Passing Through as the Cannon Fodder Supporting Role’s Grandma

Chapter 295


When Xie Yuan woke up again, he was in a dilapidated and dark room. He was very weak, and he didn't know where it was. He struggled to get up, and made a noise, and people outside heard him coming in.

The man held a dim oil lamp in his hand, and when he saw Xie Yuan woke up, he said in a rough voice, "Get up and work when you wake up, I saved you, you are my servant, you have to earn money to support me."

Xie Yuan was startled. Although this man's voice was rough, he could still hear that it was a woman's voice.

It's just that Xie Yuan was against the light and hadn't recovered yet. He only saw the body of the man standing there, which was even bigger and stronger than his own.

Xie Yuan didn't have time to think about it, so he was carried outside by someone carrying the clothes with the back of his neck.

Now Xie Yuan finally saw the appearance of that person clearly, the two bulging lumps on his chest made Xie Yuan sure that this person was indeed a woman.

At this time, Xie Yuan didn't know that he was about to usher in an embarrassing future.

In the next half month, Xie Yuan had no chance to look for Lin Wan, and he didn't know where Lin Wan was dragged.

He went out with the burly woman every day to move stones, and he could get food after moving for half a day.

Originally, Xie Yuan couldn't bear it, but although the burly woman didn't talk much, she still gave Xie Yuan some medicine to watch her body.

After half a month, Xie Yuan's body recovered and he became much stronger.

After Xie Yuan received today's food, he was still sighing in his heart that he could still meet good people.

It's just that in the middle of the night, Xie Yuan was stripped dry, pressed on the bed and unable to move, after a whole night, he was humiliated in one way or another.

Xie Yuan felt complete despair, and even thought of committing suicide.

He didn't know why he fell into this situation. As a seven-foot man, he was frightened by others and could not resist.

The burly woman got off the bed, put on her clothes, took a look, and lay on the bed, Xie Yuan with blank eyes, said 'tsk', "Your skin is okay, but it's so useless, it's really a waste, but money It's all spent, you can't run if you want to, just follow me honestly, I won't treat you badly."

The burly woman finished speaking in a rough voice and went out.

Xie Yuan clutched the quilt tightly, feeling hopeless, two lines of clear tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

What happened to him is really sad for those who hear it, tears for those who see it,

It's just that Xie Yuan didn't feel sentimental for long, the burly woman who went out went back and forth.

"Get up quickly, you won't be able to catch up with today's work if you are too late, but there is no food to eat."

In the end, Xie Yuan still stood up, he is a man, and he is not the one who suffers, but he is the same as anyone else if he does that.

It's just that when getting out of bed, Xie Yuan's feet softened, and he almost fell over.

He looked so embarrassed, and the burly woman who came to urge him looked at him, and he couldn't look down on him at all.

In the following days, every so often, Xie Yuan would be hollowed out, his body would become weaker and weaker, his legs would often become weak, and his face would become paler and paler.

Under such days, Xie Yuan had no chance to find Lin Wan.

Lin Wan, who had been forgotten by Xie Yuan, bumped into Fang's family under Tang Lihua's instructions.

At this time, the Fang family also knew the whole story of Lin Wan's dismissal and returning home.

She also knew that Lin Wan handed over all the money the Fang family gave her to her mother's family and lost it all. She took so much money from the Fang family, but she never thought of coming to manage it for them so that their lives would be easier.

Originally in this place, they were already irritable after working hard day after day, but this irritable mood had to be endured, because there was no one around who could let them be beaten and scolded.

It's different now, Lin Wan came, she didn't have time to cuddle, and she did such a thing again, so she naturally became the punching bag of Fang's family.

The Fang family has been here for a long time, and they are more familiar than Lin Wan. Others are too tired to work every day. There is no one who can help Lin Wan, and even the older brother is unwilling to meddle in other people's business.

Lin Wan suffered all the hardships of the Fang family, at this moment she thought of Xie Yuan, and wanted Xie Yuan to save her.

No matter what, Xie Yuan is not a prisoner, as long as Xie Yuan has money, he can build a good relationship with the supervisors, and he can release himself.

Xie Yuan became Lin Wan's only hope. Under the difficulties of Fang's family, Lin Wan couldn't finish her work and made mistakes frequently.

How did Lin Wan know that Xie Yuan is too busy to take care of herself now, and has no time to take care of her at all.

After a long time, Xie Yuan actually began to get used to the current life.

Except for the hollowing out every once in a while, the rest is fine.

But because of such hollowing out, his spirit is not good, and the whole person has harvested the trunk.

Of course Xie Yuan didn't notice the burly woman looking at him with more and more distasteful eyes, and finally one time, Xie Yuan fell ill.

