Passing Through as the Cannon Fodder Supporting Role’s Grandma

Chapter 324


Jiang Mo died. He completely lost his last bit of consciousness in the severe pain of being torn apart.

Before he died, he forgot about his daughter and other things. He only wanted to find that shadow and kill him if he had the chance.

'Ho ho' In the dark room, the man on the bed seemed to be in a nightmare. He babbled in his sleep. In his dream, he must have encountered a very painful thing. Cold sweat had covered his entire forehead, and his face was also pale.

In the end, he didn't know what the man had dreamed of, so he let out a short scream, and opened his eyes suddenly, with the fear that hadn't dissipated in his pupils.

The man reached out to fumble for the light switch on the bedside table, and turned it on. There was light in the room, which made Jiang Mo's pain from dreaming that he was blown to pieces in his dream disappeared a little.

Jiang Mo picked up the cold water that was put on the cabinet before going to bed, and gulped down a few sips, the coolness woke his brain up.

He has been having this dream for a week, and the pain of being torn apart in each dream is too real, and the pain becomes more intense as he dreams every day.

Now Jiang Mo could feel the pain coming from his body, Jiang Mo thought it was left over from his dream, and didn't think too much about it.

But when he thought of everything in the dream, Jiang Mo's whole body became gloomy.

He gradually realized that this might not be a dream, if it was a dream, how could it be so real, and as the dream deepened, Jiang Mo found that what he dreamed in the dream was also realized in reality one by one.

This unknown feeling made Jiang Mo panic, but at the same time of panic, Jiang Mo felt that he might not really be dreaming. This was not so much a dream as a warning.

Warn him of what will happen in the future, warn him of his future destiny.

Frightened by his own thought, another head of cold sweat broke out. Jiang Mo's throat became dry, and he had already drunk the water in the cup. He lifted the quilt on his body, and was about to get up and go to the living room to pour water.

It's just that as soon as his feet hit the ground, with a little effort, he felt as if there were cracks on his body, and from each crack, bursts of tingling pain came from.

Jiang Mo groaned in pain. He looked at his body and felt that his arm seemed to be stained with blood.

Jiang Mo's pupils constricted, and the next second he opened his sleeves, all the cracks were printed in his eyes.

Fear, panic, absurdity, let Jiang Mo slap him hard on the face, this must not be real, he must still be in a dream, otherwise how could such a strange thing happen.

This slap Jiang Mo didn't spare any strength, and there was a burning pain on his face. He didn't wake up, so that means this was not a dream? !

Jiang Mo took a deep breath, fell down on the bed, then untied himself and checked his body. Sure enough, there were cracks on his upper body, just like in a dream, he was blown into pieces, and was thrown into pieces again. The feeling of being put together.

It's just that the crack on the body is not as clear as the one on the hand, and blood is still flowing out.

It took Jiang Mo a long time to accept this fact. He went to the bathroom again, took off all his clothes, and checked them up and down.

In the end, I found in despair that there were such fine and numb cracks all over my body. Some places were light and shallow, and I couldn't find it if I didn't look carefully, but some places were deep, deep into the flesh, just like my arms. As above, it can ooze blood.

Jiang Mo didn't know how to describe his current mood.

But thinking of everything in the dream and the inexplicable things that happened to him now, Jiang Mo was even more sure that the dream was a warning, a warning to him.

If Jiang Mo can't let go of the dream situation, and continue to move forward according to the trend as in the dream, then he will have the same end as in the dream, dead without a whole body.

Or maybe Jiang Mo can't wait until that time, the cracks on his body will get deeper and deeper, and then he will split and die.

Thinking of this scene, Jiang Mo's heart throbbed in pain. He didn't want to die, he didn't want to die in such pain, he wanted to live well.

Jiang Mo forced himself to calm down, he must come up with a solution, otherwise he will die!

After a whole night, Jiang Mo stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom. He just looked at himself in the mirror, a very ordinary face of a middle-aged man, and there was nothing unusual about it.

His skin was a little yellow, and his face was also wrinkled. He couldn't find this face in the crowd. It was obviously a face he was used to seeing.

But Jiang Mo had a strange feeling in his heart for no reason, as if he shouldn't grow up like this, he should be... what should he be like

Jiang Mo's thoughts were blocked, but this feeling came and went faster. He quickly forgot about it and thought about how he could get out of this predicament.

