Part-Time Taoist Priest

Chapter 60: Evil Buddha


There are six people in Jiang Yuqi's dormitory. Because he is a cultivator, the dormitory is fairly clean. Fang Xushan rummaged through his place and found five scriptures in the storage bag. The "Hunyuan Hongyang Piao Gaozu Linfan Jing" that I have read at home, as well as the "Hongyang Wudao Mingxin Jing" and so on.

"This is the Great Five Classics of Hongyang Dao." Shi Changxuan said, opening it and touching it, the paper quality was quite good, and even the cover had a sense of design, with auspicious cloud patterns.

Sure enough, what happened to Jiang Yuqi was also related to Hong Yangdao.

Xie Lingya also picked up a copy, turned to the first page, and wanted to laugh when he saw it, only to see it casually annotating in calligraphy: "Shit doesn't make sense."

Looking at the wastebasket on the side, there are still a few scraps of pages, as if torn from a book, and stained with grease. This explains why Jiang Yuqi didn't throw away the scriptures after receiving them, but used them as waste.

"It's arrogant and arrogant..." Fang Xushan's face was so gloomy that it was dripping with water.

"Since it has started again, the people should still be here." Shi Changxuan pondered, "The other party may not have thought that he only received one soul, and he will find it sooner. It may be possible."

Everyone's hearts are also stunned, yes, Jiang Yuqi has only been taken away for one soul, and there is still a connection between souls, but it has become an opportunity to find each other. But it also needs to be as soon as possible, otherwise the other party will come back and don't know what will happen.

The people from the Jade Palace brought Jiang Yuqi back from the academy to the palace and placed it in the Jade Emperor Palace.

Fang Xushan informed Lian Tan again, and then Xie Lingya, who had the strongest sense, cast the spell. He brought a clean tea tray, filled it with millet, covered it with a red cloth, and placed it on Jiang Yuqi's chest.

"Dangling ghosts, where are you lost. The five gods of the mountain, the general Youlu. Search carefully to help the true soul!"

Xie Lingya finished the curse, lifted the red cloth, and let go of the heart he was holding. After having this soul connection, it really came out. A small pit appeared on the originally flat tea tray.

The people from the Jade Palace brought a map of the city at the same scale, covered it on the tea tray, pointed it up and down, and compared it to the geographical position of the small pit, which was 20 kilometers away from the suburbs of this place.

Xie Lingya rubbed his hands, "Abbot Fang, bring the Taoist priest Quanguan, let's fight."

Fang Xushan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I think so."

This kind of thing is not one plus one greater than three. Fang Xushan found eight Taoist priests who were usually skilled in alchemy and set off together.

Xie Lingya went out without the Three Treasures Sword, borrowed a peach wood sword from the Jade Palace, and went out with a large amount of talisman paper.

The Jade Palace has that kind of van for transporting goods. A dozen or so people got into the car together, and when they arrived at the agreed meeting point, they picked up Lian Tan.

In the car, Xie Lingya couldn't help but ask Liantan: "If there is a fight later, the great monk will avoid it."

He suspected that there were more than one or two people in the other party.

The old god Liantan nodded, still in that cassock, holding a string of Buddha beads in his hand.

It took more than an hour to go down the mountain from the Jade Palace, and then it took more than half an hour to go there from the location, and it was dark when we arrived. The houses on the outskirts of the city are very sparse, and it takes a long drive to build.

The Taoists followed the navigation to find the place, got off the highway, drove on the dirt road, and after a long search, they finally found the place that should be marked on the map.

Under the shadow of a small patch of trees, a three-story building stood quietly with lights on. From the outside, it looked like an ordinary country house.

A group of Taoists and a monk got out of the car.

Most people have no experience in this kind of siege, Fang Xushan also thought about it before commanding: "Flank separately."

But no matter how they split up, they all have to enter the woods. The small building is not far away. The woods are like a natural fence, blocking the way for everyone.

Xie Lingya and Shi Changxuan were more than ten meters apart, visible from left to right.

