Part-Time Taoist Priest

Chapter 39: Goodbye uncle


Liu Lingtong's voice didn't sound in his ears for a long time, and he didn't know whether he couldn't sing or refused to answer. Xie Lingya was a little discouraged. How long had he envied Shi Changxuan's god Shang Lu

At this time, Xie Lingya saw Shi Changxuan's expression, and immediately realized that his focus was wrong again, so he coughed and said seriously: "Do you know where your master is? I think you are also playing tricks on the tiger. I hope you can realize the current situation and abandon the darkness to the light. ."

Liu Lingtong still didn't speak, but Xie Lingya and Shi Changxuan knew that he would definitely understand.

Although Liu Lingtong didn't speak, Shi Changxuan heard Shang Lushen speak resentfully in his ear.

Shang Lushen: "Hit it!"

Shang Lushen: "Force it!"

Shang Lu Shen: "Torture it!!"

Shi Changxuan: "..."

The arrogance of Shang Lu's arrogance was like a bully, which made Liu Lingtong shiver even more. Although Xie Lingya couldn't hear Shang Lushen's words, as half of the same kind, he could hear it.

Xie Lingya said a few more words: "As a Liu Lingtong, I don't need to give you more reason. Do you still want to follow him to harm others?"

Only then did Liu Lingtong speak, and his voice sounded like a six- or seven-year-old child, because it was originally made from the soul of a child and a willow sacrifice, but compared to a real child, it had an empty taste.

"I, I dare not..."

Although Liu Lingtong is the ear of the thief, he is very afraid of his master. The soul in its body has been sacrificed, and it has long since lost the memory of its life. Together with Liu Mu, it has become an ear-rewarding god.

However, Liu Lingtong subconsciously still remembers that he originally died at the hands of his master.

Some ghosts remember the people who killed them, and they want to kill them quickly, while some ghosts are afraid of the people who killed them. The soul in Liu Lingtong's body was still a child, and of course he was more afraid of his master.

Besides, it followed the seal thieves, and saw more vicious methods of the seal thieves, and his fear was even heavier.

Thinking of this section, Xie Lingya encouraged: "Don't be afraid, he can't take you back, we will also make offerings, not only that, I will help you cultivate merits, so that you can reincarnate in the future. "

In fact, even if Xie Lingya didn't want to raise him, he would find a new owner for Liu Lingtong, otherwise Liu Lingtong would not be able to reincarnate.

The Yin evil aura on Liu Lingtong's body came for the sake of the tiger, but he couldn't decide his own master. If there was a chance, which of the gods would not want to be reincarnated, especially if the soul in his body was killed.

Liu Lingtong was terrified of his master, but when he heard Xie Lingya say that he could take it to cultivate merit and take it to fly, he held back his fear and said with a trembling voice: "I, I only know that he went to the southeast—"

Hearing that Liu Lingtong was almost crying, he should have tried his best. He has a feeling with the seal thief, but the seal thief is the master, he is stronger than him.

Xie Lingya immediately went to the southeast to find the people who knew the association.

At this time, Shi Changxuan also treated Xie Lingya's wound. They took the nine-section Xiangyang bamboo stick and the relic left by the thief and walked slowly down the mountain.

Because Xie Lingya has been using his mobile phone to communicate with other people, although the Taoist Association rushed to the southeast to chase the thieves, Tang Qi sent someone to pick them up and took turns carrying the injured Xie Lingya down. His wound was only treated briefly. Can't keep moving.

At the end, Tang Qi saw that Xie Lingya was injured, and snorted, "Mr. Xie, is it dangerous?"

The little fox also came up and hugged Xie Lingya's feet, looking worried.

"It's okay, the injury is not serious." Xie Lingya touched the little fox's head, "In this mountain, I'll draw a few talismans for you when I'm back, to remove the filth."

Tang Qi quickly thanked him. He was here just now and bumped into people from the Taoist Association. He knew that they were all here to support Xie Lingya, and then they all ran in one direction. It seems that this matter is really tricky.

"I'll go back first." Xie Lingya greeted.

"Yes, let's talk later, this injury should go to the hospital for treatment." Tang Qi vaguely saw traces of torn clothes on Xie Lingya's wound, as if scratched by a beast.

Tang Qi sent a car to take Xie Lingya and Shi Changxuan back, and the little fox got into the car.

Tang Qi: "Hey it..."

