Passing Through as the Cannon Fodder Supporting Role’s Grandma

Chapter 23


As soon as these words came out, he successfully drew all eyes to himself.

He Xuanxuan had never enjoyed this kind of treatment before, she was taken aback, and stammered about her affairs with Wang Cuiyao and Wang Cuilian, of course concealing the fact that she deliberately found fault.

At the end, I made a conclusion, "It's just a group of rural women who came to the capital because of their luck and made a fortune. Grandma doesn't have to worry about it."

The more He Xuanxuan thought about it, the more she felt that what she said was right, and she became more confident.

"Idiot." A cold voice sounded, making He Xuanxuan startled, and immediately lowered her head, resenting that person in her heart, but she didn't even have the guts to look at her.

Seeing this, the old concubine sighed inwardly, Xuanxuan was taught by her daughter to be out of shape, petty, but she couldn't figure it out, "Ling'er, are you a sister after all, you should take care of face outside."

Lin Ling'er indifferently glanced at He Xuanxuan who lowered her head and didn't dare to speak anymore, a trace of sarcasm flashed in her eyes, she still followed her grandmother's words, "Yes, grandmother, but I am the princess from the Rong Palace, but I have nothing to do with He Xuanxuan. Sisterhood."

As she said, she is a descendant of Prince Rong's mansion. Concubine Rong specially asked the Queen Mother to give her Princess Gaole, while He Xuanxuan was only a child of a concubine who married out, not even a serious cousin. Lin Ling Naturally, he despises her.

It's just that He Xuanxuan's concubine mother knew how to behave well to please her aunt, the old concubine, when she was not out of the cabinet. The old concubine did not have a daughter of her own, so she was more lenient to her. Come to their Rongwang Mansion.

If it wasn't for her grandmother, Lin Ling'er would have driven them away long ago. She felt ashamed when she heard how He Xuanxuan used the name of Rongwang's mansion to be domineering outside.

What's even more ridiculous is that this He Xuanxuan actually coveted the third prince, and didn't even look at her own status. It was wishful thinking and made people laugh.

Lin Ling'er looked down on her even more. The reason why He Xuanxuan didn't stop He Xuanxuan from using the name of Rong Wang's mansion to jump up and down outside to fight against the lady who also admired the third prince was because Lin Linger also had a secret affection for the third prince. It helped her remove many obstacles.

After all, those ladies are not as open-minded as He Xuanxuan. After being teased by He Xuanxuan, when they see the third prince, they subconsciously avoid suspicion and dare not go up.

The old concubine was noncommittal about what her granddaughter said, but it was just a joke, and she couldn't compare with her own granddaughter.

He Xuanxuan was left alone like this, hating Lin Ling'er so much in her heart, but she could only endure the shameful stares that came from watching the show.

"Grandmother, those are Wang Cuiyao and her mother, I don't know the rest." Lin Ling'er said pointedly, but when Wang Cuiyao was mentioned, a glint flashed in her eyes.

The old concubine didn't remember it when she heard He Xuanxuan before, but she knew who she was after being reminded by her granddaughter. The granddaughter had mentioned Wang Cuiyao several times in front of her.

The old concubine naturally knew what her granddaughter was thinking, and she never stopped her. According to the importance that the Holy Majesty attaches to the third prince, the third prince was born by the empress, and loved by the queen mother, he must be the next emperor.

If the granddaughter falls into the eyes of the third prince and becomes the concubine of the third prince, when the third prince ascends the throne in the future, the granddaughter will be the empress of the world, and the Rongwang Palace will also be prosperous for a while.

However, there are not a few young ladies from aristocratic families in Beijing who covet the position of the third concubine, but the granddaughter only feels threatened by this Wang Cuiyao, and the old concubine never ignores her granddaughter's feelings, and pays more attention to Wang Cuiyao.

After some investigation, it turns out that Wang Cuiyao is just an ordinary farm girl, because she saved Princess Pingyang a few years ago, the princess was close to her, and the third prince loved her sister the most, so she took care of Wang Cuiyao's family.

