Part-Time Taoist Priest

Chapter 80: weasel


Shi Changxuan shook his head extremely slowly under the gazes of everyone seeking approval.

Everyone's heart skipped a beat, Daochang Shi and Teacher Xie had such a good relationship, he wouldn't know something secret.

Hai Guanchao murmured, "Aside from class, this guy is a 'half-immortal'. Even if he's a female classmate at school, he can't just date during class... Could it be online dating?"

Xie Lingya often plays with his mobile phone, but everyone assumes that he is managing the WeChat public account, or reading the electronic version of Baoyang Notes, this may be the only chance.

Everyone looked nervously at Shi Changxuan, it wasn't necessarily true...

Shi Changxuan was inconvenient to reveal the real situation, and it was inconvenient for him to lie, so he finally said, "Since junior brother said there is, it must be there."

Everyone: "..."

What kind of logic is this, don't you know the mouth of your junior brother? Why blindly protect?

No one thought that they were only one step away from the truth, one step away in every sense.

After Xie Lingya made arrangements for Baoyang Temple, he bought some travel equipment and booked a ticket to Kunlun Mountain.

That's right, he booked a ticket to Kunlun Mountain, the ancestor of the Dragon Vein.

The Mountain of Youdu connects the two worlds of Yin and Yang, but not everyone can reach it. There are many folk legends about Youdu Mountain. Some ordinary people think that it does not exist at all, and some think that there is such a mountain, but everyone does not know which one corresponds to.

As for the location, according to ancient records, it should be in Beihai Province, within a radius of 800 miles of Kunlun Mountain. Eight hundred li contains too many mountains, which one is specific, and what is said.

Only some religious people who have inherited it know that Youdu Mountain is located in Kunlun, and the two mountains overlap.

Kunlun Mountain is the capital under the emperor, the gate of the fairy world, and Youdu Mountain, which connects the underworld, is actually half hidden and half in Kunlun. Only at midnight, according to the direction of gossip, can you clear the fog and enter Youdu Mountain from Kunlun.

Back then, when Wang Yuji "passed" such a mysterious place as Youdu Mountain, it was naturally entirely because he went to Kunlun to see the dragon veins and visited the Taoist temple there, otherwise, who would go to that kind of place with nothing to do.

When Xie Lingya was preparing, Hai Guanchao came to him, hoping to set off with them.

"I'll close the store for a few days and come with you." Hai Guanchao looked at Xie Lingya's puzzled look and repeated, "You guys are going to Kunlun, it's too dangerous, I can wait around."

There are only two open peaks in Kunlun Mountain, but no matter which one is, it is not the place where they have to step into Youdu Mountain.

Moreover, the altitude there is high, it is easy to suffer from altitude sickness, and Fangzhe is inconvenient for legs and feet, which is what Hai Guanchao is worried about. But he also knew that he didn't know how to do alchemy, but it would be good if he could wait by the side. The medical conditions in that place can be imagined.

As for Fang Zhe's definitely going there, they need the help of Fang Zhe, the descendant of the "Luban Book", to find that femininity.

Xie Lingya thought for a while, it would be fine for them to go to Kunlun, that is, they were physically tired, and the danger would not be particularly great. But after that, it is unknown to enter Youdu Mountain to find the yin object.

If you bring Hai Guanchao with him and tell him to wait in Kunlun, it would be a way.

"That's fine." Xie Lingya thought about it for a while before agreeing.

To go to Kunlun Mountains, you need to take a plane, arrive at a nearby city, and then change to a car.

Four people were carrying three large backpacks, and Fang Zhe was fine. I got up early in the morning to drive to the airport. After a few hours of flight, I got off the plane and was bumped by the bus again.

But this is not bad. Xie Lingya knew that when my uncle went to Kunlun Mountains, the conditions were not good at that time, and they took the train all day and night.

