Passing Through as the Cannon Fodder Supporting Role’s Grandma

Chapter 268


The old lady Xie was thinking wildly, and the maid who was sent directly came back again, bringing news that made the old lady feel even more uneasy.

"Old Madam, this servant did not see Master, and the people around Master only said that Master is missing now." The little maid lowered her head, trembling, fearing that she would be punished by Madam if she failed to do something good.

The old lady Xie was indeed angry. There was anger and anger in it. Of course, the anger was definitely not directed at her son. She grabbed the teacup in hand and walked down.

: "Useless things, it's so inconvenient to spread a word, what's the use of raising you, you don't have to wait in the yard, go somewhere else."

The little maid kowtowed on the ground a few times, pleading guilty again and again, but she was relieved in her heart, she was timid and really didn't want to stay in the old lady's yard.

After the people left, Mrs. Xie took a few deep breaths, feeling even more worried.

She can only worry, even if she can't ask anything now, it makes her feel restless.

Here in the Tang Mansion, Tang Lihua's taunting skills were fully activated, and she ran away Xie Yuan. Seeing how angry he was but unable to express it, he felt a little relieved.

Before reading the plot of the novel, Tang Lihua was disgusted by people like Xie Yuan, and now it is comfortable to be able to get off in person.

But this is to collect a little interest first, and the best show is yet to come.

Tang Lihua has not been idle these days, and started to work on her own plan.

First of all, inquire about the situation in the capital, the surrounding situation, and what you can use.

Tang Lihua felt that Xie Yuan was more suitable for killing people.

A literati with the same name, let alone someone like Xie Yuan.

So Tang Lihua's plan is to start with Xie Yuan's reputation, just like in the modern entertainment industry.

If you want to suppress someone, you must first ask entertainment big V to break out some plausible scandals to warm up first.

When the fire is almost ready, and then spend tens of millions, the marketing will be over, and the navy will start to move.

Wait until everyone knows the black material of this star, no matter whether the black material is true or not, no matter how the star explains it.

Everyone will believe the one-sided remarks first, although there are not a few who are beaten in the face afterwards.

Tang Lihua felt that this process could be moved here.

We must know that sometimes, some words can kill people.

Verbal criticism, nothing more than the case.

It's just that Tang Lihua's current status as a woman is convenient for walking outside in this ancient time.

So Tang Lihua thought of using some kind of medium, such as newspapers, such as speaking books. , Imagine, if your storybook becomes popular, and when everyone knows the story written in your storybook, the most hateful and hateful person in it, who did the most unconscionable things, happens to be called Xie Yuan.

Xie Yuan is a wolf-hearted, treacherous, hypocritical villain.

The storybook is not counted, after the storybook, you can still tell the book.

In fact, people in ancient times were very smart, but they were trapped in a small place, with little knowledge, and their thinking was somewhat restricted, and they couldn't think too much.

Tang Lihua has seen more, known more, and experienced more than them.

It is not too difficult to write a novel that can captivate the heart and soul, immerse yourself in it, and make you want to stop.

Of course, in addition to the script, there is also a public opinion offensive that must be prepared.

For example, Tang Lihua has already ordered a loyal servant of the Tang family to be cautious and quick-witted.

Tang Lihua gave him some silver and asked him to disguise himself and go to the ruined temples outside the city to find some beggars and buy enough food for those beggars.

As long as they pretended to speak unintentionally when they were praying, they could say something that Tang Lihua wanted them to say.

Of course, there are more than one beggars, and a lot of shares have to be divided, scattered all over the capital, and then spread.

At that time, if someone investigates, it will not be found in the Tang Mansion.

Moreover, Tang Lihua didn't think that Xie Yuan had so much power now that he could recruit powerful people to investigate for him.

A few days later, pedestrians came and went on the noisy streets of the capital.

Two or three men in ragged clothes knelt on the corner of the street, and when someone passed by, they cried miserably, "Grandpa, please do me a favor, the little one hasn't eaten for three days, please give me some copper coins."

There are also those who are kind enough to throw two copper coins into the beggar's broken bowl. There are many high-ranking officials and dignitaries in this capital, and every household is not short of clothing and food like other places, and their lives are more prosperous.

After collecting ten copper coins, one of them went to a small vendor not far away, took out all the copper coins, and bought ten buns.

