Passing Through as the Cannon Fodder Supporting Role’s Grandma

Chapter 278


No one expected such a situation, even Mrs. Chen's complexion suddenly changed in Tang Lihua, and she asked her servants to fetch the horsewhip, and she stayed away from Tang Lihua.

Mrs. Chen couldn't figure out why the woman who was weak and weeping just now suddenly changed her style of painting and became what she is now, whipping people...

For a moment, Mrs. Chen didn't know how to describe Tang Lihua now.

But she felt that all her previous calculations might be in vain.

How can a person be completely different after being stimulated

Mrs. Chen didn't dare to think that if she didn't see this scene, she would threaten Tang Lihua. I'm afraid it wasn't Xie Yuan who was drawn at this time, but herself.

Look at the barbed horsewhip, which was whipped on Xie Yuan's body, Tang Lihua didn't know where the strength came from, but Xie Yuan's outer clothes were ripped when the whip came down.

The white underwear inside was exposed, but the underwear was not torn, but the white was gradually soaked red with blood, which made Mrs. Chen tremble.

Don't talk about plotting against Tang Lihua now, she didn't even dare to get close.

It's just that no one pays attention to her now, other people's eyes are on Tang Lihua who is still holding a whip and is indifferent.

When Xie Yuan hugged Lin Wan into his arms, he felt that his heart, which had been empty for a long time, was immediately filled.

The satisfaction made Xie Yuan almost want to sigh, and he was even more reluctant to let go.

If possible, he just wants time to stay at this moment, if this is a dream, let him never wake up.

It's just that Xie Yuan's idea is obviously impossible to realize, and he was awakened by a cruel horsewhip.

The burning pain on his back made Xie Yuan's face look painful.

He turned his head almost instantly, and met Tang Lihua's indifferent eyes. At this time, Tang Lihua's right hand was raised again, looking like he was going to continue to draw it.

Xie Yuan didn't have time to think why Tang Lihua was here, before Tang Lihua came over, he hurriedly avoided.

He avoided it, but he seemed to forget that there was Lin Wan behind him, and when he realized it, it was already too late.

Xie Yuan watched in horror, Tang Lihua pulled down her whip, and only had time to yell out angrily, "Tang Lihua, how dare you?!"

The corner of Tang Lihua's mouth curled up into a smile, and the whip that was supposed to go towards Lin Wan's face was retracted, then pulled out again, turning around, and then whipped towards Xie Yuan's upper body.

Xie Yuan couldn't dodge this time, he was a scholar, so he didn't have such a quick reaction, if he avoided it once, it was because of his quick reaction.

This time, Xie Yuan's attention was entirely on Lin Wan, and he did not expect Tang Lihua's change of direction.

As a result, following the burning pain in the back, the skin in the front of the chest was also ripped open.

Xie Yuan was in pain again, the whip was pulled into the flesh, and then pulled out again, although it was only for an instant, but the barbs on the whip hooked the flesh, this kind of pain, Xie Yuan had never experienced.

When Tang Lihua retracted the whip, Xie Yuan's upper body almost curled up.

His face was pale, fine cold sweat was already breaking out on his forehead, and Xie Yuan could no longer make a sound.

Lin Wan was also shocked by this sudden situation, especially when the whip came towards her face just now.

If she was really drawn, it would look at Xie Yuan's bruised and bruised appearance that he almost fainted. Lin Wan dared not think about what consequences would happen to her.

Seeing this, Tang Lihua sneered, and her subordinates were even more merciless, and the third whip arrived as scheduled.

Because of Xie Yuan's posture, the whip was also drawn on the back.

Xie Yuan cried out in pain again, he was about to faint and was immediately awakened by the pain.

He was trembling from the pain, and he gritted his back molars to make his voice tremble.

Xie Yuan's jade hairpin was brought by Tang Lihua's whip, and now it was broken on the ground, and her hair was scattered on her shoulders.

Coupled with the torn clothes, Xie Yuan at this moment didn't have the handsome appearance just now, he was in a terrible mess.

"What are you doing in a daze, hurry up and pull her away from me." Xie Yuan shouted violently, and the servant he brought finally came to his senses.

It's just that this is Madam, of course they all know each other, so it's a bit inappropriate for them to come forward to do something, right

Everyone looked at each other and hesitated.

Xie Yuan was annoyed again, but in order to prevent Tang Lihua from going crazy, he could only move back with pain all over his body.

"Tang Lihua, why are you crazy, you dare to do something, what do you know about women in your heart?"

Tang Lihua looked at him coldly, "Women? Are you worthy of telling me this?"

Xie Yuan was very angry, "Today's matter, I will not let it go like this. When I return to Beijing, I will go to your Tang family to ask, is this how Tang Shangshu taught his daughter?!"

Tang Lihua looked at him like a fool, "So what if you go ahead and talk about it, my parents will blame me for being a waste like you?"