But the downside of flying is that, unlike trains, there is a gradual acclimatization to altitude. Shi Changxuan was fine, but Xie Lingya, Fang Zhe, and Hai Guanchao all suffered from altitude sickness to varying degrees. Fortunately, it is not very serious, and it will be better if you take some medicine.

When I arrived at Kunlun Mountain, I couldn't go up immediately and stayed in a hotel. Xie Lingya made an appointment with the local people, where he taught them how to use some alpine equipment and trained them a little bit. This is also Wang Yuji's original experience. Fortunately, this is the case, otherwise Xie Lingya would not have dared to venture into inaccessible places.

Where they live, they can see Yuzhu Peak in the distance. The top of the mountain is covered with snow that does not melt all year round. This is the highest peak in the Kunlun Mountains. They lived in a barren area, called a hotel. The house was only two floors, and it was very simple. At first glance, the surrounding area was bare and there was very little grass.

Xie Lingya brought two roosters from the lively market, and when they got to this place, even they were stunned. Xie Lingya asked the hotel for some rice every day and kept them in his room.

The people in the hotel were actually not happy, and they asked Xie Lingya to sell the chicken to them. Of course Xie Lingya didn't want it. He didn't bring this chicken to reserve food, but to go up the mountain to lure the ghost of Youdu Mountain.

To this end, Xie Lingya also paid a deposit to ensure that the chicken would not soil the room.

Now these two chickens are very precious, and they have to take a long way to buy them when they die, so Xie Lingya secretly painted a talisman into the water for them to eat, hoping that they could hold on.

"Cheer up, we still have to go up the mountain. If you can hold on, you will have to make a deduction when you arrive in the underworld. Maybe you will be born in the next life." Xie Lingya held a rooster in his arms for comfort.

Hai Guanchao pushed open the door and came in and saw, "Oh, hot eyes, look at Xie Lingya holding a chicken."

The residents who passed by the door all looked sideways.

Xie Lingya: "…"

Xie Lingya: "You will cause misunderstandings, big rooster."

FangZhe also squatted down, touched the other chicken, and cursed to make them refreshed a little bit. He was also worried that the rooster would not be able to hold on.

The four people lived in a suite, with a bed in each of the inside and outside, and two or two combined to sleep on one bed.

"At this rate, you will be able to climb the mountain the day after tomorrow," Xie Lingya said.

Hai Guanchao said reluctantly: "Come up, I'm going to be tossed to death."

Although he took the initiative to ask to come, but the conditions are not very good, and the training is quite tiring.

The trainers all thought that they were going to climb Mount Jade Everest, but only the person in the lead knew a little about it. He had more contact with Wang Yuji back then, but he was very strict and didn't say anything.

In fact, the peak they want to climb is a little easier than Mount Yuzhu. They can reach the top in about three days, and only the last section is covered with ice and snow.

They did so much, not for that glimmer of hope. In fact, they are not sure now, even if they caught the creatures in Youdu Mountain, whether the ghosts there can help them find the son of Youdu.

There is no wifi in this place. After dinner, there is nothing to do. The four of us gather together to read a book and occasionally play poker.

"It seems to be a bit cold tonight." Xie Lingya muttered, closing the window tightly, "The wind is blowing, and the dark clouds are still over the top during the day, which is not a good sign. Go to bed early tonight."

They each put down their books, took turns using the bathroom, and went to sleep after washing up. The bathroom was outside. Xie Lingya and the others slept in the one in the suite, so the door in the middle didn't need to be closed. Everyone was male, and it was easy to go in and out of the toilet.

Xie Lingya turned off the light, got into the quilt, and threw himself into Shi Changxuan's warm embrace.

Shi Changxuan tacitly did not snort, hugged Xie Lingya, and the two exchanged a kiss in the dark bed.

The rooster beside the bed croaked twice and tried to pounce on the bed.

Xie Lingya turned around and put his hand under the quilt and opened it, "Brother Pheasant, can you be quieter?"

He named two roosters, one named Pheasant and one named Rhubarb.

