Part-Time Taoist Priest

Chapter 73: Son of Yudu


"I ask Jinxiao Yunxiao and Bixiao Niangniang to come quickly, and borrow the Yellow River Golden Flood Dragon to cut the hemp rope to shreds. It's not merciful. I'll obey the Taishang Laojun in a hurry!" FangZhe recited the curse quickly, and the golden knife With the sharp cut method, the ghost hand that locked his ankle was cut into two sections, and one rolled back and came to Hai Guanchao's side, grabbing the Three Treasures Sword and laying it across his chest.

Although Fang Zhe did not know how to use the Three Treasures Sword, the merits of the Three Treasures Sword and the effect of the Peach Wood Sword itself to exorcise evil spirits still made those hanged ghosts stagnant.

FangZhe saw that the people in the hall were about to move, and shouted: "No one is allowed to come out! Go to the hall and wait!"

These ghosts don't know the origin, they dare to make trouble in front of the Taoist temple, but fortunately, they are still a little afraid of the place enshrined with the guardian god, and dare not set foot in the inner courtyard.

Others have no fighting ability at all, and they will die when they come out. This is really impossible. In this era, there are only a few people who practice all kinds of alchemy, and even fewer who have the ability to practice. In the whole Baoyang Temple, there are few ways to say that there are really few who have the power to fight.

Fang Zhe didn't show it on his face, but he was thinking about it. Xie Lingya didn't know what was going on. Could he just wait for Zhang Daoting to light the incense and ask the patriarch to come down... Or, can he get it

At this moment, Zhang Daoting is kowtowing in the hall, shaking his head and singing incense, trying to calm down, reciting the patriarch's treasure, he feels that he is not as strong as Xie Lingya. It took a few times to calm down.

But the incense was just lit, and it was only a moment when it rose, and it broke. Zhang Daoting was horrified, and when he clicked it again, it broke again. He may not feel strong, but it is impossible for the patriarch to refuse such a request. Could it be that anyone can deceive even ghosts and gods

Zhang Daoting's heart was beating very fast, he was stunned for three seconds, then suddenly took out the incense beads he was wearing, and lit it tremblingly.

If it doesn't work this time, he really wants to grab the ground with his head.

Fortunately, this time the incense beads were ignited, and the smoke rose.

Time waits for no one, Fang Ze was outside facing the ghosts, gritted his teeth, and slashed with his sword.

The red-robed ghost is extremely ferocious, staring at Fang Zhe with bright red eyes, and pounces as he fits in, even ignoring the Three Treasures Sword in his hand, he takes a blow, scratches blood on Fang Zhe's hand, and hugs him he.

Fang Zhe only felt that the amulet on his body was hot, and his heart was not good, this hanged ghost wants to get on him

Fang Ze glanced at the Taoist temple next to him, and his heart froze. I was afraid that he would use his own body to enter the Taoist temple. He lived in the Taoist temple for a long time, or he could really be confused, and the facts today are strange and cannot be mistaken.

Fang Zhe made a decisive decision, and immediately cursed himself: "The sky is not as big as the earth, the earth is not as big as me, and I am not as big as Mount Tai, if you ask a thousand jin to squeeze it, and second, ask a thousand jin to squeeze it... Thousands of people squeeze ten thousand people, but I can't carry them. From now on, I would like to invite the Six Stars of the South Dipper and the Seven Stars of the Big Dipper, and I am hurriedly ordered by the Supreme Lord!"

Just after the spell was finished, the amulet was completely ineffective. But the method of dragging the mountain with thousands of pounds worked, and Fang Zhe's body was immediately as heavy as Mount Tai, and he couldn't move. The ghost's upper body was useless.

Fang Zhe's face was full of cold air, panting and saying to Haiguanchao: "You... run..."

The Three Treasures Sword clapped and fell to the ground.

Hai Guanchao's face was pale, and he lost his glasses. At first glance, the grimace was a little blurry, but because of the blur, it was even more terrifying, and he was surrounded by circles.

