Passing Through as the Cannon Fodder Supporting Role’s Grandma

Chapter 179


The third prince was silent. In the past, when the emperor's grandmother asked, he didn't say anything because you didn't find an identity for Song Jing. Now it's Song Jing who has been kidnapped.

A young woman was kidnapped, and not in a day or two, but if people knew about it, her reputation would be ruined.

Thinking of this, Zhao Hong's eyes darkened and he clenched his fists tightly, never saying a word.

The Empress Dowager stared at him closely, and seeing his disappointment intensified, "I will ask you for the last time, would you marry Cheng Engong's daughter?"

Zhao Hong lowered his head and didn't look at the expression of the imperial grandmother. He keenly felt that the questioning this time was not easy, and it should be the ultimatum given to him by the imperial grandmother.

It's not that there was no struggle in his heart, but thinking of Song Jing, Zhao Hong still shook his head and refused.

Originally thinking that the emperor's grandmother would be furious, Zhao Hong was ready to be questioned, but he never expected a sigh from above his head. When Zhao Hong looked up, he saw the emperor's grandmother seemed extremely tired.

The queen mother waved her hand, "Go out of the palace."

This is because he didn't want to talk to him anymore, Zhao Hong wanted to say something nice and calm down, but he was directly invited out by the inner room.

Zhao Hong didn't know why he felt uneasy all the time, as if something bad was about to happen.

Little did he know that this was the last chance the queen mother gave him.

"Send Song Jing to the Third Prince's Mansion." After he left, the Empress Dowager ordered coldly.

Meme behind him retreated in response, and the Queen Mother focused on the brocade box at hand. In the brocade box were all the envelopes that she had sent spies to monitor the third prince these days.

Among the first prince and the third prince, the queen mother valued the third prince more. There is a difference between the concubine and the concubine.

The third prince himself has a degree of behavior and a brain, so the queen mother wanted to find him a wife with a background behind him.

Now it seems that all his thoughts were wasted, since he was disregarding his great career for the sake of his children.

It's just that if you lose a woman, you won't be able to stabilize yourself. It's really embarrassing.

The Queen Mother didn't know that this was the first time she had sighed in recent days, and the white hair on her head was troubled a lot by this trouble.

Forget it, leave it to the emperor to worry about it, she is old and can't control it anymore.

The queen mother gave another order, "Send this brocade box to the Imperial Palace."

Seeing the letter in the brocade box, the queen mother didn't know how the emperor would react, but that was out of her control.

In the middle of the night that day, the man in black watched a sack sneak into the Third Prince's Mansion, and with the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, the guards in the mansion were alarmed.

Someone chased the man in black, and those who stayed behind opened the sack on the ground, and there was a comatose woman inside.

Of course, such important matters should be reported to the third prince, and it is unknown if the person here is an assassin.

Zhao Hong was discussing matters with his staff in the study when he heard the guards.

Ben's impatient mood turned into surprise when he saw the woman's face on the ground.

So under the watchful eyes of all the guards, he saw that they were usually aloof and didn't bother to touch the third prince who was a woman's hair.

He moved forward excitedly, and carefully picked up the woman on the ground, and gently carried her back to the house, leaving behind the people in the yard.

Looking at Song Jing who was unconscious on the bed, Zhao Hong didn't want to leave for a moment, the lost and found person, he won't let go again.

It was already the second day after Song Jing woke up, and when she opened her eyes and saw no longer a dark room, she was overwhelmed by a huge surprise.

Not to mention seeing the familiar face beside the bed that she missed day and night, Song Jing couldn't help but burst into tears.

Zhao Hong was also awakened by this movement, and seeing the beauty crying, his heart ached so much that he hugged her in his arms to comfort her.

Song Jing was buried in Zhao Hong's arms, and she didn't refuse like before.

Song Jing didn't care about anything, she cried happily, crying out all the fear and grievance in her heart these days.

Zhao Hong's voice comforted her gently, but there was a murderous intent in his eyes. If he knew who had kidnapped Jing'er, he would definitely skin him and extract his bones.

After Song Jing had finished crying, she saw that the clothes on Zhao Hong's chest were soaked with her own tears. She felt embarrassed and blushed a little.

