Part-Time Taoist Priest

Chapter 15: Zhongyuan Fa Conference


Shi Changxuan really went to Baoyang to watch it, of course he wasn't thinking about the rent issue.

Xie Lingya knew that he could make a lot of money if he practiced things, but the location of Baoyang Temple was really good, and it was a Taoist temple. He would not be reported by neighbors if he did anything here.

Shi Changxuan didn't look like someone who was particularly pursuing material things. He didn't feel bad about the reward he received last time, so he passed it on to Xie Lingya. And even if Xie Lingya said that, he couldn't really give him a penny.

In the end, Shi Changxuan really agreed to move to Baoyang Temple, and Xie Lingya couldn't stop laughing at that time.

Everyone has entered the Baoyang Temple, is it still far from the apprenticeship?

Xie Lingya kindly accompanied Shi Changxuan to Taiheguan and brought all his luggage. Shi Changxuan's room was next to Xie Lingya.

"My uncle lived in this room before, so it's a little bigger. Because I have more feelings for my uncle, I'm not willing to let this room out." Xie Lingya said with emotion.

He can live as long as he can now. It is said that he wants to give this room to his uncle's apprentice in the future. Although he has already taken a fancy to Shi Changxuan in his heart, he is not referring to Shi Changxuan. After all, Shi Changxuan is a Taoist priest of Huoju. After graduation There is a high probability that you will not live in the palace.

A hint of confusion flashed in Shi Changxuan's eyes, "...No need."

"Haha," Xie Lingya didn't look at him at all, and he couldn't understand it anyway. He was thinking that now he could instill some image of his uncle in Shi Changxuan, so he took the opportunity to say, "I used to come here to live here a lot when I was young. Sometimes when I practice here, swordsmanship, boxing, etc., and frighten me to play, I will be picked up and thrown high, which can be thrown higher than the roof, and then I will be caught to remove all the strength."

Shi Changxuan listened, seemed to imagine for a moment, and then said, "You must not have been frightened."

"Ah, yes. I'm not afraid of heights, but I'm happier." Xie Lingya thought that this point was a bit wrong, and said, "My uncle often solves some evil things for free. When I was a child, I liked to watch him secretly. When receiving those who came to ask for help, he seemed to know everything. When someone said something, he even analyzed the ins and outs at once, and in a while, he also knew how to solve it. I think it is very handsome, and he secretly plays passed his magic weapon."

Shi Changxuan: "...You are very talented."

"My uncle also said the same thing, hahaha," Xie Lingya said. "At that time my dad had something to do. He went to hold a parent-teacher meeting for me. When people saw him wearing a Taoist robe, they all looked at him. But he showed our math teacher a look. When I got the picture, I also told our teacher that there was a small disaster at the end of the month. Our teacher listened to him and avoided the past, saying that my uncle was very accurate, which led me to get a free small stove. "

Shi Changxuan said softly, "So you studied finance?"

"It doesn't matter. I didn't get much better when I started a small kitchen, mainly because I didn't like to learn. Later, when I was in high school, I started to work hard because my father remarried." Ah, stop talking now.

Seeing this, Shi Changxuan stopped talking, and took time to look at him, hesitating to say anything.

Xie Lingya didn't notice anything, and went on his own way.

Because the Mid-Yuan Festival was approaching, Baoyang Temple also had to find a way to meet, so he found a red paper to write a notice, informing the believers of the time of the puja.

The fifteenth day of the seventh lunar month, commonly known as the Ghost Festival, is called the Ullambana Festival in Buddhism and the Zhongyuan Festival in Taoism. There are also Shangyuan Festival and Xiayuan Festival, one is on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, which is the Lantern Festival, and the other is on the fifteenth day of the tenth month.

Sanyuan is another name for the Three Officials: Heaven Official, Earth Official and Water Official. The Sanyuan Festival is the birthday of the three great emperors, the heaven officials give blessings, the earth officials forgive sins, and the water officials relieve misfortunes.

On this day, the magistrates opened the underworld to examine the souls of the dead. In addition to celebrating the birthdays of local officials, Taoist temples also hold pujas to alleviate the sins of the ancestors of the believers, and at the same time provide relief to the lonely souls of the ten directions.

There are ways of the Daoist view in the Daoist view, and there are methods by the smaller way of the Daoist view.

