Paranormal World (The Semi-Physical World)

Chapter 244: Embarrassed


"I'm not full!" After leaving Liu Jianjun's house, it was already 10 o'clock in the evening! At this point in summer, it is a good time for people to enjoy the cool barbecue and drink beer! At the dinner table, Xu Hairong kept talking about the dead, corpses, internal organs and so on. ↑Blue↑↑,.. made Gu Pianpian feel very off-putting! As soon as I left the community, Gu Pianpian held my arm and said coquettishly there. Yan Pinming also nodded in agreement after hearing the words!

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"Let's go, let me eat fried noodles!" I pointed to a fried noodle stall by the roadside and smiled at the two women!

"As long as you feel comfortable, treat us to eat!" Yan Pinming said with a curled lip at me.

"Forget it, let's go to a tea restaurant!" There is a tea restaurant in the small town. Although the grade is popular, the taste is good and the portions are full! Therefore, for local residents, it will be the first choice for any dinner party. It is said that the boss is a couple. As early as the 1900s, the husband and wife were both laid off. At that time, there was a night market with a table and four benches. Gradually developed to now have a 5-story building, the scale of nearly 100 countertops. The couple has also become a model of inspiration in the small town.

Of course, there are many right and wrong people, and life will not always be so smooth. There will always be people of one kind or another who are jealous of other people's money, as if they made money and robbed him of his money. I don't know how much effort and time I have put in. I can't wait for others to eat cornbread and pickles. His family's rich clothes and jade food are good!

Faced with such people, the boss always laughed it off. At most, I can say one sentence: No one is binding you, if you think this line of business makes money, you can do it too! I sell rice, you pay to eat, it's only right and proper! The proprietress, on the other hand, has a fiery temper. Unlike the boss, she would immediately throw a sentence when she met such a person: You are not my son. If you want to act like a spoiled child, go home and find your mother. My old lady will not serve you here! Don't think that everyone is obliged to coax you, you are nothing if you leave your house! However, some people blackmailed others, and day after day, the couple's business has come down like this.

When I came to the door of the tea restaurant, I saw that the lobby on the first floor was full of people. The men were there shouting and fighting for drinks, while the ladies sat aside and whispered. Occasionally there will be a burst of laughter, no one knows what they are talking about, what they are laughing at!

"Sir, how many are you?" Although the business was booming, the welcoming lady still greeted me with a smile on her face.

"Three, are there any seats available?" I looked at the crowded lobby on the first floor and asked.

"There are still vacant seats on the third floor, please come up to the three!" The girl walked to the computer to check the occupancy rate, then turned around and replied.

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"Hi, it looks like I gained a few catties this summer vacation!" The three of them ordered soup and ate skewers to fill up the five internal organs temple. After walking out of the tea restaurant, Gu Pianpian burped and said embarrassingly.

"After school starts, you will be comparable to a fat girl!" I stroked her straight hair and joked there.

"Oh, speaking of Fat Girl, we forgot about her. Before the holiday, we agreed to visit her and treat her to a big meal! It's over, it's over!" Seeing me mentioning Fat Girl, Gu Pianpian remembered the holiday When I made an agreement with her.

"Isn't there still some time before you start school? How about we go there in a few days?" I pinched Gu Pianpian's chin dotingly and said to her. She really doesn't have many friends, Fat Girl is one of them. Since she really cares about the friendship with the fat girl, so what's the point of me taking a walk with her? Being idle at home is also idle, going out for a stroll, maybe something else will happen? Thinking of this, I burst into laughter!

"Wretched!" Yan Pinming stretched out his hand and pinched me and said!

"Ang?" I woke up from YY, and looked back at her in confusion.

"Your smile looks very obscene. Say, are you thinking about something?" Yan Pinming looked at me, then at Gu Pianpian who was walking beside me, and asked me with raised eyebrows!

"Um, don't care about these details!" I suppressed the smile on my face, said this sentence to her in a dignified manner, and walked straight towards home!

"Help, help!" While walking, suddenly there was a cry for help from an alley by the side of the road! Then a black shadow rushed towards me, vaguely looking like a dog! It seemed to have something in its mouth.

"One sword turns three clean!" Seeing that beast coming fiercely, I blocked Gu Pianpian and Yan Pinming behind me, grabbed a broom on the side of the road and beat it with a shake of my hand!

Nowadays, more and more people keep large dogs. These people seldom tie up their dogs and let them run rampant in the city. Looking at the dog's appearance, it looks like a dog jumping over the wall in a hurry. I am worried that it will cause harm to Gu Pianpian and the others.

"Embarrassing!" The broom is not a sword after all, it hit the dog and swept it to the corner, but it didn't cause any substantial damage to it! To my surprise, this girl barked at me embarrassingly, not barking!

"Wow!" It opened its mouth and barked, and dropped the contents of its mouth to the ground! It was only then that I could see clearly that it was a baby by the light from the street lamps, which was not very bright. The child was frightened and didn't know how to cry until this time!

"Hang!" The thing that looks like a dog but has a cunning face that looks like a fox scurried around me, barking at me again with its fangs exposed!

"Is this the embarrassment of the gangster?" I looked at the stern look of this guy, and while forcing it with a broom to prevent it from coming forward, I turned my head and asked Gu Pianpian behind me!

"This, maybe?!" Gu Pianpian said while pulling my clothes lightly in her hands, poking her head out from behind me to look at that guy. To be honest, she is not sure if the thing in front of her is that embarrassing, after all, we have only heard of many things from legends, or learned a little bit from books. The real embarrassment, I believe not too many people have seen it!

"My child, save my child!" A young woman in pajamas chased out from the alley, saw that we blocked that thing, and begged quickly.

"I'll stop it later, you can hold the baby, okay?" I approached the thing in front of me with a broom.

"Thank you, thank you!" The young woman thanked me repeatedly when she saw that I was willing to help.

"Embarrassed!" That thing seemed to understand the conversation between me and the young woman, it stepped back a few steps, stood in front of the child and barked again!

"What the hell is it?" I poked the thing with the broom, trying to provoke it into attacking me and away from the kid. Unexpectedly, it ignored me at all, and still stood still.

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