Zhao Hong liked her little daughter's attitude the most, and his heart softened a little, and he comforted Song Jing with gentle words.

After calming down, Zhao Hongcai asked about the past few days.

Song Jing didn't know anything. Since she was knocked out and taken away that day, after Song Jing woke up again, no matter it was day or night, the surrounding area was pitch black.

Except for the three meals a day, Song Jing spent all her time in that small dark room.

Speaking of it, I am ashamed to say it, even Chu Gong is in the same room.

It was Song Jing who got used to the darkness and took advantage of the faint light in the night to see the Gong barrel in the room.

This was the most embarrassing period for Song Jing since she was a child. No matter how she shouted, no one answered her. Song Jing thought she would be trapped to death there.

He passed out again, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Zhao Hong.

Zhao Hong frowned, he must find out who was behind the kidnapping of Jing'er, and he couldn't keep this hidden danger in the dark.

Zhao Hong made a decision, but to comfort Song Jing, he secretly asked people to continue to investigate.

And now that Song Jing was found, the previous plan should start again.

In order for Song Jing to have an identity worthy of her, Zhao Hong carefully selected a family for a long time before choosing a family.

The identity Zhao Hong chose for Song Jing was none other than Zhang Yajing, the second-in-law daughter who was the most supportive of his Minister of Rites.

Zhang Yajing's daughter is weak and sick, she doesn't often attend banquets, and few people have seen her, she is raised in a deep boudoir.

Zhao Hong was going to let Song Jing replace Zhang Yajing. From then on, Song Jing would be Zhang Yajing, so that he could be his third concubine more legitimately.

In order to get Zhang Wenshan, Minister of Rites, to agree, his frail and sickly daughter had to "accidentally" die of illness.

Zhao Hong had already reserved this move, and now that Jing'er had returned to her side, Zhao Hong didn't want to delay any longer.

After coaxing Song Jing to sleep, she gave an order, but after a while, the second daughter of the Minister of Rites was critically ill.

Zhao Hong and Zhang Wenshan conducted a secret spy, and no one knew the content of their secret conversation, but that night, a small sedan chair was carried from the Third Prince's Mansion to the Shangshu Mansion.

The Empress Dowager who got the news the next day laughed angrily, "He is still the third prince of the court, but he went out of his way for a woman, even taking the life of an innocent daughter, what audacity, what audacity!"

The Empress Dowager had completely lost hope in the third prince, and this letter from Zhao Hong who poisoned the second daughter of Shangshu in a vain attempt to cross the sea and marry a farmer's daughter was soon presented to the emperor's desk.

The servants serving outside the imperial study all knew that the emperor was furious for some reason, and the servants were trembling like walking on thin ice.

Tang Lihua got the news later than the Queen Mother, and the Ningyuan Hou Mansion also has its own influence, and there are still one or two spies.

Because of the old lady's words, the spies of the Hou's Mansion knew that someone was also monitoring the Third Prince's Mansion, so they acted more cautiously.

It was almost like the oriole was behind, waiting for the spies to withdraw before he dared to return to the mansion to report.

Tang Lihua turned the cup in her hand, as expected of the hero and heroine chosen by the plot, no matter how difficult the obstacles are, they will always be together.

It's just that I don't know how Zhao Hong would feel if he knew that everything he did was seen by the Queen Mother, and whether he was still the same as now and only wanted to marry Song Jing as his concubine.

However, none of these had anything to do with the Ningyuanhou Mansion, Tang Lihua was already happy to see this joke.

The next day, the third prince went to the palace to ask for an order to marry him and Zhang Yajing, the second daughter of the Minister of Rites.

Surprisingly, the queen mother didn't feel embarrassed, and agreed directly, and drew up an imperial edict on the spot.

Zhao Hong, who was immersed in joy, did not see how cold the Empress Dowager looked at him.

As soon as the queen mother's order came out, all the noble ladies in Beijing were shocked. Who is the second daughter of the Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, and how is it valued by the third prince? Why is this marriage granted so suddenly

Many questions swirled in everyone's minds, but no matter how much they wanted to ask this first daughter to come out to have a look, they were all turned away.

The third prince's mansion is preparing for the wedding in full swing, and the third prince's wedding robe has been sewn long before he leaves the palace.

