's pained appearance, the man chuckled and said, "Relax, it will take at least ten days for this ripple to disappear, and you have a long time to realize it slowly. For the next whole night, I will pass on the ice river to you." Ji Ming thinks, you have to understand it carefully."

Just when Fang Xingjian was enduring the pain, the other party started to speak, every word and every sentence was like a magic voice piercing through the ears, directly penetrating through the barriers and directly reaching his ears, although he was in great pain all over his body, But I still listened to the truth and remembered every word in my heart.

"Remember, mental method is a method to change people's thinking, it is to change a person's thinking mode and thinking method from beginning to end."

"Storm Swordsman is unparalleled in speed, so Ice Age Meditation is needed to calm his mind, calm his thoughts, and maintain absolute rationality and calmness at all times."

"You think that your mind is as cold as a machine and as harsh as a winter. No matter what the situation, what kind of enemy, or how painful it is, you must control your thoughts and keep absolute calm."

"Now, do as I say, learn to meditate, and follow your own thinking. As long as you find something in your heart, don't think about it and kill this distracting thought. If you can kill it at will All the distracting thoughts are the Ice Age meditation idea. The body affects the spirit, and the spirit also affects the body. Only when the inside and outside interact and make progress together, can your ripples and mental methods be achieved."

"Cut... kill... miscellaneous... read!"

Countless desires of pain, anger, and hatred resounded in Fang Xingjian's heart, so he forced himself not to think about them, but the more he didn't want to think about it, the more he felt endless thoughts.

Seeing Fang Xingjian's distorted face, the man smiled: "Take your time, it's the hardest at the beginning."

The whole night, Fang Xingjian spent the pain in his body and the troubles in his mind. Whenever he felt that his mind was exhausted, his body was itchy all over, and when he wanted to stand up and wave his limbs wildly, the opponent's big hand would always die. Pressing on his body, he was firmly suppressed in place, unable to move, and could only endure this upset stage.

As he endured again and again, he felt that the physical pain seemed to be smiling a little bit, and the endless distracting thoughts, annoyance, anger, and hatred that poured out of his mind seemed to be a little smaller.

It wasn't until the sky was slightly bright that the other party asked him to stand up and exercise his muscles and bones.

Fang Xingjian nodded towards the man and said, "Thank you, if there is anything in the future..."

He originally wanted to be polite, but the man waved his hand and said, "Your aptitude is too poor, and you have ten times more distracting thoughts in your mind than ordinary people. The possibility of becoming a storm swordsman is rare. If you want to help me, you Let’s think about how to pass this level.”

In the words, it was obvious that Fang Xingjian looked down on Fang Xingjian in front of him. The next moment, the man's figure disappeared like ice and snow dissipating.