Part-Time Taoist Priest

Chapter 12: A grandfather with character


Xie Lingya later found out that the person who spoke rudely to the patriarch at the gate of Baoyang Temple was called Chen Mo. Others are not as good as their name, not silent at all, but especially like to express their opinions.

Chen Mo is working in a nearby office building. He is a white-collar worker. The talisman of Baoyangguan was passed on to their company a few days ago. He made several conjectures at the time about how the Taoist Temple did this.

Today, Chen Mo and his friends came to see it in person, but unfortunately, they neither found the mosquito, nor did they solve the method of Baoyangguan without mosquitoes.

Unhappy, Chen Mo started talking at the door. Anyway, he never believed in ghosts and gods.

After Chen Mo heard what Xie Lingya said, he felt that he knew so clearly that he might be a believer here. It is said that Chen Mo is very disapproving of the material problem alone, and he is too lazy to talk to him.

Of course, Xie Lingya was not in the mood to chat with him, so he went back to the observation.

For the next two days, Chen Mo was miserable.

The battery car, which was driving well, turned to him.

When crossing the road, I don't know who pushed him, and he was almost hit by a speeding car, but his colleague said that no one pushed him at all.

Even passing by will be smashed by falling flower pots.

Chen Mo, who suffered various minor injuries, was very depressed and talked about it in the company.

A friend who went with him asked him: "Chen Mo, it seems that you have been unlucky since you came back from Baoyangguan..."

Chen Mo suffocated and said, "Impossible!"

"But you've been too weak these two days? And the place where you said something seems to be next to Baoyang Temple."

Chen Mo passed by Baoyang Temple several times every day to commute and eat. Hearing this, he froze, remembering that it was really close to Baoyang Temple.

Everyone felt a little cold for a while, and persuaded: "You should go to Guanli to say goodbye and apologize!"

"Why, why? Besides, I cursed at the door." Chen Mo said.

Everyone stopped talking. In fact, after hearing him say that he was scolding at the door, he knew that he was also a little beaten in his heart.

Only Chen Mo's friend patted him and whispered, "I've heard people say disrespectful things in the temple before and they were hit by a car when they went out."

Chen Mo was silent.

When it was time to get off work at noon, Chen Mo was going to have dinner. Because of the accident in the past two days, his colleagues did not dare to leave with him for fear of being affected.

Chen Mo was annoyed and bored, he was a little suspicious, how could it be so coincidental, but also felt that he really went to burn incense, which would be a slap in the face in front of his colleagues, and maybe it was really just unlucky

Chen Mo thought, he simply retreated and took a detour.

As a result, as soon as he turned around, a motorcycle drove past, and the person in the car snatched his mobile phone.

"Fuck! Hey!" Chen Mo chased out angrily, incoherently asking the person in front to stop him.

But who would help him stop the speeding car, the motorcycle was driving away, Chen Mo also bent over breathlessly, and decided to report to the police for investigation and surveillance. It was too exasperating, and the robbery in the city in broad daylight!

Chen Mo straightened his body, and just took a step, he felt his feet crooked, and he fell on the horse and his nose bleeds.

Chen Mo: "..."

Passersby walked away from this unlucky bastard one after another, without even looking at him, as if the people of Tuyang were particularly indifferent today.

Ah no, someone with a good heart has appeared.

A young man crouched down, handed a tissue and said, "Are you all right?"

Chen Mo looked up and saw that it was the person who heard him say that Wang Lingguan was useless that day, and replied with a sentence. He was a little embarrassed and his face burned, "Thank you, it's nothing, it's okay..."

Chen Mo originally hoped that he didn't recognize him, but unfortunately, he then said: "I think you should come and give a fragrance to the ancestors."

Chen Mo raised his head and looked at Xie Lingya with a very stiff expression.

Xie Lingya lowered his head lightly and looked at Chen Mo. Not only did the nosebleeds not stop, but the tissue was dyed red, and there was a big bruise on his leg, and the blood soaked his pants.

The grandfather is going to be angry, he is going to be angry, don't care, those lonely ghosts can't bully Chen Mo alone, push you and trip you, the fortune will also fall, and it will only form a vicious circle .

This is only on the surface, Wang Lingguan is still in charge of picketing the world, maybe he has secretly made a note for you.

Xie Lingya took out Chen Mo's trousers and chanted a mantra: "Don't let the blood come out, don't let the blood flow out. Good medicine is worse than cooked saliva." And let Chen Mo spit.

Chen Mo did it subconsciously, spit out a mouthful of saliva, and saw that his nosebleed stopped, and the blood on his legs stopped.

"!!" Chen Mo looked at Xie Lingya in horror, his brain was about to stop functioning as if it had been blown up, and after a while, he said blankly, "Gods, gods heal diseases... Are you Wang Lingguan?!"

