Passing Through as the Cannon Fodder Supporting Role’s Grandma

Chapter 279


No one expected Tang Lihua to throw another thunderstorm after a stormy meal.

And away? !

Everyone couldn't believe their ears, and now there is a woman who offered to make peace, which surprised them even more than Xie Yuan's hidden illness.

Before Xie Yuan's hidden illness was reported in Beijing for more than ten years, who hadn't talked about it behind his back, if Xie Yuan didn't mention it, Tang Lihua was equivalent to a widow who had been guarding for more than ten years.

Some people sympathized with Tang Lihua, but no one ever thought of making Tang Lihua and Xie Yuan reconcile.

In their ideology, only men divorce their wives, and the male protagonist takes the initiative to reconcile. No woman has ever dared to say such shocking words.

That's right, it's appalling for a woman to propose reconciliation.

Tang Lihua was also prepared in her heart. Although she had made so many preparations, the ancient feudal thinking could not be changed so easily.

In the deep-rooted concept of more people, once a woman gets married, if the husband does not take the initiative to take care of the rest, no matter how much you suffer and how much pain you suffer, it is considered that the husband's family has been tossed to death alive.

They will only think that you are born as a member of your husband's family and die as the soul of your husband's family. If you resist, it is your fault.

Xie Yuan was also shocked by Tang Lihua's words, just looking at Tang Lihua's appearance, it didn't seem like a fake.

Tang Lihua didn't give Xie Yuan time to react. Anyway, in the scene prepared today, her part has already been performed, and it's time for the curtain call.

Mrs. Chen watched the whole scene, and when Tang Lihua proposed to reconcile, she couldn't hide her shock.

Tang Lihua turned around and met Mrs. Chen's astonished face. She smiled apologetically, "I really made you laugh today. I'm a little tired now. Let's go to the temple later."

Mrs. Chen didn't know how she was going to react, and she didn't understand why things had developed to this point all of a sudden.

Mrs. Chen naturally did not agree with Tang Lihua and Lizhi's words, just as she had thought before, how could a man not steal sex outside.

There are not a few people in Beijing who have three wives and four concubines. How come there is only one Master Xie, but Tang Lihua has such a temper if she hides it from her family.

She has been out of the court since whipping people before, and now she is proposing to reconcile, how did the Tang family raise their daughter.

Mrs. Chen frowned secretly, but because of Tang Lihua's heavy hand, she really didn't dare to go forward to stop him, so she could only watch him helplessly, and was helped into the carriage by the mother-in-law.

In the eyes of others, Tang Lihua seemed to have exhausted all her strength after that venting. Although she made peace with her, but when she turned around, she staggered and almost couldn't stand still.

It was only the wife of a mother-in-law who managed to complete this short journey, which showed that she was also very sad.

Thinking about it this way, Xie Yuan's actions were indeed unreasonable.

First of all, he had already married a wife, but still concealed it, and tricked the Tang family into marrying his daughter-in-law to him, but he still looked down on the daughter-in-law of the Shangshufu, and he missed his original spouse.

After suffering from a hidden illness, in order to conceal it, he pulled his daughter out to take the blame for him. We only saw Xie Yuan's excitement when he saw his original partner, and his stern look at Tang Lihua.

It can be seen that Xie Yuan didn't take the Tang family and Tang's children into his heart at all, this is the most chilling thing.

Xie Yuan wanted to stop Tang Lihua, but he had a feeling in his heart that if he let Tang Lihua go this time, then he would not be able to clean up.

Not to mention the haste of his arrival, he brought a few servants with him, and looked at his own distressed appearance.

And in front of so many people, even if he stopped Tang Lihua, what could he do.

Thinking of this, Xie Yuan's ugly face became even more ugly.

Tang Lihua got into the carriage, and all the emotions that she had pretended just now disappeared. She wiped away the tears on her face with a handkerchief, and a smile appeared on her face.

Because Mrs. Chen was not there, Mrs. Fang came up with her. She looked at her girl carefully and wanted to comfort her, but she was stunned when she saw the girl's change of face.

Tang Lihua looked at Mrs. Fang with a smile, "Nurse really thinks that I will be sad for that Xie Yuan again?"

Although Mrs. Fang followed the girl every day, she really didn't know much.

Just now, Mrs. Fang didn't look carefully at the others, nor did she find that the Quanzi sent by Tang Lihua was actually in Lin Wan's team.

"Nurse, don't worry, I knew all this a long time ago. From the beginning to the end, this is just a trap I set up." Tang Lihua's smile faded, and her expression turned cold.

"Nurse, do you know why Xie Yuan stopped seeing me after I gave birth to Rou'er?"

Mrs. Fang doesn't know.

"It's just that he always thinks about others in his heart, and only regards me as a tool for him to have children. He is ruthless and unrighteous. He is not worthy of being a wife and father. I will not be soft." Tang Lihua lowered her eyes.