As soon as he stepped into the woods, he felt a little strange. The temperature in the forest seemed to be lower, and even the light seemed to be absorbed by something, and the cold hair stood upright.

But this is also to be expected. Daoist Hongyang is familiar with evil methods. If this is really their stronghold, it will be strange if they have no protection.

Xie Lingya was all right, and the other Taoist priests couldn't help but swallow their saliva and chanted the mantra silently.

Xie Lingya clenched the peach wood sword tightly. Because of the similar experience, his eyes kept on the trees, and he glanced at the sky from time to time, for fear that some hanged ghosts, mountain charms, etc. would come out.

Liu Lingtong hummed a few times, and then said, "Abandon yourself and fill in the forest."

Before Xie Lingya could react, he stepped on the thick fallen leaves, and suddenly, a cold hand stretched out from below, holding Xie Lingya's ankle tightly!

"Damn it!" Xie Lingya blurted out, jumped to the side, and threw his foot hard.

Listening to the surrounding screams a few times, it is clear that there is not a single one, and everyone has suffered.

The hand stretched up, and Xie Lingya felt the softness under his feet, and the touch of the ground just now disappeared, or maybe it was an illusion at the beginning, as if he was stepping on something uneven and soft.

As the rest of the hand was exposed, Xie Lingya's scalp exploded. It was a gray-white corpse with fallen leaves on his body. When he stood up, he could see the layers of corpses under him...

The "ground" under his feet seemed to be wriggling as well, he pushed the dead body away with one foot, and the peach wood sword pierced into the chest and abdomen!

This corpse can move, but it's not like a zombie, just a corpse that can move. After being stabbed by the peach wood sword, his knees softened and he lay down again.

It's not difficult to deal with. However, I don't know how much is under my feet!

After a while, a few more hands stretched out from under his feet and pulled on Xie Lingya's legs.

Xie Lingya saw that some had corpse spots on their hands, and some were simply rotten. He wanted to vomit, and kept swinging his sword to open it and walked forward, looking aside, "Is Master Liantan okay?"

Lian Tan's unhurried voice sounded, as if he was still breathing a little bit, just like when he ran fast the day we first met: "It's okay. Everyone, this is a corpse forest!"

Xie Lingya had never heard of this form, and Shi Changxuan and Fang Xushan didn't explain it just now, they just struggled to break free. Now listening to Lian Tan mention the origin, it seems to be related to Buddhism.

Sure enough, Lian Tan explained: "The corpse forest is a forest where corpses are abandoned. Literally translated, it is called 'cemetery field', or 'cold forest', where corpses are buried. But this place seems to be done by humans."

The corpse forest is not an evil place, but it is not an authentic corpse forest.

"How come there are so many corpses! What is the method of chasing the corpses out, can they be broken?" Xie Lingya screamed, these corpses kept chasing the living creatures, just like zombies, and it seemed that the date of death was different. I don't know where I got it, and I don't know if biting someone will have the same virus as a zombie.

The ground seemed to be shaking because of the corpses' squirming. Those corpses were struggling to stand up, as if their arms were waving everywhere.

Lian Tan probably competed with the corpse and replied, "This, this is the 'Mother Manusha' forbidden by Buddhism, that is, the method of raising the corpse, cursing the corpse to rise - you gather in one place and wait for me to recite the scriptures. arts!"

Xie Lingya endured disgust, stepped on the corpse and went in the direction of Lian Tan, only to see Shi Changxuan beside the old monk, helping him to block the corpses.

Shi Changxuan really respects the old and loves the young.

Xie Lingya thought about it, and also stepped forward to protect the old monk. After a while, other Taoist priests also gathered.

Xie Lingya saw that a middle-aged Taoist priest was careless, stepped on the crevice of the corpse, and one leg sank in most of the time, and then a corpse suddenly rose from the dust and leaves and hugged him!

The Taoist priest shouted, his lips trembled, he pushed the dead body away with all his might, and ran up and down. Halfway through the run, he remembered that he didn't have the peach wood sword, so he went back to pick it up.

Xie Lingya felt pity and empathy.

