Pastoral Honey Pet: Farmer’s Hot Little Lady

Chapter 104: Chapter 105 Here I come


Liu Duo gritted her teeth and covered her heart. She was really glad that she didn't have a heart disease, otherwise he would have pissed her off one day.

He said to Ye Ling, "Fourth brother, I'm going to leave now and I'll be back in a moment."

Taking the cloth pad, he walked out of the door.

Ye Ling nodded and watched them leave.

Ye Mo, who walked slowly on purpose, heard Liu Duo's footsteps and continued walking without looking back.

Wang Tuozi parked the ox cart on the only way to the town, waiting for business.

"Ye Laosan, do you want to take the bullock cart?" Looking at Ye Mo approaching him, Wang Tuozi shook the cigarette pole in his hand.

He took out six cents and handed it to him, "Well, let's go to town."

He nodded, accepted the money, and continued smoking local cigarettes. Ye Mo turned around and walked to the bullock cart, waiting for Liu Duo.

Seeing that the money had been paid, Liu Duo approached with a stern face and knocked away Ye Mo who was standing next to the bullock cart. Then he put the cloth mat on the bullock cart and sat on it. When he air ignored him.

Seeing the child making Liu Duo angry, Ye Mo was not angry either, so he walked over and sat next to her.

"Can you please stop sitting next to me in such a wide ox cart!" Liu Duo rolled her eyes, pulled the cloth pad, and moved to the side.

"...", he looked at her without saying anything, with a cool face, not angry or angry, but with a smile in her eyes.

Wang Tuozi heard Liu Duo's voice and glanced in their direction. I thought to myself, ‘This little girl doesn’t seem to like this night’s third child very much! The difference is a bit big. ’

He thought this all because when Liu Duo and Ye Yang were riding in his ox cart, he chatted with Ye Yang and even let her hug him. When he and Yeliu were riding in his bullock cart, they were talking and hugging each other.

Riding a bullock cart with Ye Mo, he gets angry when he gets a little closer to her. The difference is indeed not that big. Who makes Ye Mo always make her angry

Liu Duo didn't say a word along the way, and neither did Ye Mo. When they arrived in the town, Liu Duo walked directly to the tailor shop. She didn't care about Ye Mo. If she really had something to do, she still wanted to accompany her!

When I arrived at the tailor shop, I saw Qin Fang on the first floor.

"Sister Fang, I'm here." Liu Duo walked in with a smile and said hello. There was no trace of Ye Mo's anger either.

When Qin Fang saw Liu Duo, she was so happy that she grinned from ear to ear and said, "Xiao Duo, whether you are here or not, I am going to pick you up at your house."

Come over immediately, take Liu Duo's hand, and lead her to the second floor. : "As you said, I have made ten of each little pig puppet. Come and see, are you satisfied?"

"If you are satisfied, we will start selling it today. I have also promoted it to the customers who have come to buy clothes in the past few days, and they are all very interested..."

Qin Fang couldn't stop talking when she saw Liu Duo. She had been so excited that she couldn't sleep these past few days.

When she arrived at the room on the second floor, she saw pig dolls with various expressions. Liu Duo happily took one and held the pig doll in her arms with a grin.

"Well, not bad, that's what it looks like." Liu Duo was very satisfied. Her embroidery skills were so good, it was so lifelike.

Looking at these realistic puppets with different expressions, Liu Duo felt as if she saw money falling in front of her.

She never cared about money before, but now she cares about it so much!

"Sister Fang, let's start selling now, I can't wait, haha..."

"I think so too. I haven't been waiting for you all this time. Let's see if you are satisfied or not."

"Satisfied, I'm so satisfied."

Looking at Liu Duo, she loved it so much that she didn't want to let it go. Qin Fang knew that it would sell very well, because she was also holding a smiling pig puppet that she loved so much that she didn't want to let it go.