Granny Fang gasped suddenly, she had already scolded Xie Yuan a hundred and eighty times in her heart, and she felt sorry for her daughter.

The girl had endured in Xie's house for so many years, but in the end it was all in vain, how could Mrs. Fang not hate it.

Knowing this, Mrs. Fang suddenly felt that what the girl did just now was really relieved, she should have asked the servant to go up with her just now, and give that Xie Yuan a severe lesson.

But despite being happy, Mrs. Fang was still a little worried, "Girl, this matter of reconciliation..."

Tang Lihua shook her head, signaling that she needn't say more, "I told my mother about it before I went back to Xie's house, and my mother agreed."

Now that Madam knows, Mrs. Fang feels at ease. Mrs. Fang still trusts Madam's ability.

Tang Lihua's carriage went directly back to Xie's house, but when they arrived at Xie's mansion, Tang Lihua did not get off the carriage, but gave orders to Mrs. Fang.

"Nurse, take someone in and move out my dowry and my belongings."

Mrs. Fang responded and was about to go down.

Tang Lihua reminded again, "In Xie Yuan's study, and in Mrs. Xie's room, take back all my things. Now that I have torn my face, I don't have to worry about it anymore."

Mrs. Fang's response became louder.

This time they brought back to Xie Mansion not a few people. Although Xie Mansion also had servants and maids, they couldn't compare with the ones Mrs. Liu specially selected for Tang Lihua.

I don't know what happened in Xie's mansion, so Mrs. Fang led her people to search Xie Yuan's study and bedroom for all the valuable decorations. Naturally, Old Madam Xie didn't let them go.

No matter how frightened Mrs. Xie was, Mrs. Fang only let a group of strong women keep Mrs. Xie aside.

With such a big commotion in Xie's mansion, the people around were also alarmed.

In particular, Tang Lihua's load of dowry was carried out from the Xie Mansion, which attracted even more spectators.

It was already a quarter of an hour after Mrs. Fang came out with her people.

Standing in the carriage, Mrs. Fang said, "Miss, everything is packed."

Tang Lihua's voice came from inside, "Then go back home."

The return to the mansion here naturally refers to the return to the Tang mansion.

Mrs. Fang responded and was about to let the carriage move forward.

This is the blocked old lady Xie who finally did it, her face was livid.

After going through this scene, I almost couldn't control it, and passed out directly.

Seeing Mrs. Fang, Mrs. Xie certainly knew that all of this was on Tang Lihua's orders.

Standing at the gate of Xie's mansion, Mrs. Xie couldn't care less about the people who gathered around to watch the excitement, she was furious, "Mr. Tang, are you going to turn the world upside down!?"

Tang Lihua, who was in the carriage, raised her eyebrows slightly when she heard the old lady Xie's voice. Since the old lady has followed, she will do the rest together.

The old lady Xie didn't hear the sound, she knocked on the ground with the crutch in her hand, and cried to the onlookers, "Everyone is here to judge, just now people from the Tang family turned the mansion upside down, is there any king here?" It's over, how can a daughter-in-law be so lawless that she doesn't pay attention to me as a mother-in-law at all."

The common people were here to watch the fun, but when they heard the shocking gossip, they immediately buzzed and began to discuss.

It was more about pointing at Tang Lihua's carriage. Seeing this, Mrs. Xie immediately became more energetic and wanted to make persistent efforts.

At this time, a corner of the curtain of the carriage was lifted, and a tired Tang Lihua stepped on the pedals and got off the carriage.

Old Madam Xie gritted her teeth when she saw Tang Lihua. If there were not so many people, she would come up to beat people with a cane now.

Tang Lihua first bowed to Mrs. Xie, but Mrs. Xie snorted coldly and turned away, obviously unwilling to accept Tang Lihua's gift.

Tang Lihua paused, then revealed an extremely bitter smile, and said slowly, "I know my mother-in-law doesn't want to see me, so now I'm doing my mother-in-law's wish."

Old Madam Xie was taken aback, not understanding what Tang Lihua meant, she suddenly had a bad premonition.

Tang Lihua didn't continue to say too much, but instead told Mrs. Fang, "Nurse, bring me pen and ink."

Mrs. Fang went away in response, and came back in a short while, with a pen, ink, paper and inkstone in her hand, and a large tray. Under the eyes of the surrounding people who didn't know why, Tang Lihua took a pen and dipped it in ink, and wrote it on the white rice paper. Drop the handwriting.

After swiping the ink, Mrs. Fang took the rice paper, dried the ink on it, and handed it back to the girl.

Tang Lihua took it, then looked at Mrs. Xie who was looking at her with a bad face, and handed over the paper with both hands.

"This is He Lishu. From then on, I am no longer the daughter-in-law of the Xie family, and I have nothing to do with the Xie family. From now on, my mother-in-law will not feel upset when they see me again."

