Passing Through as the Cannon Fodder Supporting Role’s Grandma

Chapter 301


The game branch of the Jiang Group has just been established not long ago, and its employees are all poached from various companies.

For example, Wu Gang, the current boss of the game branch, was recruited by the group with a high salary, but he brought a group of his own employees behind him, who had been with him for many years.

If it is normal, employees who have just joined the new company for a short time may keep silent when they see this, or even pretend not to see it.

Anyone who knew Jiang Mo well would have become accustomed to his crazy behavior for no reason.

There are also people who have complained many times in private that accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger, and serving this man is just like serving the emperor in ancient times.

If you want to say quit, but Jiang and Shi are treated well, and being able to join Jiang and Shi is a proof of your strength.

Anyway, now that you are in the society and in the workplace, you have to be angry. In other places, you are not treated as well as Jiang and Shi, and you have to be squeezed. It is better to be squeezed in Jiang and Shi. At least you can make some money.

Being able to stay in Jiang and Shi, most of the old employees who can get in touch with Jiangmo have this idea.

But this is the game branch, they just came in not long ago, how can they accept it, the boss of this company will do it if there is a disagreement, and beat people like this.

This isn't for work at all, it's for high-risk stuff.

"We have signed a labor contract, now you are dismissing us without reason, please pay the corresponding compensation, and we will leave immediately." The one who spoke earlier was not frightened by Jiang Mo's words at all.

It's such a broken place, and the boss beats people casually, so he doesn't want to stay any longer. After leaving the job, he still needs to 'propaganda' for Jiang and Shi.

Wu Gang has recovered a little bit now. He was helped to sit down on a chair beside him. At this time, he already regretted why he was expelled by the headhunting company for the high price, which moved his heart.

After resigning from his old employer, he thought it was a show of his strength when he joined the new company.

Now meeting Jiang Mo, a lunatic, let alone flex his muscles, he doesn't even want to stay any longer.

"If you are fired, you will be fired. You can't stop beating me. When the police come, let's go to the police station and talk about it. I will let everyone see what kind of monster you are. I really wonder if you have attended compulsory education for several years, is this what your parents and teachers taught you?" Wu Gang said a series of words, and his stomach hurts when he said it.

In fact, he is not very good at talking. He only speaks more when it comes to his own field of knowledge.

This is also the first time Wu Gang has pissed off his top boss, but it doesn't matter, it's all embarrassing, if this matter gets out, his reputation in the industry will not be ruined, anyone with a discerning eye can see who is crazy.

That's right, in Wu Gang's eyes, Jiang Mo is a complete psycho.

No wonder I had a premonition before, I always felt that this psychopath was always chilling, and I was also gloomy.

When there was this omen at that time, he should stay away from this psychopath, and this plan was in vain.

The Jiang and Clan groups are bustling, and the police are here. It's just that the current society is sometimes so helpless.

Jiang Mo is the president of the Jiang Group. He has a group of elite lawyers behind him, and it's just a beating incident. Sometimes having money can make ghosts turn the tables. Moreover, there is no need to go to the police station for simple fighting incidents.

A verbal mediation by the police will suffice.

What do you mean being beaten unilaterally? Has anyone witnessed it with their own eyes? Mr. Jiang was obviously injured, but he just couldn't see it.

If Wu Gang was seriously injured, he should go to the hospital for an examination. After you have the injury report, you can go to the court to sue. Now you can solve it in private.

In the end, the result of the whole afternoon's trouble was that all the employees recruited by the game branch went to the personnel department to receive compensation, and after receiving the compensation, they packed up and left.

During the period, Jiang Mo only showed his head at the beginning, and then his secretary led the lawyer department to solve the whole process.

The people in the game branch were full of anger, but they couldn't express it. There was no way he was the boss of the group, and he was rich. Even if so many people were dismissed and double compensation was given, it was just a drizzle, and people didn't care at all.

No matter how depressed and complained, it was useless. Wu Gang finally realized this, and he did not go to the hospital for an examination.

Even if you prove your injury, so what, if you didn't cause any disability, I won't talk to you at all, and if you give you some compensation, this matter will be over.

In fact, after he calmed down, Wu Gang regretted a little. He didn't regret that he and Jiang Mo faced each other. He regretted that so many people were implicated and lost their jobs together. is a hassle.

Moreover, many people trusted him and followed him to Jiang and Shi, but now I have failed their trust.

While Wu Gang had a headache, Jiang Mo, who fired all the employees of the game branch, was not so happy.

