Passing Through as the Cannon Fodder Supporting Role’s Grandma

Chapter 103


Li Lanxing didn't realize the meaning of her words for a while, why did she suddenly switch to this topic, her face was full of doubts.

Jiang Xixi continued, "When Brother Haochen will come back, can you come and tell me, I need his help with something."

Of course this little matter is not a problem, Li Lanxing was even a little happy in her heart, but she knew that her brother liked Xixi for a long time, and now Xixi took the initiative to see him.

Although it is to help, the two can also slowly build a relationship through this little favor.

The more Li Lanxing thought about it, the happier she became. Naturally, she agreed immediately, forgetting what the two of them were talking about just now.

When Li Lanxing returned, Jiang Xixi finally breathed a sigh of relief. Li Lanxing's elder brother was Li Haochen, and the two knew each other before the end of the world.

After the end of the world, although Li Haochen did not have awakening abilities like his elder brother, but because he was smart since he was a child, he skipped several grades in school. When Jiang Xixi was still in college, Li Haochen was recruited into the National Research Institute.

Li Lanxing, on the other hand, has awakened the softest power, which is the water power.

Their parents were not so lucky. When the world first evolved, they mutated into zombies.

The two were neighbors. When the world changed, Li's parents were worried, so they called their son home.

Later, after the Li family's parents changed, the siblings followed the Jiang family until Tang Lihua established a base and a laboratory, and Li Haochen was also an important researcher in the laboratory.

That's why Jiang Xixi thought of asking Brother Haochen for help. Now that grandma gave the order, no one else would dare to violate the leader's order. Except for Brother Haochen who can help her for the sake of her childhood sweetheart, she can't think of anyone else.

Tang Lihua didn't pay much attention to Jiang Xixi, her mission was only Jiang Cheng, as long as Jiang Xixi didn't come out to make trouble, she didn't bother to care about her.

After training her abilities outside the base, Tang Lihua returned to her residence, and didn't care if she didn't see Jiang Xixi.

Her three meals a day were prepared by someone. When the original body was recruiting talents, it also found supernatural beings with portable space. Along the way, they have accumulated a lot of supplies.

Of course, no one dared to touch these materials without her order.

The last days are more terrifying than the ancient times. In the last days, the names of ordinary people are worthless at all, and they believe that the strong are kings.

So Tang Lihua can't slack off, she has to keep improving her own strength, and then she will be more powerful to speak.

In the days when Tang Lihua got used to hunting zombies every day and absorbing the crystal nuclei one by one at night, Jiang Xixi finally got the news.

No one knows the holiday date of the laboratory, not to mention that now that they have the blood of the little white cat, they have a research direction, and Li Haochen is an experimental madman.

Jiang Xixi insisted on waiting for more than half a month, basically every time Li Lanxing came to visit her, she had to ask her again.

Jiang Xixi was anxious to wait a long time ago, afraid that the little white cat's blood would be drained during this time.

But the only thing that gave her some comfort was that it was discovered that the supernatural person pushed ordinary people into the loss pile, infected him, and then went to collect the reward.

Jiang Xixi went there a few times and didn't find out, but he saw many cases of what Li Lanxing said, ordinary people were infected voluntarily, and then let those close to them exchange themselves for supplies.

Seeing such a situation, Jiang Xixi felt uncomfortable. Now that supplies are scarce, the base built by grandma is already very good.

Unlike the other bases she heard about from Li Lanxing, the superhumans were so hungry that they could eat the flesh of ordinary people.

Hearing this at the time, Jiang Xixi almost vomited out in disgust.

She has no ability to ensure that everyone can fill their stomachs and not starve to death, so she has no right or position to stop others.

Besides, no one would listen to her words. Those ordinary people had finally found a way to make their relatives live longer, and they had already made up their minds to die. How could they give up just because of Jiang Xixi's compassionate words.

Moreover, the leader is generous, saving some supplies and food for rewards can make people live for an extra month.

During this month, they had food and strength, so they could work in the base and live longer.

Jiang Xixi has never experienced starvation until fainting, nor has she experienced the end of the road, so she will not understand the thoughts of these people.

In Jiang Xixi's view, living is the most important thing. Since ordinary people can live in the last days, they should cherish the present day even more.

So Jiang Xixi still wants to steal Xiaobai out, as long as Xiaobai is gone, without blood, and the experiment can't go on, then there is no need for the so-called experimental subject.

