Passionate About Asteroids

Chapter 5


Su Qiang has been struggling with the game for several days, striving to achieve "PUBG Mobile", her hard work paid off, and her operation has really improved a lot.

Tang Jiaxin looked at her obsessed with the game, and couldn't help feeling disgusted: "Tsk tsk tsk, I let you play before, but you refused, but now it's good, I know how to shoot every day."

Su Cheng: "Stop talking nonsense, let's go online for a few rounds."

Tang Jiaxin remembered the fear of being dominated by the rookie Su Aan at the beginning, and hurriedly shook her head and refused: "No, no, no, you are too rookie, you don't deserve to be my teammate."

"...", Su Cheng: "Okay, just wait for me, one day you will cry and beg me to hug my thigh."

Tang Jiaxin: "Oh, I'll wait."

Su Qiang logged into the account, opened the four-person team mode, and matched three teammates.

As soon as she entered the game, she heard No. 1 asking excitedly: "No. 2! Are you Muzi himself?"

Su Qiang heard No. 1's voice, and glanced at the ID of No. 2's teammate—"LT-Muzi".

No. 2 clicked his tongue: "Ah, I was recognized so quickly."

After hearing this, No. 1 was very excited: "Fuck, what a god, brothers, let's be careful, I'll lie down first."

Su Cheng, the team of LT, heard about Tang Jiaxin's science popularization two days ago. She doesn't know much about it, but she knows that this is an old team. Its LOL and other divisions have won many championships in the past. , is one of the most popular teams, and also a big rival of KPV.

No. 2 Muzi looked at No. 3, which was Su Cheng's ID, and read out casually: "fairykillsyou? The fairy killed you? Looks like a girl? Or a bloody girl?"

Su Qiang: "..." Fuck, she's going to change this stupid name sooner or later.

She hummed and said nothing more.

Muzi is live broadcasting at the moment, and is going to play a few rounds of teaching for the fans in the live broadcast room, so he used this trumpet whose rank is not too high.

[Fuck, the id matched by Mu God is that one, right?]

[Damn it, it can work.]

[Last time it was God Yi and Bol, this time it was God Mu, what luck.]

[If it wasn't for the fact that she was randomly matched, I would suspect that this girl is an insider of the game.]

[Sure enough, it's an e-sports koi.]

[However, I am more envious of Koi and won Anger's latest game book!]

Muzi didn't know why, but when he saw the names of yiran and bol, he became excited.

Although the outside world has always described the two teams as incompatible, in fact, the two teams are both enemies and friends. On the court, they are strong opponents who want to fight hard to defeat, and in private, they are brothers who cherish each other and make progress together. However, many paranoid fans have always adhered to the mentality of "you without me", and exaggerated the relationship between the two teams to be too magical.

"What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?" Muzi asked the audience in the live broadcast room.

The audience briefly explained how Su Qiang won an Anger gamebook on Acityjoy and was matched with Bol and Yiran.

At the same time, it can also be emphasized that this "little fairy" is a female fan of bol.

Muzi joked: "How can you still say that you are bol's female fan in front of Yiran? It seems to be true love."

After all, Yiran's popularity has always been the highest in the entire kpv.

Muzi is a few months older than Bol, and debuted at about the same time. He has met countless times in competitions, big and small. The relationship between the two is very good in private. Hearing what the fans said now, the idea of mischievousness also arises spontaneously in him.

"No. 3 little fairy, I heard you are a fan of bol?" Muzi asked.

Su Cheng really couldn't stand this shameful name: "You can just call me No. 3, don't call me Little Fairy."

Added: "Well, I'm a fan of Bol."

"I'm Muzi from LT, have you heard of me?"

Su Qiang answered honestly: "No."

She has only heard of LT, but it is really unclear who the members are.

It's a bit embarrassing to say this, but Muzi has a big heart, he is not a careless person, he didn't take this matter to heart, and then yelled at her: "Oh, let me tell you, don't be a ol, bol Compared with us, apart from being handsome, younger and tender, you are just a kid, why not follow us, LT has been established for a long time, rich, and very strong."

Su Qiang refused without hesitation: "I don't think so."

She is not such a woman who changes her heart easily.

"Let me tell you, don't look at Bol who seems to have matured a bit in the past two years, but he's just a primary school student in private. Don't you think about it?"