"It's okay, just follow me, its parents are in the city anyway." Xie Lingya said, anyway, the family of three couldn't go back to live in the mountains for a while. , it is not suitable for the little fox to stay for the time being. By the time he gets rid of the filth and the foxes are healed, that's about it. I just hope to take the little fox back and not let anyone report him for raising the second-level national protected animals without a license.

So, the little fox squatted on Xie Lingya's lap and went back to Baoyangguan with him temporarily.

Xie Lingya was sitting in the car, and only then did he have time to look through his mobile phone, about the true identity of the print thief.

According to the files found by the public security department, the thief is thirty-nine years old, whose real name is Pei Xiaoshan, a native of Tianyu Province. As for the sect, it is really the lineage of Shenxiao sect.

According to the internal information of the Taoist Association, Pei Xiaoshan returned to the secular world ten years ago. He is talented and intelligent, and has worshipped many teachers in the Shenxiao faction. Taoism has progressed rapidly, but he is too greedy. At that time, the palace he stayed in was quite condoning, because too many people looked at Qian these days, and his talent was not bad after all.

Later, Pei Xiaoshan was unable to learn in Gongguan, and began to learn the spells of other factions. After accumulating contacts, he returned to the world and went to the world, selling his skills to those wealthy businessmen in the society, but he was also a little famous.

But about a year ago, Pei Xiaoshan disappeared, and many people thought that he had made enough money and went away at ease. In addition, he returned to the secular world very early, and his merit seal was stolen at that time, and the Taoist Association really did not guess him.

"Just find out his identity and want him." Of course, it's best to catch him immediately. Xie Lingya glanced at this person's experience, thinking that Pei Xiaoshan had done a lot of detrimental things in the past. skilled.

Liu Lingtong also added in a low voice, and also told what happened to him. From being killed in the residual memory, to Pei Xiaoshan doing bad things, using it for divination, the karma on its body is getting more and more...

Shang Lushen listened: "So pitiful."

Shi Changxuan glanced at it, whether this little guy is a congenital wood spirit, or has a heart of compassion.

Shang Lushen: "But you can't break the rules!"

What are the rules? Shi Changxuan didn't know when Shang Lushen made his own rules.

When Liu Lingtong heard Shang Lushen's words, he became apprehensive. The same is the ear to report the god, but the owner is different, Liu Lingtong is far less outgoing and cheerful than Shang Lushen.

Shang Lu Shen's broken thoughts:

"Persuade Xie Lingya."

"The quality is average, don't keep it."

"Give it to Zhang Daoting."

Shi Changxuan: "..."

At this time, Xie Lingya came over, next to Shi Changxuan, next to Shang Lu Shen and said: "Do you remember Liu Lingtong? I have seen it before, its owner is very bad, we will take it back to cultivate merit together. Friends, let's learn from each other together, can't you be cute?"

Shang Lushen: "Okay, okay."

Liu Lingtong: "..."

Shi Changxuan: "..."

The God of Shang Lu, who saw the wind and steered the rudder, was so obedient in front of Xie Lingya that he forgot his principles. The God of Shang Lu in Xie Lingya's mind is also shy, well-behaved, and does not speak much.

Xie Lingya smiled, and as soon as he left, Shang Lushen chattered in Shi Changxuan's ear again.

Because there is Haiguanchao in Guanli, Xie Lingya didn't go to any hospital, so Tang Qi's driver took them directly back to Baoyangguan.

At this time, everyone had rested, but Hai Guanchao was woken up by Xie Lingya, and Fang Zhe, who was in the same room, naturally woke up, and got up in his clothes.

"What's the matter, is it hurt?"

"It's alright, just bandage it." Xie Lingya asked Hai Guanchao to show him the wound. Hai Guanchao said that it would take an injection. Who knows how dirty Shanmei's claws are.

"Mr. Xie worked too hard to go out. I won't call you Sponge Spirit anymore." Hai Guanchao found that Xie Lingya was still out of strength and couldn't help saying.

Xie Lingya: "…"

Xie Lingya: "...I just said that you seem to have called me randomly!"

Sponge essence, too much, what the hell is sponge essence!

Hai Guanchao smiled shyly, "You need to take good care of your body."

Xie Lingya also knew that he had used too much force and nodded. He saw that Xiaoli was also on the side, and he didn't say much. He hoped that Xiaoli could see that doing this business was either very boring, or thrilling enough, but dangerous.