A black shadow rushed out from an oblique thorn, and with a sway of his figure, he stretched his arms to block Hai Guanchao, his long hair was scattered, his face was hideous, and he shouted fiercely: "Go—"

Hai Guanchao said in horror, "Du Minmin?"

Others may have forgotten, but he still remembers that this is the female ghost who once asked him for help. At that time, Du Minmin was recruited and was pregnant with a ghost to give birth. In the end, he and Fang Zhe delivered and nursed her back... They had more contact.

Du Minmin said, "Don't be afraid, Doctor Hai, I asked Ding Aima and the others to call Teacher Xie."

Hai Guanchao suddenly had the courage, "Go away and leave me alone."

When he died, the big deal was to be a ghost, just like Ding Aima and the others. But if Du Minmin dies, she will be dissipated, what will happen to her son. Thinking of this, when I looked around, I saw Du Minminsheng's ghost baby huddled in the corner and staring here, his face pale and scary, but Hai Guanchao didn't feel scared at all.

Du Minmin shook his head firmly.

The upper sling in the hand of the Hanged Ghost in Red slipped forward, wrapped around Du Minmin's neck, and hung her under the eaves across the street. Du Minmin grabbed the rope and struggled, and his face looked even more terrifying, but Hai Guanchao didn't see any fear, only full of tears.

Inside the Taoist temple, everyone's eyes were splitting, but they were helpless. Fang Zhe had told them to avoid the hall, but if they wanted to, tears were streaming down their cheeks.

At this moment, the thunderclouds are rolling in the sky, and it seems that they finally feel it, but the thunder has not yet formed, and the evil ghost has already succeeded.

A small amount of witnessing the siege of evil spirits, his heart was extremely tormented, and countless thoughts flashed in his mind, from the bastard's soul out of his body that he learned in his early years, and then the recruiting of shadow soldiers taught by the liar teacher, and then the teacher Xie taught him the scriptures.

Why is he so useless and can't help at all? Doctor Hai and Brother Fang take care of him so much.

And, if they suffer, then the others…

He saw that Hai Guanchao's figure was almost blocked by ghosts, and his blunt mind caught a glimpse of inspiration. He thought of Teacher Xie explaining the Three Treasures to himself, and of Teacher Xie's sword in the outskirts of Tuyang. , I also thought of what Teacher Xie said, the deeds of the previous Guanzhu.

I have the Three Treasures, keep and protect them. The first is kindness, the second is frugality, and the third is renunciation.

Xie Lingya's Rangjian is to pity the innocent soul and save all souls. Wang Yuji's Rangjian is to defend the world, slay demons, and martyrdom with one's own body.

The Three Treasures Sword cultivates the heart, and the mantra has never been written on paper, and there is no such thing as a mantra. Daoist saves people from danger and avoids misfortune, so that they don't die in vain. If you have this heart, why not be afraid of not being able to master the magic.

Xiaoli's mind was empty, and he stepped out of Baoyang Temple.

Everyone was kneeling and worshiping, but no one stopped him, only Fang Zhe saw it at a glance, his eyes were horrified, but he couldn't move, so he could only watch a small amount come out.

Xiaoliang's thoughts had never been so clear before, he lunged forward, grabbed the Three Treasures Sword on the ground, turned over and knelt on one knee and held the sword up to the sky: "Master Patriarch is above, disciple Wu Liang, who is not good at learning the Dao, would like to take his heart to heart. To prove the law, use Shouyuan to lead the sword, and respectfully ask the ancestors of all dynasties to help me to slay evil spirits."

Although he never had a conspiracy with Wang Yu, at this moment, Xiaoliang could clearly feel the mood of Wang Yuji's last sword before his birth. There are also countless Baoyangguan ancestors who used the Three Treasures Sword to slay demons and accumulated a lot of merit, all seem to be standing behind him, pointing him to hold this not sharp wooden sword.

A sword is swung horizontally, and the golden light is surging, it is a sharp sword light.

Dozens of ghosts didn't have time to scream, their bodies touched the golden sword light, and they instantly vanished!

