Passing Through as the Cannon Fodder Supporting Role’s Grandma

Chapter 347


That person is also a regret in Tang Lihua's heart, it should be regret that she failed to save such a fresh life.

She was a very well-behaved child. The tragedy of her native family made her end up in such a way. Growing up in such a native family, her personality also formed an inertia. It was difficult to change, and it was also difficult to let go of the shackles of her native family. .

Tang Lihua watched her helplessly, being squeezed out of the last bit of life value by her parents.

At that time, Tang Lihua had never experienced such an environment, nor did she have any later experience. She just didn't understand why she listened to her parents so much.

No matter how her parents drained her blood, she would eat her flesh and bones in the end. She knew she was stuck in a quagmire, but she couldn't break free.

Later Tang Lihua saw many similar things, to her, it was just a deep sigh.

A person has been indoctrinated with the idea that you are a girl and you are worthless. It is a great favor for you to be born and raised by your parents. If you didn’t have parents, you would have starved to death, so you have to help your family when you grow up. , All the money you earn has to be taken home.

The younger brother is the only male in the family, you have to make money for him, and in the future you have to buy a house and a car for him, save a lot of money for him, and let him marry a wife.

Under this kind of long-term brainwashing, even normal people began to become abnormal. She knew that as long as she left this family, her life would be easy, but she couldn't, she didn't dare.

Mother's brainwashing on one side, and father's stick on the other, gradually became numb.

Tang Lihua and Ning Qianqian didn't know each other for a long time. They only met this girl of the same age after Tang Lihua went to work in the hotel where Sister Chen worked.

Tang Lihua herself looked thinner than others due to malnutrition, but compared to Ning Qianqian, Tang Lihua found that she was not bad.

Ning Qianqian is really astonishingly thin. Ning Qianqian is in that hotel better than Tang Lihua, because she is hardworking and her salary is higher than Tang Lihua's.

But her food is worse than Tang Lihua's. She has three meals a day, except for the lunch meal at the hotel where guests can eat leftovers. In the morning and evening, she only needs a steamed bun.

Working in a hotel is actually very tiring. Others are waiting for when they can take a rest, but Ning Qianqian is the one who doesn't want to take a rest.

Working in a hotel, at least she can still have a full meal, but if she is on vacation, she can't even afford the money to buy vegetables and cook for herself, not to say that she can't, but she just doesn't want to.

It can be said that Ning Qianqian's native family and Sister Chen's in-laws' family are on equal footing, and they are all supported by their daughter-in-law and daughter.

Tang Lihua was engrossed in thinking, if these two equally disgusting families collided, what would happen.

When we arrived at the place where Sister Chen worked, it was still very early. Sister Chen got off work very late, and Tang Lihua still had a long time. She hadn't had dinner yet, so she simply found a food stall and started eating and drinking.

In fact, looking at the small stall here, Tang Lihua, brought back a lot of memories for me. I used to eat here for a year, and it was not until sister Chen and Ning Qianqian had accidents that Tang Lihua changed places.

The small vendors on the roadside, the aroma of the food on the stalls always give people the illusion that they can eat all the way to the end.

The illusion of time is an illusion after all, and you will be full after eating two.

Tang Lihua didn't know what to do, she thought about where she worked before, she should resign early, there is no need to waste time on these things.

So while there was still time, Tang Lihua found a secluded place and started calling her workplace one by one. After the agreement was made, she would go there tomorrow to handover.

There is nothing to hand over, Tang Lihua does all physical work, that is, to settle this month's salary, but it only works for half a month, and the salary is not much, which is better than nothing.

As time passed, Tang Lihua was waiting at the back door of the hotel. She used to work here, so she knew the approximate time and where the employees would come out from.

It's just that when Tang Lihua arrived at the back door, he encountered an unexpected event.

In a somewhat dark corner, from Tang Lihua's perspective, two people surrounded a thin and thin figure.

"Tell me about you, why this month's salary hasn't arrived yet. Don't you know that your brother wants to buy a new mobile phone? Did you take the money and deliberately refuse to give it to us?" The woman's shrill voice came over, and Tang Lihua originally There are also some good moods that suddenly deteriorated to the extreme.

Tang Lihua stopped in her tracks and looked in that direction.

