Part-Time Taoist Priest

Chapter 17: The left eye is hidden


Xie Lingya was originally very angry, this ghost pretended to be Luo Xiaojun in order to deceive the priest, which made them busy all day in vain, but after the ghost told the whole story, he was left speechless.

Ghosts are like people, they are all kinds of strange, bullying the soft and fearing the hard, there are serious ghosts, and there are stupid ghosts, and even more afraid of death, like a horse.

There will be intrigue between ghosts and ghosts, intrigue, and what is the difference between them and the human world, it is no wonder that Ding Aima is reluctant to reincarnate.

"Stop howling, you don't even think about it yourself, if the ghost's method of worshiping the lamp works, what will the old ghost change with you, and he would have forced someone to worship him. Besides, you poor man Bai Mine did something wrong again. What?" Xie Lingya taught the middle-aged male ghost.

The middle-aged male ghost didn't dare to howl any more. He was scared by Xie Lingya's beating, lying on the ground and shivering, "I was wrong, I was wrong, I sincerely know I was wrong."

Xie Lingya saw him being so cowardly, and thought again in his heart, how to deal with this, he hesitantly asked Shi Changxuan: "Is it not good for me to cut him directly?"

After all, this guy didn't do evil, he had a good attitude of admitting his mistakes, and he was too... stupid, no wonder he couldn't eat enough for more than ten years. Even though Xie Lingya was so cruel, he was a little hesitant.

The middle-aged male ghost was frightened to death, lying on the ground and begging: "No, Master, let me go, I really don't dare!"

Shi Changxuan has been in this line for much longer than Xie Lingya, and he told Xie Lingya that they usually overreach directly.

"Wow, that's not cheap for him. He even threatened me." Xie Lingya was preoccupied.

Shi Changxuan: "..."

Xie Lingya is different from the traditional Taoist priests. As long as the ghosts are not stubborn and harmful, Taoist priests usually focus on transcendence, let the ghosts wash away their grievances and realize their mistakes, and the rest is the matter of the gods.

Xie Lingya was more concerned about what was in front of him and whether he was happy.

He looked at the middle-aged male ghost for a long time, and suddenly thought of Ding Aima giving him a message at the door, and he said with a flash of light: "In this way, I will feed you a meal tomorrow, and then you will go back with me and work on our street at night. Patrol. I see that you have really reformed, and you will be overthrown next time."

Shi Changxuan couldn't help but look sideways.

The middle-aged male ghost didn't know if he had never seen such a master before, but he was stunned for a while, just when Xie Lingya wondered if this condition was so difficult to accept, the male ghost burst into tears: "You really give me food tomorrow. what to eat…”

Xie Lingya: "…"

This guy was also very hungry, and he heard the word "eat".

Xie Lingya picked him up and instilled it again, and he nodded again and again, as long as he was given food, why would he not want to

Xie Lingya was satisfied and asked for his information again. This ghost's name is Qin Limin, who was originally from Niyang. He died about nineteen years ago. Because of an accidental death, he became a lonely ghost who could not be reincarnated and wandered the world.

Since it was all a misunderstanding caused by Qin Limin, it really has nothing to do with Luo Xiaojun. He should have died because of an accident. The underground was already wet, and his feet slipped and fell to coal spots. It's just that the people in the mines have long suspected Feng Shui, so they think too much about everything.

Also because of the accidental death, Luo Xiaojun's ghost couldn't accept it, and now he is still climbing up under the mine, but that's all. Maybe it scares people, but Luo Xiaojun is unconscious.

The next day, Xie Lingya went to see Mine Bai again, but before he spoke, Mine Bai said, "I dreamed last night of a thin man who bowed to me, and when I woke up this morning, I felt refreshed. "

He had been sick because of hitting ghosts before, and he had been a little uncomfortable, and he was resting at home after being discharged from the hospital.

When Mine Bai saw the ghost, it was all a black shadow, but what he said was right with Qin Limin. Xie Lingya nodded in surprise for a moment. It seemed that Qin Limin had apologized, so he explained the whole story to him. .

Bai Mine opened his mouth wide. He used to be a staunch atheist. Even if he saw a ghost once in person, he didn't expect that there were so many bells and whistles in it.