At a glance, Xie Lingya stared at the room, and even suspected that it was his own hallucination.

Inside the house, a thin figure floated in the air, all limbs and trunk were broken, his cheeks were torn so that his teeth could be seen, and he held a bamboo pole in his hand.

It was Pei Xiaoshan, or Pei Xiaoshan's soul.

But how could it be Pei Xiaoshan

Even Liu Lingtong, who was on his shoulders, let out a cry of horror, not expecting the slightest bit.

He also looked at Xie Lingya in the house, and even waved to him.

Xie Lingya gritted his teeth, entered the house, and glanced at it. The Taoist priests living here were not injured, but were shivering in the corner. They had never seen Pei Xiaoshan. Even if I saw it on the news, I couldn't recognize that this was the handsome Pei Xiaoshan in the photo.

The wounds on Pei Xiaoshan's body were all bitten by the ghost king from the four directions.

"Xie Lingya..." The teeth in the hole on Pei Xiaoshan's face moved a few times, squeezing out these words.

Seeing those Taoist priests, Xie Lingya forced himself to calm down and touched Liu Lingtong on his shoulder. Pei Xiaoshan can be called Liu Lingtong's nightmare. He thought he got rid of it and reappeared, but the little guy was so frightened that he couldn't speak.

However, Pei Xiaoshan's attention has not yet fallen on it, but staring at Xie Lingya, the culprit who made him fall short, "I can't think of it, I'm back again."

—Although in the form of a soul.

"It's really unexpected," Xie Lingya took a deep breath, "there will be a second round of courting death."

"I have to thank you, otherwise, how could there be a chance to return to the world." Pei Xiaoshan's face twisted, "You really should taste the pain I suffered."

Xie Lingya said coldly, "No, thank you."

At this time, a thin voice came from outside the window: "Xie, Teacher Xie..."

Xie Lingya looked sideways, it turned out to be Ding Aima.

Under Pei Xiaoshan's eyes, he tremblingly said: "Okay, there are so many ghosts, Doctor Hai and the others are in danger..."

Pei Xiaoshan smiled, "This is a gift from me, so that you can have someone to accompany you when you go down."

Xie Lingya thought that there might be a tug of war, but he didn't expect that it was not Ma Xiaochuan, but Pei Xiaoshan. Ma Xiaochuan is not to be afraid, but Pei Xiaoshan is different.

It's just that Xie Lingya couldn't figure it out, how could Pei Xiaoshan take it out from the underworld, and a remnant soul still has power

Xie Lingya thought that there were still many people in the temple, and the look in Pei Xiaoshan's eyes suddenly changed, his heart moved, and he passed on the ghost king of the four directions, and was ordered in front of the altar.

The ghost kings gathered in the south, south and northwest, and the gloomy wind was blowing. The moment they saw Pei Xiaoshan, they were all surprised, "Isn't this guy detained by the underworld..."

"Open the sky and open the earth, Ganzhu is psychic." Pei Xiaoshan pointed at the bamboo stick in his hand, and a blue light appeared, flying up and down among the ghost kings, and when he touched his body, there was a scorch mark. Pei Xiaoshan, who once had to rely on Du's merits to enslave the ghost king, can now play with them with his own magic weapon alone.

What has he been through? Xie Lingya's brows were wrinkled, and the heart seal changed to the seal of the Secretary of the City God, and the Yin soldiers from the Yin Temple came to see him.

But Pei Xiaoshan ordered the bamboo stick again: "Zhao Tiangong, take the ground to welcome."

He pointed to the ground with his stick, although he couldn't do the yin god bow his head as the incantation preached, but he could only be isolated for a while. Xie Lingya couldn't summon the yin soldiers, and his expression was even more ugly.

Pei Xiaoshan continued to laugh and said: "You ask the ancestor to possess him. How many seconds can you hold on now? Do you still have the strength to go back to save people? And your Yin soldier, can you deal with the hanged ghost?"