Seeing that it was not too early, Xie Lingya sent everyone else to sleep. Hai Guanchao was a little worried, but now Xie Lingya is basically half paralyzed, and he has to be supported when he walks.

"I'll stay." Shi Changxuan said.

Hai Guanchao was wondering if he should stay by himself, but when he heard Shi Changxuan volunteered, he didn't agree. Daochang Shi is very reliable, and he has always felt that Shi Changxuan is cold, but now it seems that he is also cold and warm.

Xie Lingya also laughed, "Okay, then Daochang Shi will sleep with me for a few days."

Shi Changxuan: "..."

Although he took the initiative to say to stay, Xie Lingya's words still made him a little unnatural.

But thinking about what happened in the forest, Shi Changxuan was fine again.

Although Xie Lingya's mouth is often out of tune (and his behavior is also a little bit), it leads to Shi Chang's frequent gaffes. But what he did was very human. Regardless of whether Xiangyin sacrificed the orphan, or let the sword save the soul today, and saved him later, Shi Changxuan felt that his beliefs were similar to his own.

Shi Changxuan silently brought Liu Lingtong to check. Generally speaking, Erbaoshen can be transferred, otherwise there would not be a Taoist priest who specially made this business, as long as he knew how to make offerings. However, it is still necessary to be alert to whether Pei Xiaoshan has transformed himself.

After the inspection, Shi Changxuan brought offerings again and taught Xie Lingya some spells, "Liu Lingtong is made with living souls. If the induction is strong, he can dream at night."

After offering sacrifices to Liu Lingtong and Shang Lushen, it was already late at night. Shi Changxuan helped Xie Lingya wash up before resting. In order to take care of Xie Lingya at any time, they both slept together.

This was not the first time, but Shi Changxuan's mood was even more unusual today. He turned his head and saw that Xie Lingya had fallen into a deep sleep because he was too tired, and turned to face him.

Xie Lingya was very quiet when he was asleep. The window of this room only had the lower part of the window pasted with newspapers, and the upper part had the moonlight shining in, which was convenient for absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon. The moonlight fell on Xie Lingya, making him look more gentle...

"Xie Lingya is so soft." A thin voice came out.

Shi Changxuan: "..."

He almost forgot about it.

Shi Changxuan stuffed Shang Lu Shen under the pillow.

In the evening, Xie Lingya had a dream and saw a five- or six-year-old child.

The child's face was as white as paper, and his eyes were thick blue and black, and his body exuded yin energy. He stood there and looked at Xie Lingya timidly.

Xie Lingya suddenly realized, "Are you Liu Lingtong?"

The child nodded. He had already been enshrined by Xie Lingya at night, and he was willing to follow Xie Lingya to cultivate merits, so he came to meet in a dream.

"Pei Xiaoshan is too beast." Xie Lingya held the child's cold face in the dream, "Look at these two dark circles, did they work overtime?"

Liu Lingtong lowered his head, burst into tears, and plunged into Xie Lingya's arms.

So Xie Lingya led Liu Lingtong in the dream and condemned Pei Xiaoshan for a long time, and he still didn't know what to do when he woke up.

He had overslept this night, and it was already three days in the sun, but everyone knew that he was tired last night, and no one called him and Shi Changxuan. Shi Changxuan woke up a little earlier than Xie Lingya, and after hearing Shang Lushen accuse Liu Lingtong, he simply threw Shang Lushen next to Xie Lingya's pillow.

So Xie Lingya came together in the morning, Liu Lingtong on the left, Shang Lushen on the right, and there was a Shi Changxuan beside the bed waiting for him to get up.

Xie Lingya very contentedly kissed Liu Lingtong and Shang Lushen before letting Shi Changxuan help them up.

Knowing that Xie Lingya woke up, Hai Guanchao brought the tonic from the clinic again. Xie Lingya was in need of a big tonic, so he filled Xie Lingya with a bowl, and there was tonic soup for lunch, and Fang Zhe cooked.

Shi Changxuan also took a leave of absence from his mentor to take care of Xie Lingya.

Xie Lingya felt like an old man, drinking the soup slowly, turning on the phone, and watching the live broadcast of the arrest.

Unfortunately, there was a fly in the ointment, and the Daoist Association of Jiyang City was at a disadvantage against Pei Xiaoshan. Even though Pei Xiaoshan suffered from Shi Changxuan's loss, his ears were gone, his divine scepter was split, and he still had some injuries, it was still not something the people from the Taoyang City Association could do.