The rooster crouched down in Xie Lingya's nest, giving up the idea of flying to bed.

Xie Lingya could hear what FangZhe and Hai Guanchao were also talking about.

I miss the good weather in Tuyang, the convenient facilities, what I want to eat, and the sun in the yard in the afternoon.

Thinking of these, I think of his uncle, who didn't know how to spend it alone. Fortunately, he still has a partner, and he is much happier with friends.

"We'll go back when we find it." Shi Changxuan comfortably hugged Xie Lingya a little, the two whispered, and together with the movement outside, they slowly fell silent, and everyone fell asleep.

Xie Lingya didn't sleep soundly, and he didn't know what time it was in the middle of the night. He was woken up by a strange sound. He struggled to open his eyes and nodded his head from the quilt. The room was dark, and only a little light came in from the window. .

The pheasant and rhubarb seemed to be awakened by him, and flapped their wings.

Just now, between half-dreaming and half-awake, Xie Lingya always felt that he heard a clicking sound, as if something was being fiddled with. When I woke up, it was as quiet as ever, making people suspect that it was just a dream.

Xie Lingya retracted his head again, but wiped his face under the quilt, pinched himself, and became more and more sober.

He lay on Shi Changxuan's body and didn't move, as if he was fast asleep.

After a full five minutes, the movement rang again, and Xie Lingya suddenly got out, turned on the bedside lamp, and shouted, "Catch the thief!"

The cold wind poured into the quilt, and Shi Changxuan woke up from the cold. With Xie Lingya's voice, the two people outside were also startled.

Xie Lingya thought it was a thief, but looking at it with the light, there was a shiny and huge weasel crouching in the middle of the room. Its front paws were together, and its eyes glowed faintly, and it was a little frightened. look.

One person and one weasel only looked at each other for a second, then the weasel rushed forward like crazy, hugged Rhubarb, and bit it with its mouth open.

Da Huang struggled hard, the weasel bit on its neck, Xie Lingya also recovered, grabbed the shoe and slapped it hard, "Fuck you!"

Xie Lingya looked at the weasel several times, slapped it away, and grabbed its tail.

The pheasant hooted and fluttered, but with a rope tied to its feet, it couldn't fly anywhere.

Rhubarb escaped from under the weasel's mouth, his neck still bleeding, but not fatal. Xie Lingya bent down and hugged the two chickens in his arms.

The weasel was lying on the ground, baring its teeth arrogantly at Xie Lingya and making a threatening sound. It was beaten a little by Xie Lingya. Humans and strength are strong, the root of its tail may still hurt.

At this time, Hai Guanchao and Fang Zhe also hurried in wearing their pajamas, holding their arms shivering with cold: "What the hell."

"Be careful." Xie Lingya stared into the eyes of the weasel and said, the weasel looked a little spiritual, and his small eyes looked at Xie Lingya deeply, as if trying to confuse him, but Xie Lingya was unmoved. At this level, it is not comparable to the evil Buddha of Hongyang Dao.

After a long while, the weasel moved, it turned around and jumped out and escaped.

Xie Lingya ran to the window to take a look. The window was opened by this guy. He was really smart. Weasels are psychic, and they are called Huang Daxian by the people.

This is the second time Xie Lingya has seen a slightly psychic animal. The last time it was a fox, but the weasel is obviously not as friendly as a fox. Moreover, there are few people in this place and the environment is harsh, but it lives here and grows so big. ability.

He closed the window, thought about it and fixed it again, turned around and said depressedly: "Oh, it's not good, Brother Rhubarb is injured, and the quilt is dirty."

The hotel quilts are all white, and it is difficult to deal with blood, and most of the mortgage money is gone.

More importantly, Brother Da Huang was injured. Fang Zhe chanted a spell on him to stop the bleeding. The bleeding stopped, but he probably wouldn't be able to climb the mountain. In fact, I bought two at that time just to prepare for accidents, but I didn't expect to lose soldiers before going up the mountain.