At this time, his assistant secretaries stood in a row in the office, accepting Jiang Mo's cold eyes.

All of them kept their heads down and did not dare to make a sound. Those who could stay and continue to serve Jiang Mo knew the temperament of their boss. At this time, the best way was to shut up and not speak.

Although this cold-eyed person has hairs on his body, he still has to endure it. He can't be the early bird, get a fart, and then pack up and leave like the group of people in the game branch.

"I asked you to recruit people. You recruited this group of trash? Now that things haven't been done well, and the company has suffered so much loss, who will bear the loss?" Jiang Mo's questioning tone became colder, making everyone below The platoon heads lowered even lower.

Who will bear the loss? What loss? You mean you beat up employees? Or do you mean you fired all your employees boneless

Everyone was complaining like this at the same time, but their faces were all tense, not daring to reveal any of their emotions.

"I'll give you one day to re-organize the game branch. This time I don't want to see any mistakes or omissions. Otherwise, I don't need to say the consequences." Jiang Mo now sees these people even more headaches, they are all a bunch of waste .

When the people at the bottom heard his words, they felt bitter in their hearts. In order to prepare for the game branch, they had hired the last headhunters to screen out the best talents from the industry.

Now you are fine, saying that you have been fired, do you know how difficult it is to find these people, is it really not a talent to be a talent

With such complaints in my heart, no one dared to speak.

Until everyone left the president's office tremblingly and returned to their respective workstations, they all had a broken face. The above sentence was simply fatal.

At the same time, Star Game Company.

Tang Lihua was still in the technical department, she didn't even know that Jiang Mo had gone crazy, if she knew, she would laugh, this kind of person doesn't even take human life seriously, let alone this.

After beating the employees, he dismissed all the employees of the game branch, completely agreeing with his bossy style of Tianliang Wang Po, without any sense of disobedience.

"This is all the source code of 'Wild Continent'. Jiang and Shi have released this game last month." Lin Quan called up a string of data on the computer hard drive and explained to Tang Lihua.

After all, Tang Dong hadn't cared much about the company's affairs before, and Mr. Chen was in charge, so he couldn't help but say a little more.

This "Wild Continent" is the painstaking effort of all the staff of the entire technical department for several years. It has just become someone else's wedding dress. They still have nothing to do with the thief who stole the fruits of labor. This is the most annoying thing.

At the beginning, when he saw that Jiang and Shi had launched 'Wild Land' first, Lin Quan didn't fall asleep all night. He wanted to explain that this game was a game that gathered everyone's efforts. No one can be happy in anyone's body.

Lin Quan would rather this game be scrapped directly than someone steal it.

So in private, Lin Quan once tried to study how to destroy the "Wild Continent". He imagined that he would directly destroy the data and servers of the "Wild Continent".

It’s just that this is how many days and nights I and my subordinates have spent to make the work. In the last period of time, those screens, sound effects, and dungeon plots have been set up. They were testing the performance of the game almost every day at that time. Find every hole and fix it.

Try to make the picture as beautiful as possible, each frame can be clear and clear, and there will be no stuttering, which makes people have a real immersive feeling.

This is what made Lin Quan most dissatisfied, obviously these belonged to them.

Also thanks to their efforts, 'Wild Land' received a good response once it was launched, which made Jiang and Shi's branch, a little-known game company, gain a reputation in the industry all of a sudden.

And the huge profits that come with it, these honors and profits should belong to the stars, and should belong to them.

Lin Quan wants to secretly destroy this game, but this cannot be changed overnight.

And Lin Quan also tried it before, and the opponent made some changes in defense, which was different from their previous data.

These changes did not make the previous defense network stronger, but blocked Lin Quan's sight.

For these slight changes, Yaoxiang may have to sift through thousands or even hundreds of thousands of codes automatically generated by different systems to find the loopholes.

This is a huge amount of work, and it may not be possible without a year or two.

In the past two years, the other party will also modify and upgrade the original server, and there will be more changes at that time.

Lin Quan has been playing games for so many years, so of course he understands this, but the more he understands, the more he knows that there is almost no hope for him.

Unless there is a top-notch expert with the pinnacle of technology to make a move, there may still be a chance. Anyway, according to his current technology, it is simply impossible.

And he can only take advantage of his free time, and in the rest of the time, he has to construct new games as soon as possible.

Now that the company lacks the 'Wild Continent', if it doesn't want to be split up by other game companies and lose its market share, it must take time.

But the people under his command were poached one after another. Apart from stabilizing the morale of the army, he really didn't think about the new game plan at all.