Su Qiang, who had her own mom fan filter, refused again: "No."

After hearing this, Muzi seemed to be very disappointed and said: "That's fine."

Compared with Su Cheng's "coldness", the other two teammates were much more enthusiastic. Facing Muzi was like licking a dog, trying their best to hug their thighs.

Muzi failed to poach the wall, so he just gave up and turned around to chat with these two teammates.

Compared with Xiaobai's operation at the beginning of the game, Su Qiang has improved a lot now. Although he still can't keep up with the operation, he has a good sense and is not so stupid as to make his teammates scold him. This game is safe and sound. It's over.

Afterwards, Su Cheng played two more rounds by herself. After the end, she said to her game character in the game lobby: "I have to retreat for a few days to prepare for an exam and I can't go online. You just wait for mom honestly. Can’t be hacked.”

After all, this is a "koi account" that has been matched with bol, Yiran, and Chucheng, and now adds Muzi. There are many people who apply to add her as friends, and it is difficult to keep a low profile in a short period of time. Some people even joked on Su Qiang's Weibo that they were going to steal her account, pretending that they were the ones who had played with the great gods.

Tang Jiaxin yelled at the side, "Get out, this is my registered number, I'm the real mother, you are at most a stepmother!"

Su Chengyi said to her: "Since you gave it to me, I will definitely treat it well and let it feel what it means to be a mother's heart in spring."

Tang Jiaxin: "..."

Who would have thought that the goddess of advertising in the eyes of outsiders is actually a dramatist in private.

When Su Cheng disconnected from the internet to concentrate on preparing for the exam, she didn't know that she was hacked by some LT fans online.

The reason was that a game blogger posted an audio, and the copywriting was very gimmicky—"Bol fans look down on Muzi? When LT started playing games, your guy didn't know where to play with mud."

The specific content of the audio is the game where MUzi matched Su Aan, only the sound but no picture.

"No. 3 little fairy, I heard you are a fan of Bol?"

— "I'm a fan of Bol, don't call me a little fairy."

"I'm Muzi from LT, have you heard of me?"

- "No."

"LT is not only established for a long time, rich, but also very strong"

-"Do not."

"Why don't you follow us."

-"don't want."

After malicious editing, the order of the conversation between the two was changed, and Su Qiang's tone was not enthusiastic, which could easily lead to misunderstanding.

This game blogger is called "Game Chaser" and has more than 100,000 fans. As soon as the audio came out, coupled with those words, some irrational LT fans were successfully brought into rhythm.

LT has lost to KPV many times in competitions over the years, and the fans are also very aggrieved. But the skills are not as good as others, and the opponent is indeed stronger in several matches. In addition, the number of fans of KPV far exceeds that of LT, and every time they fight, they can only lose. Can't fight, can't scold, LT fans are so frustrated that they have nowhere to vent.

Today's audio, many people actually know in their hearts that this is not a big problem, but they need an outlet, and Su Qiang has become this unlucky punching bag.

[I watched the live broadcast of this girl and bol, when will there be fewer idiots who can't even get in the car in the game.]

[What the hell? Just treat us MU God like this?]

[So I said that kpv's female fans are all brain-dead fans, and they don't even know about LT's muzi, which is funny.]

[Shame on your face, why are you pretending to be cold.]

[I really thought that if I picked a little fairy, it would be a fairy.]

[Guide to this girl’s Weibo @粉饼仙贝]

[All kpv female fans are mentally retarded! All kpv female fans are mentally retarded! All kpv female fans are mentally retarded!]

Even the photos of Su Qiang at AcityJoy that day were picked up.

[Wearing a mask is not because it is too ugly, right?]

[Looking at this figure, it seems to be pretty good.]

[How could it be such a coincidence that this girl won the prize? Couldn't it be that the officials asked for it in advance?]

[Maybe it's the little lover of our innocent little pineapple, are there not enough fans in the e-sports circle?]

[Clear little pineapple! Every day sleep powder thin morning far! The food is so good that you pick your feet BOL!]

Fans of KPV heard the news and immediately fought back.

[Has LT won KPV recently? Is it true that who is the strongest fan in the e-sports circle?]

[Spread rumors and sleep with your mother's fans.]