Lian Tan was about to recite the spell, but saw two skeletons in the west of Lin Zi coming, without a trace of flesh and blood, waving their hands at a strange angle, holding a long stick-shaped bone in their hands, and their gestures were like dancing.

Lian Tan's face changed, and he said, "This, this is the guardian of the corpse forest. This corpse forest is caused by evil methods, how can there be a guardian of the corpse forest?" He said to the somewhat bewildered Taoists, "The corpse protector seems to treat us as thieves, with a bone stick in his hand to destroy people's minds."

Seeing Bai Gu step forward, the corpses on the ground seemed to be about to rise from the ground, Xie Lingya's mind went blank for a moment, grabbed the ordinary peach wood sword, and swung it out with one sword: "Everywhere is everywhere, and there is nothing wrong with it! "

The faint golden light surged like waves, Xie Lingya used the ordinary peach wood sword to use the Jian sword in the Three Treasures Sword Technique, which actually suffocated the corpses around him. .

Although the Three Treasures Sword is not in his hand, his uncle has long said that the cultivation of the Three Treasures Sword has always been about the heart. Although this sword does not have as many merits as the Three Treasures Sword, the swordsmanship is still effective.

"No, I'm afraid this is the way to delay." Fang Xushan said, "It's better to divide it into two ways!"

Seeing that others were also aware, Xie Lingya said, "Abbot Fang and I will take a few fellow Daoists and Master Lian Tan, and Shi Changxuan, you bring a few people to stay."

After thinking about it, he was not at ease, he could only separate himself from Shi Changxuan, and he didn't trust anyone else.

"Wait, you all go, I'll just stay." Lian Tan suddenly said.

"... Are you kidding me?" Xie Lingya said speechlessly.

"Lend me the sword." The old monk said, looking at the corpse guardian who was approaching step by step.

Xie Lingya hesitated and put the sword in his hand, "You can borrow the weapon, but you come with us."

"This is more efficient." Lian Tan murmured, holding the sword in both hands, and reciting in his mouth, "I want to be a future sentient being, and for those who have no merit at the end of the dharma, I will do all kinds of sins by not cultivating good deeds in my previous life. In this life, I feel poor and deprived... It can bind and destroy all ghosts and spirits, and eradicate wrong views..."

The body of the sword gradually glowed with a flame-like light, from light to thick, and the bones were approaching, and the corpse crawled on the ground.

Lian Tan held the hilt of the sword in his hand, and his thin body suddenly stretched out. With a flip, he floated lightly behind Bai Gu, and landed firmly on the ground. A sword stabbed out, and the flames burst into flames.

Xie Lingya: "…"

"Let's go!" Fang Xushan was also stunned, but he reacted and pulled everyone forward.

Xie Lingya ran and glanced back at the same time, the old monk stood with his sword, and the dead body did not dare to get close.

"...No, I was just panting!" Xie Lingya couldn't help saying.

The graduate student Shi Changxuan really didn’t read it in vain. After thinking for a while, he said, “What he just recited was the Sutra of the Wrathful Vajra Boy Bodhisattva of Saint Kata, which mentioned various supernatural powers. It will become a sword-wielding fairy."

Mingxian with a sword

Unexpectedly, the old monk was so unattractive that he would gasp for a few more steps, and he also learned such an elegant swordsmanship.

Xie Lingya didn't have time to think, the three-story building was right in front of him, the door was closed, Xie Lingya stepped forward and smashed the glass directly, and then climbed in to open the door.

Everyone searched up and down, only to see that there was no one in the house, and behind the house were mountains and rivers.

"It should have been casting spells just now, otherwise how did the corpse rise up in the corpse?" Fang Xushan said, "I feel the mountain god here!"

Xie Lingya looked around on the first floor. There were some scriptures scattered here, and there were still a few cups of tea on the table. There was no TV or refrigerator. There was a Buddhist shrine in the southeast corner, and there was a half-person-height bronze Buddha statue. Wearing a lotus crown, twisting a lotus bud in his right hand, wearing a cassock, his eyes are downcast, a compassionate smile on the corner of his mouth, and incense flowers and candles are enshrined at the table.

