Passing Through as the Cannon Fodder Supporting Role’s Grandma

Chapter 112


Xu Shi was delighted by Jiang Xixi's appearance, the black figure chuckled, and the moonlight came in. As the black shadow approached, Jiang Xixi's eyes also adapted to the darkness.

You, are you

Jiang Xixi's lips squirmed a few times unconsciously. Although she couldn't make a sound, through her expression that changed from fear to surprise, Soi Ying knew that she had recognized him.

"Shh, don't call." The black shadow is Ye Tian, and he put his index finger to his lips, pretending to be silent.

Jiang Xixi nodded hesitantly, and Ye Tian's mental power that was suppressed in Jiang Xixi's mind was withdrawn for a moment. Seeing that she did not shout after she was free, Ye Tiancai completely let go of the mental restraint.

"Why are you in my room?" Jiang Xixi hugged the quilt on her body, sat up and moved back a few steps, feeling vigilant in her heart.

According to the normal situation, she should have called out at this time, and when grandma heard the sound, this person would not be able to do anything to herself.

But for some reason, there was always a voice in her heart stopping her.

Ye Tian was getting closer to Jiang Xixi at this time, and the two conflicting spiritual forces in his mind calmed down again, his spirit was slightly relaxed, and his mood improved a little.

A few strands of mental energy were used to monitor the movement outside the door, but here he directly pulled a chair and sat down beside Jiang Xixi's bed, just looking at her like that.

Jiang Xixi was stared at by him, even in the dark, there was still a kind of shame in his heart, especially when he thought of the eyes he saw when they met for the first time.

"What the hell are you going to do?" Jiang Xixi felt that he couldn't go on like this. This person was unknown and had conflicts with his grandma. He must have no good intentions to sneak into his room for a long time.

Jiang Xixi's attitude was firmer than before, Ye Tian sighed, Jiang Xixi was startled by the sudden voice.

"I lost a little pet. I have been asking all the way here. I know that Ms. Jiang adopted a little white cat before. Can I ask Ms. Jiang to let me see if this little white cat is the one I lost?" Ye God, this excuse was of course thought up before coming here.

When Jiang Xixi heard his words, she was shocked and didn't even feel the quilt slipping off.

Xiaobai actually has a master? That's right, Xiaobai looked clean when he appeared, he must have been carefully raised, otherwise he would be so clean wandering around in the last days, and he hadn't been attacked by zombies and those mutated animals and plants.

"You... What evidence do you have that Xiaobai is yours?" After a long time, Jiang Xixi regained his language ability, and his words were obviously lacking in confidence.

Ye Tian heard her smallness, and chuckled again, "So I asked Miss Jiang to let me see that little white cat, instead of asking for it immediately."

Jiang Xixi blushed, knowing that she had made a joke out of panic, she lowered her head not to let Ye Tian see her expression.

"That little white cat is very important to me, please let Ms. Jiang help me." Ye Tian said in a calm voice.

But Jiang Xixi is not thinking about how unreasonable Ye Tian's behavior is at this moment. If he is really looking for his pet, he can ask himself to prove it during the day. Why did he choose to sneak into the room in the middle of the night, unless Ye Tian knew little about it? White cat in the laboratory.

Since Ye Tian dared to choose this time to come, he was sure that Jiang Xixi would not be too defensive in front of him. After all, his mental power suggestion was not just for fun, unless Jiang Xixi's ability level could surpass him.

"But's not here." Jiang Xixi became even more depressed when he thought of the little white cat who was locked in the laboratory and had to have his blood drawn every day.

There was a hint of eagerness in Ye Tian's voice, "Did it run away? Where did it go? Can Miss Jiang tell me?"

Jiang Xixi was silent, and rationally told her not to tell other people about this matter, but to know that the blood of the little white cat can be effective against zombie viruses, if other people know about it, they will definitely rush to snatch it.

No matter which base has settled down, it will start research on the zombie virus, and the blood of the little white cat may be a breakthrough point.

The reason why Jiang Xixi didn't say anything was more because he wanted to protect the little white cat. If other bases knew about it and came to snatch it, how could the little white cat be able to withstand such a small thing

So at this time, no matter how undefended Ye Tian is, in Jiang Xixi's heart, the little white cat is still more important than Ye Tian.

Seeing that she didn't answer, Ye Tian figured out what Jiang Xixi was thinking after a while.

Originally, he came today to establish a preliminary relationship with Jiang Xixi, and then gradually led Jiang Xixi to steal the little white cat out with him, and then escaped from the Shuguang base to the base in City B.

At that time, as long as they enter other bases, no matter how powerful Tang Lihua is, can she break into other bases and capture them back

In this case, Ye Tian would not have to expose the Zombie Emperor's ability.

Although Tang Lihua hadn't gone out to hunt zombies for many days, Ye Tian had a way to get her to leave the base voluntarily.

And his plan is already being implemented. In less than five days, the zombies around will receive orders, and they will all surround the Shuguang base.

When the zombies siege the city, the whole base will be in chaos. As the leader of the base, can Tang Lihua hide in the base, unless she can watch those humans go to die.

And the zombie wave this time is not all ordinary zombies of level one or two. When Ye Tian went out to the base to do missions these days, he would let go of his Zombie King breath and summon the zombies by himself.

Level 3 and level 4 zombies will not be missing, maybe even level 5 zombies can be summoned.

Ye Tian would take advantage of that opportunity to snatch the little white cat out, and then lead Jiang Xixi and his team out of the zombie tide.

What will happen to the Shuguang Base in the future is none of Ye Tian's business.

Who let those damn humans catch him to do experiments? This is simply a provocation to him, the zombie king. Ye Tian will not be reconciled if he doesn't reciprocate Tang Lihua.

