Passing Through as the Cannon Fodder Supporting Role’s Grandma

Chapter 310


Tang Lihua was starting her own experiment when Xingchen Games was out of the circle because of a movie.

And Jiang Mo was also caught in an unprecedented trouble.

Because of a video, Jiang Mo was summoned several times by the police station, but was finally released on bail by a lawyer. After all, because of a video, Jiang Mo could not be convicted without any evidence.

The police station also had this video before, and there was nothing they could do about Jiang Mo, and it was the same this time.

The difference from last time is that the video from the police station is an internal video, and it cannot be uploaded to the outside world at all. However, the video that is being uploaded on the entire Internet has been hanging on every website for a whole day, no matter what the website technicians use. The solution is to not be able to withdraw this video.

Because of this unexpected incident, the Jiang and Clan groups gathered for several meetings on how to deal with this crisis.

Jiang Mo is the president of Jiang and Shi, and he also represents Jiang and Shi's reputation. The influence of his image sometimes shakes the stock market.

This is not only Jiang Mo's personal matter, but also a matter of interests.

The public relations departments of Jiang and Group's Group were dispatched one by one, contacting every website, requesting to delete this video.

They are not short of money, but the problem is that it is not simply a matter of money, it is a problem that they cannot delete even if they want to.

This is because there is a master behind it. Unless the master gives up on his own initiative, netizens will not be able to see the video unless the entire website is closed.

It's just that although Jiang and Shi are rich, they really don't have enough money to shut down the entire website.

They had no choice but to watch the video spread on the Internet.

This video also had a great impact, and soon Jiang Mo and Jiang Shi Group were all trending on Weibo.

More netizens contacted state agencies, wanting to verify the authenticity of the video.

[Can anyone tell me if this video is synthetic or real? ]

[My God, my God, am I ignorant, when will there be such rampant people in modern society? ]

[No way, no way? No one knows that this kind of darkness has always existed in society, right? ]

[Agreed upstairs, this kind of capitalist's mobile phone is not clean in the first place, but I don't know who Jiang Mo has offended, how careless he is in doing things, and being secretly photographed if he wants to mess with others, it's really unlucky. ]

[What is he called unlucky, the one who was kidnapped by him is unlucky, I didn't expect such a lunatic to be encountered in a legal society, it's really scary. ]

The above are normal discussions, and there are also abnormal ones, such as the following two.

[Wait, am I the only one who thinks this Jiang Mo is handsome? With this figure and voice, I am so cute again, mom! ]

[And me and me, it turns out that the rich and handsome bully in the novel really exists, this Jiang and Clan group looks very powerful, Jiang Mojiang is really the domineering president. ]

And in the afternoon of these two days, there were a lot of replies and likes, obviously agreeing with their words.

This kind of thinking, if it is normal, it is estimated that it is really long, but at this time, isn't it purely for scolding.

After all, most people still have the correct three views, and there are not many brain-dead people whose three views follow the five senses.

[What the hell are those two upstairs, they are all involved in kidnapping now, are you confused in your mind, and you still dominate the boss, I want e, okay? ]

[I reasonably guess that the two IQs are less than eight years old, and their brains have cat problems. ]

Or the recovery of normal comments a little more.

The discussion on the Internet was raging, and Jiang Mo became popular. Thanks to his face and his status as the overlord, he became popular.

Although the method of fire is to attract a lot of scolding, there are still a large number of large-scale scenes of netizens Aite state organs.

"Trash, it's all trash. Such a simple thing can't be handled well. What's the use of me raising you? What are the comments on the Internet now? Are you all blind? Do you want me to teach you how to deal with it?" Jiang Mo said angrily.

The employees sitting on the ground all lowered their heads, bearing the anger of the president.

They are trash, but Jiang Mo himself provoked this matter.

And this video is still real, so how can they suppress it? The Internet is not run by their group, and the hands of netizens are on them. They can express whatever they want to say, and they can control it.

And there are quite a few people who have resentment against Jiang Mo.

There were even more people who looked at Jiang Mo strangely.

They thought Mr. Jiang was a little grumpy, but in the video, he was not only a little grumpy, but also ordered others to kidnap him directly.

This is against the law.

Mr. Jiang is too scary, he dares to do illegal things, and they are working under such terrible people.

If he does something wrong in the future, or offends Mr. Jiang, will he also be tied up by Mr. Jiang's order.

No, no, I get goosebumps all over my body just thinking about it.

Jiang and his group's benefits and benefits are quite good in all aspects, but if there is a threat to their lives, it seems that it is not unacceptable to go to a company with worse treatment.

Jiang Mo didn't know, just for a while, many people have already started thinking about how to find another family.

"Mr. Jiang, if we want to solve this matter, we still need the company to issue an official statement, and then we can decide what angle to use to solve this problem."

After Jiang Mo got very angry, someone finally bit the bullet and put forward their own opinions.

Jiang Mo looked at the person who spoke with a gloomy face, sweating from the back of the person who spoke, and then looked away.

"The video is fake. No matter what the outside world says, the video is fake if you kill it. I don't care how much money or manpower I spend. I hope to see the results tomorrow. Do you hear me?" When Jiang Mo said this, His eyes swept over the people present.

No one dared to meet his eyes.

It used to be fear, but now there is a trace of fear in fear.

"Are you all dumb? I asked you if you heard?!" Everyone in the room was pretending to be dead, Jiang Mo couldn't control the anger in his heart, and slapped the table.

The rest of the people shook their bodies, and scattered responses sounded.

Jiang Mo glanced at the crowd for the last time, and left with a full belly.

When he was gone, everyone in the conference room went out one by one.

Those who went out together, each exchanged a look that both you and I understand.

During their upper-level meeting, the employees of the Jiang and Shi Groups were also discussing this small video in their respective small circles.

They were able to enter the Jiang and Shi Group because they were eliminated from batches of competitors and interns and won.

Knowing the dangers in the workplace, and having enough social experience, when looking at a problem, you can look at it from all aspects.

Before, there were people who had fantasies about Jiang Mo because of Jiang Mo's appearance and his status as the president. After this incident, all of them became honest.

They want to be the wife of the president and become the wife of a wealthy family, but the premise of this is whether they have the life to enjoy it.

Just thinking about it makes my scalp tingle, Mr. Jiang is simply too terrifying.

Even Jiang and his group think so, and one can imagine the discussions outside.

Jiang Mo stayed in Jiang and Shi all morning, but in the end he couldn't stay any longer, so he wanted to drive home.

When he took the elevator to the underground garage, any employees he encountered along the way would back away three feet when they saw him.

Jiang Mo is not a fool, seeing this behavior of avoiding himself like a plague god, his face is so bad that he is about to eat people.

Sitting in the car, Jiang Mo slammed his fist down on the steering wheel. In the silent underground garage, because of the sudden sound, the atmosphere became weird.

Jiang Mo Lianhei can drip ink. All kinds of things have not gone well recently, and his limited patience has been declared exhausted.

Driving his own supercar, he had an underground car accident and got on the road all the way.

Jiang Mo ignored the traffic lights and ran through the red lights all the way. When he encountered a traffic policeman, he just ran straight there, with no intention of stopping at all.

Once Jiang Mo is in a bad mood, he has the urge to go racing.

In the end, it was Jiang and his group's lawyers who went to the traffic police to bring him back. , Originally because of the video, Jiang Mo was already on the top of the hot search, but now because of running red lights continuously, violating traffic regulations and ignoring the safety of pedestrians.

Jiang Mo was on the hot search again.