"That guy didn't eat the chicken. He's not afraid of thieves, but he's worried about thieves. He has to be a little more careful these days." Xie Lingya was still worried after thinking about it.

"No matter what, it's just a weasel. The big deal is that we can't leave the chicken." Hai Guanchao said, "How can you be afraid of a weasel?"

"It's not that I'm afraid. I don't want to harm the small animals either, because I'm afraid that it will cause trouble for me. Forget it, if I encounter it, I'm still very gentle." Xie Lingya said, and tied the pheasant brother to his hand with a rope. Rhubarb Brother left it to Fang Ze to take care of him, one on the other side, Brother Big Huang was already injured, Brother Pheasant couldn't have another accident.

The next day, Xie Lingya and Fang Zhe kept the chicken by their side. Brother Da Huang was not in a particularly good condition, his neck was injured and he lost his strength. Brother Pheasant was in good health but was also frightened, as if he felt something. Xie Lingya led it and it was very obedient, never struggling.

Put the chickens aside while training and don't let them run around.

The people in the hotel looked at them even more strangely. There were so many people climbing and traveling. Only this group of people was the strangest. Not to mention two live chickens, they had to hold them in their arms now.

Fresh fruit was delivered at noon, but only cash was accepted. Xie Lingya shoved the chicken into Shi Changxuan's arms and went back to the room to get the cash.

As soon as he entered the door, Xie Lingya found that there was still someone inside, a slender girl who was bending over to clean the sheets in the inner room. It was estimated that she had met the staff who cleaned the room.

When the girl heard someone swiping her card in, she didn't turn around and asked, "What's the matter with the blood."

Xie Lingya was embarrassed, "I told the front desk that the mortgage will be compensated for you."

The girl asked again, "But why is there blood?"

Xie Lingya: "...It's chicken blood, chicken blood!"

He felt as if he was about to be misunderstood, and was very embarrassed. He walked to the box depressed, unlocked the lock, and took the change.

At this time, Liu Lingtong suddenly said: "Male is not male, female is not female, yellow immortal is possessed and steals yellow chicken."

Xie Lingya froze, squatted down and pressed the password and slowed down a bit. Out of the corner of his eyes, he could catch a glimpse of the girl's legs, she slowly walked out from the inside, her steps were a little stiff, and she was still talking: "Brother, you killed the chicken. ?"

"I didn't kill it, I kept it." Xie Lingya blocked his hand with the box and took out the cinnabar.

The girl walked up to him, squatted down, and said with a smile, "Why don't you give it to me."

When Xie Lingya raised his head, he almost choked on his own saliva.

He had seen this girl cleaning the room once before. She used to have big eyes and nose, but now her eyes are squeezed like beans, her nose is wrinkled, and she twitches like a sniff from time to time. generally. Also, it's a little rude.

Xie Lingya jumped up, took a big step back, clasped the cinnabar in his hand, and said, "... what are you doing to implicate other people, come to me if you have anything."

After being possessed, there is no shortage of illnesses.

The "girl" licked her lower lip, her voice changed, neither male nor female, she slammed forward on Xie Lingya, wrapped her limbs tightly around him, and giggled, "Who told you that the four of you can't be attached."

She suddenly became infinitely powerful, Xie Lingya calmly said: "Now you let go of the discussions, and I can let you go."

The "girl" laughed strangely again, rubbed against him for a while, and said, "Don't let me go, please."

The voice was sticky, and the breath was still spraying on Xie Lingya's neck, and he had goose bumps. This weasel should be a male, but it is so perverted, is it because of the female body to make trouble or is it a gay weasel at all!

Just as Xie Lingya was about to speak, the door was suddenly opened, Shi Changxuan, Fang Zhe, and Hai Guanchao rushed in with chickens in their arms, and they were stunned when they saw the scene in front of them.