"So, my suggestion is that you don't need to move the building, you don't need to do the three-day and three-night dojo, just hold a three-hour transcendence ceremony, send Luo Xiaojun away, and the other ghosts in Liuhe Mine." After Xie Lingya finished speaking, he added, "Of course, the remuneration can be recalculated, it doesn't need so much."

In the urban area of Jiyang, the ordinary super-degree method will cost about several thousand yuan. If it is in the mining area, it will give more, but it will only be tens of thousands.

Previously, Yishui Mining had promised to give 150,000 yuan, but now Xie Lingya took the initiative to reduce the price, Mine Bai was a little surprised.

Mine Bai just thought for a moment, and then said, "I'll pay Teacher Xie 100,000 yuan. Please do this over time, and by the way, sell the magic artifact to the new building in my town."

It took two or three seconds for Xie Lingya to react, and then nodded quickly: "Okay, Mine Bai, don't worry, I have a pair of stone lions that are just right in front of the door."

The two looked at each other with a tacit smile in their eyes.

That's right, there is no feng shui problem in this building at all, and there are no stone lions in Baoyang Temple. Xie Lingya's "selling" this magic weapon is actually just to help Bai Mine Chang to calm down the hearts of Liuhe Mine people.

Now there are rumors, everyone thinks that the building has affected the feng shui and caused the following things, and it is useless to simply do the super-rescue ceremony. This explanation is also unclear. Simply, I just made a scene for everyone to see, and I have nothing to say in the future.

Xie Lingya held a simple food ritual in Liuhe Mine. Although he did it for the first time, he was always quick to memorize these things. Luo Xiaojun's ghost was summoned by him, and Lu Shui opened his mind. It was only at this time that he realized that he was dead and cried bitterly.

And the unfortunate Qin Limin, who couldn't wait to scrub his body, and then ate wildly with the food Xie Lingya gave him.

He still had time to push Luo Xiaojun, "Dude, you still don't eat it! We are feeding you something from Teacher Xie!"

- After Xie Lingya gave him a meal, he was basically a father in his mind.

Luo Xiaojun rubbed his eyes, then grabbed the food and gnawed it, turning grief and anger into appetite.

Mine Manager Bai, who was watching, said to Secretary Liu, "Do you feel cold?"

Secretary Liu broke into a cold sweat, "I, I, I don't know..."

Bai Mine saw the ghost, and his anger was a little weak, so he sensed something. Seeing that Secretary Liu was like this, he didn't say anything.

Originally, after being frightened by ghosts, Mine Bai was very uneasy, but after Xie Lingya's explanation, he was no longer very scared. It turned out that ghosts are so miserable, what is the difference between them and people.

To do a ritual to save all the poor ghosts in Liuhe Mine, that's fine.

After eating the food, Xie Lingya recited the scriptures to Luo Xiaojun to eliminate his sins. After finishing the meal, he took this opportunity to ask, "How do you feel now?"

Secretary Liu saw Xie Lingya asking questions at a place, his legs were shaking, and he stood closer to Mine Bai.

Luo Xiaojun was silent for a while, then said sadly, "I'm a little reluctant to bear... ah."

Although he had a serene face, he still had feelings in his heart. Before Xie Lingya could ask more questions, Luo Xiaojun left with a gust of wind.

Mine Manager Bai and Secretary Liu felt a gust of wind blowing, and they were relieved when they heard that Xie Lingya said that they had been sent away. However, Secretary Liu relaxed after being afraid, but Mine Manager Bai was relieved and sighed.

The ritual was over, and Shi Changxuan went back early because he was going to class. Xie Lingya contacted the manufacturer who had custom-made Lingguan statues before and bought a pair of stone lions. They not only made bronze statues there.

The stone lion was moved and placed at the entrance of the new building of Liuhe Mine, attracting many employees to watch. It is said that this is a master invited from the urban area of Jiyang.

No, it's only been two days. Baikuang has recovered from his illness. Hearing the people who went down the well, he didn't hear any strange noises. Nothing will happen.

Xie Lingya helped Mine Manager Bai finish the scene, and went back happily with a reward of 100,000 yuan.

If you have money, if you have money, you can also change equipment for other idols!

Xie Lingya took Qin Limin to the city and told him to wander around the pedestrian street at night to see if there would be any other things like picking up bags and stealing.