This time the burly woman did not invite a doctor to see him again, but when Xie Yuan was feverish and unconscious, she wrapped him in a straw mat and threw him directly into the pile of corpses that were usually thrown into the dead.

At the same time, because Lin Wan didn't have enough food and sleep every day, and was whipped, the old wounds on her body didn't heal, and new wounds appeared.

After such a day after day, I finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Lin Wan is worse than Xie Yuan, she was directly dragged into this pile of corpses with a bullock cart, a cart full of dying people.

A big pit was dug here, and the corpses were thrown directly into the pit, and burned together at about the same time, otherwise the smell would be unpleasant.

Two people who are sick and not clear-headed meet at the pile of corpses.

This means that they are destined to die together.

As soon as the fire went down, the two of them were woken up. They couldn't even scream, and they were burned to death alive.

Tang Lihua, who was far away in the capital, didn't know these things at all.

The current situation in the capital is a bit strange. The voices of the people on the streets have been quiet for a long time. This strange situation still originated from the court.

A few days ago, the crown prince made another big mistake, and the emperor abolished Qin Cen's position as crown prince in a rage.

As soon as the deposed prince came out, the other princes also started to move, and a battle for the reserve position began.

During this period, Gu Qiyun remained restrained, and when those people were fighting to the death and there were only two left, the court finally calmed down a bit.

I don't know that Gu Qiyun didn't move, and Qin Cen hasn't moved since he was deposed.

The people in the capital, the civil and military officials, and even the emperor thought that the abolished prince was now completely abolished, and the news spread that he drank and had fun every day, lingered in beauty, and even invited many beauties into the mansion.

Tang Lihua knew that he was the hero of the novel, so of course she would not take him lightly.

Gu Qiyun knew that Qin Cen was the emperor all his life, so he would not take it lightly because of his superficial confusion.

Qin Cen thought he was hiding everything from everyone, and when he was hiding Chen Cang, he didn't know that Gu Qiyun's people had already monitored his actions under their noses.

And Tang Lihua also learned a piece of news from Gu Qiyun's letter.

Fang Jingru is the heroine who was later renamed Xie Shuya in the novel, and she got entangled with Qin Cen again.

Tang Lihua didn't know how Fang Jingru, who had obviously run away from home and traveled the mountains and rivers, returned to the capital.

Now because of Gu Qiyun's relationship, Qin Cen is not at all like in the novel, who has the opportunity to visit incognito everywhere, and can have a dewy relationship with Fang Jingru who ran away from home.

But Tang Lihua didn't want to know, she could only say that the plot was so powerful that the male and female protagonists must be together.

The situation in the capital was tense, and news came out from the harem that the emperor intended to appoint the third prince, and within a few days, the third prince was assassinated.

The emperor was furious, and continued to investigate. At the end of the investigation, he found another son, the fifth prince, who was also optimistic.

No matter how the fifth prince complained, the evidence is conclusive. The crime of murdering his siblings cannot be cleared away. It is impossible for the emperor to hand over the throne to such a person. Before, because of the fighting, the abolished and the demoted were demoted to common people.

Now the third prince and the fifth prince have also fallen one after another. Suddenly, there is no prince who is suitable to inherit the great line.

A voice gradually appeared in the court, saying that the abolished prince has good character, but if he makes a mistake for a while, he can still become the general.

Such voices became louder and louder, and the old emperor felt threatened.

Seeing that the battle here was getting stronger, the old emperor never let go, and even reprimanded those who mentioned the deposed prince one by one.

Qin Cen was in a hurry, and later counselors around him came up with advice. Seeing that the emperor was old, he should have retired, and Qin Cen was forced into the palace. In his opinion, the forced palace was smooth.

In the end, when Gu Qiyun led a city of soldiers to rescue him, Qin Cen failed in forcing the palace and was completely confined.

The deposed prince rebelled, and of course everyone around him couldn't let it go. The old emperor announced a clean-up. During that time, the execution ground was bleeding one after another.

People in the capital were panicked, and Tang Lihua had also looked at it from a distance, and there was Fang Jingru among them.

In this life, Fang Jingru did not cause much trouble. Without Qin Cen, she would be useless. It is the same in the novel, Fang Jingru has always been attached to Qin Cen.

After this time, the old emperor's health became worse and worse. Under the panic of the courtiers, the old emperor actually named Princess Changle as the eldest princess and acted as the supervisor of the country.

Some people were dissatisfied, but under the thunderous means of the eldest daughter of the emperor, the voice of dissatisfaction in the court became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared completely.

Two years later, the old emperor could no longer hold on and passed away.

The emperor's eldest daughter ascended the throne, starting her generation of queens.