Wang Cuiyao's family was able to live in the capital without worrying about food and clothing, and there was also the secret protection of the third prince. In addition, the two only contacted when the third prince was picking up Princess Pingyang, and there was no other abnormality.

Today's situation made the old concubine suspicious of the previous investigation. If it is true what Xuanxuan said, then the old lady is Wang Cuiyao's biological grandmother, and the statement of a peasant girl is untenable.

Thinking of this, the old concubine asked again, "You said she just entered Beijing recently?"

He Xuanxuan knew that this was asking herself. Thinking about what happened in Buzhuang that day, she hurriedly nodded, "Yes, grandma, I heard what Wang Cuiyao's elder sister said with my own ears."

The old concubine didn't know what came to mind, she thought about it, and suddenly asked an irrelevant question, "Ling'er, do you still remember that the Holy Majesty personally appointed a village lord a few months ago."

Lin Ling'er naturally remembered, "Why did grandma ask?"

"That person and Wang Cuiyao are both from Yihe County. There was news from the palace yesterday that the Holy Majesty and the Queen Mother had personally received the fellow countryman. She stayed in the Queen Mother's Palace for half an hour, and then the Eldest Princess' Mansion was enjoying the flowers. Three places have been added to the banquet, and invitations have already been sent to the Xiangjun Mansion."

It was the first time for Lin Ling'er to hear this news. After being told by her grandmother, she quickly connected the things together, with a nervous look on her face, "Grandma, what do you mean by the Queen Mother?"

The old concubine glanced at her and said in a serious tone, "Speak carefully, how can you speculate on the Queen Mother's mind."

After a while, he eased his tone again, knowing why his granddaughter was nervous, and seemed to comfort her, "It's just that they are all inferior to you. In terms of family background and appearance, you are no worse than others."

After hearing this, Lin Ling'er relaxed her grip on the handkerchief. Grandma was right. How could Wang Cuiyao be better than herself? Prince Rong's Mansion is naturally the third prince's future support.

Thinking of this, Lin Ling'er gradually calmed down, and then thought of another question, "It's just grandma, if she is only a fourth-rank township lord, how can she attract such a big battle from the shopkeepers and managers of Cuiyuxuan?"

The old concubine frowned, she didn't think about it, the queen mother would not order it herself, she shook her head in the end, "Don't worry about this, tomorrow is the flower viewing banquet at the eldest princess's mansion, and it is said that the queen mother and the queen mother will both When you arrive, you must be ready."

The eldest princess's mansion holds a flower viewing feast every year, but this year's is quite different. According to news from the palace, the flower viewing banquet has invited ladies from various official families who have not left the court. The masters came to choose a daughter-in-law for their sons.

Of course, it’s not just their Prince Rong’s Mansion that got wind of it, other people in the mansion have already made preparations, so before the flower viewing feast, we often see all kinds of luxurious carriages parked at the gate of Cuiyuxuan, which are many months in advance I ordered something at Cuiyuxuan to pick it up.

And Prince Rong's Mansion deliberately avoided the crowd to choose this last day, so they brought the young lady of the family here. Although Lin Ling'er was the only one who was born, she was a girl from Prince Rong's Mansion. Prince Rong's Mansion lost face, so even He Xuanxuan benefited from it.

Li He just went to pick up the clothes and jewelry customized for the young ladies in King Rong's suit, and now he came back, followed by a row of maids, holding a tray in their hands, inside is a whole set of jade hairpin heads, and next to them are matching clothes and skirts , the eyes of all the young ladies who watched were shining.

Such exquisite and gorgeous jewelry is more than the same. Even if it has been seen countless times in paintings before, it is still admirable when it becomes the real thing. Gently brushing the embroidered pattern on the clothes with his hand, revealing the color of obsession.

When Lin Ling'er chose these dresses and jewelry, Cui Yuxuan invited a painter to show how glamorous the dress and jewelry was on Lin Linger's body, and presented them in the painting. Lin Linger had long wanted to truly paint them Wearing it on the body can be regarded as getting what you want now.