And Song Jing didn't have to worry, there were dozens of embroiderers in the palace working together every day and night, and it didn't take much time.

October 15th is the day of the third prince's wedding.

The whole capital city is extremely lively, the sound of firecrackers and joyful singing makes the capital city even more lively.

On the third floor of the restaurant, through the window, you can see a long line of people and horses on the street below, walking through the street, accompanied by the sound of firecrackers, gongs and drums.

In the room, the woman whose face was covered by a white veil had tears streaming down her face.

"This is the day when your dearest daughter gets married. Do you think she has ever thought about you as a mother?" Tang Lihua didn't look at the grand occasion below, and her voice was flat, without any hint of sarcasm.

However, Sun's heart was twisted. She ran back to the Marquis Mansion to intercede for her, and was "died of illness" in the end, but she transformed herself into the second daughter of Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, and now she is the concubine of the third prince.

From the beginning to the end, she never thought about herself as a mother.

Although Mrs. Sun was encouraging and telling herself that as long as Jing'er lives in peace, it's fine, but thinking that she didn't pay attention to him, even when she heard the news of her death, she never came to the Hou's mansion to inquire.

Mrs. Sun suddenly felt extremely cold. Could it be that her daughter who has been doting on her for so long is so cold-hearted? Or had she never been so important to her

After suffering a severe blow, if it wasn't for Mrs. Zhao supporting her from behind, she would have collapsed to the ground.

Sun suddenly covered her face and began to cry, and then burst into tears.

Tang Lihua waited for her to cry enough before she was taken back to Hou Mansion in a carriage in the backyard of the restaurant.

I've had enough of the stimulation, and I still have to continue the confinement.

It's not that Song Jing never thought of her mother, but when she thought of her mother, she had already been sent by Zhao Hong to the Shangshu Mansion to be married, and she had no chance to see her mother.

I asked Zhao Hong's mother about the situation several times, but he was fooled by his vague words, and when Song Jing thought about it again, everyone left.

At the moment before getting on the sedan chair, Song Jing was still thinking about her mother, and only when she became a concubine, she could summon her mother, and then mother and daughter could be reunited.

Song Jing had a lot to say to her mother. Originally, on such a day, her parents should send her out, but now she abandoned her name and became Zhang Yajing to become the third concubine.

It would be a lie to say that it is not uncomfortable, but Song Jing is extremely shy when she thinks of being able to get along with Zhao Hong day and night.

The Shangshu Mansion, where the bride was sent away, was no longer lively at this time.

The Minister of Rites and Mrs. Shang Shu are in a room in the backyard. The room is set up as a mourning hall, and the spiritual seat in the middle of the mourning hall is the spiritual seat of the deceased daughter Zhang Yajing.

Mrs. Shangshu nestled in Shangshu's arms, crying more sadly than before.

"My poor daughter, mother has managed to raise you until now, but because she wanted to give up her position, she was murdered. Mother is sorry for you." Mrs. Shang Shu was heartbroken.

Zhang Wenshan, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, looked at the spiritual tablet with a sad look on his face, "Father will definitely avenge my son."

Mrs. Shangshu was startled when she heard this, and she didn't care about being sad, she quickly stopped her husband's mouth, "The walls have ears, so don't talk nonsense."

Zhang Wenshan looked pained, his eyes were bloodshot, his fists were clenched tightly, facing the imperial prince, even if his daughter was poisoned by him, he could do nothing but obey his arrangement with a smile.

Zhang Wenshan hated the third prince, and he hated himself too. Why did he stand on the side of the third prince and let him covet his daughter, causing her to lose her life.

"It's all right, I've checked it out, and the few spies left in the mansion were lured to other places by Jing Xin." Zhang Wenshan took his wife's hand covering his mouth, and shook his head slowly.

Zhang Wenshan didn't know that his daughter's death was caused by someone poisoning him, but one day he received a letter, which told him everything, and told him that the third prince had planted many spies in the Shangshu Mansion.

He was shocked in his heart, and he didn't show it on the surface. He went to investigate in private, and found out a lot of things.

No matter who that person is, Zhang Wenshan would like to thank him for telling the truth about his daughter's death.