At this moment, the sound of rolling thunder came from the horizon, but it was contained but not released.

Pei Xiaoshan glanced at it: "It seems that the level of the Taoist priests under you is not very good."

This spellcasting speed is no faster than Xie Lingya's.

Having said that, Pei Xiaoshan tapped the void again with the bamboo stick, and a wet long-haired water ghost crawled out of the toilet. Like the hanged ghost, the drowning ghost is extremely dangerous. His original nine-section Xiangyang bamboo stick was destroyed long ago, and now this one came from nowhere.

Xie Lingya was about to speak, when a golden streamer shot from the outside, passed through the throat of the drowned man, turning it into black smoke, and hit Pei Xiaoshan on the back, knocking him down from the air and landing on the ground. He staggered twice before turning around.

A cold and handsome face appeared in the darkness outside the window, it was Shi Changxuan.

The moment Xie Lingya saw Shi Changxuan, he felt relieved. Even if he had to fight, he had no worries, "Senior brother."

Shi Changxuan realized that he had been deceived in the middle of the road, but fortunately he rushed back.

He is also someone Pei Xiaoshan hates very much, "Since you are here, don't leave."

Although he shouted for Xie Lingya to invite the patriarch to possess himself, but he knew in his heart that he would never give Xie Lingya the chance to curse. When he saw Shi Changxuan, who could protect the Dharma, he couldn't wait. The bamboo stick was a little to the southeast, attracting countless ghosts. His gaze fell on the shivering Taoist priests.

"Fuck you." Xie Lingya stretched out his hand, grabbed Shi Changxuan's, and dragged him to jump in from the window, "I can fuck you without asking my grandfather!"

The more Pei Xiaoshan threatened the people in the Guan, the less he dared to panic.

Since Pei Xiaoshan's death, Xie Lingya has not remained the same. Pei Xiaoshan has made rapid progress, so why not he and Shi Changxuan.

Not to mention other things, Xie Lingya has received the authentic Sazulei method in the view of nature, and has also been tempered by the evil Buddha, and his will is stronger. A bamboo stick.

Pei Xiaoshan had a bamboo stick in his hand, and Xie Lingya had a bamboo stick in his hand. Shi Changxuan was even better.

"The world moves in one turn." Xie Lingya stabbed out a "sword" and kept chanting incantations, "Second turn, six gods hide..."

"Three turns and four are dead, and five turns are thunderous."

The thorns on the bamboo sticks arouse purple light.

"Six turns mountain ghosts die, seven turns—"

Xie Lingya has been learning swordsmanship with Shi Changxuan for several days, and has a little experience. The two cooperated tacitly, even more than when they faced Pei Xiaoshan at the beginning.

"Seven turns to capture everything that defies the sky and has no way, and it is not right to harm the ghosts and gods and go to die under the five thunders!"

Electric light is great!

Pei Xiaoshan screamed and was wrapped in electric light. He clenched his bamboo stick tightly and said sternly, "Born with me, and perished with me!"

The electric light went against the current of the bamboo stick and hit Xie Lingya's right hand.

The two of them never imagined that Pei Xiaoshan would be able to perform magic techniques backwards. Feminine things are afraid of thunder and fire, and people are flesh and blood, so they can't bear it.

Before Shi Changxuan could think about it, he snatched the bamboo stick from Xie Lingya's hand, and the electric light also shot onto him. Shi Changxuan was so excited that he flew several meters upside down, fell to the ground, and leaned back against the sofa.

The few Taoist priests exclaimed and were about to step forward to help him, but when he raised his hand, there was still electric light on his fingertips, and shook his head in pain, preventing everyone from coming.

When they faced Pei Xiaoshan for the first time, Xie Lingya blocked a blow for Shi Changxuan. He didn't know what Shi Changxuan's mood was at the time, but he was very shocked now.

The method of thunder and fire is a critical strike. After the critical strike, it will continue to damage and destroy people's souls. Even if Shi Changxuan has been practicing Taoism for many years, how long can he withstand the torture.

