Passing Through as the Cannon Fodder Supporting Role’s Grandma

Chapter 312


To others, Tang Lihua's trick might just feel that she was being tricked, and she was sulking in her heart.

But now facing Jiang Mo, the human-shaped fire-breathing dragon who smashed several mobile phones angrily because others were wrong at all, and the mobile phone in his hand was scrapped again.

The front foot hadn't walked out of the office, but the mobile phone fragments splashed all over the back foot, and the splashed secretary took out a new mobile phone, and then a series of installation and card procedures.

The secretary handed the mobile phone in front of Mr. Jiang, and somehow suddenly remembered a post he had posted before, and the replies under those posts.

In the secretary's workplace, because of Jiang Mo, a president with an unpredictable personality, he likes to find some places where he can vent his emotions in private.

One of them is anonymous posting.

Speaking of which, the secretary was still a little pink on a certain forum, all because he posted a post on the forum complaining about his boss.

In the post, the secretary sincerely recorded the number of times Mr. Jiang got angry every day and everything he smashed.

I thought it was just to vent casually, but I didn't expect that more and more people would follow the post. With so many people complaining about the boss with me, the secretary felt relieved, so he just kept updating the post.

And indicate on the title of the post that this post has been updated until he is dismissed.

But he was lucky. He never stepped on Mr. Jiang's most irritable point, so he stayed until now.

As a result, the number of replies to that post is increasing, and it has been refined by Piaohong.

Since Mr. Jiang's temper has become more and more irritable recently, and the phone he smashed has exceeded the previous month, the secretary will deliberately make a big complaint about the phone.

And incidentally, every time I took photos after the wreckage of the phone was cleaned up, I made up a total of nine photos.

Of course, there are far more than nine real photos, but there are too many pictures to fit.

But these nine photos alone are enough to make netizens smack their tongues.

There are various comments on the matter of smashing the mobile phone below.

[Since the owner of the poster likes to smash mobile phones, why not go wholesale Nokia. ]

[I agree with the above, the owner of Nokia is worth owning, you don’t need to buy wholesale, just buy three or four sets, enough for a few months. ]

The following series are booing sounds.

The secretary didn't know if he posted too many posts, and now he was brainwashed.

When Boss Jiang took the phone and he should have exited the office sensibly, the secretary asked out of his mind, "Has Boss Jiang considered switching to a Nokia?"

Almost at the same time as he asked this question, the secretary covered his mouth, wishing that the time would go back to five seconds ago immediately, so that he would never owe him any more.

The secretary lowered his head, facing the increasingly gloomy pressure above his head, with countless regrets in his heart.

But the scolding and dismissal announcement that he expected did not come.

"Get out." The secretary was relieved to hear the three words that suppressed his anger.

Jiang Mo's face turned extremely ugly, it was anger towards Tang Lihua and the Chen family.

As for what the secretary said just now, Jiang Mo actually didn't realize it, so he told the secretary to leave because he thought he didn't move.

Taking a deep breath, he turned on the phone. Jiang Mo wanted to make a call according to the most recent call, but he forgot that he had changed to a new phone.

After booting, it is blank.

To be honest, Geng Lihua had long been prepared not to answer the phone, but she never expected that Jiang Mo would not be able to call.

With a cold face, Jiang Mo tossed and fro on the phone for a long time, and finally let the secretary come in. From the phone business hall, he found the call details and saw the most recent call, and only then did he know Tang Lihua's number.

Everything was not going well, and his mood was already at the end of an explosion.

Especially when Jiang Mo finally found the number and dialed it, but heard the gentle and friendly female voice ringing in his ear, "Sorry, the number you dialed is currently on the line, please dial later..."

Jiang Mo still didn't keep the phone in his hand.

Jiang Mo slammed his fist on the table heavily, his eyes were red, and there was an expression of wanting to eat people.

If anyone was present, I'm afraid they would all be frightened by his appearance at this time.

In fact, Tang Lihua made that phone call to displease Jiang Mo. The best way to deal with people like Jiang Mo is to piss him off as much as possible.

He's not the overlord, isn't he holding airs, so don't give him a chance to speak.