The Taoist Temple is like the Taihe Temple, a Zhongyuan Dharma Conference, with more than a dozen masters doing the practice, hundreds of believers participating, setting up a high platform, and accompanied by a band.

As for a small Taoist temple like Baoyang Temple, there is only one Taoist priest in total, so it is relatively shabby, and the scene will definitely be relatively small. The small things in the scene cannot be incomplete, such as fragrant flowers and fruits, food offerings for ever-bright lamps, soul-calling banners, and so on.

Xie Lingya was a little unsure at first because the merit money was given freely by the believers. Fortunately, at the last count, almost 40 believers signed up to participate, hoping to pray for the blessings of their deceased relatives. Each person also donated at least 100, not to mention more than enough.

The believers provided the information, and Xie Lingya made the spiritual position in advance based on the information. Among them, there were also uncles. Xie Lingya held high expectations, and the gates of hell opened wide. What if I could see my uncle again

The other is to accept the education work of the street staff. They are located in the urban area. When they tell them to burn paper money, they should pay attention to fire prevention. Xie Lingya has to nod again and again and write down the precautions. After all, Baoyangguan is also a patriotic religious organization under the leadership of the party, and it cannot do things that endanger society.

And he also happened to pass the street personnel and negotiated with the aunts and uncles who danced the square dance every day in the Liming Square next to them, and asked them not to dance here on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, otherwise it would be too outrageous to sing sutras here and play dance music there.

Of course, the most important thing is that Zhang Daoting, as the main method of this time, needs to practice well in advance, and he is very uneasy. Although the process is already familiar, he is afraid that his cultivation will not be enough.

Before coming to Baoyang Temple, Zhang Daoting had never independently presided over a ritual ceremony. He was very uneasy last time on the birthday of the grandfather.

For more than 20 years before Zhang Daoting, I don't know how unlucky he was. He almost never succeeded in anything, not to mention that he also tires the people around him. During the time he came to Baoyang Temple, he was also a little uneasy in his heart. Seeing that Baoyang Temple did not collapse, the incense became more and more prosperous, and he felt a little relaxed.

But at this moment, my heart is raised again, too afraid of failure.

But Shi Changxuan was not a disciple of Baoyangguan after all, no matter how Xie Lingya could not ask him to help him, Zhang Daoting could only put the pressure on him.

Zhang Daoting: "Boss, I'm afraid I can't do it! Otherwise, come on, put on a Taoist robe and pretend."

"I haven't been a monk, and I don't even have a layman certificate. What should I do if I get exposed in the future?" Xie Lingya said, "Once or twice, it can't be like this all the time. I'm the boss, not the spectator, so stay awake."

Zhang Daoting grimaced, "Although you have encouraged me many times, but I..."

"You have to have confidence in yourself!" Xie Lingya said, "I tell you, you go to the patriarch for one night and ask him to bless you to successfully complete the ritual. This is an important step for us to embrace Yangguan, and it is the first important time. Law meeting!"

Zhang Daoting said tremblingly, "Can, can it be done?"

Xie Lingya said: "Are you questioning the ability of the patriarch?"

"No..." But since Xie Lingya said so, Zhang Daoting couldn't help muttering, "But isn't the Patriarch a Dharma protector?"

If Xie Lingya hadn't said it, he wouldn't have imagined that Patriarch was not responsible for that part. Indeed, judging from these days, the ancestors have appeared more frequently in Baoyang Temple, which has brought Zhang Daoting a lot of benefits, but the business is not right, can you bless it

"Did you forget something? For the ritual of death in Zhongyuan, our Taoist temple uses "Sazu Iron Cans for Refining Food and Food"." Xie Lingya reminded, "It's impossible for you not to know who Sazu is?"

Zhang Daoting: "..."

Zhang Daoting used to live in several Taoist temples. Although the master who brought him into the door had a faction, he learned so much that he really didn't realize it for a while.

There are also many different methods for the Mid-Yuan Festival in different schools of Taoism, such as "Spiritual Ritual of Food for Lingbao" and "Stove for Food with Dou Mu". division".

The founder of this set of rituals, Sazu, whose real name is Sa Shoujian, is honored as the Supreme Lord of One Yuan, Sa Weng. He also has a private identity, that is, the master of Wang Lingguan, the Taoist Dharma protector... !