Tang Lihua checked the source code of the game, and after more than ten minutes, her fingers tapped on the keyboard.

Seeing their director Tang, Lin Quan and Secretary Li casually clicked on Jiang and Shi's "Wild World".

Those shameless Jiang and Shi didn't even change the name of the game much.

The following people know that their game was stolen by Jiang and Shi, and it's not like no one put on a vest and went to the game forum to expose this matter. In the end, all of them were sprayed bloody without exception. .

Where did this pink eye disease come from? Seeing other companies' games becoming popular, I wanted to come up to catch the heat.

It is because of its strength that the majority of players love it. The pink eye disease will go away, and the pink eye disease will all disappear.

Who can withstand the attack of thousands of comments all at once, feeling angry and angry, but there is nothing to do, and in the end, he just lost the vest and pretended nothing happened.

When Lin Quan and Secretary Li saw the game effect of "Wild World", they felt very complicated.

Watching Tang Dong registering an account again, just like ordinary players, after registering, he landed on the page.

Both of them couldn't understand what Tang Dong meant, but they didn't dare to speak out at this moment, they always felt that Tang Dong was planning to do something big.

Afterwards, I saw the new character registered by Director Tang standing motionless in Novice Village, dressed in novice clothes.

While the two were guessing, Tang Dong registered two more accounts.

Now Tang Dong has a total of three characters in his hands, corresponding to people, gods, and demons. The three tasks are the most basic level six, and there are some novice equipment.

Secretary Lin and Lin Quan couldn't understand it even more.

Tang Lihua ignored the two people behind her, reopened the source code received from Lin Quan, then clicked on a blank document, scanned the source code next to her eyes, and created new game data on the document on the spot .

Half an hour passed, and there was only a sound of keyboard tapping in this place.

Secretary Li really couldn't understand what Tang Dong's codes meant. He had already gone out lightly before and made two cups of coffee and came in. During the process, he tried not to make a sound to disturb Tang Dong.

Lin Quan, who was different from Secretary Li, was staring at the computer screen almost unblinking at this time, lest he might lose a little bit.

Even so, his eyes still couldn't keep up with the strings of data skipping across the computer screen.

Secretary Li put down the quilt, and came over to look at the computer screen together.

Until Tang Lihua typed the last string of codes, then entered the IDs of the three characters at the end, and pressed the Enter key.

Then there was a scene that dazzled Secretary Li and Lin Quan. They could only see the three split screen pages on the computer screen, in which the people, gods, and demons who had been quietly waiting suddenly burst out with golden light, which could almost blind them. human eye.

It's the kind that really blinds people's eyes.

After the golden light passes, and look at those three characters, they have been directly upgraded from LV01 to LV100.

Lin Quan opened his mouth. He is most familiar with this game, and he has participated in it from beginning to end.

The highest level of the 'Wild Continent' is only LV99, and there is no three to five years in which it is absolutely impossible to advance. several years.

Moreover, LV100 is the biggest boss in the game, and it is also the only master on the wild road. The highest player can only reach ninety-nine, and one hundred is absolutely impossible.

This was not the only thing that shocked Lin Quan. The shining Liushen costumes on these three characters made Lin Quan grieve from ear to ear.

Six Divine Costumes, this is Six Divine Costumes. It hasn’t been long since the game was launched. Looking at the list of Divine Costumes, the highest one only collected a hundred pieces of Divine Costumes, not even a single Divine Costume was synthesized. success.

This Tang Lihua came up with a Liushen costume, and she immediately reached the full level and full equipment. Isn't this bullying

As a technician, Lin Quan knew that even if he was the son of the company's boss, it would be impossible for him to reach the full level of the Liushen costume.

Because this is beyond the control of technical personnel, because the data is changing, and these need to touch a certain copy and collect slowly.

This is a huge data network.

But now this impossible thing happened under the witness of Lin Quan, and he was still so defenseless.

Tang Dong is indeed a top talent. The company really didn't know how to use volunteers before. With Tang Dong as a great master, it would take them to spend a few years to slowly build the "Wild Continent".

It only took Tang Dong more than half an hour to write a data network capable of destroying the 'Wild Desolate Continent'.

Know that breaking is not easier than building, sometimes even harder.

Often when a game takes shape, the technicians behind it spent countless days and nights slowly testing it out, and they patched up those loopholes.

Otherwise, anyone can find out the loopholes in your game, and when the time comes, cheats will fly all over the sky, and players will lose the game experience, and your game will probably be cold.