"Go, look back." Fang Xushan led the Taoists to the door.

Xie Lingya was still standing in the distance, and there was always something strange in his heart. This place gave him a wrong feeling, was it because someone had done the aura left by the evil law here

Shi Changxuan also took out the talisman paper and said, "Did you hear anything?"


Just after Shi Changxuan finished speaking, the gate closed automatically without wind, blocking the way for the Taoists.

The lights in the house went out at once, the dark clouds outside the window covered the moon, there was no moonlight or stars, only…

Only the two candles in front of the Buddha statue swayed gently, illuminating the smile on the Buddha statue's face.

Xie Lingya shuddered inexplicably. He didn't bring Lingqi, so he couldn't perform the Lushan method. At this moment, his heart moved and he directly summoned the Eastern Ghost King!

But for some reason, the ghost king didn't come, Xie Lingya's heart sank, and he looked at Liu Lingtong around him.

Liu Lingtong couldn't say a single word.

"What the hell is going on?" Xie Lingya's fingers were stained with cinnabar, and he drew a spirit officer's eyes between his brows, but there was nothing strange in his focus. There is no strangeness in his eyes, but the strangeness in his heart is getting deeper and deeper, but he can't tell for a while.

At this moment, Lian Tan came running from the forest with his sword in his hand, holding the Buddha bead in one hand. He had just dealt with the dead body in the forest. He looked up and saw that the lights in the house were off and the door was closed. He wanted to enter through the window, but he couldn't get to the window. side.

Lian Tan looked solemn, chanted the Buddha's name, and threw out the beads in his hand. The beads made of bodhi seeds fell on the windowsill and fell to the ground, breaking the silence.

The Taoist priests in the house were a little nervous and gathered around, and they were overjoyed when they saw Lian Tan come in.

Lian Tan looked around, but it changed color, staring at the Buddha statue in the corner.

"What's wrong?"

Lian Tan gritted his teeth and said, "This Buddha-like Bodhisattva costume, half Buddha and half Bodhisattva, where is the evil thing?!"

… No wonder there is a protector in the corpse forest. It turns out that it is an evil Buddha who has received offerings and has a spirit.

Everyone's brains exploded, and they suddenly understood.

They did not understand the system of Shizong, but Lian Tan could see at a glance that it was not the appearance of any known Buddha or Bodhisattva at all, but the situation was mixed.

It turns out that the truth is in front of them, but they don't know it.

Looking at the Buddha statue in front of the candle, the smile on the corners of the lips deepened unexpectedly! It's like mockery, and it's like pity!

Such a strange scene made everyone feel chills and tightened the magic weapon in their hands.

At this moment, a whisper sounded in my ears, like the buzzing of mosquitoes, I couldn't hear it clearly, it seemed like nothing at first, but it gradually became louder, I don't know where the source of the sound was, mixed with the strange smile of the Buddha statue, making people feel My heart is cold.

Xie Lingya held the Lingguan tactic and gave Shi Changxuan a wink.

Shi Changxuan understood clearly and sat on the ground, thinking about the golden fire bell. No matter what kind of evil Buddha or Bodhisattva he is, he can be beaten together.

- Xie Lingya's trick of inviting Lingzu to be used, it only takes less than ten seconds, and the CD is still huge, so it is easy to not use it.

At this time, other Taoist priests also held swords to protect the law, reciting the golden light magic in their mouths, and their voices were loud, as if they were fighting against the whispering voice.

Lian Tan held the sword and walked towards the evil Buddha statue while chanting sutras. When he was five steps away, he heard a low and thin voice, and suddenly a voice suddenly rose up: "Hum!"

Lian Tan's skinny body was hit hard like a flat air and flew out!

Xie Lingya rushed over to get a handful of the old monk, only to see blood from the corner of his mouth, "Are you alright?"

Lian Tan showed pain on his face, but shook his head, pushed Xie Lingya away, and settled cross-legged.

