Passing Through as the Cannon Fodder Supporting Role’s Grandma

Chapter 319


After Xue Xuanxuan left, Tang Lihua started her own business.

Sometimes some things are beyond Tang Lihua's decision. She has no ability to bring the Chen family couple back to life. Tang Lihua has no way to resolve the conflicts.

So everything is still going with the flow, let's see their own development.

Regarding Xue Xuanxuan's request, Tang Lihua had no reason to refuse. It can be said that the Chen family and his wife did not misunderstand the person.

If there was no lunatic like Jiang Mo, according to the good character of the Chen family's parents, there would be nothing to look down on Xue Xuanxuan's ordinary family background.

Xue Xuanxuan could have lived a simple life by marrying into the Chen family, but it was all based on the absence of the lunatic Jiang Mo.

Now that there is, Jiang Mo also killed the Chen family's parents.

A pair of future parents-in-law who are friendly and loving to Xue Xuanxuan, as long as Xue Xuanxuan thinks that she indirectly killed the two of them, she can't continue to enjoy the kindness of the Chen family brothers and sisters with peace of mind.

Even Tang Lihua couldn't crack it.

No matter how much he said, it turned into a deep sigh.

On the other side, Tang Lihua scolded her for a while, and she was hung up on the phone directly. Later, when she called again, she was blocked by a notification tone.

In the end, Jiang Mo couldn't keep the phone in his hand.

The secretary came in resignedly to clean up after hearing the news, and changed the card and started the whole process smoothly.

During this period of time, Mr. Jiang smashed his mobile phone more and more frequently, and the number of times his secretary went to buy goods has also increased a lot.

However, through the purchase channel, the secretary also made a small sum of money for himself.

The mobile phones used by Mr. Jiang on the market have a maximum configuration of more than 10,000 yuan. The secretary himself has friends who can get discounts.

Anyway, reporting to the finance side, Mr. Jiang doesn't care about such a small amount of money.

Jiang Mo's face is very dark, and his body is more gloomy than before, revealing an aura that strangers should not get close to at all times.

Jiang Mo looked at the stack of documents at hand, took it over and opened it again, and what came into his eyes was the information of the documents that he had flipped through several times.

This document contains some information about the mask through its own channels.

It was because of these things that Boss Jiang didn't dare to do anything to the Chen family, and he had to hold back against Tang Lihua, knowing that he could no longer cause any harm or loss to Xingchen Games.

In secret, Jiang Mo really couldn't.

It has been three months since he was in this dilemma, and he finally waited until Tang Lihua showed up again.

The reason why Jiang Mo knew so quickly was not that his people had been guarding the door of Tang Lihua's laboratory and reporting whenever there was any movement.

Now Jiang Mo has to be very careful even if he asks people to inquire about Tang Lihua's news, so as not to be discovered by those who appear out of nowhere.

Therefore, the people Jiang Mo sent over were really separated by a long distance, and the surrounding area of the laboratory was surrounded by armed police forces.

This treatment is the same as that of an important military base.

This is also what makes Jiang Mo scruples.

It was Jiang Mo's highest sincerity to be able to take out 5% of Jiang's Group's shares.

It's just that Tang Lihua refused so simply, and didn't even give him time to sit down and discuss.

This made Jiang Mo feel annoyed, but there was really nothing he could do.

"Boss Jiang, this is the group's financial report for the first half of the year." The secretary knocked on the door again and handed over the documents.

Jiang Mo didn't care about these things, so he just responded coldly.

The secretary didn't care about his attitude either. Seeing that Mr. Jiang was in a bad mood and lost his temper just now, the secretary didn't want to come in at first, but things in the game branch had already escalated, and it was really unreasonable for him not to report it.

"Boss Jiang, I have one more thing to do."

Seeing his hesitation, Jiang Mo finally raised his head and looked at the secretary with displeasure. With such gaze, the secretary felt numb in his heart and opened his mouth reluctantly, "The personnel department received a voluntary resignation from all the employees of the game branch today. , Mr. Jiang, look at this..."