After thinking about it all night, Jiang Mo pondered over the details of the dream one by one, and finally came to the conclusion that he had to act first, and he had to kill that black shadow first.

As long as that black shadow is dead, nothing will happen.

There was a ruthless look in his eyes, and when he looked at himself in Jingzhong, Jiang Mo felt extremely strange about the ruthless aura exuding from his whole body.

There was movement outside, calling Jiang Mo out of his thoughts.

Seeing that the sky is already bright, it is almost eight o'clock, and it's time for his daughter to get up, Jiang Mo hurriedly put on his clothes, washed his face in cold water, and wiped off the water on his face, so that he doesn't look so haggard , and then opened the bathroom door to go out.

When Jiang Mo saw his daughter, he was a little stunned. He wanted to ask her why she didn't answer his phone in the dream. If she had answered the phone, the dream might not have happened.

But father and daughter have lived together for more than ten years, and Jiang Mo has already regarded his daughter as the only one, and a dream should not cause a rift between father and daughter.

According to the old rules, Jiang Mo prepared breakfast and waited for his daughter to go to work. Jiang Mo didn't go to the company directly, but waited silently at home.

When the time was almost up, Jiang Mo called his supervisor and said that he had an urgent matter at home and needed to ask for leave.

The supervisor over there directly asked Jiang Mo to resign. Just like in the dream, Jiang Mo was fired.

The confirmation of this incident, and what his daughter said before she left that she would eat braised pork today made Jiang Mo's heart sink.

Things are happening, he can't sit still, he must take the initiative.

Thinking of this, Jiang Mo followed his itinerary in his dream, went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, made another hearty meal, and then drove to his daughter's company.

This time Jiang Mo prepared better. He wore a big windbreaker with two pockets on the outside and a big pocket on the inside, enough for Jiang Mo to put a knife in it.

Jiang Mo went to his daughter's company, waited outside the company, and unconsciously stroked the long thing in his right pocket.

It was a knife, a very sharp knife, specially prepared by Jiang Mo for Hei Ying.

This knife was specially bought by Jiang Mo when he went shopping for vegetables. After buying it, Jiang Mo still sharpened it on the whetstone for a long time, and the tip of the knife became very sharp. If he went in, then he would be able to get rid of the split body and the ending of being blown to pieces in his dream.

Jiang Mo became nervous, he should be nervous, honestly for the first half of his life, Jiang Mo never dared to think that he would have such a day.

Without waiting for too long, Jiang Mo saw his daughter come down and come to him.

Jiang Mo predicted that the time would be about the same, so he didn't talk much to his daughter, but said directly, "Hurry up, my daughter, I'm going to work, if you have anything to say, we'll talk about it when we get home, do you understand?"

The daughter was a little taken aback by his urgency, but she quickly reacted and nodded, "I understand, Dad, go back quickly."

In order not to worry her father, the daughter said, and went to the company with the thermos bucket filled with food.

Jiang Mo looked at the back of her leaving, because the two didn't talk much this time, and the elevator door next to her didn't open until her daughter got into the elevator.

The figure coming out of it made Jiang Mo's pupils constrict.

It was a person whose face was surrounded by a black shadow, just like in a dream, Jiang Mo couldn't see what the black shadow looked like.

Jiang Mo's hands trembled, he reacted and turned his back, instead of staring at the black figure, he took out his mobile phone and pretended to make a call, while his hands were trembling slightly.

The footsteps behind him were getting closer and closer, and the tension in Jiang Mo's heart deepened step by step with the sound of footsteps.

Finally a figure passed him by, it was that black shadow, that black shadow didn't look at him, Jiang Mo looked at the back of the black shadow, and for a moment forgot that he was still pretending to make a phone call.

Suddenly the black shadow who was walking in front of him paused, then turned around, and walked directly towards Jiang Mo. Jiang Mo didn't know how to react for a while, and he froze.

"You know, your acting skills are very poor." Heiying said this with a smile, with a deep malicious smile.

Even if Jiang Mo couldn't see Heiying's expression, Jiang Mo could feel that he was indeed smiling. This kind of laughter reminded Jiang Mo of the communication with Heiying before he was blown to death in his dream.

The fear in his heart was gradually filled with anger, Jiang Mo's eyes flushed red, his left hand was in his pocket, and he was holding the knife tightly in his hand.

"And, you know what, your phone isn't turned on."

