Passing Through as the Cannon Fodder Supporting Role’s Grandma

Chapter 274


"Girl, there's news from Quanzi. It's from outside." Mrs. Fang seemed to have thought of something, and took out a letter from her sleeve.

Tang Lihua's eyes lit up, it was a good time.

Taking the envelope and looking at the contents inside, the smile on Tang Lihua's face grew wider the more she looked at it.

Ask Mrs. Fang to prepare a pen and ink, and Tang Lihua will start writing.

Then fold the envelope and hand it to Mrs. Fang.

Quanzi is from the Tang family, and Tang Lihua begged for it from Tang's father.

She asked Quanzi to go to Ling County to investigate a person, and that person was Lin Wan.

In this letter, Quanzi wrote all the information he found about Lin Wan's mother and son on the letter one by one.

At this time, Lin Wan's husband's family had already died, but Lin Wan's husband also treated Lin Wan sincerely.

When he knew that he couldn't escape, he pretended to be in love with the land of smoke and willows, drunk and dreamed of death every day, became an actor, divorced Lin Wan, even lost his head, and even gave up his own pair of children.

Lin Wan was heartbroken, and finally returned to her natal home with a pair of children.

Of course, this is only a superficial version. In fact, it was a scene played out by Lin Wan after discussing with her husband. When Lin Wan left, she almost took most of her husband's property with her.

Even if she is divorced and has a couple of children with her, Lin Wan will have no worries for the rest of her life.

Moreover, Lin Wan's son has grown up, but he can set up his own family, and no one else can covet him.

Tang Lihua didn't know how Quanzi found out about this, but Tang Lihua believed in the truth of this matter.

Originally, Lin Wan could live a happy life, but she was really confused about one thing.

Lin Wan is a Voldemort, and the Lin family has only one younger brother. Lin Wan was instilled by her parents since she was a child to help her younger brother.

So when Lin Wan returned to her natal family with the wealth, she didn't hide it at all, and then she was slowly cheated away by her younger brother.

After draining the last bit of money from Lin Wan, the Lin family turned their backs.

It's outrageous for a married daughter like Lin Wan to live in her mother's house, and she was divorced, so her reputation is not good.

What is inside the words, is to drive Lin Wan out.

And at this time, Lin Wan actually had a correspondence with Xie Yuan.

And Lin Wan was already packing up her belongings secretly, and asked the people around her to find out if there was a caravan going to Beijing.

Quanzi said in the letter that when Lin Wan went to Beijing, he would secretly steal those letters.

These were not mentioned in the novel, but Tang Lihua finally finished the whole story line in her mind.

After getting those letters, there will be more things to do.

Tang Lihua's reply to Quanzi was to ask him to secretly help Lin Wan go to Beijing, and the sooner the better.

Putting Lin Wan's matter aside for now, the most important thing now is tomorrow's banquet.

It was at this banquet that Yuanshen met the person who framed her and threatened her.

Tang Lihua definitely wanted to avenge this revenge, and it happened that he could use this person's mouth to add fuel to the rumors in Beijing.

On the second day, Tang Lihua went to Jing'an Hou Mansion according to the original body's action track in the novel.

This time because of Xie Yuan's rumors, Tang Lihua ignored all the looks that the wives looked at from time to time.

Sitting on one side with a sad eye.

When the banquet started, they didn't take the initiative to chat with people, and those ladies didn't want to come over to mess with Tang Lihua.

No one even wants to take the position next to Tang Lihua.

Tang Lihua felt that the thoughts of these women in the back house were really amusing, although she didn't care in her heart, there was still a trace of sadness on her face.

At some point, a person sat next to him.

"Mrs. Xie, why are you sitting here alone?" The gentle woman's voice came to mind.

Tang Lihua was lowering her head, a smile flashed in her eyes.


Tang Lihua raised her eyes, and when she saw that person, her eyes were a little flustered, and she quickly concealed her emotions, "Mrs. Chen."

Mrs. Chen is the person Tang Lihua is waiting for.

Later, according to the development of the script, Tang Lihua regarded Mrs. Chen as a "confidant", and gradually talked more with Mrs. Chen.

Pretending to look down on the design of Mrs. Chen's eyes, the two talked more and more.

Afterwards, people gradually surrounded Tang Lihua, and the first person to talk to Tang Lihua, those who were interested in the rumors, also came over one after another.