After the woman touched her lips and spit a lot, she gave others a chance to speak. If Tang Lihua hadn't listened carefully, she wouldn't have heard what the mosquito-like voice was saying.

"No... no mom, this month is only in the middle of the month, I gave you all the salary of last month, my brother wants to buy a new mobile phone, use that..."

Before she could finish her sentence, she was slapped on the head roughly by the woman.

The figure was photographed staggering, if it wasn't for his back against the wall, he almost couldn't stop.

"You are still arguing with my old lady. My old lady has worked hard to raise you. What's wrong with asking you to pay more? You also said that last month's salary, I will spend money on food and drink with your dad, and your brother doesn't need money to play games? Buy New shoes, new clothes, new computers, aren’t these all money?!”

If you don't listen to this sentence, just look at the woman's tone and appearance, and almost think that her daughter is so unfilial, which makes her feel chilly.

It's just that a person with a brain, after listening to this sentence, wants to gag that woman on the spot.

The woman felt that she hadn't said enough, and she was even more angry when facing her daughter who turned to one side and said nothing after being beaten on the head.

She raised her right hand and wanted to slap again, Tang Lihua was about to step forward to stop her, but someone took a step ahead of Tang Lihua and stopped the woman's hand.

It was the middle-aged man standing next to the woman. Since their backs were facing each other, Tang Lihua couldn't see the two of them clearly.

"What are you doing? Why are you here? You broke her. Will you go to work for this damn girl later? Why are you talking so much nonsense to her?" The middle-aged man said gruffly, his tone Also very impatient.

Co-authoring him to stop people is not because he feels sorry for his daughter, but because he thinks this woman talks too much nonsense.

The woman could be very angry towards her daughter, but when facing the middle-aged man, her aura suddenly weakened, and she even gave the huddled daughter a vicious look because of the middle-aged man's accusation.

In the end, the slap did not go on, but changed to a poke. The woman's chubby fingers poked her daughter's forehead fiercely a few times, "Don't talk so much nonsense to my old lady. I don't know if I haven't been paid. Go to your manager for an advance payment, and say that something happened at home and you need to advance your salary, anyway, if I don’t receive the money tomorrow, you can see how I can deal with you.”

Because of her tone, Tang Lihua could clearly see that the huddled figure trembled twice.

"It's done. I've finished all I need to say. I'm hungry. I'll go home quickly." The middle-aged man became even more impatient.

The woman held the bag in her other hand up to her eyes, and said with a flattering smile, "Isn't this a dead girl who brought a lot of meat and vegetables from the hotel, and I can eat them when I go back to reheat them."

The middle-aged man glanced at his daughter, and snorted coldly, "I knew that I would feed her what other people don't want. If I knew it would be released, I wouldn't have raised this money-losing product. If I couldn't make money, I would be angry." , It's really bad luck."

Amidst the middle-aged man's cursing, the two walked outside, and when they passed by Tang Lihua who was standing here, they didn't give a lot of glances, and they didn't feel ashamed at all for what they had done.

Even if it is seen by others, I don't feel anything.

That's right, in the eyes of this kind of person, this is his own daughter, born by himself, even if he didn't fulfill the grace of nurturing, it still jumped out of his belly.

You can beat and scold as you want, and you, an outsider, can't control it.

Tang Lihua clenched her hands tightly and took several deep breaths to calm herself down. She knew that it would be useless to stop those two scumbags who were not worthy of being parents, and there was nothing she could do.

Now Tang Lihua has no ability, no capital, and with her current small body, she doesn't even have the advantage of hands-on. Before she wants to be a justice envoy, she still needs to check her own ability, otherwise she will not be a justice envoy, and she will Folded in.

After her mood calmed down, Tang Lihua took a few steps up to help Ning Qianqian who was sitting on the ground limp and weak after her parents left.

Before this, Tang Lihua didn't expect such a coincidence, so she wondered if she would run into each other, and then she did. Not only did she meet Ning Qianqian, she even met her wonderful family.

When Tang Lihua could feel her hand touching Ning Qianqian, she flinched a bit, trying to shrink back, looked up at the person in front of her, and found that it was not her parents, Ning Qianqian tensed up instantly. Only then did the body relax.

"Thank you." Ning Qianqian stood up with Tang Lihua's strength, lowered her head, and thanked in a low voice.