Pei Xiaoshan smiled happily, "How?"

Xie Lingya came back to his senses, gave him a cold look, and strode to Shi Changxuan.

Shi Changxuan shook his head, but he was speechless. He wanted to shrink his hands to prevent Xie Lingya from touching him.

"Senior brother..." Xie Lingya whispered, swallowing tears, reaching out to hold his fingertips, even taking a step closer to hug him, whispering, "Spirit and spirit are clear, ten thousand spirits last forever, without suffering, body There is light."

Shi Changxuan also closed his eyes and thought, the electric light on his body disappeared in an instant, and even revealed a golden light.

When Pei Xiaoshan saw the golden light, he immediately hugged his head and screamed. He was just a ghost, afraid of thunder and fire and righteousness.

"Huh..." Pei Xiaoshan gasped, looking at Xie Lingya with hatred and unwillingness to believe it. He consciously made great progress in his cultivation, but couldn't he pass that aura? Xie Lingya could understand the trick in an instant, so wouldn't it be more ridiculous what he did.

Seeing that Pei Xiaoshan still had a complicated expression on his broken face, Xie Lingya walked over and stepped on the bamboo stick that fell on the ground, hooked it up, held it in his hand, and wrote on it: "The spirit of the South Pole, the god of fire and thunder. . Red-faced loyal, roaming the universe. If you dare to disobey, you will be cut like dust!"

Pei Xiaoshan fell to the ground and stared at Xie Lingya. He had too many things he didn't expect and regret. He shouldn't be self-sufficient in his cultivation. He was eager for revenge and wasted this opportunity.

If I knew it earlier, I would have known Xu Xutuzhi...

Pei Xiaoshan rolled and hissed: "I'll be back, you wait..."

"Forget it. You don't have the life of being a big wolf." Xie Lingya said, and he stabbed Pei Xiaoshan Tianling with a stick, slashing like dust.

Even if he didn't know how he got back from Pei Xiaoshankou, Xie Lingya didn't plan to keep this scourge any longer.

Pei Xiaoshan turned into ashes, and there was only one bamboo stick left on the ground.

Xie Lingya picked up the bamboo stick, and saw that it was green and full of vitality, but the more angry he was, the more he felt that something was wrong.

Shi Changxuan stood up leaning on the sofa, as if he knew what Xie Lingya was thinking, "Let's look at it later."

Xie Lingya woke up, "Are you alright?"

Shi Changxuan shook his head, although he was injured, but following Xie Lingya's silent recitation of ten thousand qi, he sorted out his qi machine, and it was much better.

What happened to the Taoist temple, Xie Lingya took the bamboo stick and asked the ghost kings of the four directions to go to hold the Yang Temple first. He and the other Taoist priests supported Shi Changxuan and followed closely. They called the family again and asked about their Happening.

As soon as he looked up and saw that Xingyue was hidden behind the clouds, the surroundings were extremely quiet. Xie Lingya thought that the movement tonight seemed to be a bit loud, and he would not be complained by the neighbors tomorrow...

When Xie Lingya went back, he saw the ghost king of the four sides leaning on the wall, the toilet ghost raised his hand to support Du Minmin, and there was a ghost baby who was just crawling at his feet, holding Du Minmin's feet.

"Are you okay?" Xie Lingya looked at the situation and relaxed.

The ghost king said with a complicated expression: "I don't know if it's okay or not..."

Xie Lingya hurried forward, pushed open the door and saw that there was a pile of medicinal herbs in front of Hai Guanchao, who was rummaging.

"Thank you, teacher."

When everyone saw Xie Lingya, they all moved out of the way so that he could see more clearly.

Xiaoli was still holding the Three Treasures Sword in his arms, and he had fainted. He was originally twenty years old, but at this moment there were two strands of frosty hair on his temples, which did not match his youthful appearance.

"Small amount?" Xie Lingya looked at him and thought of something, but he couldn't believe it for a while.

Liu Lingtong suddenly said: "The immortal way is precious, and there is no measure of people."

