Paradise of Demonic Gods

Chapter 89: Lilia


Not long after Robert left, Fang Xingjian's villa welcomed another guest.

In the training room, Fang Xingjian was practicing the newly learned swordsmanship. Today's competition in his class was in the afternoon, so he was still hurrying up to practice.

It was at this moment that there was a burst of noise from outside the villa.

Fang Xingjian stopped his sword, frowned and looked towards the direction of the noise. The next moment, there was a loud bang and piercing screams. It was the scream of a maid.

Fang Xingjian's expression changed, and the whole figure flickered and rushed out with a gust of wind.

On the yard, a short figure of about 1.6 meters slowly walked over, and the big iron gate outside the yard fell crookedly on the ground, obviously smashed open by violence.

A middle-aged maid exclaimed: "You... you can't come in, the dean ordered, no one can disturb your cultivation."

The figure said impatiently: "My father asked me to come here, otherwise you thought I was interested in coming here? Where is Fang Xingjian? I brought him the remains of the knight."

The roar of that figure was like thunder, and it spread throughout the inside and outside of the villa in a blink of an eye.

Frowning, Fang Xingjian emerged from the storm, looked at the smashed door and the frightened maid on the ground, and said coldly, "Who are you, why did you break into my house?"

However, he looked at the figure with a little surprise in his eyes.

It was a girl about 1.6 meters tall. Judging from the girl's face alone, she was a girl with a ponytail and neat bangs. She looked very delicate and pure like a high school student.

But the young girl's body made her look extraordinarily strong. A pair of slender and straight legs almost reached the waist of an ordinary girl. The exposed hands were full of slightly protruding muscles. They were not thick, but they looked very powerful. The huge sword about 1.5 meters long was placed on the ground casually, giving people a sense of majestic power.

This made her look even more delicate and strong.

This young girl is very beautiful, but at the same time she is also a bit strong. This kind of contradictory feeling lingers in Fang Xingjian's heart.

Hearing Fang Xingjian's question, the girl curled her lips and said, "You are Fang Xingjian? I am Lilia, the daughter of City Lord Coster, and my father asked me to bring you the remains of the knight."

As he said that, he boldly threw a gorgeous bundle in the direction of Fang Xingjian. Fang Xingjian caught it casually, and saw two arm bones that were crystal clear and white as jade appeared in a tattered cloth bag.

Although they have the shape of bones, these two arm bones look like pure white jade, exuding a kind of warm breath from the whole body, and Fang Xingjian feels a gust of cold air when he holds it in his hand, it seems that even the temperature of his whole body is cold. Lowered some.

At first glance, it was not a mortal thing, it was the remains of a titled knight.

And just when Fang Xingjian looked down at the remains, Lilia roared like thunder, and the 1.5-meter-long giant sword in her hand was accompanied by gusts of wind and thunder. Following her jump, Lilia slammed from top to bottom. Chop it down.

Fang Xingjian's body didn't move, he didn't even tremble the palm that just picked up the bone, only to see his right hand flicker slightly, as if a thunderbolt had been struck out of thin air, all the people present felt a flash of light in front of them, and subconsciously closed their eyes , After a loud bang, Lilia let out a cry of pain, and the whole person flew out, and her body turned more than ten somersaults on the ground before stopping.

The servants around were looking at Fang Xingjian's position, and saw that he was still motionless, and even the long sword had been sheathed, making one wonder if he had drawn the sword just now.

If they were ignorant villagers, they might have regarded this fast sword as demon magic.

Lilia staggered to her feet, stretched her muscles and bones a little, and seemed to have nothing to do. She looked at Fang Xingjian with bright eyes.

Fang Xingjian was also a little surprised in his heart, he had planned to directly shock the opponent to breathless with the sword just now, but he didn't know that the opponent not only got up, but also seemed to be fine except for the floating of blood.

This Lilia's body was as strong as a ferocious animal.

"Okay." Lilia laughed wildly, and rushed up again with the giant sword: "I'm here again!"

Once again, the two swords clashed so close to being invisible, Lilia flew out again, but this time she just wanted to rush up again, and felt a chill on her neck, and Fang Xingjian had appeared behind him at some point. Beside her, the long sword in her hand was tightly pressed against her neck.

"Are you done yet?"

Unexpectedly, in the face of Fang Xingjian's sarcastic remarks, Lilia said excitedly: "Master, please accept my apprentice's respect!"

Fang Xingjian looked at the girl strangely, and the girl shouted: "Master, your sword skills are really amazing, you are indeed the only super genius who has become a storm swordsman in fifty years."

Fang Xingjian turned around and left: "I don't accept apprentices."

Lilia shouted: "I can give you a hundred gold tuition fees every week!"

Fang Xingjian's footsteps paused, but he continued to step out.

Lilia shouted again: "I will also capture my father's remaining ten wind eagles and present them to you, teacher!"

Ten wind eagles, probably can increase the speed of Fang Xingjian a little bit, this is a super rare treasure that is worth thousands of gold but has no market.

Just when Fang Xingjian was considering whether to teach the other party's swordsmanship, Lilia suddenly remembered something and said, "That's right, my dad asked me to come to you to teach you swordsmanship, master, I still have a school here. long approval."

As she spoke, she fumbled left and right, and finally took out a crumpled piece of letter paper from her bosom. Fang Xingjian frowned and took it over to look. It was indeed a letter from the dean, and there was a seal of the Royal Knights Academy underneath.

All in all, Lilia can enter the school every day and come to Fang Xingjian to receive his instruction in swordsmanship.

On the other side, Lilia folded her arms and looked at Fang Xingjian expectantly. She raised her head and opened her big eyes. She looked like Fang Xingjian's younger sister, or a kitten waiting for her master to feed her. .

"Okay, I get it, starting tomorrow, come over every morning from now on, I can guide you in swordsmanship for an hour."

"Great!" Lilia jumped up suddenly and laughed loudly.

Fang Xingjian on the other side reminded: "Don't forget to bring your father's remaining ten wind eagles over tomorrow."

Lilia patted her chest and said: "Don't worry, teacher, I will bring them over tomorrow. My dad likes those beasts and hides them tightly. But I know where they are hidden. You just Don't worry about waiting."

"By the way, you have a competition this afternoon, I'll go to the scene to cheer you on!"

Looking at the excited girl, Fang Xingjian frowned even tighter. He didn't want to be watched by such a rambunctious guy standing on the cliff and yelling at him.

So Fang Xingjian casually said: "No need, let's do this... You start to review all the sword skills you have practiced in the afternoon, and show it to me tomorrow, it's an exam."

After dismissing the girl, it was already noon before Fang Xingjian finished his lunch, Jack and Anthony had already walked over.

Jack said excitedly and worriedly: "Let's go to the arena together. How about Xingjian? I heard that Renault is the speed killer. Are you sure you can beat him?"

Anthony patted Jack on the shoulder and said, "Don't put too much pressure on Xingjian. Anyway, we've already won a game. Class 252 is stronger than Class 253. Just do your best."

Fang Xingjian shook his head, and said coldly, "Since I came here, I never thought of losing."

Leaving the two of them staring at each other, Fang Xingjian walked towards the field. This time, he was still carrying a large basket of iron swords just like the last one.