The two had their own thoughts, and the atmosphere fell silent again. In the end, it was Jiang Xixi who stammered and said, "Xiaobai is fine in other places. You can go, and I will take care of it."

Ye Tian's gaze focused on her again, "What's wrong with Xiaobai? If it's really the one I lost, I think I'm entitled to know its current situation."

Jiang Xixi's voice became weak again, and when Ye Tian stared at her closely, she simply closed her eyes, "You can't see it, this is my room, please leave, or I will call someone."

Ye Tian got up and looked down at Jiang Xixi from a high position. Suddenly he leaned down, supported the bed with his hands, and covered Jiang Xixi's whole body in it.

Sensing the approach of a strange aura, Jiang Xixi raised his head and met Ye Tian's dark eyes. The tips of their noses almost touched each other. Such an extremely close distance made Jiang Xixi want to retreat, but found that there was no way to retreat. There was a blush on his face.

"I'm the one who bothered you tonight. It's just that I won't give up on the little white cat. I will come again. I hope Miss Jiang will not be frightened when she sees me again." After leaving these words, Ye Tian stood up. Walking to the window, he jumped straight down without making any movement.

It wasn't until he disappeared completely that Jiang Xixi came back to his senses. Only then did he realize that the window of his room was wide open at some point. The man must have broken in through the window.

Immediately, Jiang Xixi looked at the window with dangerous eyes, and quickly got out of bed to close the window tightly, and then dragged it to the side of the cabinet to block it, so that he felt much more secure.

Looking at the clock on the opposite side, at 3:30 in the morning, Jiang Xixi has completely lost her sleepiness after what happened just now, and now she can't sleep even if she is asked to sleep.

Lying on the bed, Jiang Xixi's thoughts were very chaotic, thinking of the days with the little white cat before, and thinking of the man just now, it was difficult to calm down.

In the room not far from the next door, Tang Lihua, who was supposed to be asleep, stood at the window, watching a figure leap into the grass, and finally disappear at an extremely fast speed.

Tang Lihua's expression didn't change at all, as if Ye Tian's surprise attack at night was also under her control.

In fact, when Ye Tian first arrived, Tang Lihua discovered him, who made Ye Tian pretend to be smart and use his mental power to explore the entire Jiang family.

When his mental power came over, the system in Tang Lihua's brain sounded an alarm, and she woke up.

Tang Lihua didn't know why Ye Tian came to Jiang's house so late, but seeing that he came out of Jiang Xixi's room, it seemed that his goal was Jiang Xixi.

But apart from Jiang Xixi, Jiang Cheng and herself were left, Tang Lihua believed that Ye Tian would not be so foolish to engage in sneak attacks.

The room Jiang Cheng stayed in was like an iron cage, without a key, even if Ye Tian wanted to do something, he had no chance to get in.

As for herself, Ye Tiangang bumped into her hand in the middle of the night, and Tang Lihua promised to let him know what social beating is.

But Ye Tian's actions this time also showed one thing, he couldn't sit still.

Because he is in the base and the laboratory is strictly guarded, Ye Tian's next step is to lure himself out of the base, but what method he will use, Tang Lihua is very curious.

Now Jiang Cheng still needs time to fully evolve, so Tang Lihua doesn't mind playing with the hero.

Sure enough, in the next few days, Tang Lihua received feedback from her subordinates one after another that something seemed wrong with the nearby zombies, as if they were being controlled by others, and slowly surrounded the Shuguang base.

And with the passage of time, the tide of zombies has changed from being inconspicuous at the beginning, to now it can be clearly seen from a high place.

Their Shuguang base seems to be surrounded by zombie waves.

The situation began to become serious. Several third- and fourth-level supernatural beings in the base all gathered together, each with a very serious expression.

"Boss, our base has been completely closed, and there are supernatural beings patrolling the surrounding areas day and night." A fat middle-aged man said, he is a fourth-level fire supernatural being.

"It's not a problem to keep it closed like this. The materials in the base can't last for too long. This zombie wave is a bit weird. It seems to be controlled by people. They only surround the base without launching an attack. Is this trying to trap us to death? "The skinny mustache man's face is not very good. He is in charge of the material management of the base.

With these two people taking the lead, others also opened their mouths.

To sum it up is a problem, the base cannot sit still.

I don't know when the zombies will attack. They close the base to protect the safety of ordinary people and low-level abilities.

But the food can't last long, and this group of zombies seems to be controlled by someone. They will attack sooner or later, and this battle is inevitable.

The purpose of their gathering at this moment is to discuss ways to minimize casualties and losses.

"There are too many zombies this time, and according to our observation, there are more zombies rushing here. If you wait any longer, you will be trapped to death. Please give me a regulation, leader." The fat middle-aged man He slapped the table, preventing others from continuing.

In this large meeting room, basically all the third and fourth level supernatural beings in the base gathered, including Ye Tian's team, there were no more than twelve people in total.

That is to say, apart from the four people of Ye Tian, there are four people who have reached the third-level ability, three people who have the fourth-level ability, and one person who has the fifth-level ability.

The fat, middle-aged fire-type supernatural power user also has a certain right to speak in the base. He is affected by the supernatural power, and his temper is also a bit hot-tempered, and he doesn't have much patience.

But this person can be said to be obedient to Tang Lihua, who is stronger than himself.

Tang Lihua glanced at everyone, flipping a coin in her hand, with an unpredictable expression, no one knew what she was thinking.

"Let people go out to find out first."

While saying this, she fixed her eyes on Ye Tian and the others, "You will lead the team to investigate."

These words are not in a negotiable tone, but a direct order.