Xie Lingya was stunned for a while. Hearing what happened just now by General Hai Guanchao, they were deceived by the specter and went out of the Taoist temple.

A small amount of cultivation is not deep, or in other words, there is no cultivation at all, and it consumes life essence.

When Xie Lingya thought of his uncle, he couldn't help himself, and tears fell like rain.

Xiaoliang seemed to feel something, opened his eyes a little, and when he saw Xie Lingya, he was very happy and weakly said: "Teacher Xie, I, I will use the Three Treasures Sword."

Xie Lingya hugged Xiaoliang, "I see, they told me, you..." He choked, "You are really a genius."

A small amount of shyness said: "I'm not, I will only use stupid methods. Fortunately, the seniors have spirits in the sky."

Xie Lingya counted the small amount of white hair on the sideburns, not knowing how many years of his life this sword took. After a while, he asked, "Xiao Liang, are you still willing to cultivate? If you are willing, I will accept you as a disciple on behalf of my uncle. "

"I do." Xiao Que blurted out.

Xie Lingya: "Even if this situation happens in the future, are you still willing?"

"... I would." Xiao Que hesitated, "But, can I do it?"

Xie Lingya affirmed: "If you can't do it, who else can do it."

Xian Dao Guisheng, immeasurable people, it is simple to say, but there are a few things that can be done. The essence of the Three Treasures Sword is not complicated, but the third sword, even Xie Lingya, cannot be learned in an instant.

Alchemy is easy to learn and the mind is difficult to cultivate, and Taoism is based on the cultivation of the mind. Moreover, being able to comprehend Rangjian means that a small amount of mind has been opened.

Xie Lingya had no doubt that even if his uncle was present, he would immediately agree.

Everyone present knew that Xiao Liang had always wanted to enter the Dao, but he had no talent. Now that he finally got what he wanted, they applauded and congratulated Xiao Liang under the leadership of Hai Guanchao. At the same time, they also admired and respected them very much. Xiaoli was the youngest present, but their courage and thought were far behind them.

Xie Lingya patted a small amount of head, he was working too hard, and fell asleep again.

Xie Lingya was still uncomfortable, looked around for a week, and whispered: "...I didn't protect everyone, it was Pei Xiaoshan who came back to take revenge."

If it's not a small amount, I don't know what the consequences will be.

"Mr. Xie, you can't just stick to your own morals," Hai Guanchao sighed, "Although we don't know how you escaped, our consciousness is also very high, can we blame you for not being a good person in the first place? Is it a good thing?"

Xie Lingya laughed, and immediately said in his mind, "I'm not good enough."

As soon as these words came out, the ghost kings from all directions wanted to cover their faces, how awesome do you want to be

Hai Guanchao also had a terrible look on his face, "You..."

"Please supervise, I must be more aggressive in the future and not leave a chance for the bad guys." Xie Lingya vowed, "Also, I will find all the life-extending prescriptions in the notebook when I look back, and see if there are any available. The more he talked, the more flexible his expression became. "Yes, let's inquire about a small amount of Shou Yuan with Yin Si first. It's all used for praying and praying..."

Seeing that Xie Lingya regained his composure so quickly, chattering about what to do, everyone felt at ease for a while.

"Cough cough!" Shi Changxuan coughed.

Xie Lingya hurriedly jumped to his side and held his hand, "Let's do this tonight, let's squeeze a little and rest in the view, it's not cold yet, make a floor, it's too messy in the rental house. He Zun also don't go back. already."

Seeing that everyone responded, they dispersed. Xie Lingya weighed the bamboo stick, looked at Shi Changxuan, and entered the room enshrining the patriarch's tablet together.

Pei Xiaoshan said that he wanted to send his friend down to accompany him, but Xie Lingya's family had nothing to do, which troubled Xie Lingya more than other doubts.

They lighted incense in the house and told Wang Yuji what happened tonight.

The two closed their eyes and entered a state of half-dreaming and half-awake, only to see Wang Yuji coming in person, "... How could Pei Xiaoshan escape from the underworld!"

