Paranormal World (The Semi-Physical World)

Chapter 228: Fate



"The person who saved you!" I looked at the old man with white hair and said slowly. ★Blue////Book//,..

"Get out!" Gu Xianxian stepped on the belly of the old man's son and shouted. With this kick, I saw the man on the ground hunched up and twitched. After a while, several ghostly auras gushed out from his five sense organs, and a little ghost with wicked eyebrows and mouse eyes gradually condensed into shape, standing tremblingly in front of us. Gu Xianxian's kick was not only to drive the kid out of the man's body, but also to punish the man.

"Son, what's wrong with you, son?" The old man's rope was untied by me, and she threw herself on her unconscious son without caring about her bruised arm, shouting repeatedly. She couldn't see Gu Xianxian, but only saw her son twitching there suddenly like an epileptic patient, and she naturally became anxious. The old man had completely forgotten that her son almost killed her just now.

"Mom, what's wrong with me?" The man lying on the ground slowly opened his eyes, looked at the old mother in front of him and asked.

"You're fine, your mother was almost killed by you!" I raised my hand and used the money sword to force the kid in front of me and said to the man.

"You, Mom, what he said is true? Me, how could I do such a thing!" The man asked anxiously, holding his mother's hand tightly. He couldn't believe that he would do such a thing as killing his own relatives.

"It's okay, son!" The mother stroked her son's face pitifully, but comforted him softly.

"Forgive me!" The little ghost huddled in the corner cupped his hands at me repeatedly.

"Tell me, how many people did you come with? Where are you all distributed? How do you get in touch with each other?" I pressed the money sword to the kid's throat and asked him. At this moment, I couldn't care less about the mother and son looking at me in astonishment. I just wanted to get rid of all the evil spirits that entered the city as much as possible before dawn!

"I, I don't know. After we entered the city, we separated. The adults said, we can do what we want!" The little devil said to me, trembling.

"My lord? What is the position of the lord who brought you in?" I asked the little devil as I handed the money sword forward.

"It's a hermaphrodite...not someone with an important position, but his rank is a little bit higher than ours. But after we separated, I haven't met him again for two days!" The little ghost said, I Know who the grown-up is in his mouth. Coincidentally, this so-called lord died under my sword just now.

"You can't stay in the world for a long time? Tell me, what is your mission? How will you gather after completing the mission, and where will you return from?" Seeing the cunning look on this kid's face, I gently swiped the money sword behind him and asked. road. As the money sword passed by, there was a dark ghostly aura behind him. If he had drawn a little deeper, his life would have been lost on the spot.

"Don't, don't, I'll say it!" Seeing that I really ended him, the little ghost immediately waved his hands in fright.

"Our task is to create as much panic among the people as possible, and create conditions for the deployment of the superior. After the event is completed, we will gather in the ruined temple on the outskirts of the city, and then discuss the return. Before that, we really did our own things Yes." For the sake of his own life, the little ghost told all the things he knew in one go.

"How many people came with you. No, how many ghosts are there?" I asked the little ghost after hearing the words!

"Thirty!" The kid answered my question very readily!

"So, were you responsible for the previous murders?" I remembered the photos Liu Jianjun showed me, and then asked the little ghost.

"It's not me, it's not me. You've seen me too. How can I kill people with my powerless appearance? At most, I'll find some people who have resentment in their hearts to go to the upper body to frighten people. !” Hearing the words, the little ghost quickly distinguished himself there.

"Oh, you can't kill someone? If I was a few seconds late just now, I'm afraid the old man would have been killed by you with his son?" While speaking, I wanted to end the disaster with a sword.

"He, he's the one who cursed his mother all day for why she didn't die. He didn't have this thought in his mind, and it's useless for me to get on him!" said the man.

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"He is full of resentment towards his mother, and it is through this resentment in his heart that I can control his thoughts. Those words just now are just words he has been wanting to say but kept in his heart." Kid Pointing at the man, he continued.

"Both of you are not good people!" Gu Xianxian said coldly after hearing the words. Of course, only this kid can hear this sentence, as for the man who is full of resentment towards his mother, he is crying bitterly while hugging his mother!

"I've said everything I need to say, please forgive me this time." Seeing me watching the man remain silent, the kid took the opportunity to beg for mercy again.

"From the moment you hit your upper realm, in fact, you should have realized in your heart. Either kill or be killed. People, how many of you have killed, now it's your turn to be killed!" The money sword at the place was sent forward and said. The sword pierced through the kid's throat, and he stared at a pair of unwilling ghost eyes and then disappeared into the air.

"Don't attribute all the mistakes to your mother, she just spoiled you too much. You are the same, the child grows up, and he always has to fly high. You imprison him, it will do harm but no benefit. You should let it go Let go!" Looking at the mother and child in front of me, I sighed softly and said to them.

"Let's go!" After saying these words, I greeted Gu Xianxian and walked out the door side by side with her.

"It seems that there are quite a lot of evil spirits hiding in this city!" Walking out of the doorway, I looked up at the dots of starlight in the sky and said. According to the kid's confession, the number is thirty, and up to now, I have only killed three, accounting for only one-tenth of the total. I hope Shiba and those officers can achieve something! I thought silently in my heart.

"Since we've made a good start, I believe things will go smoothly in the future. It's still early, and we still have time!" Gu Xianxian stood beside me, looking at the bright moon in the sky and said to me.

"There's still time!" I raised my wrist and looked at my watch, then nodded there!

"Where are we going next?" Gu Xianxian asked me looking at the deserted street.

"Fate!" I said, pulling a coin from my body and tossing it into the air. I decide, which way the coin rolls, which way I go!

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