"Your brain is too big, right?" Xie Lingya glanced at him, "Why don't believe in evil more exaggerated than religious people, if I were the patriarch, I would ignore you now."

Chen Mo: "..."

Xie Lingya: "Get up and take you to clean the wound."

Chen Mo was helped up by him, still in a trance. This one is not an immortal or a half immortal, right? !

Xie Lingya thought to himself, whether this spell works well or not, but it's a little troublesome if you don't learn it well.

Xie Lingya recited the Hemostatic Spell just now, which was also written by Zhu Yukeli.

In the 1970s and 1980s, some old people who were still alive were either the descendants of Zhu Youke, or they learned this mantra by chance. Just know who it is and don't have to spit on the patient.

According to my uncle's notes on Baoyang's notebook, he had witnessed an adult man fall from a very high step before, bleeding profusely. The villagers hurried to find an old man who could stop bleeding, saying that a certain person in the village was injured. Can't stop the bleeding.

The old man only asked who it was, and said that the bleeding was gone. When the person who reported the letter returned, the man stopped bleeding, and he was sent to the hospital to be bandaged.

Chen Mo's wound was covered with medicine, but his mood was still not calm, and he kept looking at Xie Lingya with the eyes of a fairy.

Xie Lingya had just finished the consecration ceremony of the spirit official statue and went out to buy some soy sauce when he met this Chen Mo. After he brought Chen Mo back, he took the time to buy the soy sauce.

"Okay, let's have incense." Xie Lingya took Chen Mo to the side hall.

Chen Mo first saw the couplets on both sides of the temple gate: three eyes can see the world, and a whip wakes up the world.

After entering, I saw that because the ceremony had just been completed, the offerings in the Lingguan Hall were all fresh and watery, and the incense candles had not been burned. As the candles flickered, the bronze statue of Wang Lingguan became more sacred and majestic.

Especially the raised middle finger, which seemed to be a condemnation of Chen Mo.

- Chen Mo's mood when he saw Wang Lingguan was very different at this time, although he had not actually been able to enter the side hall before, and only saw a few other clay statues. Looking at the bronze statue of a spiritual official, he could not wait to show his respect immediately, but unfortunately he did not understand the ceremony, so he could only look at Xie Lingya for help. In his heart, Xie Lingya seemed to be a half-immortal connected with Wang Lingguan.

Xie Lingya taught him how to light incense, it can't be blown out, it has to be fanned out, and then the incense is no more than an inch and so on.

Chen Mo hurriedly lit the incense, apologized earnestly in front of the statue, and sincerely expressed that he would be a faithful believer of the patriarch in the future.

However, as soon as his incense was inserted, it broke.

Chen Mo looked terrified, and he was about to cry, "Master, Master, is the Patriarch unwilling to let me go?"

"Wait," Xie Lingya pulled out the incense and thoughtfully, "You stand here first."

Chen Mo wanted to follow Xie Lingya very much, but he was very frightened now.

Xie Lingya went out and brought an old lady over. Chen Mo saw that the old lady poured incense on Wang Lingguan very religiously, prayed for a minute, and then left. And her incense sticks well in the incense burner, and there is no sign of breaking it at all.

Chen Mo pitifully looked at the few incense sticks that were thrown out after being broken.

"Okay, please." Xie Lingya reached out to Chen Mo at this moment.

Chen Mo followed the steps just now and lit three more sticks of incense. This time he apologized for five minutes before inserting the incense. This time, the three sticks of incense were good and didn't break at all.

Chen Mo breathed a sigh of relief and glanced at the grandfather with tears in his eyes.

"Master... Can I ask, why did the patriarch refuse to accept it the first time?" Chen Mo said cautiously.

Broken fragrance, Xie Lingya was a little hairy for the first time, but he got used to it after a long time, and he could still guess what it meant.

"It's nothing," Xie Lingya said indifferently, "It was the first time that the patriarch gave offerings after the consecration of the new idol. He is not stingy, right? I don't forgive you, but I guess he is just a little nervous, and he is not willing to let you have a stick of incense on his head. Invite a believer to come to the incense stick."

"..." Chen Mo was speechless, and his mood was very complicated.

Chen Mo put all the 500 yuan in cash he brought into the merit box, and then registered as a believer, mainly to leave a mobile phone number, so that if there is any event in the temple in the future, he will be notified by text message in advance.

"The day after tomorrow is the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar, the birthday of the patriarch. If you have nothing to do, come over and have a feast." Xie Lingya said casually.

Because he didn't have much money, Xie Lingya didn't dare to make a big deal, so he gave the grandfather an internal celebration. Some Taoist temples will also hold a prayer ceremony and the like, so that they can collect money from the believers, but there are not many believers in Baoyang Temple, so let's forget it.