Some people just asked about the authenticity of this matter, and Tang Lihua also gave some guidance during the conversation with them.

For example, does your Master Xie take medicine all the year round

Tang Lihua looked embarrassed, her eyes dodged.

The ladies looked at each other with a clear expression, and changed the way of asking.

How is your daughter? This is a three-point drug, so you can't drink it often, and you can get sick if you don't get sick.

Tang Lihua waved her hand subconsciously, "Rou'er didn't..."

Before the word 'disease' could be said, Tang Lihua realized that she had said something wrong, so she stopped her mouth forcefully.

The ladies looked at each other again, feeling a little more secure in their hearts.

Tang Lihua's face was flustered, but her heart was amused.

In the end, Mrs. Chen rescued Tang Lihua from being surrounded by these ladies.

Tang Lihua has said everything that needs to be said, and the performance that needs to be performed has already been performed, and it is time to leave the stage.

So Tang Lihua and Madam Chen left the banquet early.

The two also rode in the same carriage. In the carriage, Mrs. Chen comforted Tang Lihua.

"Mrs. Xie doesn't need to care about those words. I believe that Mr. Xie is definitely not what the rumors say."

Tang Lihua nodded silently, as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say it because of scruples.

Seeing that she couldn't figure out what to say, Mrs. Chen rolled her eyes and thought of another way.

"It's just that those wives are right. The medicine is three-point poisonous. The eldest niece takes medicine all year round, which is not good for her health. I happen to know a famous doctor. Why don't you invite him to visit your house?"

As if feeling that she had made a slip of the tongue, and afraid that Tang Lihua would think too much, Mrs. Chen quickly added, "I'm not asking for something, forget it, just pretend I didn't say anything."

This look of wanting to defend himself, but afraid that Tang Lihua would misunderstand him even more, so he didn't explain much at all.

The emotions were well-placed.

It's just that Tang Lihua, who has done many world tasks and performed in front of a thousand-year-old fox, is nothing but a big witch.

It's just that Tang Lihua is willing to cooperate with her performance.

"Of course I know Madam Chen's kindness, but..." Tang Lihua still hesitated, and after a while, she seemed to have made up her mind that Madam Chen was a trustworthy person.

Tang Lihua said, "It's just that my daughter doesn't take medicine all the year round. Thank you Madam for your concern."

Mrs. Chen showed surprise, and covered her mouth with a veil, afraid that she would lose her composure, and after a long delay, she asked Tang Lihua in shock.

"Could it be possible, it's really like the rumors in Beijing, thank you sir..."

Tang Lihua looked pained and didn't want to admit it, but she had to admit it, and finally nodded.

Mrs. Chen gasped.

Tang Lihua quickly explained, "It's just that the doctor my husband invited is a master of Xinglin, and he is gradually recovering now."

Mrs. Chen was surprised again, "Then why are you like this..."

With such an ugly face, he didn't want to wait until the clouds opened to see the moon.

Tang Lihua dejectedly said, "I will not hide from Mrs. Chen, my husband has always disliked me, and now even if it's over, I don't want to see me. My husband already has a heart for me, and now his sweetheart is going to Beijing."

"At that time, I'm afraid it will be..." Tang Lihua smiled miserably, with a look of misery in her eyes.

Mrs. Chen, who learned another big news, concealed her excitement and comforted Tang Lihua.

The two chatted along the way and arrived at Xie's mansion.

Tang Lihua wiped the non-existent tears from the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief, "I really bothered Mrs. Chen, asking you to listen to my troubles."

Mrs. Chen hurriedly said, "Where is it, you still trust me and are willing to tell me."

The two exchanged some polite words, Tang Lihua hesitated before getting off the carriage, "Although it's a bit abrupt, I still want to ask Mrs. Chen not to tell the story. If the husband and the old lady know about it, then I..."

Tang Lihua seemed a little frightened, and her body trembled a bit.

Mrs. Chen was even more happy when she saw this, she didn't expect that she would have such an unexpected joy just casually approaching her.

This Tang Lihua is really easy to trust others. Of course, she will not let go of this ready-made handle.

The color of calculation in the fundus of the eyes is more intense.

Mrs. Chen said, "Since you are willing to trust me, I will never let down this trust. You can rest assured."

Tang Lihua said that she was really relieved, and all the goals of this trip were achieved.