Passing Through as the Cannon Fodder Supporting Role’s Grandma

Chapter 119


Two people went out, and Huang Mao came back alone, with a lottery on his body.

"Are you going out to fight with someone?" The little fat man was holding a book in his hand, and he was surprised when he saw the yellow hair coming in.

It caused the other two to look at Huang Mao, but Huang Mao's current appearance was really miserable, and they were not in the mood to make fun of it.

"What's going on here?" Lvyi walked over, holding Huang Mao, who was supporting the wall with one hand and covering his chest with the other.

"I..." As soon as Huang Mao opened his mouth to speak, a mouthful of blood spewed out, and then passed out.

The little fat man also looked a little more cautious, stepped forward, and began to heal Huangmao's wound with his supernatural power.

Half an hour later, Huang Mao woke up in a daze. The little fat man who was guarding him was relieved to see him wake up, and also received his own ability.

The little fat man took out a few pieces of paper to wipe off the sweat on his brow due to excessive overdraft of supernatural powers.

"You finally woke up. What on earth did you do? You almost lost your life." The little fat man couldn't help asking, seeing Huang Mao's dazed appearance.

After hearing what the little fat man said, Huang Mao came back to where he was.

Huangmao wanted to prop himself up, but as soon as he moved, he let out a muffled groan.

The little fat man pressed him down, "Don't toss about, or you will be the one who hurts."

Huang Mao didn't care about bickering with him, and there was an eager look on his face, but it couldn't be seen from his swollen pig's head.

"Quick... Hurry up... Save Jiang Xixi, she was... detained." Huang Mao's words were intermittent, because when he made a sound, his chest would be pulled, and the pain would hit him. Wanting to grin his teeth, he touched the wound on his face.

Huang Mao was laid flat on the sofa now, and Ye Tian was sitting opposite him. Hearing what he said, his unattractive face darkened completely.

"What happened? Who detained Jiang Xixi?"

Ye Tian still needs Jiang Xixi, so nothing happens to her.

Huang Mao couldn't explain for too long, so he said briefly, "We met the little... little witch, and there was a conflict..."

Other words don't need to be said by Huang Mao, other people can make up their minds.

They had inquired a lot about the nature of the little witch from the Lu family.

When I entered the base, although I had contact with the little witch, I saw that she was not serious, so I was a little less wary of her.

And these few days, they stayed in the house and did not go out, and they lived in peace.

Huang Maoxian was so boring that he insisted on getting someone to go out with him, but he couldn't get the little fat man and the green clothes to go, so he just pulled Jiang Xixi who couldn't refuse.

After going out for a while, I bumped into the little witch.

Just looking at Huang Mao's miserable end now, how will Jiang Xixi, who was detained by the little witch, get better.

"She asked Boss... you to go see her." Huang Mao added, and here she refers to the little witch.

Ye Tian stood up with a dark face, "Stop talking, take care of yourself."

When the green clothes and the little fat man saw the boss walking towards the door, they were about to follow, but they were stopped by Ye Tian.

"You stay here, I'll go by myself."

After speaking, Ye Tian quickened his pace and left without waiting for the two of them.

The green clothes and the little fat man looked at each other, but they didn't catch up after all.

As soon as Ye Tian went out, he was stopped by a middle-aged man in black clothes with the word 'Lu' on his chest.

The middle-aged man was smiling, and he looked old and cunning, "This is Captain Ye Tianye, right? My eldest lady asked me to wait for you here."

Ye Tian glanced at him coldly, "Lead the way."

"Okay." The middle-aged man didn't talk nonsense, and walked in front.

Follow behind him, cross a few streets, and stop only outside a villa that looks magnificent.

The gatekeeper of the villa was also a supernatural person, the middle-aged man stepped forward and whispered something in his ear, the supernatural person looked at Ye Tian and waved his hand to let him go.

"Miss is waiting for you in the house, please come in." The middle-aged man led Ye Tian to a room on the third floor of the villa before stopping.

The middle-aged man knocked on the door, and when he heard the response from inside, he took a step back and bowed to invite Ye Tian in.

Ye Tian walked in without saying a word. As soon as he stepped into the room, the door was closed.

It was broad daylight outside, but this room was pitch black.

Ye Tian stood on the spot without moving, he could hear the breathing of another person in the room.

That thin breath was getting closer and closer to Ye Tian, and when Ye Tian's eyes adapted to the darkness, he wrapped his arms around his neck.

Ye Tianxia dodged to the right consciously, he was extremely disgusted with the smell of perfume smelled by strange women.

It's just that he wanted to retreat, but those arms clung to him tightly, almost hanging on his body.

Several times, Ye Tian's patience has reached its limit.

With great strength in his hands, he pulled up those arms and swung them to the side.