This is a major event, not something that the president's secretary can decide on his own, so he must tell Mr. Jiang.

Jiang Mo's displeasure was even more obvious, and the expression on his face was already a sign that you were about to get angry.

In fact, the secretary couldn't be angry with Mr. Jiang. According to the secretary's own thoughts, those people resigned now, just to use this to take back the game branch.

For the Jiang and Shi Group, the game division is really just a chicken rib, which can't play any role, and the profit and loss are still negative so far.

And recently, the high-level executives have opposed investing too much money in the game division. Those are all useless efforts.

Now the game market is dominated by the game 'Dark Doomsday', and the market share of the game has already been taken up by Star Games for more than half.

Moreover, the development of the game does not happen overnight, and the developed game must not be compared with the 'Dark End Times'.

At that time, there will not be many eyes attracted.

Why bother to waste resources, it's not worth the loss.

Most of the people in the basic company think this way, but every time at the company meeting, as long as they mention closing the branch, they will be numb from Mr. Jiang's stern eyes, and the subsequent proposal is of course ruthlessly beaten back.

The game division has survived so far, and there is no self-developed game. It is a department that has been raised for nothing and has no effect at all.

So now that all the employees in the game branch have resigned, the secretary agrees with it, but it's just what he thinks in his heart and he doesn't dare to say it out.

Besides, Mr. Jiang was willing, and it was spent on Mr. Jiang's own money, so he didn't need to worry about him as a part-time worker.

"Why? Give me a reasonable explanation." Mr. Jiang looked at the secretary with cold eyes.

The secretary complained in his heart, it's not that he wants to resign, why should he let the air-conditioning go, isn't it sinister enough to dislike this place

The secretary really felt that the office was getting more and more gloomy. The sun shone in from the outside at noon, but it was affected by Mr. Jiang's aura all over his body.

The secretary reasonably suspected that the feng shui bureau that the president's office had asked a feng shui master to do well was destroyed by Mr. Jiang himself.

Bullets were flying all over the sky in his heart, but he had a serious expression on his face, "The explanation given by the director of the game was that the company didn't pay attention to them. They came to develop their careers, not to get dead wages." It's Mr. Jiang, you delay over them.

Of course, the secretary did not say the last sentence.

The soul of migrant workers, before some vested interests, the secretary felt that his forbearance had reached a certain level.

This was all tempered by Mr. Jiang.

"Type back all the resignation letters, I don't approve." Boss Jiang waved his hand indifferently.

The secretary opened his mouth to say something, but at the last moment, he still maintained his usual style of keeping his mind off his own business and left the office directly.

In fact, Mr. Jiang has a total of five secretaries and three assistants.

But because he has survived the longest in front of Mr. Jiang, the others are more or less afraid of Mr. Jiang, so most things are handled by him personally.

Because of this, he is already one of the most indispensable existences among the secretaries, so other secretaries don't arrange him for general complicated matters.

So that he can be summoned by Mr. Jiang at any time.

So for a secretary, this is really an easy salary.

It's just cleaning up the mess, passing on the word, and earning extra money in the middle.

The secretary held the mentality of making money every day, and he might be fired one day.

But even if he was fired, the secretary felt that he would not be too sad.

After leaving the office, the secretary quickly returned this note to the HR department, who also quickly contacted the game branch.

The secretary went to work on her own work, and then made a phone call directly to the secretary.

The secretary was a little surprised when he heard what was said on the other end of the phone. After thinking about it, he transferred the call to the internal line and went to the president's office.

The secretary did not know the content of the call afterwards.

All I know is that Mr. Jiang issued another order to ask the finance department to approve a large amount of funds for the game branch.

As for what to do, it is beyond his little secretary's ability to ask.

Tang Lihua didn't know that Boss Jiang was holding back his big move to compete with the 'dark end of the world', but returned to the state of running three times in the laboratory, home, and company.