[Garbage Muzi rushes to lick himself, want to be ashamed?]

[I think it's some stupid straight man with a cancer in his flesh, please don't do such a disgusting thing.]

[Are you really fans of LT? Have you watched the live broadcast yourself? Please go and watch the full recording, please? A group of idiots are still complacent about being beaten by malice.]

[This game chaser is an unscrupulous blogger who wants to be popular. Do you want me to remind you again?]

Soon, LT's rational fans immediately uploaded the complete recorded video. Although Su Qiang's attitude was not enthusiastic, she didn't take Joe too much like in the maliciously edited audio. The fans who were being teased reacted one after another, and turned around and called the instigator a "game chaser".

Although this matter was quickly stopped and turned over, the fact that these people once insulted the game id "fairykillsyou" cannot be erased. The foul language is still there.

Muzi found out about this after the incident was over, and was scolded by his captain Mengs.

Mengs: "I said that you can make jokes in private, but you have to be measured on the live broadcast platform. You are good, just give people the rhythm, right? What did the girl do wrong, and she was suddenly violent by the Internet? Go on, look You will be upset if you don't, hurry up and deal with this matter, if you can't handle it well, don't even think about playing in the next game."

Muzi also regretted it in his heart, blaming himself for being cheap. He also wanted to apologize to this "little fairy" in his heart, so he went to Weibo to send a sincere message.

But three days later, he still did not receive a reply from "Short Cake Senbei", and the other party has not been online.

Muzi immediately made up a lot of brains, such as young girls who can't bear cyber violence and can't think about it...

He shook his head, trying to shake off the bad guess. He thought that the turmoil subsided quickly at that time, and half of the people were scolding kpv and bol, so the other party wouldn't be overwhelmed. Someone sprays him on the Internet every day, and it doesn't seem that he can't figure it out by himself. But after thinking about it again, she is just an ordinary little girl with a delicate mind, how can she compare with a rough guy like myself.

How to do how to do!

After much deliberation, Muzi decided to turn to bol for help.

Bol was silent for a few seconds after hearing this.

If Muzi stood in front of him at this moment, he might really beat someone up, completely confirming the rumors of discord between "KPV and LT".

"What did my fans do wrong to be bullied by you?" Bol said angrily.

Muzi: "Hey, I just wanted to be rude at the time, I didn't know it would happen, don't scold me, I have been scolded badly by my captain. And it can't be all my fault, it's all that stupid blogger account Blind mother with rhythm. Sigh, I sent a private message to that girl and didn't reply, I'm quite worried about her. "

"You deserve to be scolded." Bol said so, and he was a little worried about this fan in his heart.

After all, it is difficult for ordinary people to accept those vicious words and adjust their mentality.

Others have scolded him for those vicious words, and he can imagine how "Little Fairy" was scolded. He himself is used to being scolded, so he can face these words calmly. But this "little fairy" is different, she is just a little girl, how can she bear these things.

Bol thought she would be very sad if she saw it.

Because of this, you won’t be on Weibo or games

Muzi kept confessing on the phone, and kept talking about how worried he was about the "little fairy", which made bol feel uneasy.

"This matter started from me, but I didn't want to joke because I saw that she is your fan. If I want to change your captain's fan, how dare I." Muzi said.

Bol: "...? Do you still have the face to blame?"

"Brother! Dude! If this matter is not resolved, I feel uneasy, really! Since she is your fan, you should be able to contact her if you contact her?"

"You let me contact fans privately? My captain can kill me."

Muzi: "Isn't this a special situation? I can call you brother if you solve it."

On the one hand, Bol is worried about the situation of "Little Fairy", but on the other hand, he wants to hear Muzi call him brother...

After hanging up the phone, he thought about it, and he was also responsible for this matter.

As for how to get in touch...

Since the other party won Anger's game book at the beginning, they must leave contact information for the brand side.

Bol called the person in charge, and sure enough.

When he asked for the phone number, although the staff was a little strange, they were quickly fooled by bol's few words, and without any suspicion, they gave him the number directly.

Bol struggled for a while, and searched on WeChat with this mobile phone number, and a user with the same name of "Short Cake Senbei" appeared.

That must be the same person.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he tapped the screen a few times and sent a friend verification.