Part-Time Taoist Priest

Chapter 94: Good Dragon (below)


The good dragon must have understood some people's words, hissed out a snake letter, stretched his head forward, and rubbed Xie Lingya's knuckles again. The snake skin was cool, Xie Lingya moved his fingers.

Shang Wu also didn't expect that Xie Lingya would stop playing when he started playing with the snake. He was still muttering something to the snake. Seeing his scalp tingling, he couldn't stop looking back, for fear that if Xie Lingya didn't catch one, the snake would be slipped off.

Xie Lingya saw in the rearview mirror that Shang Wu kept looking here, and said, "Mr. Shang, you need to see the road when driving."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Shang Wusan retracted his gaze and said honestly, "I'm just afraid that the snake ran away."

Xie Lingya didn't want it, but he was afraid of snakes, not to mention that snakes could act like demons.

The good dragon doesn't seem to want to run, it gently swims in circles on Xie Lingya's wrist. With the movement, the scales on the body reflect the splendor of the car, and several changes are added, with a faint brilliance, and the thin tail is hooked. If you don't look closely, it looks like a special bracelet.

Xie Lingya stretched out the hand that was entangled with the obedient dragon to Shi Changxuan, and tentatively pulled his hand.

The good dragon swam from Xie Lingya's hand to Shi Changxuan's palm.

At this time, he happened to encounter a traffic light. Shang Wu saw that the obedient dragon was also friendly to Shi Changxuan, and asked curiously, "Isn't it fierce?"

Xie Lingya said thoughtfully: "Do you want to touch it?"

He also wanted to know if Good Dragon did this to every stranger.

Shang Wu shrank, "No, no, no."

Shang Wu sent them to the bus station, said goodbye respectfully, and watched them leave.

When Xie Lingya's hand was down, the sleeves of his clothes drooped down a little, so he covered the obedient dragon, and it was usually impossible to find its existence.

The bus drove for more than three hours and arrived at Jiyang. At this time, there was still the last bus. We took the bus to the pedestrian street, and then walked a certain distance back to the Taoist temple after arriving at the station.

Xie Lingya opened the door and saw that the lights were still on in the courtyard. Fang Zhe and others were standing in the courtyard. The others surrounded Fang Zhe with big eyes and small eyes. They saw that he was holding a box in his hand, and a compass was placed above the box. It seems that some modern system is installed, and it is making a "ding, ding" sound like an alarm clock.

This was originally developed by Fang Che and other "Lu Banjing" descendants. The goal is to detect whether there is a breath of Youdu in a certain area, so as to determine where the son of Youdu is.

It's just that Xie Lingya was still in the testing period, and when Xie Lingya opened the door, he heard the movement, and said strangely, "Your voice is too easy to confuse. Who knows whether it is this or the alarm clock. By the way, how is the progress of the test?"

Fang Zhe raised his head in a daze, "I just wanted to tell you that it was successful."

"What?!" Xie Lingya almost didn't jump up, and the next thought was: What the hell, did it ring

His mind exploded. Unexpectedly, the Son of Youdu came so suddenly, Xie Lingya took out a stack of talismans from his pocket, "Don't be afraid! I'll deal with it!"

The door was not closed, and there were people who came back late by the roadside. He was almost scared to fall by Xie Lingya. Seeing what he was saying with the talisman, he took a few steps back, and then stumbled and ran straight away.

Xie Lingya's momentum did not change, he stepped on the broom on the ground, kicked up and grabbed it, planning to use this instead if he didn't have time to get the Three Treasures Sword.

Fang Zhe said weakly: "I haven't said the induction range..."

Xie Lingya thought about it too, "Then how big is your sensing range? Am I overreacting, maybe it's still far away?"

FangZhe nodded, "The sensing range is 9.5 million square kilometers."

Xie Lingya: "..."

Xie Lingya: "Did you know that China has an area of 9.6 million square kilometers?"