Xie Lingya even introduced him and Ding Aima to get acquainted with each other.

As a result, Ding Aima and Qin Limin actually sympathized with each other when they saw each other. Xie Lingya thought about it too, they were all rare and strange ghosts, although they were manifested in different ways.

As for the 100,000 yuan he just got, Xie Lingya basically left nothing, and forcibly distributed 30% to Shi Changxuan, and most of the rest was used to replace all the other statues in the temple with bronze statues, and the rest of the temple was used for a little. Repair.

However, people come and go every day in Baoyang Temple. Although most of them are visiting, the number of people who enjoy the incense will accumulate.

I made a lot of money selling miscellaneous charms, mosquito repellent charms are no longer sold, and the sales of other charms have also declined in the past, but they are still being sold. In particular, the sales of amulets have increased because of the blessing of the Zhongyuan Fa Conference.

There are other merit money and the like, add up to seventy-eighty-eight, and then deduct all living and working expenses, there was a net profit of more than 30,000 yuan last month, so Xie Lingya was not too reluctant to give Liuhe Mine. 's remuneration.

These more than 30,000 yuan also gave Xie Lingya some confidence. Although it is still far away from the goals of sculpting a golden body and building a grand temple, at least the Taoist temple has come alive and has the confidence to continue recruiting Taoist priests. A Taoist priest is indeed still too shabby. .

Xie Lingya raised Zhang Daoting's basic salary, which is a single fee, to one thousand and five. Also posted a job posting on the Internet, hoping that some Taoist priests would come to see the development potential of their Taoist temple and come to take up jobs.

The bronze statue of Sanqing was built first, and a small consecration ceremony was held. Only internal believers participated. This time, Zhang Daoting presided over the ceremony. Xie Lingya asked him to practice.

It was also because of this ceremony that Shi Changxuan brought his teacher and classmates together. This is how they majored in religious studies. In addition to theories, they also have to experience various religions in various places, including observing some rituals.

The local temples and Taoist temples are of course the best to observe. Although Shi Changxuan has seen the consecration ceremony a lot, and it is not that he has not presided over it, he still wants to come as a student.

Before coming, Shi Changxuan greeted Xie Lingya, and his mentor also said a few words over the phone, and Xie Lingya agreed.

The major of Religious Studies is really unpopular, and Shi Changxuan's tutor has only brought two students. Besides Shi Changxuan, there is also a boy from another province.

Shi Changxuan's mentor and Xie Lingya are from the family, and their name is Xie Fan. After coming here, he said that although he was teaching in Jiyang, he had never been to Baoyang Temple.

Xie Lingya thought to himself that that was not the case. The residents who lived nearby didn't even come here. In the past, Baoyang Temple was really not well-known.

Xie Fan and the two students went back after watching the consecration ceremony. After assigning homework to them, they disbanded. Of course, Shi Changxuan stayed here. His classmate looked at it and said, "You are playing here. I'll sit for a while, and let's go together later."

- I didn't know that Shi Changxuan lived here and his relationship with Baoyangguan.

It's good to stay and talk, Xie Lingya also went to pour a pot of tea. It's just that he couldn't help laughing, Shi Changxuan was too bored, and he and his only classmate didn't even say that he was a Taoist priest Huoju

Shi Changxuan said blankly, "I live here."

Shi Changxuan's classmate's surname is Huang, Huang Jinyang. His appearance is quite distinctive. The eyelashes of his left eye are longer than those of his right eye, and his left eye is often closed unnaturally, as if he can't see the sun very much. Therefore, the chin is always slightly raised and tilted to look at people.

At first glance, Xie Lingya thought he had a problem with one of his eyes, but later found out that he was only often closed, but he could still open it and there was a spirit.

At this moment, Huang Jinyang's left eye also opened at once, and because he suddenly saw the light a little red, his head was still tilted, and he looked at Shi Changxuan in surprise, "What, do you live here?"

Shi Changxuan nodded silently.

"Why do you live here, aren't you renting a house outside? Are you renting here? Or do you have anything to do with Boss Xie?" Huang Jinyang asked in a series of questions.

Shi Changxuan: "..."

Xie Lingya didn't know why Shi Changxuan was silent again, looked at him strangely, and replied, "Shi Daochang is a Taoist priest of Huoju, it is more convenient to live here."