"Originally, I married into Xie's family and was made things difficult by the old lady every day. I endured it for the sake of my children. Even if you have hidden diseases and let Rou'er be your shield, I can only endure it. I don't want my children to be tired of your reputation. Dad Mother asked me to make peace with you, and I chose to endure it for the sake of An'er and Rou'er.

It is only now that I realize that you have been deceiving me all along. Since you already have someone you like, why didn't you tell me when my father asked you if you were married.

Xie Yuan, you are really a shameless person, abandoning your wife and children, clinging to the powerful, and asking me to cover up your scandal, I never thought that you would be such a shameless person. "Tang Lihua was full of criticism.

It is silly to directly criticize Xie Yuan, when did he abandon his wife and son, and the hidden disease is obviously non-existent.

Tang Lihua actually said such a thing in front of so many people, she wanted to settle the matter.

Xie Yuan quickly thought of Tang Lihua's purpose, and opened his mouth to defend, but Tang Lihua took another step forward.

He backed away in fright, but the pain in his body was still reminding him of how much he would suffer when the whip came down.

This unexpected development stunned the people brought by Lin Wan, Tang Lihua, Mrs. Chen, and Xie Yuan himself.

Except for Lin Wan, everyone else knew about the rumors in Beijing, but they didn't expect it to be true.

Mr. Xie really stopped doing it a long time ago.

It was hard for them to believe what Mrs. Xie said.

And Lin Wan was so shocked by Tang Lihua's words that she didn't know what to say, and she never thought that things would turn to this point.

This well-meaning nobleman turned out to be Xie Yuan's wife, and he called Xie Yuan over in front of her, and the two were still so close.

Lin Wan had just digested these when she was knocked out by Tang Lihua's hidden illness or something.

She looked at Xie Yuan with an ugly face in astonishment, he had never told herself that he still had such a disease.

Lin Wan felt that her head began to ache, and her eyes also turned black.

But at this time, no one noticed that Tang Lihua asked the servant who went to the city to invite a doctor to bring him back, and it wasn't just the old doctor alone, he was accompanied by two drug boys.

They arrived just in time, and they heard Tang Lihua's words completely.

This was all in Tang Lihua's calculations. In front of so many people, she didn't believe that Xie Yuan could still clean herself up.

: "You are talking nonsense, I have no hidden illness at all, it's obviously you..." Xie Yuan wanted to explain.

She was interrupted by Tang Lihua again, only to hear Tang Lihua sneer, "It seems that what I heard from the old doctor is true, your hidden disease has recovered in the past two years."

Tang Lihua seemed to be hit by something, and suddenly took two steps back, pointing at Xie Yuan with the whip in her hand, Xie Yuan thought she was about to attack again, so he backed away in fright.

Tang Lihua was amused in her heart, but on the surface she wanted to continue acting.

"You have been hiding it from me, so the child in her womb is also yours? Xie Yuan, you have kept it from me so hard, you said I was a fool, okay, okay..."

Xie Yuan was said to be stupid again, he also looked at Lin Wan with stunned eyes, the two eyes met, Xie Yuan's face was very ugly, "Why are you pregnant?"

Xie Yuan can ignore Tang Lihua's other words, but he can't accept Lin Wan's pregnancy.

Lin Wan said in the letter that she had been rested for a long time, and her husband was also dead, how could she be pregnant.

Xie Yuan was deeply hit and was on the verge of collapse.

How did Lin Wan know that she was pregnant, mainly because she didn't even know it herself.

She opened her mouth to explain, "I didn't, Madam misunderstood."

Tang Lihua sneered, "Who are you still pretending to show?"

Lin Wan opened her mouth, and finally experienced what it means to be unspeakable, she knew that no matter how much she said now, Tang Lihua would not believe it.

At this time, Lin Wan's head was messed up by this situation, and she didn't even realize that Tang Lihua did it on purpose.

Lin Wan only thought that when Tang Lihua saw her vomiting before, she had indeed misunderstood, and she hadn't had time to explain it yet.

Chaos, now it's a mess.

Now the only one who can still see Tang Lihua clearly is probably Xie Yuan who was covered by Tang Lihua.

It's just that Xie Yuan's rebuttal seemed too feeble and unconvincing.

First of all, everyone knows about the rumors, and then Xie Yuan hugged another woman without hesitation in the public. Everyone has seen it with their own eyes, so most of the people present have believed more than half of Tang Lihua's words. .

Just as everyone held their breath and waited for Tang Lihua to erupt again, Tang Lihua dropped the whip in her hand on the ground with a tired look on her face.

The sarcasm and anger on her face disappeared, only a calm and tired look remained, "Xie Yuan, I'm tired, and Li Shu and I will send someone to Xie's mansion. From now on, you and I will be separated from each other. Nothing to do."