Fang Zhe said honestly: "I know, it's just a little bit to include all of China."

Xie Lingya put away the talisman paper silently, and closed the door again, lest someone pass by and think he's crazy.

Fang Zhehan said: "I was just about to tell you that success refers to the realization of the idea. This is preliminary. In the next step, we plan to narrow the scope to the province, and then to the city... More and more precise."

Xie Lingya was a little uninterested after he was overjoyed, "Okay, come on, let's succeed at an early date."

Other onlookers also laughed, and it was rare to see Teacher Xie roll over.

"Teacher Xie, you've been staying for a long time, aren't you talking about trivial matters?" Zhang Daoting asked.

"A little accident happened, we found this..." Xie Lingya raised his hand.

Zhang Daoting was looking at it calmly, but he was still thinking about what decoration Xie Lingya had on his hand? As a result, after a closer look, a small snake emerged from his sleeve, and its head probed in his direction.

"I'm going!" Zhang Daoting jumped back in fright, fell on the rattan chair in the courtyard, and exclaimed, "Snake, snake!"

Unexpectedly, Teacher Xie went out and came back with a pet.

Zhang Daoting is not particularly afraid of snakes, but cold-blooded animals are always a little scary, and he was caught off guard. He stood up with his chair and said tremblingly, "Mr. Xie, you have never heard of snakes before and you like them."

It doesn't matter if you lick the fox, what's the situation with the snake

"The snake is a little dragon, walking clouds and raining. I am under the disciples of Chongen and Longen. I have learned the thunder talisman. This snake is my favorite." Xie Lingya was quite proud. Tell me to go to Xiaoba Village."

True Monarch Chongen is Sazu, and True Monarch Longen is Lingzu. Good dragon also seemed to be moved when he heard the names of these two, so he got up and rubbed Xie Lingya.

Shi Changxuan also stretched out his hand and rubbed the head of the obedient dragon, "This snake was called the obedient dragon in ancient times, and a master in Baoyangguan also raised it."

The obedient dragon was touched by Shi Changxuan, and broke free in a few seconds, but he did not hurt anyone, and was very obedient.

Hai Guanchao could see it strangely, and he came over and said, "My dear dragon? Is it so docile?"

He stretched out his hand and wanted to touch the good dragon, but the snake raised its upper body instantly, made a threatening sound in his direction, and swayed slightly, as if it was about to pop out and bite at any time.

Hai Guanchao was also frightened and stepped back a few steps, "I won't touch you, I won't touch you."

Xie Lingya explained again: "It's not an obedient dragon, it's an obedient dragon, and it's a perverse, perverse obedient."

Although in his hand, it seems to be a well-behaved boy.

This was a small amount and came up cautiously. He felt that the little snake was quite close. He stretched out his hand and slowly approached the good dragon from the front, but the good dragon relaxed his body, no longer looked defensive, and even rolled his tail. Roll a small amount of hands.

In this way, Xie Lingya can see his preferences clearly. Good Dragon is willing to contact people who are also from Lingzu's sect. Shi Changxuan is also a disciple, but if it is other people, such as Hai Guanchao, it will be ruthless.

Xie Lingya wanted to raise the good dragon, so according to the records in Baoyang's notebook, he asked Fang Zhe to help him make a rough horn cup with the horns he took back. After buttoning the table top, the good dragon slipped down and placed it in the horn cup.

Xie Lingya took the lamp and placed it next to the horn cup, because it was winter, and the temperature was too low for snakes to bear. Fortunately, there are light bulbs now. I read in the notes that the good dragon raised by the master would knock down the oil lamp. Once it fell, he would go to sleep in his quilt. got tangled up.

At the same time, Xie Lingya also picked up Liu Lingtong and put it on the offering table. He went to check it himself, what to feed the good dragon.

Except for certain dates or certain precepts, Taoists do not need to be vegetarians, it is good that they do not kill themselves.