After receiving the news from Li Lanxing, Jiang Xixi couldn't sit still, and even went to Li's house immediately.

At Li's house, Li Lanxing was talking with his elder brother, his face was full of joy to see his elder brother, and he chattered about what happened when his elder brother was not at home these days.

Li Haochen was not impatient at all, he listened very patiently, his appearance is really gentle and jade-like, it can be seen that he has been well-educated since he was a child, when he is not in the laboratory, he is like a gentle and talkative brother next door.

Li Lanxing was still talking, when there was a knock on the door, Li Haochen was about to get up to look, but was stopped by Li Lanxing, with a teasing smile on his face.

"It must be Xixi, brother, I'll open the door, you have to behave well later." Li Lanxing blinked very playfully while speaking, which made Li Haochen smile wryly.

It was Jiang Xixi who came, she hadn't seen brother Haochen for a long time, and thinking about her purpose today, she felt a little embarrassed.

Li Lanxing thought that she saw her brother was shy, so he pushed her shoulders to sit down at the table.

Jiang Xixi was embarrassed and speechless to Li Haochen, in Li Lanxing's eyes, it was full of ambiguity between men and women.

Sneaking a few times inwardly, as a very discerning younger sister and best friend, Li Lanxing felt that she shouldn't continue to stay as a light bulb, so she just found a reason and went back to her room.

Seeing his younger sister bouncing around, Li Haochen shook his head helplessly, but the helplessness was more pampering and pampering.

"I heard from Xing Xing that you have something to ask me to help?" Li Haochen poured a glass of water for Jiang Xixi who was in an awkward atmosphere, and his tone was very gentle, which somewhat eased Jiang Xixi's discomfort.

Jiang Xixi was a little embarrassed, but everyone asked, she couldn't help but to say, she unconsciously clenched the glass handed over, feeling the heat inside, she blushed and said, "Brother Haochen, can you help me?" I met Xiaobai once, and I was really worried about it."

Li Haochen's smile froze for a moment, and he looked at Jiang Xixi more carefully, but Jiang Xixi didn't notice it.

"Xiaobai is fine. If you want to see it, I will take a video and send it to you when I get back to the lab."

Jiang Xixi became a little anxious when she heard that, she didn't just want to take a look at Xiaobai, she wanted to take the opportunity to steal Xiaobai out again.

If it's a video, wouldn't it be useless work.

"No, brother Haochen, I want to get along with it for a while, since the last time, grandma won't let me into the laboratory, Xiaobai compensated me for so long in my most difficult time, I just..." said Said Jiang Xixi's eyes turned red.

If Li Haochen really likes Jiang Xixi as Li Lanxing said, then in Li Haochen's eyes, she must be fond of Jiang Xixi.

Just look at the current Li Haochen, although he is still smiling, but his eyes are clear, and there is no change in his appearance because of Jiang Xixi.

"The leader has given orders, I'm afraid I can't take you in." Li Haochen felt a little regretful.

Jiang Xixi didn't expect him to refuse so quickly, and there was a moment of astonishment on his face.

Li Lanxing had mentioned it in her ear for a long time before, and Jiang Xixi had the knowledge that Brother Haochen liked her in his mind.

So now Li Haochen refused without hesitation at all, which still made Jiang Xixi feel a little bit shocked.

"Why don't you go back and ask the leader again. Although I work in the laboratory, I don't have the ability to bring people in at will. I'm really sorry that I can't help you." Li Haochen still had that gentle and gentle look, but his words The refusal can be heard by everyone.

Jiang Xixi is in a hurry, brother Haochen is her only hope, she can't just give up like this.

Since this reason cannot be justified, Jiang Xixi simply stated his purpose directly.

"Brother Haochen, just help me, as long as I take Xiaobai away, the ordinary people in the base won't have to die."

Li Haochen's expression was a bit indescribable, "You want to stop the experiment in the laboratory? Do you know what this experiment means?"

Of course Jiang Xixi knew, with pain on his face and eyes, and his hands covering his heart, it seemed that the scene of his brother blocking the push for him that day and being bitten by a zombie flashed before his eyes.

She knew that it was her fault, and she knew that grandma never gave up and wanted her brother to return to normal.

But this matter is obviously impossible to do now. If the laboratory can really develop such a medicine, then the doomsday will be over.

With so many countries and so many top scientific research talents, how could it be possible for such a small base of them to develop a medicine that can restore zombies to normal humans.

