Paranormal World (The Semi-Physical World)

Chapter 232: Slim was captured


"Cheng Xiaofan, if you don't come out again, I'll turn this place into ashes!" The headless horseman galloped around the road, roaring loudly. ↗Blue↑↑,... Although his move is shameless, it is very effective. I grew up in this small town and lived there for 0 years. He was very successful in threatening me.

"You're such a big boy, you actually used this kind of trick to force me out. But congratulations, you succeeded!" I walked out of the alley and stopped ten meters away from the headless horseman Footsteps said to him.

"No matter what the trick is, it's a good trick that worked. You finally came out. The ghost king has an order to take you back to the palace!" The headless horseman reined in his horse, raised his knife and pointed at me.

"No matter who wants to take me, it counts only if they hold me." I said to the Headless Horseman with dozens of Dao Talismans in each hand. Since he couldn't escape, he had no choice but to fight hard.

"The tone is not small!" The headless horseman finished in a urn, and urged the horse to attack me!

"Swipe!" I raised my hand and sprinkled the Dao Talisman into the air, then a lazy donkey rolled away to get out of the way of the oncoming horse, and said silently in my mouth, and then detonated the Dao Talisman!

"I knew you would do this hahaha, you have been tricked!" The headless horseman jumped off the horse's back, and the electricity formed by the Dao Talisman just shocked the horse until it foamed at the mouth However, the Headless Horseman was unscathed. He grinned grimly a few times, and slapped my face with the long knife in his hand sideways. He doesn't use the blade to chop, but only uses the blade to shoot, because he is afraid that if he hacks me to death, it will be difficult to explain when I go back. Slapping with the blade will not kill anyone, at most it will knock me out.

"Clang!" I hastily pulled out the money sword to block it, but I was not as strong as this guy, the money sword was slapped out of my hand by his blade, and flew out in mid-air.

"You should be proud enough to let this general come to capture you in person. Now, capture you with your hands. You will suffer less, and this general will waste less time!" The headless horseman put the knife on my neck, A burst of voices came from his broken neck, persuading him to surrender.

"Chulanglang!" Suddenly, the sound of drawing a sword out of its sheath came from behind the headless horseman, and then saw Shiba appear out of thin air, brandishing a pair of swords and stabbing at his lower back!

"Rat!" The Headless Horseman felt the murderous aura coming from behind him, he had no choice but to withdraw the knife from my neck, turned around and waved his hand, and said with a knife and eighteen counterattacks.

"Why are you standing there stupidly? Run!" Shiba brandished his double swords and clashed with the headless horseman, yelling loudly at me who was stunned. The Headless Horseman's moves were powerful, and he turned from defense to offense in a blink of an eye, and retreated after killing eighteen times.

"The King of Ghosts is determined to take me. I can escape today but not tomorrow. Xianxian, help kill him!" Seeing that Shiba is no match for the Headless Horseman, of course I will not abandon him and run away. Coupled with being chased by the headless horseman all the way, I was really angry. At that time, I wanted to join forces to kill this powerful general under the command of the ghost king!

"Okay!" Gu Xianxian never objected to my decision. Hearing this, she appeared, and rained flowers all over the sky on the headless horseman who was launching a swift offensive against Shiba!

"Advance!" Feeling threatened, the Headless Horseman forced Shiba back with a single blow. Then he sank his body and stepped on the ground, and rushed forward with his head buried in the knife.

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"Boom!" With a sound, the headless horseman hit Shiba, knocking him backwards for more than ten meters. Afterwards, he saw the Headless Horseman follow him like a shadow, and slashed towards Shiba with one blow. This move not only avoided Gu Xianxian's flower rain, but also posed a great threat to Shiba. I have to say that guerrilla generals have a lot of experience in front of battle, which is not comparable to that of ordinary Yin soldiers and ghost generals!

"Beidou Zhuan Taixu!" Dao Feng was facing him, and it was already difficult for me to rescue him. Seeing that Shiba was about to receive the knife, he gritted his teeth and turned into seven figures to avoid the attack of the guerrilla general. Then the seven figures faintly arranged into the shape of the Big Dipper, and suddenly they merged into one guerrilla general and stabbed seven swords!

"Clang, clang, boom!" The guerrilla general caught off guard and blocked the first three strikes, but suffered the next four strikes. While he retreated in a panic, Shiba also let out a ghostly breath with a pale face. Leaning on the sword and kneeling on one knee, he lost the ability to pursue. It seems that this move of Beidou Zhuan is too empty, while hurting the enemy, it also caused a lot of damage to himself!

"It turns out that you haven't learned this trick yet. If you learn it, I must be the one who fell today!" The guerrilla general let his own ghostly aura gushes out from the wound, raised his knife and said to Shiba with a grin.

"One sword transforms three cleans!" Before he could continue to be complacent, I retrieved the money sword and used this move that I had already practiced purely from behind him.

"Rat!" Hearing the sword wind approaching behind him, the guerrilla general said angrily. He didn't look back, so he came to an iron bridge with his back facing me, and slashed at the top of my head with his backhand. At this time, he was so angry that he had forgotten that the task assigned to him by the ghost king was to capture me alive.

"Officials be careful!" Seeing this, Gu Xianxian released a peach blossom miasma on me!

The guerrilla general's sword intended to fight me hard, and he wanted to kill me on the spot. The knife came down, but it was blocked by Gu Xianxian's peach blossom miasma. Although Peach Blossom Miasma dissipated after blocking the knife, but let him get me a strike and a sword to transform Sanqing, and let me escape this fatal calamity!

"Catch the lock!" The guerrilla general raised his hand and threw a chain at Gu Xianxian in a rage.

"Hurry up and hide!" I took out several Dao Talismans and slapped Guerrilla General, while yelling at Gu Xianxian.

"I can't hide, take her down, I don't think you will ever follow!" The guerrilla general laughed twice, and heard a clatter of iron chains that had bound Gu Xianxian tightly!

"Officials, hurry up, so that the green hills are left without worrying about firewood!" Gu Xianxian wanted to use Mengmeng to break free from the chains on his body, but found that his mana seemed to be imprisoned. While struggling, she yelled at me!

"Huh, within three days, report to the Ghost King Palace by yourself. If you don't go within the time limit, her head will be hung on the top of the city!" The seriously injured guerrilla general held the iron chain in his hand, and after saying this, he disappeared in front of my eyes with Gu Xianxian !

"Ghost King's Hall, Zhong Kui!" I watched Gu Xianxian being taken away by the guerrilla general, but I was helpless, so I raised the money sword in my hand and yelled in the direction where they disappeared!

"He won't touch Gu Xianxian for the time being. The first thing you need to do is to go down to the lower realms to seek help from your respected father and Shuangwang! I'm afraid I can't help you anymore!" Eighteen covered his chest, and walked towards me with a strong ghostly breath. Side said.

"Shiba, I've hurt you!" I said guiltily as I reached out to support the seriously injured Shiba!

"This is the move of Qiankun Throwing and Beidou Zhuantaixu. I hope it will be useful to you! Remember one sentence, haste makes waste!" Eighteen slowly shook his head, took out a booklet from his arms, and stuffed it into my hand Said. There are only three moves recorded in the pamphlet, which are Transforming Three Purities with One Sword, Big Dipper Turning to Taixu and One Throwing of Qiankun!

"Thank you!" I didn't refuse, and after putting the booklet in my arms, I solemnly clasped my fist at him!

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