The "girl" climbed on top of Xie Lingya and buried her head in his neck, so they couldn't see her face, only Xie Lingya hugged tightly.

Xie Lingya: "…"

Hai Guanchao said speechlessly: "Mr. Xie, you..."

Xie Lingya hurriedly said: "I'm not, I don't, I have a partner!"

The girl raised her face, and the face that looked like a weasel huddled together shocked Hai Guanchao. Can you still believe it? No wonder Shi Tusun suddenly asked everyone to come together.

I didn't expect this weasel to be so careful, Mr. Xie beat it a few times and it came back to seek revenge. Now it seems that this is definitely not a blessing.

The three stepped forward and tore the "girl" from Xie Lingya.

FangZhe took out a piece of red rope and wrapped it around her hand a few times, "When the sun rises ten thousand points of red, yin lock ghosts, yang lock demons, there are thousands of ropes in the sky!"

As soon as the red rope tightened, it got stuck in the meat and couldn't move for a while.

Xie Lingya saved himself from breaking free, holding the "girl"'s chin and using cinnabar to draw a talisman on her face, "Danshu is fierce, demons destroy ghosts!"

Shi Changxuan also restrained the "girl"'s shoulders. They came out to work this time, so they brought a lot of things with him. He printed the gossip mirror on the "girl"'s vest, and she couldn't hold it anymore, and howled, As soon as his body loosened, he fainted.

Xie Lingya helped the girl, relieved her strength, and lay down flat.

Shi Changxuan looked at it with a gossip mirror, lifted the sheet, and pulled out a weasel from the bottom of the bed. It was the one I saw yesterday. Its body turned out to be hiding under the bed.

The weasel rolled his eyes, and pouted his ass to fascinate them with the stench.

Xie Lingya rolled up his sleeves, "Dare to take advantage of me, let me come."

Before he could finish his words, Shi Changxuan had already threw the weasel to the ground, knocked him half-dazed, stepped on its gate with one foot, and took out a talisman with one hand. .

Shi Changxuan quickly opened the weasel's mouth, shoved the still burning talisman into its mouth, and pressed its mouth again, letting it roll over without letting go. The weasel made a miserable sound from its throat, twisted its body, and begged for mercy in its eyes.

Shi Changxuan's hand was extremely steady, and he didn't relax at all, but in about thirty seconds, the weasel was sluggish to the naked eye, and even the coat was not so bright, and the tips of the ears were more white.

At this moment, Shi Changxuan released the hand that was stuck in its mouth, and stood up calmly with his tail raised.

The weasel seemed to be run over by a wheel, his tail was lifted, and he swayed twice in the air, his whole body soft and unlovable.

other people:"… … "

Fang Zhe, Hai Guanchao, and even Xie Lingya himself were all ready for him to come forward and play violently.

Who knew that it was Daochang Shi, who would abolish the weasel's cultivation base without making a sound. Judging from the color of its coat and the strength of its upper body just now, how could it have lived for more than 20 years, Shi Changxuan was stunned and did not say a word, not leaving a chance.

Shi Changxuan even looked at his hand stained with a few hairs, ready to wash his hands, raised his eyes to see everyone staring at him, and said lightly: "There are many evildoers, abolishing it will save future troubles."

After all, he went to wash his hands by himself.

Only then did Fang Zhe return to his senses, and said in a low voice, "Could it be that this is actually a weasel that roams the countryside, so Daochang Shi has no hesitation?"

Hai Guanchao swallowed and said, "At that moment, I seemed to see Mr. Xie's figure..."

He just started with that neat and ruthless force, and didn't leave any leeway, and pinched the weasel's mouth. In this respect, he was more "sophisticated" than Xie Lingya. I'm afraid it wasn't under the direction of President Xie.

Xie Lingya also reacted and said, "What do you know? Senior brother came to help me vent my anger after seeing me being eaten by a weasel."

Hai Guanchao laughed, "How could Xiao Shi be someone who doesn't differentiate between public and private!"