From Lin Quan's point of view, Tang Dong can directly reach the full level of the Liushen costume. She has already mastered the important source code of this game, and it must be more difficult to destroy it.

"Tang Dong, what are you..." Lin Quan couldn't help asking with his trembling hands.

Tang Lihua took a sip of the coffee that Secretary Li put on hand, with a smile on her face, "Of course an eye for an eye."

I just don't know if you can support Jiang Mo, the interest in Tang Lihua's eyes is even stronger.

At this time, many players who were affected and quit the game due to the attack on the games under the Star Game Company logged into their new favorites and started a day of monster fighting and upgrading.

Until the game forum of 'Savage World' became popular, a post that was quickly pinned to the top attracted the attention of all players.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck! ΠDon't log into the game, there are demons coming!"

Top is such a sensational headline, it should have sunk to the bottom soon.

It's just that some people have the same experience as the landlord, so please post below.

"I'm not a devil here, I'm a god!"

"No, I'm a human here. It's so frightening. I'm blinded by that flashing body. I was directly killed by labor and management to level zero, and all my equipment was lost."

"Ahhh, me too. I want to kill people, but I managed to master it with great difficulty. A few rays of light sent me to Xinshou Village, and I lost everything on my body!"

Behind these complaints, there are still screenshots.

The reason why this post became popular so quickly was because of the screen shot, the player had reached LV100, and he was wearing the blinding Liushen outfit.

At the beginning, many people questioned the authenticity of the picture, and some even said it was hype, which was simply too fake.

But more people, just logged in to the game, were swept over by the divine light from a distance, and then reacted, all the equipment on their bodies was gone, and they became novices themselves.

The players are all stupid.

"Is 'Wild World' crazy? Is there a bug? I see that the top ten ranks on the leaderboard have all become LV0. What's going on??"

"No way, no way, no way? It's not really what I think, is it?"

"Upstairs +10086, I am waiting for you in Novice Village, smile/smile/smile"

"odk, meet Xinshou Village, see you soon."

A group of players who have obviously experienced the cruel facts have now pinned this popular post to the top.

Accompanied by players who were typed out one by one, the number of replies to this post increased.

"Okay, as long as I don't log in to the game, I'm the most powerful kid." Those who watched the excitement, suppressed their curiosity, and haven't logged in to the game escaped a catastrophe.

"I'm going to be rude. What kind of broken game is this? It was advertised well at the beginning, saying that the equipment company in it can recycle it. If the player causes losses due to game data, the company will compensate the player ten times. I really believe it. You ghost!"

"That's right, I'm still in the game with 1W krypton gold, and I'm about to turn into a magic costume and wait to get back my money. Spicy chicken game, pay me back my hard-earned money!"

The following followed a series of replies, all detailing how much I had lost.

On the Xingchen game side, Lin Quan stared dumbfounded at the four windows on the computer, and the characters on three of them launched group attacks almost non-stop.

There were already no players around the character, and this group of attacks seemed to be in vain, but on the fourth window, there were more and more players in the Novice Village, and it could be seen that this was not a useless effort.

"Since they want to play dirty tricks, then I will accompany them to the end." Tang Lihua said lightly.

"You don't need to turn off this computer. From now on, as long as someone is online in this game, some of them will be attacked indiscriminately if they leave the Novice Village.

I want this game to be a game without players, and I want to kill all the players in the game, and NPCs will not be spared. "Tang Lihua is explaining her behavior to them.

Secretary Li swallowed, not knowing what to say for a while.

It can only be said to be relieved, it is too relieved.

Since Jiang and Shi were able to steal their games, they still boasted and made so much publicity.

Now there is an irreparable BUG in the game, it is not a hacker attack, it is not a server crash, it is a 'ultimate move' that is more uncomfortable than logging on to the server.

It can be seen that there are problems within the game company. Before going online, these loopholes should be tested well. Now there are people, gods, and demons with full-level six-sacred costumes, and one can kill a group.

An explanation must be given to the players.

With so much energy and money spent on the game day and night, the game is now unplayable at all, and the account has been killed and turned into a novice account. Isn't this bullying, how can you play like this.

The game company must give an explanation. They seriously suspect that the game company is doing illegal transactions under the cover of a game. They want to report and complain.

The chain reaction of Tang Lihua's actions was not small.

In the president's office of the Jiang Group, a secretary hurriedly knocked on the door and came in after receiving a call.

"Boss Jiang is not well, there is a problem with 'Wild World'."

Jiang Mo raised his eyes, tired and troubled.