"Brother, it's impossible for him to recover, brother Haochen, you know that, don't you?" Jiang Xixi looked at Li Haochen with tears in his eyes.

"I just don't want so many people to sacrifice and waste energy."

Li Haochen didn't know what to say for a moment. In his opinion, Jiang Xixi was too well protected by the Jiang family. Although his thoughts were harmless, they were too one-sided.

Did she know that since the blood of the little white cat can eliminate the virus of zombies, it means that as long as they work hard to research and propose special substances in it.

At that time, even if the human beings who have turned into zombies cannot be restored to normal, at least the polluted water source and land can gradually return to normal.

Although there is no result yet, the presence of the little white cat means hope.

Without the little white cat, their experiment would return to the original point, and all efforts would be meaningless.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for Li Haochen to agree to Jiang Xixi's request, not to mention that he doesn't like Jiang Xixi, even if he really likes Jiang Xixi all the time, he will not steal his only hope out just because of her being too idealistic.

Li Haochen's attitude determined that Jiang Xixi was doomed to return without success today.

When Li Lanxing came out, it was a little strange to find that Jiang Xixi was gone.

Li Haochen rubbed her hair, "It's just your random thoughts every day."

When did he say that he liked Jiang Xixi

Li Lanxing returned to her room in a daze with her hair rumpled into a chicken coop, buried her head in the quilt, and swung her hands and legs in the air a few times, "Ah, I hate it so much."

Li Haochen looked at her with a smile on his face, until Li Lanxing closed the door, the smile on his face disappeared.

Taking off the gold-rimmed glasses, his face was a little more tired, he pinched the bridge of his nose, and the hair on his forehead fell a little messily on his forehead.

Without the cover of the glasses, he could see more sharply than his usual gentle self.

Li Haochen was lost in thought. Before Jiang Xixi stole the little white cat, he knew about it, and the laboratory was in chaos for a while.

Fortunately, the leader brought the little white cat back, and the experiment was able to continue.

What Jiang Xixi knew was only on the surface. They were extracting the substances in the blood of the little white cat, not just doing experiments to see if humans who had been bitten by zombies could return to normal.

At the same time, the laboratory was divided into several parts to study the water source and land contaminated by the zombie virus.

Now the water source of the base is basically provided by people with water abilities.

If it can be researched, ordinary people in the base can grow their own food and have drinkable water. At least they can fill their stomachs and not die of thirst. After all, the abilities of water-type supernatural beings are limited.

So from Li Haochen's point of view, Jiang Xixi's idea is somewhat ignorant, and at the same time, there is something strange in his heart.

He and Jiang Cheng are good brothers, both of them are in the last days, and neither of them has awakened abilities, Jiang Cheng turned himself into a zombie in order to save his sister.

At this point, Li Haochen believed that if he changed himself, he would save Xingxing like that.

At the same time, Li Haochen believed even more that if Xing Xing knew that the little white cat could be useful, even if there was only a slight hope, he would never think of stealing the little white cat.

So Li Haochen even felt a little worthless for Jiang Cheng, not knowing that he knew his sister, because of pity for others, his only hope would be shattered.

Not giving up after failure, so persistent.

How would Jiang Cheng feel when he sacrificed himself to save his sister

Many thoughts flashed through Li Haochen's mind, and finally he decided that today's matter must be reported to the leader, in case Jiang Xixi saw that it would not work for him, so he thought of other ways.

Although Li Haochen didn't think that Jiang Xixi could steal the most important little white cat from the tightly guarded laboratory in full view.

But it's better to be careful, now is not the human society before, with the presence of supernatural beings, everything that is impossible will become possible.

When Tang Lihua returned to the base after hunting the zombies at night, she learned what Li Haochen told her loyal subordinates to pass on to her.

Smiling in her heart, she knew that the heroine would not give up.

Should it be said that the heroine is a kind-hearted person, or that she is really cold-hearted.

You know, in the days when Tang Lihua came here, she never saw Jiang Xixi or Jiang Cheng once.

Although in the novel, when Jiang Xixi sees Jiang Cheng, he will think that he is the victim of this, and he is very painful, so he escapes.

The heroine of the novel, Ye Tian, knew about this and the scars in the heroine's heart, and felt very distressed.

But in Tang Lihua's eyes, this is really not something to be distressed about.

With a cold look in his eyes, Tang Lihua gave an order, "From tomorrow, Jiang Xixi will not be allowed to leave the residence."