Following this sentence, the great panic, and being stared at maliciously filled Jiang Mo's mind with anger, and Jiang Mo couldn't control his actions.

"go to hell!"

As he yelled, Jiang Mo felt his left hand stabbing the knife tightly into Hei Ying's chest.

After doing all this, Jiang Mo watched the black shadow fall to the ground in pain, red and black blood flowed all over the ground, Jiang Mo felt extremely happy.

Then there was panic again, how could he kill people in public, he should find a hidden place before doing it.

It's just that it's too late to regret it now, and Jiang Mo just wants to run away. Fortunately, there is no one around, as long as no one sees it.

Jiang Mo comforted himself, completely forgetting that the current society is full of cameras.

Jiang Mo heard someone calling him from behind, looked back, and saw his daughter who was supposed to go upstairs, but she had come down at some point.

He watched his daughter's smiling face suddenly become terrified, and then screamed.

Jiang Mo thought that his daughter saw him killing people and wanted to stop them.

As soon as he took a step, there was a sharp pain in his chest. Realizing why Jiang Mo lowered his head in disbelief, he saw a knife stuck in his chest. The blade had all gone into the flesh, leaving only the handle. outside.

Jiang Mo's eyes slowly widened, he looked at the familiar knife in disbelief, obviously he had inserted this knife into the black shadow's heart just now, why now, now it is in his own heart.

Jiang Mo turned around slowly, the black shadow that should have been lying there had long since disappeared, but the ground that was already stained red with blood was very clean.

He looked at his feet again, and the pool of blood stabbed Jiang Mo's eyes red.

how come? how so? !

Jiang Mo didn't think about it at all, so he directly raised his head and fell on the ground, making a dull muffled sound.

Facing up, the glaring sunlight shone on Jiang Mo's face, his eyes were full of unwillingness, why this happened, Jiang Mo couldn't figure it out.

Once again, he felt the blood flow dry, and all the vitality in his body was drained to death.

After Jiang Mo fell down and lost consciousness, people in the distance were attracted by the screams and saw Jiang Mo lying on the ground with a knife stuck in his chest. Finally, the one who called the police called the police, and the one who called the ambulance called the ambulance .

In the end, Jiang Mo died of excessive blood loss before being sent to the hospital.

Later, when the police investigated and monitored, they found that Jiang Mo had a weird expression after giving the lunch box to his daughter and watching her into the elevator.

He seemed to be staring at a certain place, and there seemed to be someone there, and then he took out his mobile phone, and the screen of the mobile phone turned on, and he just put the mobile phone to his ear, opening and closing his mouth.

A man was talking to himself, and then became even more agitated, then took out a knife from his pocket, and plunged it straight into his chest.

The police determined that it was a suicide, which they also closed.

Jiang Mo felt that he died again, he woke up from the nightmare, this time he had two dreams, in which he died twice.

Jiang Mo woke up again. After waking up, the pain from his body made Jiang Mo lift up his sleeves to see if there were cracks on his body as in the dream.

Jiang Mo saw the blood, and he also saw the crack.

This indicated that those two dreams were real, and he had really experienced those.

Jiang Mo's mind is very confused, he wants to save himself, he can't die like this.

Jiang Mo walked back and forth in the room nervously, and just got through the night like this.

This time, Jiang Mo didn't choose to act in advance, he just didn't pretend like he didn't notice his daughter's strangeness like the first time, as long as he doesn't run away and his daughter stays by that lunatic's side, everything will be fine.

It's just that Jiang Mo miscalculated in the end, he didn't take his daughter away, but someone else took his daughter away. When Jiang Mo knew about this, Jiang Mo was tied up in his home again.

This time, he died in the same tragic way as in the first dream, and once again felt the pain of being torn apart.

Jiang Mo woke up from the bed again in a cold sweat. This time he had three nightmares, consecutive nightmares. In the nightmares, no matter what he did, he could not escape the fate of death.

Jiang Mo checked the cracks on his body, couldn't hold back anymore, and smashed everything in the room.

The strange thing is that there was such a loud noise in the room here, but the daughter in the next room didn't move at all, and she didn't come over to check.

It's just that Jiang Mo, who was on the verge of collapse, didn't realize this, and vented his panic and anger on his own.

After venting, when Jiang Mo managed to calm down, it was already dawn.

Jiang Mo chose to stay by his daughter's side all the time this time, as long as he didn't let her leave, that lunatic wouldn't go crazy.

