Passing Through as the Cannon Fodder Supporting Role’s Grandma

Chapter 300


Lin Quan didn't care to continue watching Tang Dong behind him, so he hurriedly found the nearest workstation, and just fiddled with the computer.

"Great, great, the bug is being repaired automatically, and our foreign aid is too powerful." The excited voices of the technicians sounded one after another.

The rest of the people are also very excited.

Secretary Li couldn't understand these codes, but from their expressions and movements, it could be seen that they were in a good situation now.

Looking at Tang Dong again, she was always calm, just looking at the computer screen quietly, as if everything was under her control, and she was not surprised at all.

Tang Lihua is of course not surprised, this is a very difficult attack for the entire technical department, but for Tang Lihua, it is not really difficult.

In this novel world, the development of social science and technology is normal, and the hacking technology that Tang Lihua exchanged from the system is a super-civilized development, let alone what she learned.

It is not necessary to learn all of them, it is enough to lead a lot in the computer technology of this world.

Several games under the Star Game Company were attacked one after another, the server crashed, and all players were kicked out of the game.

Players' backlash and complaints, in a very short period of time, Sending Star Game Company was on Weibo's hot search.

Open the hot search entry, the most popular weibo, is a proper lead.

"Star Game Company, rubbish?" The text of Weibo is just this short sentence, and the picture of Jiugongge below it is very interesting.

They are all the login screens of every captured game of Star Games, with the word 'garbage' in blood red shining brightly on the screen.

There were also many players cursing in the game forum, and these were all posted together with screenshots.

This is not just one game, but five or six games together. Everyone can see that Xingchen Game Company may be deliberately targeted by competitors.

Those who are not gamers all come to watch the fun, but gamers, who cause their own losses because they are forced to kick out of the game, spray blood on the person who deliberately targeted them, and can't take care of themselves.

Star Game Company itself is not immune, but everyone is more concerned about doubts.

Questioning Morning Star Game Company, why the server completely crashed because of other people's attacks, and others have hung the two big characters of "garbage" on your face, and you haven't responded yet.

It’s not right, it shouldn’t be said that there is no response, but that there is nothing you can do about it. This is the worst thing. As a game company, you have the source code of these games in your hands, but you are attacked by others, so you can only be passive. Defense, not even the ability to fight back.

All of a sudden, the trend on the Internet changed, and it became a question about the strength of Xingchen Games.

It also caused a wave of 'retirement'.

I am afraid that there are people with good intentions behind the push, and the stock price of Xingchen Game Company has also begun to fluctuate.

Just as the online discussion was raging, players were arguing in various game forums. Suddenly, someone discovered that the bloody "garbage" characters that had been hanging on the login page before had disappeared.

During this period, some people kept refreshing the page. At almost the same time, the page that they could not log in was refreshed again.

Logged in directly to the webpage, and after entering, they found that the page was the same as before they were forcibly kicked out, and the copy was not archived.

Everything in the game is as if someone has pressed the pause button, and the loss that the players were worried about did not happen at all.

After everyone discovered this, they went to the official website to wait for the announcement of Xingchen Game almost immediately.

Almost at the same time, bursts of cheers came from the technical department of Star Game Company.

"The Xianxiaqiyuan server has returned to normal, all the viruses have disappeared, and the defense has been strengthened several times. The other party is attacking, and the attack cannot penetrate our defense network."

After the cheers, the technicians reported the situation of the games they were in charge of.

"It's the same on our side, the opponent's attacks are all useless."

"So are we."

"It's the same on my side."

Good news came from everywhere, and everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that they had just prepared for the worst.

If the game has been captured by the opponent, and then the game data is destroyed, it will be their Star Game Company that will bear the anger of the players.

Players don't care about malicious competition or malicious attacks by the opponent. They only care about their own interests and the experience of the game.

Originally, they were already mentally prepared, how to remedy that when they had to work overtime all night.

It's just that even if they can restore the original game data to normal by working overtime for one or two months, they can't restore the players who quit because of lack of game experience.

It is an unexpected good result to be able to kill and repel those malicious virus attacks in such a short period of time, or to strengthen their defense network.

At this time, Lin Quan also personally confirmed that everything was back to normal, and he couldn't bear the excitement in his heart.

Just now Tang Dong finished typing those codes under his nose, Tang Dong is really a computer expert.

"Director Tang, the game problem has been solved!" Secretary Li couldn't restrain his excitement.

You must know that once these games are over, it will bring huge losses to the company, and the company is now in a precarious situation.

This malicious attack is probably the most important straw that broke the camel's back. If the problem cannot be solved today, not to mention the loss of a large number of players, it will even ruin the goodwill in the hearts of the players.

Once everyone agrees that the quality of your company's games is not good, and the accounts that players have worked so hard to raise are destroyed like this, everyone who puts them on it will be angry. I am afraid that from now on, this company will be blacked out for life.

"I don't need to teach you the compensation measures for the players in the future, do I?" Tang Lihua remained calm about Secretary Li's excitement.