Pei Xiaoshan could never have the ability to escape from the control of Yin Si.

Xie Lingya said calmly: "Pei Xiaoshan's strength has greatly increased, and he can deceive the gods and the gods. I suspect that the ghosts he brought are also from the underworld. There may be important events behind him, and I dare not disclose it to others. Uncle, I'm afraid you have to inform the Yin Division immediately to investigate how they escaped..."

"By the way," Xie Lingya thought of the bamboo stick and said again, "This is Pei Xiaoshan's magic weapon. I think something is wrong. Uncle, can you see the clue?"

Wang Yuji took a look, his face changed dramatically, he stretched out his hand and flicked his hand, and the originally vigorous bamboo staff instantly turned into a deep black, revealing a dead air.

Looking at this, it really doesn't look like a human thing.

"Could it be..." Wang Yuji asked tangled with his hands behind his back, "Could it be..."

"What is it?" Xie Lingya became anxious, "Let's talk."

"Wait for me to send a letter first." Wang Yuji held his own printed letter and sighed after he finished, "At the beginning, I used up my lifespan for decades, just to drive one person into the underworld, I thought there would be no future troubles. , so I didn't mention it to you."

Indeed, Xie Lingya only knew that his uncle was exhausted in order to slay demons and demons, and there was no way to save him, but when they met, his uncle was dying, and he did not elaborate.

At this moment, Xie Lingya and Shi Changxuan were both shocked.

Wang Yuji spent so much energy to deal with the target, I am afraid it is very unusual.

And if that's the case, it also makes sense. Those specters who tried to kill Baoyangguan's people, or even climbed into them, were more likely to do so for the purpose of Baoyangguan itself. After all, this is Wang Yuji's teacher, and even Wang Yuji The tablet is also here.

"Youdu Mountain, when I passed Youdu Mountain, I met a young man there." Wang Yuji said slowly, "Youdu Mountain is a place that connects the two worlds of Yin and Yang. Snakes, insects, tigers and leopards with condensed gas. I saw that the young man was angry, but I didn't see anything unusual. I also discussed with him about alchemy, and was willing to accept him as a disciple.

"He is talented, comprehensible, and ignorant of the world. I was curious about his background, but when I asked, he said that he had just been born in Youdu Mountain, and the mountains were his parents. But people are the spirit of all things, and you How could Dushan be born to be a human being

"I had doubts in my heart, but I found out later that he was really born in Youdu Mountain... I don't know what to call him, a life born from a deadly yin. The most terrifying thing is that he can learn the most orthodox. It can easily reverse them into harmful methods. Under the anger, it is actually death.

"I want to save him, but unfortunately, I really don't have that talent. He is full of curiosity about the outside world. If he wants to make others like the dead in Youdu Mountain, how can I stop him? I can only do my best. Providence Let me meet him, and of course I can't let him go."

Wang Yuji put it lightly, but the situation at the time was so dangerous, how many lives would be lost if he made a mistake. It's just that, despite all his hard work, he couldn't make it disappear, so he could only send the son of Youdu to the underworld and suppress it in the underworld.

Now seeing the clues related to that person, Wang Yuji's mood is extremely complicated.

is it him? Did you try to let go, and pointed out Pei Xiaoshan? Where is he himself

Before Yin Si's reply came, Wang Yuji couldn't find peace in his heart.

"It's really a coincidence," Xie Lingya couldn't help but said, "If it really has something to do with him, today's game will also be under the sword. Uncle, I was just about to tell you that today's last Taoist temple is a small amount of understanding of you. Will, slay the ghost with one sword. I have made an agreement with him that he is willing to worship you as a teacher."

Wang Yuji was stunned for a moment, and then showed a look of joy, "It should be like this, it should be like this! Even if that person escapes from the underworld, so what? Although I am dead, I still have nephews and apprentices! I still have countless sects. Fellow!"

Xie Lingya waved his hand, "Hey, don't count it, it's only 50,000 after the statistics a few years ago."