After Tang Lihua spoke just now, even if the secretary was present, Jiang Mo could give a simple answer, but Jiang Mo didn't.

If it were in the novel, it would be "Jiang Mo's eyes were cold, he didn't know what he was thinking, and under the signal of his eyes, the secretary walked out of the office. The whole office was very quiet, and Jiang Mo didn't intend to answer the voice on the other end of the phone. 'A paragraph can fully highlight Jiang Mo's character as a male protagonist who is unwilling to deal with small supporting roles.

But I'm really sorry, Tang Lihua didn't want to give him room to play.

Anyway, I only have this little time today, since I missed it, let's wait for tomorrow.

Although Tang Lihua is not sure if she has time tomorrow.

It all depends on the mood.

Jiang Mo was indeed caught by Tang Lihua's trick, and he couldn't calm down anymore. He changed to a new mobile phone and made several calls, all with the same busy tone.

The secretary standing in front of him didn't dare to mention to Mr. Jiang that the other party might have blocked you directly, not because he didn't have time.

The secretary didn't dare to mention it, and Jiang Mo never expected such a thing.

What happened later was that the secretary took the mobile phone and called Tang Lihua over and over again, although the signal was busy every time.

But the secretary doesn't find it bothersome. She doesn't have to deal with official duties, and can get money with just one click at work, which is also very cool.

The call was made from day to night, Jiang Mo never thought of trying to call Tang Lihua with another number, and the secretary and others never thought of reminding him of this.

Jiang Mo and Tang Lihua got into the fight, but they were full of anger and had nowhere to vent, feeling very aggrieved.

Jiang Mo's head hurts again, and this time even the aromatherapy with the same smell couldn't cure his headache.

The more painful his head was, the stronger Jiang Mo's desire to see Tang Lihua became.

On the second day, Tang Lihua went to inspect the company and arranged some things.

In addition, the company is recruiting senior managers, which Tang Lihua has to personally see.

When I got home, it was already noon.

Only then did Tang Lihua remember that there was another person whom she had been blackmailed all the time.

Almost the second after Tang Lihua pulled the number out of the blacklist, Tang Lihua's cell phone rang.

And looking at the caller ID above, it was Jiang Mo.

What a coincidence, I just unblocked, and there was a call.

What Tang Lihua didn't know was that whenever she removed Jiang Mo's number from the blacklist, the first call was guaranteed to be Jiang Mo's, and the duration would not exceed one minute.

Because Mr. Jiang had someone keep calling Tang Lihua's cell phone.

Now the work of the secretary has been divided into day shift and night shift, and the job content is to make phone calls, and keep making calls.

Because it was so boring, the drowsy secretary, who was too loud to make phone calls, woke up suddenly when he heard the call on the other side.

Without even knocking on the door, he entered the president's office at once, then made a gesture and handed over the phone.

When Jiang Mo saw the phone, bad memories immediately came up.

"Hello." Tang Lihua's voice came over, and the phone was finally connected.

Jiang Mo took a deep breath, and finally suppressed the emotions rolling in his chest, trying to make his tone calm.

"Hello, is this Director Tang of Xingchen Game?"

Tang Lihua nodded, "It's me, Mr. Jiang, what's the matter? Is Mr. Jiang not busy now?"

In the last sentence, Tang Lihua stabbed him directly, making Jiang Mo recall the experience of being hung up on the phone yesterday.

Jiang Mo's voice was a bit homely, "I wasn't busy when I came here yesterday, but Director Tang hung up too quickly before I could speak, and any further calls would be busy."

Jiang Mo started to connotate, Tang Lihua was rude and hung up on other people's phone directly.

He connoted kneeling connotation, Tang Lihua pretended not to hear.

After a long silence, Jiang Mo did not expect that he would not get a reply directly, and his back molars clenched a bit.

His breathing became a little heavier, and Jiang Mo realized that he would only be more angry about this issue, so he simply changed the subject.

"I don't know if Director Tang has time tonight. I have something I want to discuss with Director Tang."

And Tang Lihua's answer was successful again, angering Jiang Mo.

"sorry, we do not have that."