The site where the production of nanomaterials has been transferred over there is in a more confidential place, and even Tang Lihua herself has not visited it.

Tang Lihua is mainly in the process of further improving the game.

In fact, with the emergence of virtual games, if you can really use virtual helmets to connect your consciousness to virtual games, you can already become a global sensation.

But if he can do things better, Tang Lihua will make him better.

These days, Tang Lihua has also been paying attention to the old man who fell into a deep sleep and fell into a coma.

Guo Jia's side = attaches great importance to this matter, and has also invited experts in related fields at home and abroad. It can be said that it has been invited over and over again, and the final conclusions are incompetent.

The program given is conservative treatment.

The so-called conservative treatment is not to make any calls to the old man's brain, but to wait, when the old man has enough 'sleep', he will wake up.

But everyone knows that the consequences of this kind of treatment are nothing more than two points.

One is that a miracle really happened, and the old man will really wake up in the days to come.

The second is that the old man will continue to sleep like this.

But in the hearts of people who know a little bit, they are more inclined to the second one.

There are many cases in history, and 20% of people who can't wake up all their lives wake up, and they don't wake up in a short time.

The old man is now at an advanced age, and to be disrespectful, he doesn't have much time.

This kind of coma is consuming his limited time, and every minute and every second is really a waste of life.

So the most urgent thing for everyone is to hope that the old man can wake up.

But this kind of urgency cannot be achieved in a hurry. The experts are discussing and discussing overnight, so that they can try their best to make an efficient and useful treatment plan.

People across the country are paying close attention to these.

After Tang Lihua's thinking, she finally came to a decision.

Tang Lihua returned to the laboratory this day, and did not do various tests as usual. It is not difficult for Tang Lihua to contact the upper management.

Tang Lihua was always surrounded by people sent from above to protect her, so when she suggested that virtual games might be useful to the elderly.

Xu Biao was shocked.

Soldiers like them have more affection for the elderly than ordinary people.

More than anyone else, Xu Biao hoped that the old man could live out the rest of his life in good health and stop worrying about them.

Xu Biao's tiger eyes were wide open, and he had forgotten all the respect he had for Tang Lihua before. He almost couldn't wait to ask, "Old Tang, is what you said true? Is it really useful? Don't you Lied to me, I..."

As Xu Biao talked, he couldn't continue.

Realizing that he might have made a mistake in his expression, he quickly calmed down and explained, "Old Tang, I'm not doubting you, I am, I'm just too excited."

When Xu Biao said this, his eyes were hot, and because of an undetermined possibility, he almost shed tears.

Since Tang Lihua had said everything, of course she would not be sloppy. Tang Lihua also responded to Xu Biao with a very cautious expression.

Xu Biao stopped talking nonsense, took out his mobile phone, and the hand that made the call trembled imperceptibly.

Xu Biao's call was made, and the response given by the above was also very fast.

Almost at the same time, Tang Lihua was invited to a place with more confidentiality.

Tang Lihua saw some familiar faces that she usually only sees on news channels, and had contact with so many important people at once.

To be honest, Tang Lihua was a little nervous. These people had a strong aura, the kind that made people want to admire but was not aggressive.

But Tang Lihua's nervousness came and disappeared faster.

"Comrade Tang, on behalf of Guo Jia, I would like to thank you for your contribution. Your research will bring some unforeseen developments to our country. Thank you very much." A benevolent, kind-hearted old man came up Come and shake hands with Tang Lihua.

It was due to Tang Lihua's lack of politeness, and the focus of this visit was whether the virtual technology would have any effect on the old man.

After a few polite words, the two parties got into the point when they sat down.

"I would like to ask Comrade Tang, why did you say such a thing?" The person who spoke directly, dressed in a white coat, seemed to be a medical expert.