It stands to reason that if a good dragon wants to forage, it is also a natural law, but it was following the master at the time, and it was not easy to go out at will, so the master tried to find some small animals that died naturally to feed it.

Tonight was too late, so Xie Lingya only put some water aside, but the snake can last a long time after eating a meal, it's nothing.

Then there was the fresh food for Liu Lingtong, which still needed to be cleaned. Xie Lingya washed some fruits and came out, and found that the good dragon crawled out of the horn cup at some point, and even swam to the offering table and circled around Liu Lingtong.

Xie Lingya was startled and walked over to pick up the good dragon.

The good dragon moved swiftly, and immediately climbed onto Liu Lingtong's body, coiling its body, looking like Liu Lingtong had more leather ornaments on his body.

Xie Lingya grabbed the good dragon's tail and picked it up, "What are you running around, you're scaring people."

He lowered his head and listened, sure enough, Liu Lingtong was sobbing after being molested, "Wow—it's scarier than the Eastern Ghost King—"

Xie Lingya looked at the little snake with thick fingers, "..."

If the Eastern Ghost King knew about this, he probably wouldn't know whether to be happy or sad...

Xie Lingya stuffed the good dragon back, gave a few warnings, and put Liu Lingtong's bed in the drawer. It was safer to sleep here tonight, and he didn't know how obedient the good dragon was.

Previously, I stayed up all night in order to check the information. I didn't make up for sleep for a long time the next day. It was already early in the morning tonight.

The next day, Xie Lingya only felt that his palms were itchy. When he woke up, he saw that it was the good dragon who was resting his head on his palm, and spitting snake letters all at once and touching his palm.

"When did you come here..." Xie Lingya struggled to get up, and the moment his hand got out of the bed, Jiaolong also quickly leaned over and circled up.

Xie Lingya released Liu Lingtong, put it on the other shoulder, and yawned to wash up and get up.

There is no class today, Xie Lingya brought the ox horn cup with him, and after having breakfast, he went to the Lingzu Hall. He put the little snake into the horn cup, put it on the offering table, and reported it with incense.

The good dragon did not dare to be presumptuous in the hall of the ancestors, and quietly coiled in the horn cup, only resting his head on the rim of the cup.

After Xie Lingya finished speaking, he took out the scriptures.

According to the ancestors of Baoyangguan, obedient dragons belong to the demon class, unlike Liu Lingtong and the others, they need to open up their wisdom and instill them with Taoism, so that they can understand Taoism and truth.

Xie Lingya rarely lectures in the temple, or basically does not. He spends his limited time studying Taoism. On the contrary, he also talks about some insights when he goes to other Taoist temples.

It was still early in the morning, and it was not a big day. No believers came. Although the door of Baoyang Temple was opened, most of the people inside were tea customers who came to fetch water. Because Baoyangguan limited the number of water fetching places, as their fame grew, they had to come earlier if they wanted to continue to fetch Yangquan.

Xie Lingya said: "Since you have followed me, you are considered to have entered Baoyang Temple. First, I will tell you about Lingzu in detail. Lingzu is Taiyi Thunder God Yinghua Tianzun, who received Dharma from Sa Shoujian Sazu, and is the number one in my Taoist sect. Great Protector…”

After blowing Lingzu, he began to say "Tai Shang Lao Jun Said the Heart Sutra", "Lao Jun said: I have come from immeasurable kalpas, and I have gained the Tao by observing my mind, and even nothingness. What can I gain? "

A good dragon naturally needs to have understanding to become a good dragon. Knowing this is a great benefit, he no longer hangs his head, but lifts it up and listens attentively.

The meaning of that sentence is that Lao Jun has experienced countless times, and the infinite calamity is the time for a world to return to its original origin. This sutra is the basis for teaching people to cultivate the Tao.

Xie Lingya thought of what to say, very leisurely.