In addition to this, there was also the pursuit of the Temple of the City God of Jiyang, but Pei Xiaoshan had the seal of Yang Pingzhidu in his hand, and the three or five swords of slaying evil and male and female, each of which could restrain these ghosts and gods one by one.

Fortunately, the masters of the Provincial Road Association have already left. Knowing Pei Xiaoshan's identity, there are many good practices and divination, and they are continuing to hunt down. The police are also looking for Pei Xiaoshan, and deploy according to the routes provided by the masters.

In the past few days, although Pei Xiaoshan has not been arrested for the time being, Xie Lingya's bonus has been credited very neatly.

Now I can know Pei Xiaoshan's identity and grasp the direction of Pei Xiaoshan's escape, thanks to Xie Lingya and Shi Changxuan. For Shi Changxuan's part, he handed it over to the Provincial Highway Association, and asked the Provincial Highway Association to give it to Baoyangguan in the form of support funds.

Xie Lingya didn't know, he thought the Provincial Road Association was going to cultivate the concept of holding Yang, and he was very happy.

With this money, plus the money that Xie Lingya had saved before, it was still a little embarrassing to build a hall for the patriarch. The land price in their place was too expensive, but it was already a big improvement, and no one was fat.

In addition, Zhang San came again, they had already drawn the 20,000 ghosts, and they were tired like a dog, "The Lord of the City has instructed me to bring my thanks to me. Teacher Xie's actions are truly a great virtue, and they are very worthy of our ancestors. style."

"Do you mean my uncle? It turns out that Lord Chenghuang also knows about his old man." It is normal for Chenghuang to know that uncle has been in Jiyang for so long. Xie Lingya and Yourongyan also feel that they have not lost face of uncle.

But when he talked about his uncle, Xie Lingya asked another thing, "By the way, Zhang Li Shi, could you please help me check it out. After my uncle passed away, I wanted to offer sacrifices on the Mid-Autumn Festival, but I haven't seen you for a long time. Wondering if he's been reincarnated."

Originally, the whereabouts of dead souls could not be revealed to others, but a Taoist priest like this who often dealt with the underworld could sometimes be accommodating. As soon as Zhang San heard it, he immediately said, "I'll ask when I go back."

He is only a fighter, but the underworld officials also have a network.

Xie Lingya thanked him, and burned some money for Zhang San. Zhang San still refused. Xie Lingya said that he would go back to inquire, and he had to check. Zhang San accepted it with a smile, and asked Xie Lingya Wang Yuji's name and name. Years of death, I like Xie Lingya a little more in my heart.

To collect money and do business with others, Zhang San carried the Ming money and turned around the City God Temple all the way, thinking about how to inquire about Xie Lingya, and saw that his colleagues were busy.

"What's wrong?" Zhang San asked.

"The high-ranking official in the province has taken office. Your Excellency is going to meet him. We are preparing the materials." Zhang San's colleague explained.

The Chenghuang who took office as the provincial capital has been promoted, and there has long been news that a new official is about to take office, but the change of the city God in a province is a major event. This is in charge of a province.

Zhang San hurriedly asked, "It can be considered that he has taken office. I don't know the name of the official in the new province, where is he from?"

The colleague smiled and said: "Speaking of which, this lord is still from our Tuyang. He was originally a mage, surnamed Wang Ji and named Yuji. He cultivated great merits during his lifetime and was directly named the provincial capital city God..."

Zhang San's mind was empty in an instant. The uncle's name that Teacher Xie asked him to inquire about was not exactly the name of this adult, and his birthplace and identity were also correct!

"No wonder!" Zhang San exclaimed.

It's no wonder that the immediate boss is so conscientious. Teacher Xie obviously doesn't know him, and he implicitly asks Zhang San to lead him. He must have had inside information long ago and knew that Wang Yuji was going to take office.

Lord Wang is from Tuyang, and the Lord will know who the only relatives he has left after checking. Don't talk about favoritism, you have to make a good relationship for the sake of Lord Wang...

"Hey, bulging, making money?" The colleague winked at Zhang San when he saw the bulge in Zhang San's arms.

Zhang San looked at the money that Xie Lingya gave him, and suddenly didn't know what to do.

Xie Lingya was sitting on the reclining chair with a sleeping little fox in his arms.