Tang Lihua has no stage fright, "The virtual technology, virtual games, and virtual helmets I have developed are all based on the development of human consciousness. Virtual helmets are made of special nanomaterials. Once people wear virtual helmets, they will In the unconscious, the greatest brain wave vibration is stimulated, so that the consciousness is connected to the virtual game.

So I also checked relevant information. People who fall into deep sleep may have their consciousness trapped in a certain place in the brain. If there is a strong brain wave vibration, will it arouse the trapped consciousness. "

Tang Lihua explained all the techniques on her virtual technology again, trying to make them all understand.

"I have seen some cases. The human brain is very fragile. Because the brain is hit by some kind of impact, the memory of certain periods will be lost, but when he is accidentally hit again, the previous memory will come back. There is this This kind of case, also more than one case.

So in the same way, I believe that in the history of medicine now, there is no safer and more effective way to stimulate people's brain waves than my virtual technology. "Tang Lihua's tone was very firm, giving the impression that she was extremely confident.

This kind of confidence is precisely because she has enough confidence.

Tang Lihua had already said what she wanted to say, and what to do next was their decision, and Tang Lihua just had to obey.

Xu Biao failed to follow in to hear what was going on inside. After Tang Lihua came out chatting and laughing with a group of bigwigs, Xu Biao's eyes were even brighter with hope.

Does this mean that Elder Tang is not talking nonsense, maybe what she said is really possible.

If that person was really cured by Tang Lihua's method, Xu Biao would risk his life for Tang Lihua, and he would do his best to protect Tang Lao's safety in the future, and would never let any danger approach Tang Lao.

Xu Biao silently swore in his heart that before, it was because of the task, but now he is grateful.

Tang Lihua didn't notice Xu Biao's psychological changes, she did everything she changed.

Two days later, Tang Lihua received a reply from the above.

First, a virtual helmet was used to conduct an experiment on people with the same symptoms who have been sleeping all the time. Of course, this experiment was conducted with the consent of the patient's family members.

Such an experiment should be done, and Tang Lihua felt that even if the virtual helmet did not cure people, it would not make people worse. Those people would not be in danger of life, and they would be compensated by Guo Jia.

Moreover, most of the patients, because they have been in a coma for so many years, their family members have spent a lot of money to take care of them, at least a large part of them are not short of money.

Then naturally there is no ability to buy a virtual helmet.

Guo Jia's experiment can be said to be a benefit to them.

Tang Lihua was not very worried because she had seen successful examples.

Of course, unlike Tang Lihua, who has a deep heart, the attitude of other people is extremely serious and cautious. For those who use virtual helmets, their daily reactions are carefully recorded.

It wasn't until the first person who successfully woke up because of the virtual helmet appeared that the heart that everyone had been hanging on was only half relieved.

This news was sealed very tightly, and there was no news at all from the outside world.

A person's success may be just a coincidence. They at least guarantee that the success rate of this helmet is more than 80% before using it on the old man.

This is not something that can be completed in a short period of time, so Tang Lihua began to research the virtual warehouse after the game was perfected.

Compared with the virtual helmet, the virtual warehouse is a bit more advanced.

The virtual warehouse consumes several times more materials and materials, so Tang Lihua does not plan to produce and sell the virtual warehouse.

A limited number of units are produced, and only a few people can get this virtual warehouse, and they have to spend a lot of money to get it, and they have to have a certain status and a certain network.

The virtual warehouse is equivalent to a network of relationships, a network that Tang Lihua wants to leave for Xingchen Games.

With the success of the virtual helmet, the virtual warehouse does not need to take more devious paths, and it goes much smoother.

While Tang Lihua was concentrating on the virtual cabin, the experiment on the virtual helmet over there followed the successful awakening of three patients who had fallen into a deep sleep.

They finally made a decision to let that guy use the virtual helmet as well.

Tang Lihua was just in time, and after completing the data testing of the virtual warehouse, she reported the virtual warehouse.

The experiment for the old man started from the virtual warehouse.