But those tea guests in the Taoist temple discovered that Xiao Xie was teaching here this morning. They only know that Xiao Xie is Zhang Daoting's senior brother and the actual person in charge of Baoyang Temple, but Xie Lingya can only make an appearance at the Fa conference. It is very rare to teach scriptures. Many people think that he mostly only manages mundane affairs. . But they also knew about the turmoil that went up. I heard that Xiao Xie has face in the Provincial Road Association and Longhu Mountain. It may be that the real person is not showing his face!

Hearing the faint sound of lecturing the scriptures, and after listening to the boredom and looking at it again, it was said that Xiao Xie was talking, and the tea guests became curious, and the other Taoists were just fine. It was Xiao Xie who was talking, and they really Want to go and see.

The tea guests have been visiting the Taoist temple for a long time, and they know the rules and stand quietly outside the temple.

Some people felt strange, saying that it was a sermon, and there was no one in front of Xie Lingya, but he did read the sutra once and then began to explain it again. Who is this preaching to

The good dragon didn't move in the tea cup, so it took a while before the tea drinker discovered that there was a snake in the horn cup on the table. Xie Lingya seldom moved, and it seemed like he was listening to Xie Lingya's lecture!

This snake is still in a place, and it doesn't look like it slipped in elsewhere. Could it be that Xiao Xie's lectures are for it

The tea guests were all shocked by their own thoughts. After thinking about it, they thought it was unlikely. This is too weird.

The next moment, someone suddenly sighed, and everyone looked at him, but he shook his head, "Well said, the heart is for the disaster, and the heart is for the Taoist sect!"

After saying that, he stepped into the hall door and knelt down on the kneeling stool next to Xie Lingya, listening to the scriptures nearby.

The people behind him were about to open their mouths. Someone wanted to call him, but they closed their mouths again.

Naturally, it is enough for non-believers to watch from the outside. When this person goes in and listens to the scriptures, doesn’t it mean that he has some understanding and wants to go to the Tao

They were suddenly shocked: Yes, Xiao Xie almost never lectures on the scriptures. Today, I am here to teach the scriptures, not because I have nothing to do, nor to tell that little snake, but to tell people who are destined to listen!

Look, this is not a fateful person, maybe Xiao Xie is waiting for him, this is called Jiang Taigong fishing willing to take the bait. And in this way, Xiao Xie's level is indeed very high.

Everyone communicated in a low voice, and they all admired their own guesses, how mysterious and artistic a thing, this morning is really worth it.

Everyone felt that they had witnessed some wonderful things, and decided not to leave so quickly after drinking water today, communicate with others, spread the word, and ask the tea customer who went in how he felt.

The tea guests felt that it was not good to discuss at the door, so they went to the front yard, and some even launched a circle of friends on the spot.

Zhang Daoting listened in awe, and went to the Lingzu Hall to take a look. Sure enough, Teacher Xie was lecturing with people, and it was already the end.

There were still a few tea guests at the door waiting patiently to see the ending. At this time, when Xie Lingya finished speaking, the so-called destined tea guest also got up, thanked Xie Lingya, and went out.

The tea guests were surrounded by the destined person, and Zhang Daoting went in and asked Xie Lingya: "Mr. Xie, are you really... waiting for the destined person here?"

What kind of person, how many minutes does he have in the temple, there is a new story that he doesn't know

Xie Lingya said, "What is the fate?"

He was just here to teach the good dragon a lesson to guide its nature. The tea guest wants to come in, can he still drive out

Zhang Daoting said weakly: "Listen to what people say, if you don't wait for someone you have a fate, you can just recite the scriptures. Why are you still teaching the scriptures in the hall, and who are you telling them to..."

Xie Lingya smiled and said: "Can't I report the learning results to Lingzu?"

Zhang Daoting: "..."

Zhang Daoting was speechless. He looked at the portrait of Lingguan and then Xie Lingya, and suddenly felt very reasonable.