Secretary Li nodded again and again, "Don't worry about these things, we can still solve this kind of problem."

Tang Lihua got up, "That's good. All the staff in the technical department are tired these days. After the announcement, they will go home and rest for half a day, and come back to work tomorrow."

Secretary Li was taken aback, "There are still people watching from Director Tang, if everyone leaves, what if..."

Secretary Li didn't finish his sentence, but the meaning of the words was already obvious.

The other party hasn't stopped attacking their server yet. If it is breached again, then when the technicians go home to rest, who can take the top

But soon, Secretary Li realized that he had asked a stupid question.

The server crash this time was entirely due to the code that Tang Dong typed out in just ten minutes. After running, it saved all the games.

What's more, the viruses that tried to attack were blocked outside. It seems that there is no technical personnel, as long as Tang Dong is there, all these can be solved.

Having seen Tang Dong's ability once, Secretary Li is now amazed.

Although Secretary Li is not clear about technology, he knows that all the employees in the company's technology department are capable.

These are all cultivated by Lin Quan one by one. Although half of them are gone, the remaining half can still last for a while in a short period of time.

As long as the company absorbs fresh blood into the technology department as soon as possible, I believe the company will be able to recover as before.

In the past few days, Secretary Li's thinking has diverged from managing the company on behalf of him, so it diverges to this.

"Okay, I will inform you." Secretary Li quickly calmed down and responded.

Tang Lihua nodded.

At this time, Lin Quan came up together, saying that Tang Lihua was the chairman of the company before, and asking Lin Quan to respect him was a courtesy to his boss.

But now Lin Quan's eyes, which were trying to suppress his excitement, were not just excited.

"Tang... Dong Dong, I can ask, ask the one just now..."

Of course Tang Lihua knew what he wanted to ask.

It's just that Lin Quan stopped without asking. Asking about those codes is a taboo thing. Whoever has this technology is willing to hand it over to others.

"Do you still have the source code of 'Wild Continent'?" Tang Lihua didn't answer Lin Quan's words, and turned to another question.

Lin Quan was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, "The codes are still in the company's hard drive."

"Okay, after arranging other things, you also go on vacation." After receiving this confirmation reply, Tang Lihua's mood improved a lot.

Tang Lihua is not a person who stands up and gets beaten. If Jiang Mo dares to attack his company, he should accept her counterattack.

Reciprocity is the most fair thing, isn't it

As if aware of it, Lin Quan and Secretary Li looked at each other, feeling that something serious was about to happen.

In the game branch of the Jiang Group's group, amidst the silence, there were a few low-pitched curses.

"Boss, the attack on our side is blocked outside, so we can't get in." Someone reported to the man with black-rimmed glasses.

The man with black-rimmed glasses was also staring at the computer screen with both eyes, and his hands kept moving.

Ten minutes later, the man with black-rimmed glasses let out a sigh of relief, with a slump on his face.

"The opponent has a master, and all the attacks on my side have been interrupted. If I attack back, there is no movement at all."

Which master did the opponent invite, and I didn't even have a chance to fight against that master, so I was directly kicked out of every server in the game by the opponent with a strong and domineering method.

And every virus-containing Trojan horse that was previously placed on the server has also been cut off.

The man with black-rimmed glasses also tried to attack back in many ways, but no matter what he did, it was useless.

It's like hitting an iron plate with an egg, all kinds of attacks of one's own are shattered into powder, and the opponent remains unchanged.

If it weren't for the fact that they had no means at all, the man with the black frame would not be willing to admit defeat so easily.

It's just that now that I have rebelled, the initiative in my hand is completely gone, and I can't find a gap even if I want to continue to make some small moves.

No matter how unwilling, he can only admit that his skills are not as good as others.

After taking a few deep breaths, the man with black-rimmed glasses finally stood up and gave a word of advice to the people who surrounded him.

Then he walked towards Jiang Mo who was sitting there.

Jiang Mo closed his eyes, leaned back on the sofa, his face was expressionless, making him look even colder.

"Boss Jiang..." A sense of fear rose in the man with black-rimmed glasses. If he hadn't been the boss and couldn't hide this matter, he would have flinched by now.

He didn't know why he was so afraid of Mr. Jiang, anyway, every time he talked to Mr. Jiang, he felt chilly all over his body.

It's like if the person in front of him disagrees, and if he says something that offends him, President Jiang can throw him into the Huangpu River to feed the fish.

When Jiang Mo heard the voice, he didn't open his eyes, and his tone was as emotionless as ever.


Just this simple word made the man in black-rimmed glasses tremble subconsciously, completely frightened.

Why am I so ashamed, President Jiang doesn't know how to eat people, so what are you afraid of.

Fortunately, there was no one around, otherwise it would be a shame.

Wu Gang pushed the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and after comforting himself, he was finally not as panicked as before.

"Mr. Jiang, there is foreign aid from Xingchen Games. They are experts. On my side..."

