Paranormal World (The Semi-Physical World)

Chapter 231: Guerrilla General


"Hey, hey, let me tell you, guess what the hell I saw just now?" At 3 o'clock in the morning, there were only a few sporadic cars driving by on the streets of the small town. ★Blue////Book//,.. A man who wandered out from a private club and was about to drive home saw a headless horseman passing in front of him on a flaming black horse. He rubbed his eyes vigorously until he was sure that he was not mistaken, and that all this in front of him was not the result of hallucinations caused by being too high just now. Then he took out his mobile phone and called his friend!

"Aside from looking at your thighs, what else can you see, and you're having fun outside in the middle of the night? Go back early, I'll sleep if you don't sleep!" said the friend impatiently, rubbing his astringent eyes.

"Fart, I just saw a headless guy riding a flaming black horse and ran past me!" The man danced and said there, as if he saw a headless horseman. Something to brag about in general!

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"How much have you fucked up again? Hallucinations? Go back to sleep!" My friend yelled at him impatiently when he heard this guy talking nonsense there in the middle of the night.

"I swear, I don't have any fans today, I can see it for real!" Seeing that his friend didn't believe it, the man said anxiously.

"Picture!" My friend said on the phone!

"Uh, I was so busy calling you that I didn't have time to take pictures!" the man said with some regret when he heard it. If this is photographed and posted, at least tens of millions of clicks can be earned

"No pictures, hang up, sleep, bye!" The friend spat out these words, and then hung up the phone!

"Kick, kick, kick, kick!" The sound of horseshoes sounded in the street, and the headless horseman turned back again. The man was not surprised but happy when he saw this, and hurriedly took out his mobile phone to take pictures! Hanging without pictures? Wait until tomorrow I will bring the photo to you to see who is not hanging! The man turned on the camera function, thinking so in his heart. It's just that he no longer has the chance to compete with his friends. Before he pressed the shutter, he felt a burning sensation in his body. When he looked down, he was surrounded by a mass of crimson flames, and he could clearly see that his flesh and blood were melting with the burning of the flames!

"Ah!" The man let out a scream, and then the flames shot up, burning him and the phone to ashes! A gust of night wind blew past, and the ashes on the ground were blown away!

"Hmph!" The Headless Horseman snorted coldly, pulled the rein and kicked the horse away.

"Son, son, wake up, the guerrilla general is looking for you!" I was in a deep sleep when I heard my father's voice urgently say in my ear.

"Guerrilla General?" I suddenly opened my eyes and murmured! I once remembered that Shiba told me that when the guerrilla generals came out, he and I were no match for him.

"Dad, what you said is true?" I rubbed my cheeks and asked my father in a hurry.

"Why did I lie to you? Now he is probably not far away from you, hurry up and run! I will send someone to rescue you!" My father lost contact with me after speaking. And I turned over and got off the bed, put on my clothes, took Dao Fu and the money sword, and was ready to go out. The guerrilla general came looking for me, so I decided not to disturb Gu Pianpian and Yan Pinming, and lured this guy as far away as possible by myself. As for what's next, I can't even think about it so much!

"Cheng Xiaofan!" I slipped out of the house quietly, and ran down the mountain with a quick stride! Only when I ran to the foot of the mountain did I hear a voice calling my name. I remembered that my father once told me, never turn your head when you hear someone calling your name in the middle of the night, let alone agree. Because you're not sure if it's a human being behind you! As soon as I thought about it, the speed of running under my feet accelerated even more!

"Cheng Xiaofan!" No matter how far I ran, that husky voice sounded behind me again, with a posture that would not stop until I was called back!

"Knowing and kicking!" Lian even shouted that I didn't see me agreed, and the headless knight immediately urged the horse to chase behind me!

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"I call you, do you dare to agree? Guerrilla General!" Hearing the sound of horseshoes getting closer behind me, I turned around and shouted at the chasing guy eagerly!

"Herod!" The guerrilla general never expected that I would have the courage to stop and call his name. He let the horse pass by me in a daze, and after he grabbed the rein and turned the horse around, I've got into a small alley on the side of the road and lost my trace!

I admit that you are amazing, but I have lived in a small town for more than 10 years, and I am more proficient in walking around the streets than you. I thought to myself while panting heavily and running along the alley. I decided to take advantage of my familiarity with the terrain over the guerrilla general, and try to delay him from catching me. As soon as the day breaks, he will have nothing to do with me!

"Cheng Xiaofan!" This guy didn't care about disturbing the people at all, he rode a tall horse into the alley and shouted my name loudly!

"Call your sister!" I ran forward panting, occasionally throwing a few Taoist talismans on the ground along the way. When I turned into a narrower alley, I turned around and shouted back to him!

"Kick, kick, kick, kick, kick!" I leaned against the entrance of the narrow alley, and while taking the opportunity to recover my strength, I listened to the sound of horseshoes. It wasn't until the sound of horseshoes could be clearly heard in my ears that I clasped my hands together, pointed at the sword and yelled "Zha"

"Crack! Herod!" All the Taoist symbols along the way were detonated by me, and the thunder arcs twisted and shot at the guerrilla general on the horse, beating him in a hurry!

"Mice, how dare you bully me!" General Guerrilla was almost thrown off the saddle by the frightened horse, and after trying to stabilize his figure, he pulled out the long knife on the side of the saddle and urged the horse to move forward!

"Here I am!" I stuck half my head out of the narrow alley, looked at the headless guy and shouted, then turned around and got into the alley that only one person can pass through and ran away!

"Drive!" The guerrilla general spotted me, whipped his whip on the horse's buttocks, and urged the horse to chase after me! This war horse is fat and strong, and it walks like flying. But when it chased the headless horseman to the alley, it stopped. There is no other reason, the alley is too narrow, this fat and strong guy can't get in!

"Damn it!" The headless horseman angrily raised his reins and turned around, chasing after me in a detour!

"What the hell, don't think I'm a soft persimmon!" I heard the sound of the horse's hooves and changed direction, and cursed softly. Then he quickly got out of the alley, turned around and continued to escape for his life!

"Officer, don't run that way!" As I was running, I heard Gu Xianxian remind me.

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