Xie Lingya said in a low voice, "Do you think that I will force you to do things casually? Think about it, the patriarch is Sazu and he is a direct disciple, he must have learned this set of rituals!"

Zhang Daoting: "..."

Holy crap, does the boss mean the same as going through the back door? But, go to God?

Zhang Daoting raised his head and said in admiration: "... Boss, I'm really convinced. Your inference is really perfect! That's really not good. Can you still ask the ancestors to ask Sazu for mercy?"

Xie Lingya: "'re pretty good at making inferences."

Zhang Daoting didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He felt that only people like Xie Lingya who had a strong connection with the ancestors could think of this method, but after thinking about it carefully, it really made sense. It made sense.

Hold the Zhongyuan Dharma Conference, I ask the ancestors of Yangguan, Sazu's apprentices to bless the success, there is nothing wrong!

Therefore, Zhang Daoting really went to the Lingguan Hall to kneel for a long time, praying to the ancestors to bless him to perform well. After it was over, I felt a little more at ease.

On the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, a small stage was set up in the front yard of Baoyang Temple, where during the daytime sutras were recited and prayers were made to celebrate the birthday of the local officials.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, the believers who wanted to attend the Zhongyuan Fa conference stayed behind, and the Fa conference was about to begin.

On the altar, there is a portrait of Taiyi Tianzun and a tablet of Sazu, and five offerings of fragrant lanterns and fruits. Zhang Daoting sat on the stage and exchanged glances with Xie Lingya, not so nervous, "Fate and communication, Huiguang Jiuquan... The sea of evil will cease to wave, and hear the Dharma to the world!"

Below are about 40 devotees who signed up and a small number of people who were just onlookers. Among them, those who participated in this kind of puja for the first time seemed very curious.

Xie Lingya could see familiar faces among these people, such as He Zun, Uncle He, Chen Mo, Cheng Jie and his wife, Mrs. Sun and others.

Not long after the ceremony started, Shi Changxuan also came out with some food. The factions of the Dharma line were different. He did not participate in the ceremony, so he took some food and went out to feed the unsacrificed ghosts on the street.

Xie Lingya said hesitantly, "If you are feeding, don't you have to take the subway to the suburbs?"

Shi Changxuan didn't react for a while, "Huh?"

Xie Lingya: "We are very strict here. You may be fined for littering food, and people don't care about your festivals."

Shi Changxuan: "..."

Xie Lingya thought for a while, "Why don't you go to the back door, it's not on the street, it's next to the vegetable market, and no one catches it."

"..." Shi Changxuan obviously had never experienced such a situation of secretly giving food to lonely ghosts, so he went to the back door to put food in words.

Then, at the invitation of Xie Lingya, Shi Changxuan watched the puja with him.

There are about five steps in this death ceremony. The first is to worship and enter the table. The Taoist priests who are in charge of the Dharma must worship Taiyi Tianzun and Sazu. The second is to invite the saints, praying for the saints from all walks of life, as well as the deceased souls of the believers to come together and enjoy the fasting feast.

Ever since Zhang Daoting began to pray for the undead of his family to come from the underworld, He Zun stood a little uneasy.

His fortune has been low for a long time, so when he got to this step, he felt strange for no reason and couldn't help asking in a low voice, "Uncle, did you feel anything..."

Uncle He was horrified and glanced at him, "You, what do you feel?"

"I can't tell, but there seems to be something more." He Zun murmured.

These believers all paid for the spiritual position, and someone nearby heard it, and looked sideways with a look of surprise.

Originally, the first part of the ceremony was a bit boring, and there was a lot of traffic outside, which made this place different from the general practice. It was noisy and hard to calm.

But when He Zun said this, the people around him felt cold.

Immediately, they discovered that not only He Zun, but also two believers who were not very angry also whispered that they felt strange. Although there was nothing around, they seemed to be able to sense something.

Fortunately, there were dozens of people at the scene, and most of them were believers, so there was no commotion, but it became quieter after a while.

The unusual reactions of the few believers made everyone stop thinking too much because of the environment. They stared at the mage closely for a while, focused on it, and expected that they would sense something, but they were afraid that it would happen, and they were quite tangled.

Some of them have attended Zhongyuan Fa conferences in other places, but they have never encountered such a situation.