Before Wu Gang could finish his sentence, he was stared coldly by Jiang Mo, making him shut up, and the rest of the words were choked in his throat, making him unable to speak.

Jiang Mo stared at Wu Gang, and said coldly, "I don't want to listen to nonsense, tell me the result."

For some reason, Mr. Jiang's expression didn't change a bit, but Wu Gang just felt the man-eating aura on Mr. Jiang's body.

Wu Gang didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore, he went down after he finished speaking, he didn't want to stay with Mr. Jiang anymore, after he said a few words, his back broke out in cold sweat.

"We can't resist the opponent, all attacks are blocked outside, the virus cannot attack, and the opponent's server has returned to normal."

Wu Gang lowered his head, he had a premonition that Mr. Jiang would definitely get angry.

Just waited for a while, but Wu Gang didn't wait for any movement, and was in doubt.

Seeing a pair of black leather shoes appear in his field of vision, Wu Gang didn't have time to say anything.

Without any defense against Wu Gang, one of the leather shoes kicked him hard on the knee.

Wu Gang screamed directly, curled up on the ground, hugged his legs and howled miserably.

Jiang Mo didn't show mercy at all. His leather shoes had pointed toes, and he didn't know what material they were made of.

In short, the current Wu Gang felt as if he had been hammered on his knees with a small hammer. The pain was so painful that his brain was throbbing, and he couldn't get over it for a long time.

Wu Gang's black-rimmed glasses were also on the side. He couldn't see Jiang Mo's face above him clearly, but the dangerous eyes that fell on him felt extremely clear at this moment.

"The company takes money to support you. I hired you with a high salary. I didn't hire a trash to come back." Jiang Mo looked down at Wu Gang who was writhing in pain on the ground, and his eyes became more violent.

He didn't sleep all night last night, which made his brain tense at the moment. Wu Gang's words were like a hand plucking a tight string, making him feel violent all of a sudden.

Jiang Mo had a tyrannical urge at this time, and he did move again.

Lifting his foot, he kicked Wu Gang's stomach who was still curled up in pain.

How could Wu Gang know that Jiang Mo would strike again.

In this legal society, Jiang Mo is also the president of the Jiang Group. If there is a disagreement, he will start a fight with the people under his opponent, or really fight, no one will believe it.

"Trash, it's all trash." Jiang Mo couldn't control his tyrannical emotions at this moment.

Fortunately, Jiang Mo finally controlled the shouting factor in his body after two kicks.

At this time, the people outside also heard and heard the movement here, it was really Wu Gang's voice that was too loud, if he didn't hear it again, he would be deaf.

Those who came to see the situation were all stunned by the scene in front of them. After realizing it, they hurriedly helped Wu Gang who was still groaning in pain.

"Boss, what's the matter with you, are you all right?"

Wu Gang had a pale face. At this time, someone picked up his glasses that had fallen on the ground.

After putting on the glasses, the blurred vision finally became clear.

Wu Gang covered his stomach with his hands, and looked at Jiang Mo with a ruthless look on his face.

Whoever comes to work in the company, but is beaten up by the boss like this, is not angry.

"Call the police, I want to call the police!"

This was Wu Gang's first reaction. He pointed at Jiang Mo, "You lunatic, you are simply a lunatic. I am here to work, not to sell myself. How dare you hit me?!"

Speaking of which, Wu Gang took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and he didn't have the initial fear towards Jiang Mo.

"Let me tell you, today's matter is not over, I want to sue you, I want to sue Jiang, I want to disclose that you maliciously hurt people and beat employees maliciously, you madman!"

Jiang Mo's expression didn't change a bit. Even if he was seen beating someone, and Wu Gang pointed his nose and scolded him, his only feeling was noise.

This group of trash can't do a little thing well. The Star Game is half-hanging, and it can make others turn the tables. They are simply a bunch of trash.

Jiang Mo spit out this sentence coldly, "I'm waiting for you."

There was a lot of commotion here, and more than half of the employees on this floor surrounded them.

Based on what their boss said just now, Jiang Mo's attitude, and the boss's embarrassment for a while.

Everyone quickly realized what happened.

Someone with a straight temper followed Wu Gangjiu and spoke out to support the boss.

The surrounding discussion is also getting louder.

Jiang Mo watched coldly, and when Wu Gang really called the police station to tell what happened and where, he had no intention of stopping it at all.

Sitting on the sofa again, Jiang Mo lit a cigarette, and the smoke clouded his expression.

The voices below became louder and louder, and everyone's anger rose even more towards Jiang Mo's reckless attitude.

"You are the president, are you amazing? You beat people for no reason. When the police come, you don't want to escape, so many of us have seen it!" The person who spoke was filled with righteous indignation.

Jiang Mo glanced at him, indifferent to his accusation, "Are you done? It's my turn after I finish."

Everyone didn't know why, so they just listened to Jiang Mo continuing.

"From now on, you are all fired."