Paradise of Demonic Gods

Chapter 6: torment


Under the blue sky and white clouds, there is an endless sea.

The fishing boat floated slowly on the sea, and Caroline Onassis was bored looking at the report in her hand.

"You said, the old woman didn't respond?"

In front of her, a big black man said: "Yes, I'm afraid it is true as the rumors say, this grandson is not welcomed by Li Shuanghua."

"Tch, let me just say, how could a cold-blooded old woman like Li Shuanghua give up the chance to get close to the Witch King for an annoying grandson." Caroline shook her head and said, "What else did those old guys say? When can I go back?"

"It will take another week. Within a week, no matter whether Li Shuanghua reacts or not, we will deal with that kid."

"One week?" Caroline yelled strangely: "You want me to stay in a ghostly place with no internet, no mobile phone, and no TV for a week?"

The big man kept sweating on his forehead, and said softly, "This is what the Presbyterian Church means..."

"A bunch of idiots, old people, trash, rubbish..." Caroline shouted, "Who made such a foolish attention, my lovely sister? Or my fat-brained uncle?"

No one answered, Caroline at this moment was like a madly roaring lioness, no one dared to answer her words from the beginning to the end.

Caroline spat, glanced at the shivering big man in front of her, and suddenly asked, "Is that kid awake?"

In the darkness of nothingness, purple flames shone in the endless distance.

"what do you want?"

Fang Xingjian shouted: "Who are you?"

The voice ignored him and just continued: "What do you want?"

"I want power, invincible power! Can you give it to me?"

"what do you want?"

"Cut." Fang Xingjian shook his head. He had been dreaming about that Zihuo every day for the past few days, but the other party asked him what he wanted, and no matter what he answered, he didn't respond.

The next moment, the icy sea water was drenched on his body from head to toe.

Severe pain continued to come from the right hand.

Fang Xingjian slowly opened his eyes.

A black woman was looking at him with a cruel look, like a tiger looking at its own food.

"Hehehe, Fang Xingjian, are you awake?"

Fang Xingjian looked at his right hand, which was constantly in severe pain. When he saw his bare little finger and the layer of gauze wrapped on it, a trace of ferocity appeared in his eyes, and his little finger was cut off.

"No way, we need something to prove our determination to your grandma." Caroline walked up to Fang Xingjian gracefully, touched his cheek and said, "It's a pity that the old woman really doesn't like you."

Fang Xingjian stared at her firmly, and asked, "Who are you? What exactly do you want to do?"

Caroline said with a strange smile: "My name is Caroline Onassis. As for us looking for you? Actually, the matter is very simple. The Dark Witch King is planning to accept apprentices, but there are now two candidates, one is Fang Xingchen, One is Doris Onassis. And that old ghost is only willing to take one apprentice."

Fang Xingjian looked at Caroline coldly and said, "You want to threaten Li Shuanghua through me? I have to say, this is really a bad move."

"Hahahaha." Caroline smiled and said, "That's right, that's a bad move. We sent her the letter and your finger, but she didn't respond at all. But it's just one of many blows. In the next week, your Fang family's business, site, and personnel will be hit in all directions, and the old woman can't survive."

"It's just that I'm unlucky?" Fang Xingjian said with a wry smile: "You not only want to take away the position of disciple of the Black Witch King, but you also want to squeeze the Fang family out of the five major families?"

"Hey, the strength of the Fang family has long been unworthy of being as famous as ours, but they still occupy so many industries that they can't keep at all. This is not good. Not only other big families, but also several multinational groups, political The group is eyeing the Fang family. We are the first to strike, but we will definitely not be the last." Caroline's fingers brushed over Fang Xingjian's shoulder: "Then guess, will I kill you?" What about you?"

While speaking, where her fingers passed, it was as if the blade had flashed, and a large piece of flesh was directly lifted off Fang Xingjian's shoulder.

A scream came from Fang Xingjian's mouth. He stared at Caroline in front of him, and said coldly, "You crazy."

"Hahahahaha." Licking the blood on his fingers, he laughed loudly, "Staying in this boring sea, I must have some fun."

Caroline clasped her hands together, and the air in the whole room shook violently. Countless air currents rubbed against each other and made a loud rumbling sound, just like a thousand horses galloping and a waterfall flowing backwards.

"A large-scale air shock wave?" Fang Xingjian's eyes were fixed: "Is it the second-rank job of the Onassis family, Air Walker?"

Caroline over there showed a perverted excitement on her face, she looked at Fang Xingjian and shouted: "If it hurts so much, you have to scream, you must scream."

The next moment, countless streams of air turned into bursts of sword energy. They rubbed against each other continuously, making sharp screams, and then shot towards Fang Xingjian together.

In an instant, Fang Xingjian felt as if he had been tortured by Ling Chi, like tens of thousands of small knives piercing his body at the same time.

The sound of puff puff puff kept ringing, and the blood was brought out by the atmosphere like mist, and dispersed in the entire space.