It's just that Jiang Mo was still lost. On the way to follow his daughter, he collided with a large truck full of steel bars.

Under the impact, the steel bars on the roof of the large truck lost their binding force during the impact, and were inserted directly through Jiang Mo's front window, and the two steel bars pierced straight through Jiang Mo's upper body and head. go through.

Jiang Mo didn't die on the spot, but slowly choked after experiencing the inhuman pain.

When Jiang Mo woke up from the nightmare for the fourth time, Jiang Mo realized that he had fallen into an endless loop. No matter what efforts he made, he could not escape that ending in the end.

Jiang Mo finally broke down completely. He couldn't stand more tragic deaths every time. He really couldn't stand it anymore. He wanted to end it all before it started.

After staying up all night again, Jiang Mo first prepared breakfast, as usual.

After sending his daughter out, Jiang Mo prepared a meal that was richer than every time before, and bought pesticides and rat poisons, and mixed them all in.

When doing these things, Jiang Mo's whole expression was numb.

That's right, he wants to kill his daughter with his own hands. As long as the daughter is dead, everything will not start, and everything will return to the original state.

Jiang Mo didn't deliver the lunch box himself, but found an errand runner in the same city from the Internet, and asked the runner to deliver it.

Not long after, Jiang Mo received a message from his daughter on WeChat. There was a photo of a half-eaten meal.

There is another sentence, [Dad’s cooking is so delicious, I love your dad. ]

Jiang Mo's expression was numb, and he replied, [Eat more if you like. ]

Afterwards, Jiang Mo turned off the phone and sat in the living room like this. After waiting for three or four hours, Jiang Mo turned on the phone, but he didn't receive a single message.

Jiang Mo had a bad premonition, which reached its peak when he saw his daughter returning home from get off work at the usual time.

A chill rose from the soles of his feet, making Jiang Mo's whole body start to tremble. Looking at his daughter with a smile on his face, Jiang Mo stepped back with a look of horror on his face.

The daughter was very surprised to see such a father. She wanted to come forward to check if her father was sick, but Jiang Mo avoided him very quickly.

Jiang Mo hurried back to his room, locked the door behind him, leaned his back against the door, trying to calm his over-beating heart.

The sound of 'bang bang' knocking on the door made Jiang Mo feel that his heart was going to jump out of his throat the next moment.

"Dad, what's the matter with you? Are you okay? I think you don't look well. Why don't we go to the hospital?" The daughter's voice followed the knock on the door.

Jiang Mo's complexion is indeed not good at this time, it can be said to be as pale as paper.

Seeing that if he didn't answer, he wouldn't hear the knock on the door. Jiang Mo opened his mouth and wanted to speak, but found that he was completely speechless because of his extreme panic.

After trying several times, the knock on the door outside became more and more urgent, and Jiang Mo finally made a sound.

"I'm fine, I just have a headache, let me sleep for a while."

When the people outside heard this reply, they stopped knocking on the door.

"Then dad, take a good rest, I'll make dinner tonight."

Jiang Mo didn't answer, he held his breath, and when he heard footsteps walking away, his hanging heart fell down.

How could this happen? He obviously added something to the meal, and the photo sent by his daughter in the afternoon was indeed eaten. How could it be all right

Is the medicine expired? Or the daughter didn't eat at all.

Jiang Mo's mind was in a mess, and he couldn't think of anything else. In the end, Jiang Mo decided to go to a wild cat to try the medicine, and then ask if his daughter didn't eat the food.

You must be scaring yourself.

But when Jiang Mo saw the stray cat that was foaming at the mouth and twitching its limbs to death because of the leftovers, he heard his daughter say that he had eaten all the food and took out the unwashed lunch box.

Jiang Mo finally knew that something was wrong.

Under the extreme fear, the fear in Jiang Mo's heart deepened when he saw his daughter as usual every day. After that, he couldn't stand it anymore. Every day, he added more and more poison to the lunch his daughter brought to the company. Some of them were checked by him and bought online.

It's just that after he saw that his daughter was safe and sound after eating those things, Jiang Mo was completely desperate.

The daughter is a poisonous monster, and the cracks on his body are also deepening.

This time, Jiang Mo experienced the feeling of being blown to death again. He was blown to death in fear, and this time he was tortured more severely than before.