With the permission of the old concubine, a group of young ladies entered the separate compartment of the box under the service of the maidservants. After dressing up, all of them walked in blushing, and they were all very satisfied with their clothes.

The old concubine was also very satisfied. This Cuiyuxuan was worthy of its reputation. The clothes and jewelry it made showed the girls' greatest strengths as much as possible.

As the saying goes, people rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles. The old concubine felt that the granddaughters wearing the clothes of Cuiyuxuan would look more beautiful than before, especially the granddaughter Lin Ling'er who was born on the same day.

Here, Tang Lihua was welcomed into the largest box on the third floor, and shopkeeper Qian even served her personally. Tang Lihua told her why she came, and the owner gave her orders. Go and get all the pictures and patterns prepared for the distinguished guests on the third floor, and let Wang Cuilian and Wang Cuiyao choose them.

Mrs. Chen was dumbfounded by this development. She had seen Shopkeeper Qian talking and laughing happily with the female relatives of the princes and nobles from afar, but when facing her mother-in-law, Shopkeeper Qian was so respectful to her. Sometimes I dare not speak.

Wang Cuiyao and Wang Cuilian did not choose the one that was too luxurious after the advice of the professionals in Cuiyuxuan. After making the selection, Shopkeeper Qian said cheerfully, "Don't worry, old lady, it will be delivered to the house before tomorrow, so there will be no delay."

Tang Lihua was not surprised that shopkeeper Qian knew about the flower feast, "It's so good."

Then he said to Chen Shi, "Let Cuiyao live with me today, and go to the princess's flower viewing feast with me tomorrow."

Mrs. Chen had also heard about the flower viewing banquet, but she never thought that it would be related to her family. How could she not be surprised that her daughter was able to go to the flower viewing banquet.

On the fleshy face, a pair of staring bosses appeared, and then ecstasy appeared, Wang Cuiyao looked helpless, Princess Pingyang invited her to go when she first came to the capital, but at that time she felt that those ladies did not know each other, It was meaningless to go, and Pingyang refused to mention it for two years in a row.

It's just that she never mentioned these things to her mother, and now her grandmother, who has only been in the capital for a few days, actually received an invitation. Wang Cuiyao knew how high the threshold for a flower viewing banquet was, so she was even more surprised.

It suddenly occurred to her that until now she still didn't know why her grandmother came to the capital, but it was hard to ask now, so she kept silent.

Under the warm hospitality of Shopkeeper Qian, Tang Lihua and his party returned home satisfied.

Because of what Tang Lihua said before, Mrs. Chen came home alone in a carriage, and she was still dizzy when she got home. It wasn't until Wang Jiafu asked why her daughter didn't come back with her, that Mrs. Chen came back to her senses, and told what happened today. said.

Wang Jiafu was not as thoughtful as she was. He was indescribably happy when he heard his mother buy clothes and jewelry for his daughter. In his opinion, this was a proof of the closeness between his daughter and mother.

When Tang Lihua and the others returned to the mansion, they let Wang Cuiyao and Wang Cuilian play alone, and she also had to deal with some business matters.

As the eldest sister and the master, Wang Cuilian must of course take care of Wang Cuiyao. I don't know if it is because they visited Cuiyuxuan together today that the sense of alienation between the two has decreased a lot.

Wang Cuilian asked her servants to clean up the courtyard next to her, and brought Wang Cuiyao to her own courtyard. When the two sat down, a servant girl brought scented tea and snacks.

Swinging away the crowd, Wang Cuilian picked up a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake and put it in her mouth. Looking at Wang Cuiyao's somewhat similar eyebrows and eyes, she suddenly sighed, "I don't know why I had to have trouble with you at that time, I just remember that you were bullied I can only cry, crying makes me upset."