Lu Mengyu seemed to enjoy this kind of chase very much. She was not angry when her hands hurt from being scratched, and even let out a giggle.

Ye Tian has now adapted to the darkness, and can vaguely see Lu Mengyu's reverse, while the mental power in his brain is still colliding with each other.

Basically sure that Jiang Xixi is not here, at least not in this room, Ye Tian lost his patience, "Where is he?"

Lu Mengyu didn't answer, just laughed.

Her playful attitude irritated Ye Tian even more, "I ask you, where is he?"

Ye Tian accentuated his tone, and there was anger in his voice.

With a soft 'click', the curtains opened to both sides, and the light that was blocked by the heavy curtains also came in, and the whole room returned to normal light.

At this time, Lu Mengyu was already sitting on the sofa not far from Ye Tian, looking at him with a smile.

"What? Could it be that she is really your girlfriend, what are you doing in such a hurry." Lu Mengyu was not in a hurry, and didn't care about Ye Tian's no longer patient expression at all.

Ye Tian looked at her, his face darkened, "This has nothing to do with you, is it a person or not?"

Lu Mengyu shook her head, just when Ye Tian was about to use her mental power to attack, Lu Mengyu suddenly changed her tone, "You can watch it if you want, but don't get angry when you see it."

Ye Tian didn't speak, and Lu Mengyu didn't care. With a whistle, two people dragged the unconscious Jiang Xixi out of the innermost room.

Under Lu Mengyu's signal, Jiang Xixi was dragged to Ye Tian, and then thrown to the ground like a dead dog.

Compared with Huang Mao, Jiang Xixi's appearance at this time was even more miserable. He was thrown on the ground and curled up.

Jiang Xixi's waist-length black hair had already been cut into dog-eating short hair. It was impossible to trim her hair unless she shaved her head bald.

And her face was more noticeable, Ye Tian frowned when his eyes came into contact with her face, and looked at Lu Mengyu who had a harmless face, feeling murderous in his heart.

I saw that Jiang Xixi's originally fair and tender face seemed to be scratched with the word "Lu" with a knife.

It's like the corvee who committed a crime in ancient times, and the government engraved on his face, which is a mark of shame.

Jiang Xixi's right hand was also roughly wrapped in cloth, but Ye Tian smelled a burning smell in the air, and guessed what happened to that hand.

"Why are you looking at me like that, people will be shy." Lu Mengyu admired the change of Ye Tian's expression, and seeing him looking over again, she covered her face with her hands and made a shy look.

This little girl's delicate attitude, compared with Jiang Xixi who was tortured by her like this, makes people feel chills in the heart.

"You're looking for death." Ye Tian's anger was not because he had any special feelings for Jiang Xixi.

It was because Jiang Xixi was also someone he brought along, but Lu Mengyu directly laid such a heavy hand on his people, obviously not taking him seriously.

Lu Mengyu was surprised, and pointed to the unconscious Jiang Xixi on the ground, "Why are you angry, is it because of her?"

"Actually, it's not my fault, it's just that I can't control myself when I'm angry, and I'm going to toss your people like this." Lu Mengyu stuck out her tongue, looking very playful.

Then she took out several crystal nuclei from the palm of her hand, but they were all three or four-level crystal nuclei, and there was also a fifth-level crystal nucleus.

"This is my compensation for you, don't be angry, okay?" Lu Mengyu handed the crystal nucleus to Ye Tian's eyes, and said coquettishly.

Ye Tian stared at her coldly, "I will settle this account with you slowly."

After finishing speaking, he bent down to pick up Jiang Xixi who was curled up into a ball and was about to go out. When he was about to walk out of the room, he was blocked by the two men who dragged Jiang Xixi in just now.

Ye Tian looked over coldly, and the majestic mental power attacked the minds of the two people, and the two of them hugged their heads and screamed in the next second.

Soon the screams subsided, and when they looked up again, they saw lines of blood flowing out of their seven orifices, lying on the ground, breathless.

A serious look appeared in Lu Mengyu's smiling eyes, she rolled her hands, and a fire dragon attacked Ye Tian's back.

"The person who killed me still wants to leave? Let me stay!" Lu Mengyu sneered.

Seeing Ye Tian dodging away, a few more fire dragons passed by.

Ye Tian was so annoyed that with a flick of his mind, the tables and chairs all over the room seemed to be controlled by something, and they smashed towards Lu Mengyu.

Lu Mengyu's expression froze, a flame barrier blocked in front of her, and the furniture that hit it was also burned to ashes.

When she got away to stop Ye Tian again, Ye Tian had already jumped to the first floor, she followed after her, but the room was full of mess, "Ye Tian, do you dare to leave?!"

"If you take a step outside the Lu family today, I will make you regret it!"