After that, behind these men, there were a few more little beggars, all staring at the white steamed buns in the adults' hands.

The male beggars divided the steamed buns one by one, and there was only one left. After the division, there was only the last one left in their hands. The adults swallowed as they watched, no one got a small piece, and they were very satisfied after eating.

The peddler didn't dislike the dirt on these people, and gave them a few bowls of water.

Seeing the cubs eating happily, the beggars poured themselves a few bowls of water, and they didn't feel hungry at all.

Suddenly one of them asked the vendor, "Brother, let me ask you something."

Now there are no customers before Tanqian, and the small vendor also responded, "What's the matter."

"Is there a big family named Xie in this capital?" The beggar pretended to be mysterious.

The peddler scratched his head. There are too many rich families in the capital, and he really couldn't think of it for a while.

"If you have anything to say, just tell me, and I will ask you tomorrow."

The beggar is embarrassed, "It's nothing, it's just that I was so hungry yesterday that I fainted. An old doctor was kind enough to take me back for treatment. I heard what the woman said, so I wanted to ask I ask you, is there such a person?"

The peddler became interested, "What are you talking about?"

The beggar was a little hesitant, but seeing the small vendor Mian Shan, he should not be a gossip, so he finally said it.

In fact, the matter is also simple, that is, an adult heard that the old doctor is in that area, the Xinglin master, so he came to ask the old doctor to cure his hidden disease.

It's just that the adult's hidden illness is really strange, and the specific cause can't be found, so the old doctor can only let him go home with the medicine and drink it, and slowly recuperate his body.

I took this medicine for almost ten years.

Of course, this is not the point, it's just that in order to hide his hidden disease, the adult will not let outsiders know that he needs to drink that kind of medicine every day.

The children in the family are required to pretend to be sick. In this way, the mansion often smells of medicine, and it can be hidden from the servants of the mansion, and it will not make others suspicious.

After finishing speaking, the beggar sighed, "How could this be a father? He didn't even think about it. The fact that he had a hidden disease was concealed. He just pitied his child and took the blame for him and became a medicine jar. In the future, others What will you think of this poor child?"

The small vendor also sighed, "I think so too."

"By the way, although I don't know who that lord is, I heard that he has a very good reputation in Beijing. There is only one main wife, and there is no side room. Others are envious of this lady." The beggar added.

"This is not a good husband, I think it's because of his lack of power." The peddler smiled, and met the beggar with eyes that both of them understood.

The two sighed. Seeing that the little beggars had finished eating, the beggar realized that he had disturbed him for too long, so he quickly apologized, "I delayed the little brother's business, so I'm leaving now."

The small street vendor didn't care about the origin of the chat with him, and even asked the beggar to come back when he had time, and even sent three steamed buns over.

After all, after listening to someone else's wonderful story, this steamed bun can be regarded as a return gift.

Such things began to spread around the capital at almost the same time.

In just a few days, most of the people in the capital know that there is such an adult in Beijing who has a hidden disease and uses his own children to blame him.

When the common people were free, their curiosity became more vigorous. Some people began to guess who this lord was in Beijing.

Even secretly, comparing with others one by one.

This comparison eliminates the problem.

"I'm watching, it's about thanking you, sir."

The first suspicious voice appeared, and someone with a heart gave some guidance behind the scenes, and immediately many people turned their attention to Xie's mansion.

After careful comparison, Mrs. Xie only has one wife, and her reputation is good. The wives in Beijing are all envious of Mrs. Xie.

Master Xie's daughter has been drinking medicine all year round, and the smell of medicine in the courtyard has not been broken for nearly ten years.

When these two important pieces of information were matched, those who felt that they might have known a major event were shocked in their hearts.

And once this idea comes to mind, the more I think about it, the more I feel that that lord is Lord Xie Yuanxie.

Xie Yuan didn't know what happened among the people, he just felt that people looked at him a little strangely recently, not only his colleagues, but also the servants in the mansion.

That kind of look was very dark, and when he realized it, he quickly moved away. Xie Yuan didn't even know who was looking at him, what's more, everyone was looking at him.

This feeling made him extremely depressed, but he couldn't find an outlet.

Tang Lihua, who lives far away in her own courtyard in the Tang Mansion, hides her achievements and fame deeply.