Wang Cuiyao smiled. She had memories of Erya. Wang Cuilian was right. Because of Erya's timid nature, she was always bullied by other children in the village, and she didn't know how to fight back. In her memory, Erya was bullied several times and cried. Yes, Wang Cuilian happened to see it.

Wang Cuilian was spoiled by her grandma, and she never suffered any disadvantages. She beat those who bullied Erya away, and it was useless to dislike Erya when she turned around. The more Erya cried, the more upset Wang Cuilian became, and she turned to teach her a lesson.

Wang Cuilian taught Erya several times for the children in the village, and would get some of Erya's things as reward the next day, which is why Erya was afraid of this cousin.

Thinking of this, Wang Cuiyao was stunned, it seemed that the fall into the water was also because Erya was bullied and was seen by Wang Cuilian, Wang Cuilian said she was useless, it was all because of the second aunt who taught her to be like this, she wanted to sue her grandma. This is what Wang Cuilian learned from Tang Lihua's usual nagging.

Unexpectedly, Wang Cuilian didn't want her mother to be scolded, so she pulled her away and begged her not to tell her grandma that she didn't fight back when she was bullied, and promised that she would never do it next time.

But how could Wang Cuilian's temper at that time be able to listen, the two had a dispute, Erya accidentally fell into the river, Wang Cuilian looked at Erya struggling in the river, and ran away in fright for a while.

"Sorry, I ran away in fear and almost killed you." Wang Cuilian smiled and became serious, "Although I hate your temper, I never thought of harming you."

It was different from Wang Cuilian's apology five years ago. Although she regretted it at that time, she didn't realize how bad she was when she grew up under the guidance of her grandma.

Wang Cuiyao suddenly felt sour in her heart, and her eyes were a little red. This was Erya's reaction! Wang Cuiyao was shocked, her guess seemed correct.

Then came a sense of loss, a feeling of relief, Wang Cuiyao knew that Erya had let go, she put her hand on her heart unconsciously, looked Wang Cuilian squarely, and said Erya's answer, "I forgive you."

Wang Cuiyao didn't know how she finished dinner with her grandmother and how she went back to her room to sleep, all she knew was that she had a dream.

In the dream, there was a little girl running towards her cheerfully. It was Erya five years ago. Erya smiled sweetly at her, a little shy, "Sister, thank you, can you help me take good care of my parents?" and brother."

Wang Cuiyao understands, Erya has been in her body all these years, and she can see the outside world, Wang Cuilian is her obsession, now that obsession is gone, Erya is leaving.

Looking at the thin and frail little girl, Wang Cuiyao's eyes swelled and tears welled up in her eyes, "Don't worry, I will do all of this."

Erya laughed even happier, and Wang Cuiyao stroked her hair again, "Thank you." Thank you for giving me this body, for letting me know what it's like to be a human being, thank you for being so kind, and not resenting me for occupying yours Body.

"I would like to exchange all my blessings for your next life to be worry-free, rich and honored, and loved by your loved ones." After Wang Cuiyao finished speaking, a ball of light emerged from her chest and entered Erya's eyebrows.

Wang Cuiyao knew what the ball of light meant, but she didn't regret it.

The next morning, Wang Cuiyao woke up with a smile. She had never felt so relaxed before, so when she saw Wang Cuilian, she put on a big smile.

Wang Cuilian was stunned for a moment, and then smiled back. The atmosphere between the two was extremely harmonious.

Tang Lihua came out and saw this scene, a little surprised, but didn't say anything.

"Cuiyuxuan brought the things over last night. After dinner, you go and put them on." Tang Lihua said so, and the three of them fell silent in tacit agreement.

After eating, Wang Cuilian and Wang Cuiyao went back to the yard, and they both put on new clothes. Wang Cuilian liked it very much, and Wang Cuiyao was also satisfied.

The two came out hand in hand, with similar eyebrows and eyes, one has a temperament, the other is bright and flamboyant, each has its own beauty, which makes people unable to take their eyes off.

This time, two carriages were divided, Tang Lihua took one alone, and the two sisters took one to go to the Princess's mansion.