Caroline let the blood spill over her body, staining her clothes and skin red.

"Scream, cry, enjoy."

A distorted sense of satisfaction appeared on her face, and her eyes gradually blurred.

"My dear sister, do you think you can overwhelm me as a disciple of the Dark Witch King?"

"I won't let you go."

"No one can escape from my grasp."

Fang Xingjian's face was distorted, his mouth opened, and he continued to let out miserable screams.

"Haha, guess how much it cost us to bribe your friend?"

"That girl's name is Jessica, right?"

"Five million dollars, she agreed to bring you."

"You are really unpopular."

While wantonly leaving scratches on Fang Xingjian's body, Caroline's voice was like the roar of a banshee, continuously reaching Fang Xingjian's ears.

"Hehe, Fang Xingjian, you never knew how your mother died, did you?"

Fang Xingjian raised his blood-stained head, his beast-like eyes fixed on Caroline, as if he wanted to swallow her alive.

"Hahaha, yes, yes, yes, that's the look."

"Speaking of which, you think your second uncle let you go for your own good?"

"It's so naive. He did it to abolish his nephew's apostle, and to pave the way for future competition for the position of the head of the Fang family."

Caroline laughed and shouted: "And your mother, hahahaha, she was a genius who completed the second round at the age of 16, would she die of dystocia? Tell you, your mother was beaten alive by your grandmother." Dead. Hehehe, you know what? You were doomed to be a tragedy from birth."

"Impossible." Fang Xingjian shouted angrily: "I don't believe it. Yes, you were born in Shanghai 16 years ago, and my mother was only 16 years old that year. How could he turn two? You are lying!"

"Haha, do you think it was only 16 years ago that people on Earth went to the Miracle World?"

Caroline was obviously already a veteran of tormenting people, each blow brought Fang Xingjian great pain and minimal injuries, making people suffer endless pain without dying or comatose.

What is even more frightening is her language. Her words are like poisonous daggers. On the one hand, he continued to torture his mind.

Two hours later, Caroline stopped panting, her cheeks still flushed with excitement, she glanced at Fang Xingjian triumphantly, and then walked out the door.

At the same time, she ordered: "Treat him, continue tomorrow."

"Wait." Fang Xingjian raised his head. There was hardly an inch of his body intact, like a rag toy that had been torn apart. He struggled to raise his head, looked at Caroline and said, " How did my mother die?"

"Hehehehe, I have already told you the answer, what can you do if you don't believe me?"

For the next seven days, Fang Xingjian suffered Caroline's inhuman torture every day. At first he would scold and scream, but in the last few days, he almost lost the strength to speak.

Several blacks lifted Fang Xingjian, who had no good meat on his body, onto the deck. Caroline looked at Fang Xingjian, whose eyes were ashen and unresponsive, shook her head and said, "It's really boring."

"Throw him into the sea."

The black guard on the side said: "My lord, should I chop off my head and throw it away?"

"Idiot, we drove all the way from the East China Sea. This is the world of miracles. You think he can survive like this." Caroline said: "The nearest coastline is at least two hundred kilometers away from here. Let alone let him move his body. Wouldn’t it be more beautiful to watch myself being slowly slapped by the sea, slowly swallowed by fish, and die in loneliness and despair without a moment’s rest?”

The black people around trembled as if they were cold, looked at Fang Xingjian with a kind of pity, and lifted him up again.

With a splash, Fang Xingjian was directly thrown into the sea.

Caroline laughed tenderly: "Okay, I can finally go back to Earth."

In the sea water that was sinking and floating, Fang Xingjian's whole body felt severe pain enough to shock people.

He felt as if he had been cut into pieces, and then he put it into a blender and stirred it crazily. When he felt himself breathing air again, a burst of sea smell entered his nose.

But at this moment, Fang Xingjian didn't care about it. He only had bottomless despair and endless anger burning in his heart.

"I'm not reconciled... I'm not reconciled."

"Carolyn Onassis, the bitch!"

Faces flashed in his mind, and names jumped in his eyes. The pain in his body was nothing compared to the pain in his heart. Fang Xingjian, whose breath was getting weaker and weaker, completely sank into hatred. middle.

"Why me? Why-what-is-me!"

Along with the outburst of hatred, anger, and despair, the lines of purple flames on Fang Xingjian's body became more and more obvious.

The next moment, the purple flame started burning from the back of his head with a bang, and spread throughout his entire body in a short time, turning him into a Pyroman.

But the flame was obviously burning, but when it touched the sea water, it was like a phantom, and there was no reaction.

"Am I going to die?"

The pain of being burned by the flames did not come as he imagined, but a numb, itchy feeling spread all over Fang Xingjian's body. He felt that his injury seemed to be stabilized, and he would no longer die.

"What's this?" Seeing the purple flames on his body, Fang Xingjian's eyes flashed with surprise.

The injuries on his body continued to heal under the burning of the purple flames, and even the little finger that had been cut off was proliferating at a rapid rate, and it grew again at a speed visible to the naked eye.