In the real world, Tang Lihua almost watched at the same time, and Jiang Mo was tortured again and again in the virtual world.

Not only Tang Lihua, but also the brothers and sisters of the Chen family and the heroine Xue Xuanxuan.

In the small private cinema of the Chen family, these are being played on a huge screen.

Seeing Jiang Mo being tortured and collapsing, experiencing death again and again, trying to escape, unable to escape, trapped, and killed every time.

The brothers and sisters of the Chen family all showed cheerful expressions on their faces. They are lunatics like Jiang Mo, and scum like this will not have a little bit of sympathy.

He deserved this, it wasn't enough, he had to suffer more.

Xue Xuanxuan felt the same way. Seeing these things, she felt a faint fear in her heart. If there was no Grandma Tang, would she have to endure these things like Jiang Mo.

Will she fail to escape every time she escapes, and will be arrested.

Just thinking of this possibility, Xue Xuanxuan's heart throbbed with pain.

Among them, Tang Lihua was the one who looked at it most seriously. This was something Tang Lihua carefully prepared for Jiang Mo, and the instructions Tang Lihua sent in the virtual game would automatically generate instructions one by one.

Just like Jiang Mo now, every time he would fall into another dream.

One dream after another wrapped him up, making him unable to escape, trapped in it.

Now these are just letting Jiang Mo experience everything that happened in the novel ten times. In the virtual world, it is very easy for Tang Lihua to do this.

As for Jiang Mo leaving the virtual game, what kind of shadow will be left on his body and mind is not in Tang Lihua's consideration.

Moreover, it is not so easy for Jiang Mo to leave the virtual consciousness. His dreams are still very long. It is only appropriate for him to 'enjoy' all of these.

Tang Lihua thought about what would happen if Jiang Mo would never enter the virtual game again because of what happened in the helmet after leaving the helmet.

On this point, Tang Lihua put more effort into preparing these dreams.

The human brain is a very magical thing. In fact, when Jiang Mo was experiencing these dreams, Tang Lihua had already given psychological hints to his mind.

This is Tang Lihua's study of psychological books on purpose, and after a long time, she implanted psychological hypnosis into the virtual game.

When the fixed time comes, Jiang Mo will automatically put on the helmet, enter the virtual game, and experience a different forced dream again.

With this helmet, it would not be that simple for Jiang Mo to escape.

There are better things waiting for Jiang Mo. Since he doesn't take the rule of law society and the law seriously, Tang Lihua is also torturing him outside the law.

It would be even better if people can be tortured directly, and have hallucinations in reality, and be sent to a mental hospital.

Of course, this is Tang Lihua's own thinking. Everything depends on Jiang Mo's ability to withstand stress, but no matter how strong the ability to resist pressure is, he may not be able to withstand the virtual game several times.

Tang Lihua's family was admiring Jiang Mo's tragic experience, seeing his different tragic death, and felt a little comfort in his heart.

The outside world has also started to explode because of this virtual helmet of Xingchen Games.

Before, everyone didn’t believe that this virtual helmet is really that powerful. It really allows people to enter the virtual game for a while, just like being there, and the things they come into contact with in the virtual game are real. .

But those who waited for the purchase received the goods one after another, and after trying it, they issued a series of indescribable words, and could only express their inner excitement with exclamation marks.

The fermentation of things still started from Huangmao's live broadcast.

Later, it may be the five-hour break time. They took pictures one by one to verify that they had received the helmet, and briefly talked about the function and magic of the helmet.

The online discussion about virtual headsets and virtual games is at its peak.

Some netizens suspected that those who came out to speak were all fake, they were all paid by Xingchen Games to hire people to act, just to put on a show for the next wave of pre-sales, to deceive the majority of players.

But someone picked out that among those who made comments, only Huang Mao couldn't get on the stage alone, and the others were either worth hundreds of millions, or the group of top rich second-generation groups.

May I ask how the Xingchen Company can hire such a person who is not short of money at all.

But even with such a helpless example in front of them, some people still choose not to believe it. In the debate on the Internet, Xingchen Games didn't say a word.

Just when the sunspots thought that their remarks were valid and could slap Xingchen Games in the face, the official Weibo of Guo Jia No. 1 Newspaper published a Weibo, and Aite posted on the official Weibo of Xingchen Games, and Tang Ewha's own Weibo.

The first newspaper's Weibo made all the netizens dumbfounded.