Paranormal World (The Semi-Physical World)

Chapter 221: The gate of heaven opens and ghosts appear


Gu Xianxian's injury has been healed after being treated with pills, but I pestered Shiba to learn the essence of his move of turning three cleans with one sword. ^Basket//,.. After a few days in a row, apart from eating, sleeping and squeezing my pimples every day, I actually found myself in a state of having nothing to do.

"Tonight, they should come!" In the evening, Shiba looked up at the cloud in the sky and said slowly.

"Crack!" There was a thunder, and an electric arc was ripped from the air. Then, the pouring rain fell in an instant. Not long after, the entire Tianmen Mountain was shrouded in rain.

"What the hell, I was almost struck to death by lightning!" Eighteen one dodged and floated into the room, cursing.

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source-changing app used by old bookworms,

"Look, the dark clouds are hanging over the top of the mountain. I'm afraid all the ghosts have gathered in Tianmen Mountain and are ready to go. Kid, are you ready?" Eighteen inserted the three long swords behind his back and stood at the door to watch Tianmen Mountain, covered by dark clouds, asked me.

"I can't hide from those who are coming! I just use them to practice my hands. I can't always let my father stand in front of me!" I untied the money sword and stroked the five emperors' money tied with a red string and said softly.

"Okay!" Eighteen looked at me and praised.

"Boom!" As the sky darkened, the heavy rain gradually weakened, replaced by muffled thunder on the top of the mountain. Along with the muffled thunder, I also felt a tremor from the ground under my feet. After reciting the eye-opening mantra, look around. Seeing that the gate of heaven is slowly opening, it is like a slightly closed eye is slowly opening at this time.

"Here we come!" Shiba choked and drew out two long swords, holding one in each of his left and right hands, and rushed towards the opened gate of heaven.

"Officials be careful!" Seeing this, I held the sword in my right hand and the talisman in my left hand, and followed closely behind Shiba. Gu Xianxian reminded me in my mind, and she transformed into a figure and opened a paper umbrella to protect me tightly. The gate of heaven opens, and ghosts appear. One after another ghost energy was entangled together, whining and flying out from inside.

"Neither order the upper realm, the investigation department and the eighteen prisons are ordered to encircle and suppress, kill!" Shiba shook his hands, waved his swords and rushed over and shouted.

"I have been ordered by the King of Ghosts to go to the upper world, and anyone who dares to stop me will be killed without mercy!" More than a hundred ghosts gradually formed, and one of them was attacking Shiba with an armor and a blade!

"Is the ghost king going to rebel? How dare you send Yin soldiers to the world without the orders of the two kings?" Eighteen Dangdang stabbed the armored ghost general with two swords and questioned. Things were a bit beyond our expectation, the ones sent by the ghost king to the upper realm were not ordinary ghost messengers, but the ghost soldiers under his command. In this way, although there are only a few hundred ghosts in the area, their combat effectiveness is not comparable to those ordinary little ghosts!

"All the troops listen to the order, kill the thief!" The ghost general did not argue with Shiba, and with armor on his body, he easily blocked Shiba's two swords, and then raised his knife and assembled the Yin soldiers to rush towards us.

"The investigation department is ordered to seek rebellion!" Seeing that Shiba was about to disappear among the ghosts, I reached into my arms and took out the arrest warrant and threw it into the air and shouted loudly.

"Jing~咕!" The token spun a few times in the air, then hovered over my head and made a sound and started spinning non-stop.

"One sword transforms three cleans!" A Yin soldier raised a big knife in his hand and rushed to me, ready to chop, I turned sideways and handed out the money sword in my hand. One move changed into three moves, and after hitting Yin Bing with three swords in a row to wipe him out, my confidence also increased greatly!

"That's right!" Eighteen wa wa three swordsmen forced the ghost general in front of him to retreat, and he turned his head and nodded approvingly at me.

"All the troops listen to the order and form the formation!" The ghost general saw that the soldiers under his command were swimming and fighting with us like a piece of loose sand, and then shouted an order.

"Roar!" All the Yin soldiers retreated after hearing the order, with swords and shields in front and spears in the back, and quickly assembled into a large circular formation. The ghost general charged up and slashed out with a single knife. Taking advantage of Shiba's sword to block, he withdrew and retreated. He jumped into the formation and confronted us.

"Attack!" The ghost general pointed his sword straight at Shiba, and shouted at all the troops under his command.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Fighting alone, ghost generals are not as good as eighteen. But people made it clear that more people bully fewer people, and in a hand-to-hand battle, Shiba was staggered by the sword and shield.

"It's raining flowers all over the sky!" The feud between Gu Xianxian and Shiba had already been settled, and now seeing that he had suffered a disadvantage, she yelled as soon as she turned the paper umbrella. Immediately, the peach blossom petals all over the sky fluttered down from the heads of the ghost soldiers!

"Gather the formation, raise the shield!" Seeing the situation, the ghost general withdrew his knife and roared. As expected of a yin soldier, orders and orders are prohibited. Following the order of the ghost general, all the ghost soldiers gathered in the formation one after another. After the sword and shield soldiers gathered together, they raised their shields together, which was able to block Gu Xianxian's rain of flowers all over the sky.

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"Split up, attack!" After the rain of flowers disappeared, the ghost general gave another order, commanding all the ghost soldiers to rush towards Gu Xianxian. Compared with Shiba, who was good at fighting alone, Gu Xianxian, who had group attack skills, obviously posed a greater threat to them.

"Lock!" When all the ghosts rushed in front of me, I yelled and activated the token!

"Crackling!" There was a sound of chains colliding, and several chains sprang out from the token hovering above my head, entangled those ghost soldiers.

"Turn!" Seeing that the situation is not good, the ghost general turned his attention to me and shouted. As he landed with a roar, the entire formation spun around like a spinning top and rushed towards me.

"Liu Ding's protective spell!" I couldn't avoid it in a hurry, so I had to recite the protective spell to confront the ghost soldiers!

"Wow, wow!" The ghost soldier's weapon cut across my body, and there was a sound of metal and iron. Thanks to the amulet, I was unscathed. Seeing this, my heart was determined, and the money sword in my hand swept out, beheading several ghost soldiers at that time.

"Receive!" Killing a few ghost pawns, the pressure in front of me weakened a little, and I took the opportunity to concentrate and issue instructions to the token! Following this sound, the few chains suddenly expanded outwards, encompassing the entire formation, and began to shrink inward.

"Flower rain!" When all the ghost soldiers were concentrating on fighting against the chains, Gu Xianxian released the rain of flowers at the right time.

"Don't be chaotic, gather together, gather together!" The ghost general looked anxious, and shouted at his subordinates who were waving long knives in their hands. Before the ghost soldiers could carry out the military order, the rain of flowers roared down from the sky and got involved in the formation. Pieces of petals were twisted from the ghost soldiers like blades, and half of the more than a hundred ghost soldiers fell down in a short time!

"What a thief!" Seeing that his subordinates had lost half of them in an instant, the ghost general rushed towards Gu Xianxian with a knife in a rage!

"You are mine!" Shiba flashed in front of him, and the two swords shook out how many sword flowers each, and laughed!

~ Search Basket*, you can read the following chapters in full