Paranormal World (The Semi-Physical World)

Chapter 229: wipe out


"Dingling!" The coin rolled a few times in the air and fell on the road with a crisp sound. ^basket//,.. and then rolled, the goods came back to my feet!

"This shit!" I looked at the coin lying on my toes, and sighed helplessly. Is this the rhythm that even God won't help me? I bent down to pick up the coin and thought to myself.

"Pfft!" Seeing this, Gu Xianxian couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Smile, this is the direction!" I pointed to the front and said to Gu Xianxian.

"Okay!" Gu Xianxian held up the paper umbrella and walked forward with my arm, then walked forward with me.

"Bang!" After walking a short distance, he saw a firework soaring into the sky.

"What's going on?" I stopped and watched the firework gradually disappear without a trace, and asked softly in doubt.

"Go and have a look!" Gu Xianxian stretched out her arms to wrap around my waist, turned into a gust of wind and carried me towards the direction where the fireworks exploded.

"Come on, since the investigation department has found us, don't leave us alive, or it will be hard to explain if we go back!" On the street ahead, about 10 ghost soldiers are under the command of their team, and they are investigating the number of people in front of them. The spy launched the attack. Looking at the situation, when this group of Yin soldiers gathered together, they happened to be discovered by the spies who were patrolling this direction.

"My lord!" The spies are not evil soldiers after all, they may not be afraid of each other fighting alone, but when it comes to forming troops, they are obviously at a disadvantage. The Yin soldiers were in groups of three, with shields in front, and then spears attacked the spies. When they were gradually unable to hold on, a spy suddenly saw me coming at a high speed, and shouted loudly when he saw me.

"Zha!" I was carried by Gu Xianxian and rushed towards the Yin soldiers, taking out a stack of Dao talismans from my pocket with both hands and throwing them into the air. By the time the Yin soldiers reacted, I had already sprinted past their eyes, leaving only the Taoist talismans floating all over the sky covering their heads and faces. With the sound of "Zha", the Dao Fu was detonated in unison. A sheet of lightning woven by thunder arcs engulfed them.

"Zizz!" During the electric arc, those Yin soldiers were all knocked down to the ground. Seeing this, the spies' morale was greatly boosted, and they all prepared to take the soul chain around their waists and go forward to arrest him.

"Kill Unforgiven!" I raised my hand to stop the spies. For these lingering things, the only way to get rid of them can be fast. Lock them back today, I believe Zhong Kui will be able to release them tomorrow. Every time one more evil spirit is killed, one less person may die in the world.

"Here, my lord!" Hearing the words, some spies hesitated. Although the Yin soldiers violated the ban, they were still of the same kind as them after all. If they were asked to kill their own kind with their own hands, they felt that they couldn't do it!

"Could it be that I have to do it myself?" I put my hands behind my back and shouted at the spies with authority. After all, I actually don’t even know what kind of official I am! It's nothing more than having this token in his hand, and the fox is pretending to be the tiger!

"That's right, you took care of it all? They couldn't bear to do it, so leave it to me!" Eighteen volleyed down, stood in front of me and looked at the twisted ghosts on the ground and said. After all, holding a long sword in each hand, he chopped down those Yin soldiers one by one like chopping melons and vegetables!

"Go back and find Mr. Xie to punish yourself!" After doing all this, Shiba frowned and shouted at the spies.

"Yes, my lord!" All the spies looked at each other, then clasped their hands together and said.

"I only found a few over there, but I didn't expect you to bump into the big head!" After waving away the spies in front of him, Shiba turned around and smiled at me.

"No matter who you meet, it's much better than other people. I caught a single person and asked about them. There are thirty of them together. How many did you kill? I killed three before. Here are More than 0, the number should match." I counted silently in my heart, and then said to Shiba.

"So, this time the matter is considered finished?" Shiba asked me with his sword back behind him. Although the matter took some setbacks, it can be regarded as a successful completion of merit. Being able to help me complete this task, it will be easy for him to do business in front of my father. More importantly, he hopes that through these things, he can be appreciated by the two kings. He doesn't want to always be that prison boss, he also wants to stand out.

"It's over, thank you for your help, and say hello to my father for me when I go back. Say, I miss him very much!" I said to Shibayi, clasping my fists. Yes, I miss my father too. If he was here, these things would not be on me at all. I can live the life of an ordinary person, selling wreaths for him every day, or going to the country to sing ashram with him. But not now, my father is not here, I need to solve all these troublesome things by myself.

"I'll definitely bring it for you, take care!" Shiba patted my shoulder, and disappeared into a phantom after speaking!

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"Officer, let's go back." Seeing me standing there in a daze for a while without saying a word, Gu Xianxian walked over and took my arm and said softly. She understood that these things weighed on me and caused me great distress. But there is no other way. When things come to an end, I can't hide even if I want to.

"Go back!" Gu Xianxian and I walked side by side on the wide road, slowly walking towards home.

"Wait, I'll make a call to Yihuo. I've been tossing around with my grandma all night, and he won't want to sleep in peace!" As I was walking, I suddenly thought of Liu Jianjun. Taking out the phone from my pocket, I said to Gu Xianxian beside me.

"Hello!" Soon, Liu Jianjun connected to my phone, and he said hello nervously on the phone!

"Get up and go to the bathroom!" I yelled into the phone! The city under martial law is very quiet, so when I got up to go to the bathroom, my words echoed in the empty streets. And startled a group of sparrows hiding in the trees, chirping and flying around!

"What the hell, how are things going?" Liu Jianjun was sitting on the sofa in the living room at home, smoking a cigarette. If things were not implemented, he couldn't sleep well! Seeing that I have the intention to joke with him, he has a bottom line in his heart. But just to be on the safe side, he still asked one more question.

"Okay, go and claim credit for your boss! I'm going home to sleep, don't look for me tomorrow if you have nothing to do, and don't look for me if you have something to do!" After saying this, I hung up the phone and continued to talk to Gu Xianxian go home.

"Leader, it's done!" Liu Jianjun waved his fist excitedly at home, and after his emotions calmed down, he immediately called the office leader!

"Okay, I'll report to my superiors, thanks for your hard work!" The head of the office was also awake, and after receiving a call from Liu Jianjun, he let out a sigh of relief!

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