Old Madam Xie's eyes widened, and she forgot her anger. When she saw the paper Tang Lihua handed over, she saw the three characters 'He Li Shu' on the top.

Old lady Xie's body trembled, and her hands trembled, which was naturally out of anger.

After being shocked, old lady Xie's heart was filled with overwhelming anger. Tang Lihua dared, how dare she? !

She took the paper in Tang Lihua's hand, and tore it to pieces the next moment.

Old Madam Xie looked at Tang Lihua with fiery eyes, "Don't even think about it!"

Tang Lihua had expected her to have such a reaction a long time ago, and she showed her hurt look very cooperatively.

"Old Madam Xie, don't be upset because the Xie family has lost their daughter-in-law. Mr. Xie has already brought back your decent daughter-in-law."

Old lady Xie was even more stunned, what is a decent daughter-in-law, and what kind of decent daughter-in-law does she have? Isn't this Tang's own decent daughter-in-law.

Mrs. Xie felt that Tang was just talking nonsense, she was simply baffled.

Before the old lady Xie said anything, Tang Lihua changed her expression again, her face was full of determination, "Since the Xie family doesn't tell me that I take it seriously, then I don't have to worry anymore, Xie Yuan has lied to me for so many years, I don't want to pursue these things that have caused me so far, and I just want to break up with your Xie family in the future."

The old lady Xie sneered, "Do you know what you are talking about? You married into our Xie family, and you still want to break up with my Xie family. I think you are wishful thinking!"

As soon as Mrs. Xie's words fell, a voice suddenly came from the crowd, "I don't know, the Xie family is so capable. Could it be that my daughter sold herself to your Xie family, and she wants to make peace with her?"

The voice was extremely cold, not very loud, and among the noisy people, Old Madam Xie could hear it clearly.

Old lady Xie's pupils constricted, she clenched the crutch in her hand, and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw that the crowded crowd was divided into a lane, and a woman with a similar face to Tang Lihua gradually approached.

The moment Mrs. Xie saw Mrs. Liu, her bad premonition deepened.

Although she didn't meet Mrs. Liu much, Mrs. Xie was a little apprehensive from the bottom of her heart. She always felt that Mrs. Liu could see through all her thoughts.

This feeling made Mrs. Xie uncomfortable, more timid.

When it comes to Tang Lihua, Mrs. Xie can still be tough, but when she sees Mrs. Liu, let alone being tough, she even forcefully forced a smile.

"Why is my in-laws here? I don't want someone to speak in advance. I can entertain you." Mrs. Xie wanted to ease the atmosphere. She knew what she said just now, and when she heard Liu's ears, it must be for herself. made a fortune.

Mrs. Liu looked at Mrs. Xie indifferently, "I won't bother thanking Mrs. Madam. I'm afraid I don't have this blessing. Let Xie's mansion and Mrs. Xie entertain me."

The old lady Xie hurriedly said, "What are you talking about, I thank my family..."

Mrs. Liu interrupted Mrs. Xie's next words, "I came this time to pick up my daughter. I just listened to the old lady's words. Are you unwilling to let her go?"

Old Madam Xie's face turned pale in an instant, not because she was afraid, but because she realized that Mrs. Liu had come in person, and the matter of reconciliation and separation might really come true.

Mrs. Xie didn't dare to think deeply, if Tang Lihua really reconciled with her son, then wouldn't the Xie family and the Tang family not be in-laws, but even enemies.

"In-laws, how can this junior make a decision so easily on a matter as big as harmony and separation? Do you think it's right or not?"

When Mrs. Liu received the letter, she was afraid that something wrong with the Xie family would make her daughter suffer, so she brought someone over.

Before coming here, of course, Mrs. Liu had expected a lot of situations, and she already had a plan in mind.

Now that her daughter has made a decision, Mrs. Liu will stand in front of her.

"What Xie Yuan did, you and I know in our hearts. My Tang family doesn't care about your Xie family. If the Xie family goes too far, then my Tang family will not back down either."

Liu's tone was very strong, "I agreed to reconcile and leave, so don't waste any more time."

Mrs. Xie couldn't even keep the smile on her face when she heard the words, "Do you need to think more about it? Besides, Yuan'er hasn't come back yet, why don't you let Tang go back with you first, and wait for Yuan'er to return home, and then return to the old house." Discuss."

Upon hearing the words, Mrs. Liu looked at her daughter. Mrs. Liu came in a hurry and didn't know the specifics.

Tang Lihua shook her head at Mrs. Liu, "Mother, Xie Yuan has already gone to pick up his concubine and children. There is no place for me in this Xie family. It is useless to pester me any longer."

Mrs. Liu didn't know the twists and turns, thought Tang Lihua was telling the truth, and her face darkened, she lost all superficial politeness to Mrs. Xie, and said directly to her daughter.

"Since the old lady is unwilling to reconcile, then you should divorce."