Xie Lingya immediately thought that the image just now was going to penetrate into people's brains. Compared with the physical damage, the mental attack was more powerful, especially Lian Tan was practicing Buddhism.

Xie Lingya turned around in a daze, looked at the evil Buddha behind the candlelight, and picked up the peach wood sword that Lian Tan put down.

The murmur of mantras surrounded his ears and penetrated into his brain. The expression of the Buddha statue faded and was filled with joy, like joy born from the heart, making everyone who saw it rejoiced together.

Pro, soldiers, fight, people, all, array, column, front, line.

Xie Lingya silently recited the secret blessing of the Sixth League, but the sky turned upside down in front of him, as if he had fallen from a height, he fell into an uneven place.

"...Fuck." Xie Lingya scolded lowly, got up and looked, the ground was full of skeletons, piled up into mountains, boundless, he was alone, sitting among the vast skeletons, the whole world became black and white, white is The color of the bones, the black is the gap of the skeleton.

When he was still in the small building just now, how could he suddenly reach the Skeleton Mountain? Xie Lingya glanced over his shoulder. Although there was still a little wooden man, he couldn't say a word, and he suddenly knew it.

This is fantasy.

Xie Lingya stepped on the skeleton, the sword also pressed against the skeleton, holding the sword and sneered: "This is not as scary as the corpse forest just now."

At this moment, a male-like voice sounded faintly in his ear: "This is your body and bones."

Xie Lingya's heart skipped a beat, and his scalp went numb.

Although he knew it was an illusion, the words still gave him goosebumps.

The voice said again: "In a certain kalpa, your life and death will cycle, so your bones will not rot, and you will become this mountain."

There are as many corpses as mountains and seas, all of them from my previous life...

The feeling of stepping on the soles of the feet was different, Xie Lingya was horrified.

The voice knew what he was thinking, and continued: "Enter under my door, transcend reincarnation, not fall into sin, not suffer, and be happy."

Xie Lingya: "…"

This bewitching remark made Xie Lingya's mind more clarified. He wondered if someone should persuade him to become a monk every three or five years.

The voice paused for a while before saying, "There are various kinds of things in the world, such as old bones, impermanence of solutions, and the fruit of seeing nature."

Xie Lingya raised his face and smiled, and said, "Are you the only one who is detached from the world? My ancestors are detached from nature, but guarding the mountain gate, Anhui Ji, three eyes can see the world, and a whip awakens people in the world, such as you, a demon and heresy—"

He stabbed his sword into the Skeleton Mountain, and the cinnabar between his brows became brighter.

Skull Mountain began to collapse rapidly from where the sword entered!

Xie Lingya rolled to the ground with the sword in his arms, only to find that he "returned" to the original room again, or just woke up.

Lianchi was still meditating, Shi Changxuan was thinking, but the other Taoist priests were lying on the ground at some point, Xie Lingya suspected that he was also in an illusion, and he still didn't wake up.

- to ask why? Not to mention Lian, Shi Changxuan could make Liu Jin Huo Ling Cun come true, and his willpower probably couldn't be dragged into the illusion.

At the same time, Shi Changxuan opened his eyes, and Niwan Gongji shot out a golden fire bell, which was directly nailed into the chest and abdomen of the evil Buddha.

The mouth of the Buddha statue, which had raised the corners of his lips and smiled, suddenly opened wide, and made a roar that was neither male nor female, exactly the same as what Xie Lingya heard in the illusion just now.

Liu Lingtong squeezed out a few words: "Pretend, pretend to be dirty! Human soul pretends to be dirty!"

Xie Lingya was shocked, raised his hand with a sword, and the wooden sword broke the bronze statue, splitting it in half like cutting mud, and the expression on its face was frozen forever. In an instant, I don't know how many ghosts came out, crowding the whole room, but their faces were blank.

A yellow cloth bag also fell out of the Buddha statue's stomach, and it was scattered. It turned out to be some hair and nails.

At this time, Fang Xushan and others also groaned and woke up: "What happened?"

"I also want to ask you what happened," Xie Lingya squatted and asked, "Just now, what kind of treatment did I give you?"