After Xie Lingya was injured, he didn't have to work, so he could give a small amount of supplementary lessons and drink some medicine. The supplement is not Taoist classics, but cultural lessons. He also has to prepare himself. If he passes the first postgraduate examination, there will be a re-examination.

He also read some books collected by Baoyangguan. If he asked some questions in this regard, Xie Lingya would also answer.

"Teacher Xie, I saw a word, 聻. The book says that people die as ghosts, and ghosts die as 聻. Is it true?" Xiao Liang pointed to a word on the book and asked Xie Lingya.

This is a notebook novel. It is said that 聻 is what a ghost turns into after death, and ghosts are also afraid, so sticking the 聻 character on the door can control ghosts and ward off evil spirits.

Xie Lingya also asked his uncle this question when he was a child. He recalled that he found another book for him, and said with a smile, "This is a misrepresentation. You see, it was originally a ghost of a swordsman named Jian'er. Little ghosts are afraid of big ghosts, so there is a master who said: The method of controlling ghosts is not as good as the ear.

"People at that time wrote Jian'er on the door. Because it used to be a vertical book, it gradually became the character for '聻', and then it was misinformed that it was '聻' after the ghost died. In fact, there is nothing after the ghost dies. Yes. Learning needs to be confirmed by multiple parties, and the predecessors will also make mistakes.”

When he watched Baoyang's notes before, he would also look for it in other books to see if there was anything that could confirm each other.

"So it is!" Xiaoli thought he had learned a good method. He and everyone in Baoyangguan, whether it was Xie Lingya, Zhang Daoting, Liu Bohe, etc., all felt that learning Taoism was not easy, and reading the books to memorize would not be less and easier than going to school.

Xiaoliang looked at him and waited to ask, and found that Xie Lingya was asleep on the reclining chair, so he quietly retreated.

Xie Lingya didn't know why he suddenly fell asleep, as if someone suddenly patted his hand.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he found that there was no one in the Taoist temple, but in front of him stood his uncle Wang Yuji, who was not as old as before his death, but had regained the style of his prime. At this time, he knew that he was dreaming.

"Uncle, did you know that I was inquiring about you, so you came to ask for a dream?" Xie Lingya was surprised and happy, seeing his uncle staring at him lovingly, and said, "I recruited a Taoist priest, and I did a ritual during the Mid-Autumn Festival. It's just that I enshrined your tablet, but I didn't see you coming..."

Wang Yuji said with relief: "I know it all, and I also know that you have understood the essence of the Three Treasures Sword. You are a good boy."

When mentioning the Three Treasures Sword, Xie Lingya almost burst into tears again, "Uncle, you actually spent your lifespan and used the Rangjian to die early, right?"

Wang Yuji was very calm, "Don't be sad, I have no regrets. You have already understood Rangjian, and you should know how I feel."

The calmer he is, the more sad Xie Lingya is. Understanding is one aspect, grief is another aspect, and it is through his own experience that he knows how much his uncle has paid. The tears Xie Lingya had endured for a long time fell.

Wang Yuji patted Xie Lingya's head, "Okay, what a great person. You are doing well now, and my uncle sees it all in his eyes. I'm glad!"

"I'm glad you didn't come to me earlier? I was worried, I thought it was reincarnation. Uncle, what are you doing?" Xie Lingya asked.

Wang Yuji smiled, changed his body, and wore a set of official robes on his body, "As soon as I died, I was named the provincial capital and went to the underworld for pre-employment training and handover matters, so I didn't come to see you. If you want to find me, please pray with fragrance, and I will know."

Xie Lingya was stunned.

The newly appointed Chenghuang in the provincial capital is my uncle? !

Only then did Xie Lingya know why the Chenghuang of the city of Niyang knew each other and greeted him. Now he felt as if he had been knocked unconscious.

Before that, he couldn't connect his uncle with the city god at all. His uncle was too bitter in Baoyangguan, and it didn't look like he had the style of being a high-ranking official.

But then I thought about it, my uncle does good deeds and accumulates virtue, he doesn't want to be the city god, who is the city god? He sacrificed himself to save others while he was alive, and guarded one side of the people after his death!

Xie Lingya was a little excited: "So, I will be the second generation of officials in the future?"

"One world, one underworld..." Wang Yuji said, seeing Xie Lingya's expression, he laughed, "Forget it, let it be!"