Huang Jinyang was a giant sweat. He thought that Shi Changxuan and Xie Lingya were relatives, but he didn't expect his classmate to be a Taoist priest. "Then you went to a Buddhist temple with us last week..."

Xie Lingya thought, "Hey, I went to a Buddhist temple. Fortunately, he is not a full-time Taoist priest, otherwise he might not be able to get in with his clothes."

Shi Changxuan: "... um."

Huang Jinyang was amused after being stunned, "I really didn't expect it, my God haha."

"Master Shi doesn't like to talk at school?" Xie Lingya teased and poured them tea.

"Hahaha, a bit." Huang Jinyang sat on the chair, took a sip of tea, sighed in relief, and looked very relaxed, "I like it here so much..."

Unlike other temples, although there are many people, there is a sense of tranquility in the midst of chaos.

Body movements can't deceive people, he really doesn't seem like a compliment, he just likes the way it looks here, Xie Lingya smiled and said, "Then come here often."

Huang Jinyang nodded.

Everyone is about the same age, and Xie Lingya has also studied at Quedong College, so there is still a topic, so Xie Lingya found Huang Jinyang's left eye opened, and asked curiously: "Your eyes have undergone surgery, you can't be Is the sun irritating?"

This is indoors, so Xie Lingya guessed so.

"No." Huang Jinyang said this, his expression changed, and he pointed to his left eye indifferently, "It's because of this eye that I can see dirty things since I was a child."

Shi Changxuan and Xie Lingya did not speak after hearing Huang Jinyang's answer.

When they were like this, Huang Jinyang was not calm, "That... don't you believe it?"

No, even if you don't believe it, that's not your reaction. Why does this look like hearing someone say the sun is out today.

His left eye can see different things from birth. He is used to avoiding it, so he develops the habit of drooping his left eye from time to time. Over time, even if you are outdoors during the day, you are not used to opening your eyes, and you are more sensitive. People who don't know it will think that there is something wrong with the eyes. And he is also used to talking to his friends since he was a child, and getting a variety of reactions.

He said it casually, and he had already prepared for others to take it as a joke, but he never expected these two to look indifferent.

Xie Lingya: "No, I believe..."

"Do you believe it?" Huang Jinyang was at a loss, "Why don't you believe it and have no reaction at all?"

reaction? Xie Lingya thought tangled, didn't I think it was bad to express sympathy

After all, you're the only one in this room that can see ghosts with one eye, and you can't control it...

"I see. You live in a Taoist temple, have you encountered some incredible things?" Huang Jinyang didn't hear the answer, but found the explanation himself.

"That's right. Haven't someone closed your eyes for you?" Xie Lingya asked.

Some people do have a natural ability to see femininity in their eyes, and there are ways to deal with them in Taoist magic, so you can cover them up so that your normal life will not be affected.

He actually wondered if Shi Changxuan didn't find out, but thinking that Shi Changxuan didn't chat with people, maybe he didn't talk about this at all, or he wouldn't take the initiative to ask people if he found something.

"I kept running away when I was a child, and didn't dare to tell others. I closed my left eye when I saw something dirty. Now I've gotten into the habit. Later, I realized when I was older that I could find someone to shut it down." Huang Jinyang smiled wryly, "But then It's too late, it's too old to be closed. I usually close my left eye from time to time, and I don't go out much at night."

It is estimated that this is also the reason for applying for religious studies. Xie Lingya has never met a person with yin and yang eyes before. This eye can see ghosts, which sounds very fashionable. It is the life of the protagonist in ordinary literary works.

But what happened to Huang Jinyang was too tragic. He was not fashionable at all. Every day he closed one eye and tilted his head to look at people.

Xie Lingya said: "It's really not easy, I suggest you wear glasses at most, and paint the left side black, so that you don't have to close your eyes all the time..."

Huang Jinyang: "… "

Xie Lingya continued: "But you can ask Daochang Shi if he has any secret recipe."

Shi Changxuan: "There is a talisman that can be solved, but this talisman needs to be stamped by Zhang Tianshi."

Zhang Tianshi, of course, refers to Zhang Daoling, the founder of Zhengyi.

