Passing Through as the Cannon Fodder Supporting Role’s Grandma

Chapter 306


Of course, the secretary reported it. Jiang Mo had a headache and was irritable all day long because he couldn't sleep well, and dealing with his company's affairs had already made the people below tremble.

But the secretary knew that Mr. Jiang paid too much attention to the Xingchen game.

Now that Xingchen Game has caused such a big commotion, if he doesn't report it, Mr. Jiang will still blame it.

He reported it, but Jiang Mo didn't understand.

"A real game?" Jiang Mo frowned and repeated.

When the secretary said it, he was a little unbelievable, but what he heard from the people present at the time and some pictures in the live broadcast told him that all of this was true.

The first 100% anthropomorphic game in history appeared, and it also appeared in Xingchen Company, which Mr. Jiang wanted to suppress.

This doesn't seem to be good news, but it's beyond his control. The secretary couldn't figure out why Mr. Jiang suppressed others.

Now the game branch has become a mess, and the situation in the 'Wild World', which was in good shape before, cannot be repaired at all because of the sudden appearance of a big BUG.

Even if a master is invited over, the solution given is to completely shut down the server of the "Wild World". , and finally the same result.

The server of the 'Wild World' finally stopped running after being cracked overnight by several invited experts.

As for the Jiang Group, not to mention losing all the profits gained from the 'Wild World', they had to set aside funds from the head office to make up for this gap.

This can be said to be the biggest wrong decision Jiang Mo has made since he took charge of the Jiang Group.

There are also many people talking about it because of the branch, but they just didn't dare to talk about it in front of Jiang Mo.

"It's a new game released by Xingchen Game Company at the press conference today. Mr. Jiang, you can take a look first." The secretary said and handed over a tablet.

Long before coming in, the secretary had made every possible preparation, trying to prevent Jiang Mo from seizing the opportunity to spray himself.

On the tablet was a video that the secretary had edited a long time ago, all of which were intercepted from the playback in the live broadcast room.

Editing was also very easy, the promotional video and later Chen Zian's test were all preserved.

Jiang Mo looked down from the head, and his brows became more and more wrinkled. The moment he saw Chen Zian, his complexion suddenly darkened, and his eyes became deeper.

That group of trash, since they came back, they haven't heard any news, they are really trash.

Jiang Mo endured the irritability in his heart, watched the entire video, and realized the importance of it.

When did Xingchen Games actually make such a game, it was completely out of Jiang Mo's control.

To say that his sniper attack on Xingchen Game failed was to make Jiang Mo angry. Later, there was a problem in the 'Wild World', which made Jiang Mo even more angry.

But Jiang Mo still didn't pay much attention to the Xingchen game.

The reason is very simple. "Wild World" is a game that Xingchen has spent several years preparing. Now that this game is gone, it is not so easy to make a new game, a new game that can be sold. .

At least one or two years.

The Xingchen game also lost the Chen couple's pair of Dinghai Shenzhen needles, and the remaining ones are not very useful.

And these times are enough for Jiang Mo to bring down Xingchen Games. When the Chen family goes bankrupt and liquidated, can the three who went abroad still stay in the country safely

Jiang Mo had already calculated these in his mind, but he didn't expect Xingchen Game to come up with such a trick suddenly.

Jiang Mo is already very business-minded. Although he doesn't know much about the game industry, he can see the significance of a game that can set a precedent and that no one else has this technology.

The Chen family is really against him everywhere.

Jiang Mo's expression was extremely ugly. The next moment, the tablet in his hand was smashed to the ground, and the screen shattered into black.

The secretary had already prepared himself for this, so when Boss Jiang smashed the tablet, he just stared at his nose and his heart and remained motionless.

Then, after Jiang Mo said coldly 'get out', the secretary picked up the smashed tablet and left the president's office.

Returning to his seat, the secretary took out his mobile phone, @小红 in the internal secretary group.

[Successfully achieve the achievement of exchanging the old for the new, remember to treat me to dinner. ]

The group's nickname is Xiaohong and quickly replied, [Brother Haole, you can choose the food stalls within 100 yuan. ]

After the two joked around, the group quickly became lively.

Those who can stay in the small group of secretaries have persisted for a long time. They will allow themselves to seek some convenience in the storm of Jiang Mo.

For example, they had already predicted that Jiang would always be angry and smash something because of something, so they prepared in advance to replace it with the old one.

For example, this time, before the secretary went in, he howled in the group, anyone who had a bad tablet or wanted a new one would bring it over, and after Mr. Jiang smashed the tablet, they could take it The smashed tablet went to the financial department for reimbursement.

This is already an unwritten rule.

Thanks to President Jiang, these people in the secretariat have taken advantage of various opportunities to change the Odu they wanted to change.

Jiang Mo didn't know this, if he knew, this group of people would probably pack up and leave, but it's a pity that Jiang Mo would never know.

In the office, Jiang Mo dialed a number.

"Chen Zian is back, why didn't anyone tell me?" Jiang Mo suppressed his anger in his tone.

Let the drowsy person over there wake up immediately, how could he know why no one told Jiang Mo, and no one told him.

It's just that this can't be said, the only way to deal with Jiang Mo is to confess, it's all the master, and he will suffer if he disagrees.

"It must be that the people below are not paying attention to things. Wait for me to teach them a lesson."

Jiang Mo released the cold air with a cold face, but the other party couldn't feel it just across the phone.

"I'll get someone to watch the Chen family and Chen Zian right away. There will never be a next time." The person on the other end of the phone immediately expressed his loyalty.

Jiang Mo snorted coldly. Although he was dissatisfied, he didn't continue to hold on to this. He still had other things to order.

"Find an opportunity to tie Chen Zian here. I have something to ask him. By the way, let someone sneak into Chen's house and install some surveillance cameras. I want to know their every move, every word and deed."

The person on the other end of the phone was a little hesitant, and said that kidnapping someone casually is really not an easy task, and besides, there are cameras everywhere now, if they are caught, they will follow the vine, and they will be unlucky.

And sneaking into other people's homes, it really is some kind of gangster movie, and sneaking into other people's homes to install surveillance cameras, co-authoring is Infernal Affairs.

He complained in his heart, but he finally agreed to Jiang Mo, a grumpy parent.

No way, now whoever has money is the boss.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Mo stared at the blacked-out screen with a dark face.

And Tang Lihua, who was far away from the Xingchen game, was in the president's office at this time. The computer in front of her was turned on, and the images that appeared on the computer screen were the images of several images separated by the monitor.

Jiang Mo didn't know that before he successfully sneaked into the Chen family's surveillance, his every move had been checked by Tang Lihua in advance.

Tang Lihua looked at Jiang Mo's crazy performance, and she still had a smile on her face.

It's just that after hearing the last call, the smile on her face disappeared, and then a dangerous arc was drawn.

This is also a method Tang Lihua came up with. On the premise of not knowing when Jiang Mo, a mad dog, will go crazy and ignore laws and regulations, the best way is to monitor him.

Even if he wanted to go crazy, he couldn't do it himself, he had to order others.

So when Tang Lihua tracked down Jiang and Shi's game at that time, she followed the vine and found the internal network of Jiang and Shi's group, and finally found the computer in Jiang Mo's president's office.

Then, as long as he sends a simple command through the chat software on the Internet, Jiang Mo's mobile phone is also under Tang Lihua's monitoring.

Now it was Tang Lihua who thought about the press conference, and Jiang Mo would definitely do something, so she opened it to take a look.

Jiang Mo really didn't disappoint her.