Chen Mo listened, but he was very cautious.

When he returned to the company, some colleagues looked at him with sympathy when they saw that he was injured.

They don't necessarily have the urge to believe, but they will definitely remember to be in awe, so as not to be as unlucky as Chen Mo. It can be seen that the god of this place is not only spiritual, but also has a bad temper!

A colleague also said to Chen Mo, "Are you seriously injured? You're going to Xiao Liu's wedding this weekend."

"I can't go." Chen Micue said sincerely, "Saturday is Wang Lingguan's birthday, and I'm going to hold incense at the Yangguan Temple."

Everyone: "… "

During a meal, what happened to Chen Mo? Why is it like being pierced by a soul

Although everyone persuaded Chen Mo to hold Yangguan and apologize, but Chen Mo has always been awkward, and now it has changed too quickly.

Chen Mo hurt himself at the door of Baoyang Temple with lingering fears, and then the Banxian in the Guanli rescued him, and he said the thing that he broke once when he went to incense.

Chen Mo's colleagues were shocked for a while, and now they are convinced of Baoyangguan. Although they did not see the hemostasis that Chen Mo said, whether it was true or psychological, but what happened to Chen Mo in the past two days depends on everyone. eyes.

When Chen Mo did not suffer any more bad luck next time, his colleagues became even more fluctuated in their hearts. They are working near Baoyang Temple, so it's good to have peace of mind.

This incident quickly spread to other companies in the office building, and it was exaggerated and spread like a god.

It's also because of the proximity, everyone has heard about Baoyangguan, and even went there themselves, knowing that their miscellaneous characters are very powerful. Now hearing about the experience of so-and-so, there are naturally more people who choose to go to incense together with three or five.

In addition to the mosquito repellent miscellaneous amulets, Baoyangguan gradually spread out mysterious events like Chen Mo, and everyone began to pay attention to other aspects.

This is also the result of accumulation. At first, I thought it was really amazing to have no mosquitoes, and the miscellaneous characters seemed to work. When I heard about similar things under such confusion, I became a little more convinced, and I was willing to pay tribute to Wang Lingguan. .

There are also some inexplicable sayings that Wang Lingguan is short-tempered. Even if he doesn't worship him, he should be careful not to make rude words, spit, etc. when passing by Baoyang Temple. After all, Wang Lingguan is a god with a middle finger.

It's okay to be short-tempered, although Xie Lingya is more willing to interpret that the patriarch is upright and hateful, but raising the middle finger is purely a rumor.

This problem has appeared since He Zun came here. For those who don't understand, he thinks Wang Lingguan is pointing his middle finger. Now that there are more pilgrims, it is even more obvious.

This caused Xie Lingya and Zhang Daoting to clarify to the tourists again and again that this is the Yushu Fire Finger, the Lingguan Art, and exorcising evil spirits, not that. The grandfather may have the same temper as the Thunder Fire he is in charge of, but it definitely doesn't reflect his posture!

Under such circumstances, Zhang Daoting received a young couple on this day.

When they entered the Taoist temple, they looked everywhere, but they always had a hesitant look on their faces, especially when they saw the outdated facilities in Baoyang Temple, the two discussed in a low voice for a while before they found Zhang Daoting and said, "Excuse me, Is there a Taoist priest surnamed Xie here?"

Zhang Daoting was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Someone's surname is Xie, but not the Taoist priest."

The couple looked at each other, "Isn't he a Taoist priest?"

Zhang Daoting asked, "Do you have anything to do with him?"

He looked at the poor spirits of the couple, and was afraid that something was wrong.

Sure enough, the husband said, "We heard that this gentleman named Xie is very smart, and we want to ask him for some advice."

Zhang Daoting immediately understood, asked them to sit in the backyard for a while, and found Xie Lingya from the room.

Xie Lingya was very happy to hear it. It turned out that he only took two jobs, and he became famous. Is there anyone else coming

As soon as Xie Lingya went out, he had a face-to-face with the couple, and then shouted out at the same time as the husband.

"Xie Lingya!"

"Cheng Jie!"

The two looked at each other, speechless.

The man in front of him was clearly Xie Lingya's two-year senior at university. His name was Cheng Jie. He also worked in Diyang City after graduation. The two hadn't seen each other for a long time.

Xie Lingya's well-played classmates knew that he filled in Baoyangguan as an internship unit at that time, but Cheng Jie didn't know about it.

Cheng Jie's wife asked, "Ajie, do you know... Master Xie?"

When she saw such a young man, the last three words were a bit false.

"What a great teacher," Cheng Jie said directly, "This is my college junior, who studies financial management. I have never seen him read scriptures. It's too big to cross the line."

Xie Lingya said embarrassedly: "Don't be like this, in fact, my business level is good!"