Xie Lingya was half a bucket of water, and Huang Jinyang didn't get started at all. Both of them were a little ignorant when they heard it. Zhang Tianshi was easy to understand.

Shi Changxuan was silent for three seconds, and then explained a little helplessly: "It is said that the patriarch left a sword, a seal, and a fingernail before his ascension. The sword is three or five evil swords, male and female, and can be divided into two to slay evil spirits. The seal is the seal of Yangping's governance of the capital. It is of jade quality and can be stamped on the talisman, which can cure monsters; if you cut down a few nails and burn it with incense, you can invite the ancestors to come into the world.

"To this day, the fingernails have long disappeared, and the three or five swords of slaying evil and male and female are enshrined by the descendants of the ancestors.

Zhengyi has developed into several schools, including Shi Changxuan's family who also inherited the dharma of one of them. Zhang Tianshi himself has direct descendants, and he has been a Tianshi from generation to generation, and it has been passed down to more than 60 generations.

Xie Lingya and Huang Jinyang were both fascinated by the legends, and Xie Lingya was even more intrigued, "This is all merit, could it be that they went to Zhengyi and other sects, and then Zhang Tianshi's descendants always wanted to take it back... My God, Wouldn't it be in your house, taken by your majesty? Or would you be living in another sect?"

Huang Jinyang also guessed, "Is there several seals that are indistinguishable from the fake, and I still don't know how to confirm?"

Shi Changxuan said quietly: "... The seal of Yangping's governance of the capital, which is now hidden in the Provincial Museum."

Xie Lingya and Huang Jinyang: "..."

Xie Lingya and Huang Jinyang looked at each other shyly, and said nonchalantly, "It turned out to be handed over to the state, it seems that there is no chance. Is there any other way?"

- Xie Lingya quickly changed the topic, because now he still doesn't know what kind of trouble this Yangping rule of capital will cause in the future.

Shi Changxuan pondered for a moment and said, "It is possible to try the transporting talisman. Although the left eye hides yin, it cannot be closed for a while, but once the fortune changes, it is not easy to encounter yin objects."

Huang Jinyang was full of hope all at once, he couldn't close his eyes, and it was fine if he didn't encounter dirty things. The old tilted his head, it was really ugly, because of this, he is still single.

Xie Lingya pondered: "Transportation Talisman? I can't draw this one."

Huang Jinyang looked at Shi Changxuan again and wanted to ask him if he could paint.

However, before the eyes of the two met, Xie Lingya touched his chin and said, "Give me ten minutes, I'll go and learn."

Huang Jinyang: "… "

Shi Changxuan: "..."

Under Shi Changxuan's eyes that always contained countless contents, Xie Lingya put together a transfer charm and asked Huang Jinyang to try it.

Huang Jinyang has tried many methods over the years, but his mentality is still good and he still has hope. After thanking them, he happily accepted it.

Xie Lingya sent Huang Jinyang to the door, and asked him to remember to go back and report whether the talisman was useful or not, so that he would know how effective it was.

After Huang Jinyang left, Xie Lingya leaned against the door to reply to the text message, which was sent by He Zun, and asked him if he had a talisman for his girlfriend, and he replied coldly: no.

"Hello, is the spectator here?" Xie Lingya heard a voice and looked up. It was a man in his thirties who was asking the believers who were volunteers, with a bit of a foreign accent.

This man has an elegant temperament, a gentle appearance, and wears a pair of glasses. When the volunteer heard this, he immediately shouted to Xie Lingya, "Xiao Xie."

They don't have a boss, but there is a boss, who leads two people including himself.

The man looked at Xie Lingya and swiped his face a few times, "Classmate, what is the relationship between Wang Yuji and you?"

As the saying goes, a nephew is like an uncle. Xie Lingya and Wang Yuji are really similar. He guessed that this person knew his uncle, and he saw it, so he replied, "I'm his nephew, brother, are you?"

This man called his uncle by his first name, and he didn't know that his uncle had passed away, so he might be an estranged friend. Judging by his age, he is not much older than himself, Xie Lingya thought to himself, if he doesn't correct me, I won't be called uncle.

The man understood, put down his glasses and said with a smile, "My name is Hai Guanchao. Your uncle worshipped me as a teacher, so you can call me master."

Xie Lingya: "..."

… Do you dare to rise faster in your seniority?