Tang Lihua and Ning Qianqian were meeting for the first time now, so they didn't say too much. They took a deep look at her and didn't talk about the previous topic.

"Your hair is messed up, tidy it up before you go in." Tang Lihua waited for her to stabilize before letting go, and stood a little further away from her, keeping a safe distance for Ning Qianqian.

Ning Qianqian didn't want others to see her in such a mess, so she tidied up a few times in a hurry, thanked her a few times, and then hurried in through the back door of the hotel with her head down.

Tang Lihua didn't stop her either, and sighed deeply after she left.

Not thinking too much, Tang Lihua simply waited here. After waiting for about nine o'clock, people came out from inside one after another.

It's just that Sister Chen is the lobby manager of the hotel, so she is slower than others.

After more than ten minutes passed, Tang Lihua saw two figures coming out of it. It was Tang Lihua who was waiting for someone, and Ning Qianqian who had just met.

"Sister Chen." Tang Lihua called out.

Chen Ru saw the surprised look on Tang Lihua's face, and then worriedly asked, "Why did you come out? Aren't you still sick? You should rest at home."

Tang Lihua smiled sincerely, "Sister Chen, I'm fine. Look at my energy, do you seem to have something to do?"

Chen Ru took a look and found that she was indeed full of calmness, and the worry in her heart disappeared a lot. Then she asked another question, "Why did you come here?"

"I'll wait for Sister Chen, there are some things I want to talk to Sister Chen first." Tang Lihua replied.

Chen Ru didn't know what she was talking about, but it was not a trivial matter to come here specially to wait. There were others here, so she didn't ask too much.

"Qianqian, I'll talk to the higher-ups about what you said tomorrow. Whether it can be done or not depends on what the higher-ups think. This sister can't help you too much." Chen Ru and Tang Lihua said , turned her head and said to Ning Qianqian who had been following her.

When Ning Qianqian saw Tang Lihua, she was a little flustered, especially when she saw that Tang Lihua knew the manager, she was even more flustered. Now that she got a reply, she didn't bother, thanked her in a hurry, and left in a hurry.

When only Chen Ru and Tang Lihua were left, Tang Lihua said that when she came home today, she met Sister Chen's mother-in-law and talked about the conversation between the two.

"I said it quickly at the time, Sister Chen, I didn't mean that, I hope you don't misunderstand."

Chen Ru was silent, not because of Tang Lihua's words, but because what her mother-in-law did made her feel embarrassed. Seeing the little girl anxious to explain, Chen Ru showed a gentle smile.

"Sister Chen knows what you mean, and Sister Chen doesn't blame you. After all, I'm the one who hurt you. I apologize to you for what my mother-in-law said. Don't take it to heart. My mother-in-law is a knife-mouthed person..."

Chen Ru couldn't say the words 'tofu heart' at the end. If she really said this, Chen Ru herself would be the first to find it ridiculous.

How could she not know the virtues of her own mother-in-law, but these things can't be let the little girl know too much.

"Anyway, you're right. If my mother-in-law troubles you again in the future, and you still say that, I'm sure she won't be able to do anything."

Tang Lihua could tell that Chen Ru tried to lighten her tone, just to avoid feeling guilty.

The atmosphere between the two suddenly fell silent. After walking for a while, when they were about to reach the residential building, Tang Lihua suddenly said, "Sister Chen, are you happy now?"

The expression on Chen Ru's face stagnated slightly, and after an unknown amount of time, she sighed softly, "Where is there any happiness or not, just live."

This sentence seemed to express all Chen Ru's heart.

Some people just live to live.

Tang Lihua suddenly understood that Sister Chen may just want to live now. She has no goal and no hope in her life, so she doesn't want to change.

Tang Lihua also vaguely remembered that after Sister Chen became pregnant, she seemed to be different from before, and there was a faint change in her body.

The people in the hotel laughed and teased, Sister Chen was full of maternal glory before the child was born.

Perhaps at that time, it was precisely because of the arrival of the child that Sister Chen, who was dying and repeating everything every day, became numb, changed.

So is it possible that Sister Chen will change for her own child now

This is also something that Tang Lihua is worried about, because according to the deduction of time, it is very likely that Sister Chen will have a child at this time.

The time difference between before and after is less than a month. If you really have a child, you don't know whether it will be good or bad, but Tang Lihua will work hard to make things develop in a good direction.