Yes, who said that it must be explained to people, maybe it is a report speech for Lingzu.

Seeing Zhang Daoting like this, Xie Lingya flicked on his forehead, "Who are you infected by? How can you be so stupid? Of course I'm lecturing on the good dragon!"

Zhang Daoting covered his forehead: "..."

He really ignored that little guy for a while!

Turning his head to look, isn't it, the good dragon is still twisting in the ox horn cup, Yi Xie teacher's protective character, what is strange about teaching the scriptures to the snake he raised. Such a simple truth, he did not expect that it was all because...

Zhang Daoting suddenly remembered, and the black line said: "Because those tea customers are discussing outside, saying that Teacher Xie, you are waiting for someone who is destined."

Xie Lingya stepped out of the side hall, just in time to see Shi Changxuan approaching, he hummed and said, "The teacher's fate is there."

Zhang Daoting: "Huh?"

Xie Lingya: "I can't hear it anymore."

Zhang Daoting thought gloomily, he seemed to have heard Teacher Xie say that the person who was destined was Daochang Shi, but he just didn't understand what it meant, was it a brotherhood

Turning to the sky, the news that Teacher Baoyangguan Xiaoxie was preaching in the Lingguan Hall early in the morning was spreading the news among the believers, and there was a faint trend of spreading outward. Because the level of Baoyangguan has been recognized by professionals before, everyone has a very good acceptance of this story.

As for the little snake in the story, after turning two hands, he completely disappeared from a supporting role that caused misunderstanding, and was completely hidden. The name of the tea guest has not been spread, and they are all replaced by a certain tea guest. Some people have added some details without authorization. The tea guest is like being slapped in the head for a moment, entering the realm of mystery and mystery, and walking into the hall unconsciously...

"What the hell, it's an allusion of Zen Buddhism." Xie Lingya saw that a believer who added his own WeChat was sharing this story in the circle of friends, and it was extremely dark, "If he didn't write this, I would like him. ."

Hai Guanchao almost sprayed, "Master, are you so supportive?"

"People give free publicity, why should I refuse." Xie Lingya pinched the snake's tail unconsciously.

Hai Guanchao saw that he was playing with the mobile phone pendant, and he thought that he would be murdered without touching it, so he shyly avoided it, "By the way, you said that the good dragon can give you a buff? How do you add it? You haven't said it yet?"

That night everyone was very tired to see them, and they couldn't bear to disturb them too much.

Speaking of this, Xie Lingya was also a little puzzled, "I only saw in the notes that our master used the thunder method, and the good dragon would help, but there was no specific description. I was also wondering what kind of assistance method it was, could it be Xingyun? Is it raining?"

Hai Guanchao said with interest: "So cow? Can you try it?"

Using the thunder talisman here, I am afraid that someone will come from the police station immediately, Xie Lingya thought about pulling the good dragon off his wrist and holding it in the palm of his hand, "I can't use the thunder talisman now, little girl, show it to Master Hai, What kind of plug-in did our ancestors arrange?"

Is there anything wrong with the guidance of the grandfather

The little girl seemed to understand, and stared at him with big eyes in the palm of his hand.

Xie Lingya pinched in the middle of its body, "Come on, it's going to rain!"

The little girl arched her body, made a force, and suddenly opened her mouth toward the sky—

Xie Lingya held his breath and stared, feeling excited. Is this the feeling of calling for wind and rain? Kind of cool!

After a while, the sky was as quiet as ever, and a few drops of saliva spewed out of Xiaojiao's mouth, one of which fell on Xie Lingya's palm.

Xie Lingya: "???"

what just happened? He couldn't believe it!

The little girl shook her head, as if very satisfied.

"Well," Hai Guanchao raised his glasses and said in a subtle tone, "Non-venomous snakes also have bacteria in their saliva. President Xie should wash his hands before crying."