The third step is to break the prison and invite lonely souls from all directions to the puja. Lonely ghosts and wild ghosts who have died in a foreign land, died in childbirth, threw themselves into a river, were bitten by fierce beasts, etc., can all come to the meeting. Then the fourth step is to invite these lonely and wild ghosts who are not worshipped by anyone to eat the Dharma food provided today with the undead of the family.

People like Xie Lingya and Shi Changxuan could also keenly feel that the scene was much colder.

Over there, He Zhen was so frightened that his face was pale, and he was on the verge of going to hell at any time, and he didn't dare to open his eyes.

Xie Lingya was very daring, and he wanted to see his uncle, so he drew a spirit official's eyes on his brows, and used this third eye to see—

It's hard to describe the sight in front of him!

The small courtyard was full of ghosts, and most of them were wild ghosts who had been wandering for a long time. They looked very miserable and died in different shapes. They all looked eagerly at Zhang Daoting, who was ignorant on the food table.

Of course, there are also the ancestors of the believers, and they are very easy to distinguish, because they have already opened a small stove just now, and their mental outlook is much better than those of the lonely ghosts.

Zhang Daoting sprinkled the willow branches with dew water, one turned into ten, ten turned into one hundred. The ghosts are scrambling for this hard-won dew, wiping the dirt off the body. The ghosts in the back row couldn't catch it, so they climbed up and caught dew on the heads of people who couldn't see them.

The wild ghosts who wiped off the dirt from their bodies looked better than at the beginning, and their clothes were neatly arranged. At this time, Zhang Daoting began to chant the mantra, transformed the offerings of Dharma food, and then used the willow branches to "sprinkle" them out.

In Xie Lingya's eyes, it was clear that the ghosts obeyed the rules of the law and did not dare to fight, but after they got the food, they tried their best to stuff it into their mouths. The entire front yard of Baoyang Temple is almost full of ghosts that devour...

"..." Xie Lingya wiped off the cinnabar with a trembling hand. Although he felt that he was mentally prepared, it was still a bit exciting to see such a scene of a hundred ghosts sharing a meal.

Shi Changxuan glanced at Xie Lingya with clear eyes.

Xie Lingya smiled embarrassingly, and felt a little disappointed, because he wrote about his uncle's spiritual position, but just looking around, he couldn't see his uncle's ghost.

Think about it for the best, my uncle has done so much meritorious deeds during his lifetime, so don't let others overdo it, maybe he will be reborn early...

Xie Lingya thought about it for a while, and thought that he should burn more paper money later. The scale of their puja was not large. There are many deceased souls in the world, and I hope that the more monasteries, Taoist temples, and kind-hearted people in various places today, the better.

As Zhang Daoting rang the bell, Xie Lingya and the believers also threw paper money and other items into the brazier that had been prepared.

In the end, Zhang Daoting recited "Nine Truths and Wonderful Precepts", so that these ghosts can reform themselves after eating and drinking, wash away their sins and get rid of the precepts.

"If you come, you will come, and if you go, you will go. This is not a place to keep your soul... This night is good for inheriting merit and power, and when you come and repay the good cause and condition. Relying on the power of the Tao as the best cause, with your aspirations and aspirations, you will be reborn as the Heavenly Venerate..."

Following Zhang Daoting's singing, Xie Lingya quietly opened his eyes again, only to see the ghosts who had been rescued with peaceful faces and flung into the sky.

In the eyes of everyone, accompanied by this last chant, a strong wind blew from nowhere, and rolled up all the ashes such as the burned paper money and spiritual positions into the sky. Pieces of paper ash fluttered in the dark night sky, like flying snow and butterflies. Love in the world for a while, fly to the clouds.

Thinking of the strange behavior of the two believers before, the current scene is like a deceased relative who reluctantly left after enjoying the offering. Everyone was throbbing in their hearts, inexplicably moved, but they were no longer afraid.

Zhang Daoting saw the gust of wind blowing up the paper dust, and he also felt a sense of completeness in his heart, woohoo, it was a success, the bad luck was really suppressed by the ancestors and the boss!

Only Xie Lingya felt a sense of loss in his heart...

Not only did I not see my uncle, but it was too late to stop them from interviewing the specific feelings of being overtaken. It seems that the ghost investigation could not be done, and I wonder if there will be opportunities in the future.

The author has something to say:

Our grandfather, that is also very cover.