Tang Lihua is not responsible for those things, but with the official production of the first batch of virtual helmets, Tang Lihua has already started to make arrangements for the launch of the virtual game.

During this time, a few things also happened.

For example, the Jiang and Shi Group spent huge sums of money to bring it back from abroad. Due to copyright reasons and certain disputes, a game that has never appeared in China has never appeared.

This game is a shooting game, which has a strong popularity all over the world.

Domestic male players have always been envious of this game, and want to play it through various means, over the wall VPN, and various ways to allow themselves to log in.

It's just that this game doesn't even have a Chinese language, and it also prohibits domestic network logins and domestic account registration.

Even in such a state of all-round ban, it still has a strong popularity in China, and it is the favorite game among male players, and the most anticipated game.

One can imagine how popular this game is.

If there is a game company that can bring this game to China without having to work hard, it will definitely make a lot of money.

There are a lot of players in the country. It was originally a win-win situation. Because of one incident, the company that developed this game directly stated that their game would never enter the Chinese game market.

It also caused a great sensation at the time.

However, this cannot be said to be the company's fault. In the beginning, the company also came with a friendly attitude that could open up the Chinese game market.

It is the authorized agent they chose, who is a scam.

After realizing that he was cheated, but because of the signed contract and the huge liquidated damages, he couldn't break the contract. He endured it for three years and even went to court.

In the end, he withdrew from Huaxia completely.

That deceitful company, of course, was sprayed with blood by loyal game players, and it went bankrupt due to poor management not long after.

Players can't play their own games, of course they are very itchy, and domestic game companies are also eyeing this big cake.

But the foreign company uttered harsh words, no matter what kind of favorable conditions the domestic game company put forward, it would not let go.

Afterwards, there was a stalemate, and then domestic game companies gradually gave up.

Everyone knows that this is a piece of fat, but it is hanging in the sky so that they cannot bite.

No matter how many domestic players protested, there was nothing they could do if they didn't let go, during the busiest time.

Some people went to neighboring countries for vacation in order to play games happily.

Said it was a vacation, but spent most of the time in the hotel.

For a game, even this level can be done.

Until now, because a popular game has also been released in China, the appearance of 'Dark End Times' has brought back the hearts of many players.

Coupled with the fact that they couldn't play, everyone's fiery heart gradually calmed down.

Now that Jiang Mo is dead and fighting Tang Lihua, he doesn't know how many relationships he has passed, and how much he has spent, to get this gun fighting game back again.

When Tang Lihua knew the news, she didn't pay much attention to it, and still had the mentality of watching a joke.

The higher the price of Jiang Mohua, the better, so that after the virtual game comes out, Jiang Mo's loss will be greater.

Compared with the calmness of Xingchen Games, the rest of the game companies are not so calm.

In the past, "Dark Doomsday" took away most of the market share, and now there is another foreign game, do you want them to survive

It's just that no matter how bitter they feel, there is really no effective way to get back the share at present, they can only do it in a hurry.

Tang Lihua is not a good person. The society is survival of the fittest. Traditional games will be gradually eliminated under the impact, which does not mean that they cannot survive at all.

Even if they don't earn as much as before, there will still be people playing those traditional games, but their living space has been squeezed to a very small extent.

Tang Lihua felt that they could change their direction. Whether it was "Dark End Times" or the virtual games Tang Lihua created afterward, these were mastermind games.

If those game companies respond quickly, they can spend more time on mobile app games.

Tang Lihua believes that everyone is not stupid, she does not need to remind.

The virtual game side is already making preparations. This time Tang Lihua is leaning against a big tree. Even with such a big cake in his mouth, no one dares to come up and take a bite.

So Tang Lihua had no worries at all.

Because virtual games don't need too much publicity at all, as long as they are launched, the state of short supply will be the norm.

Only 3,000 units of the first virtual headsets were produced.

Therefore, there are only 3,000 quotas for the first opening of Tang Lihua's virtual game. Except for the 200 quotas left internally, the rest are for whoever grabs them first.